Appendix A. Further Information About the Play Framework

Further information

Before leaving you alone to try, copy, and test all the sources and samples included, you might be interested in some further information.

As already mentioned in the foreword, I would like to repeat that you are encouraged to use, copy, paste, change, improve, and of course extend all of the sources here. If you plan to create any module of the examples provided here, feel free to do so. Contributing is one of the core aspects to a viable open source framework, so do not hesitate in doing it. The worst thing would be no one using your module, which would have been the same if you never released it.

As a last hint I would like to point to some links you should know about, if you plan to use the Play framework in production.


The following links feature some additional information about the Play framework. It is also a list of interesting articles and resources, which were not mentioned throughout this book, but should help you to get to know the framework better.

The Play framework homepage features a short introductory video, documentation, code snippets, binary downloads, modules, and many more.

This link is an aggregator for community created content. Such content varies greatly, ranging from small how to's about a specific functionality to bigger articles explaining the usage of modules.!forum/play-framework

The Play framework's Google group is the most viable source of information. Be aware that this is a high traffic list, featuring far more than 1000 mails a month. Do not hesitate to ask questions as there are lots of active actors on the list.

Stack overflow features in a lot of questions about the Play framework, more than 250 currently.

If you need to take a look at the source code, check out Play framework on GitHub. There used to be a bazaar repository on Launchpad, but GitHub is the primary resource since play 1.1.

These two links show different solutions on how to add auditing to your application by using Hibernate Envers. You simply add an annotation to your entities and configure specific entity listeners. Note, that the second link is actually in French, but there is no problem using Google Translate for this. The second URL also does not require an own module for these features.

Strike is a mobile framework on top of SASS, which resembles iPhone behavior. Going to the /@emulator URL shows you basically how your application would look, when rendered on a phone. It seems to not work with the current SASS version however.

This is quite an interesting module. It allows you to write model and controller code in pure groovy. It is simply a plugin, which uses a groovy compiler for all kinds of classes. It also includes samples for groovy and GPP, especially a (not completely groovy-fied) converted YABE example.

This test module offers a different approach as the standard Play framework in order to test controllers. The module resembles controller method calls as close as possible. This means, you do not need to call a specific URL, but rather a direct controller method. It is merely a matter of taste, and which approach is preferred. If you like testing more on the Java and method level instead of testing via URLs, you should take a look at this module.

This little module is a helper for automatic deployment of single nodes via SSH – the secure shell. You can add your node to a configuration file and simply call play sshdeploy:nodeName, which copies and unzips your application to a remote host.

The blog from Lunatech (one of the companies that support Play commercially besides Zenexity) features high quality articles about many aspects of the Play framework. You should definitely get the RSS feed.

A weblog featuring some Play framework specific articles. However, most articles are written in German.

These articles feature a nice integration with Activiti, a business process engine. The second link includes a good step-by-step example.

This module allows data exchange with flex and flash clients via AMF3 – the action message format.


Here is a list of twitter nicks you might want to follow, as they sometimes post about the Play framework:


Guillaume Bort, founder of Play, founded Zenexity (also offering commercial support for Play)


Nicolas Leroux, committer, regular speaker about Play


Peter Hilton, committer, works at Lunatech (commercial support for Play)


Erwan Loisant, committer, works at Zenexity


Nicolas Martignole, committer


Morten Kjetland, committer


Peter Hausel, committer, focuses on scala


Wayne Ellis, author of an introductory Play framework book


Felipe Oliveira, Play and web hacker, author of elasticsearch module besides several other modules


Steve Chaloner, author of several modules


Eric Bakker, module hacker, works at Lunatech


Ikeda Takafumi, author of the Jenkins/Hudson plugin


Sadik Drobi, scala hacker, Play scala advocate


Sebastien Crème, Play framework developer at Zenexity


Alexander Reelsen, software engineer, author of this book

In case you are using IRC (Internet Relay Chat), there is also an IRC channel #playframework on Freenode. You can use the server in order to connect to the freenode IRC network.

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