Using a shapefile

SQL Server 2012 Reporting Services has maps for the United States only. Fortunately, it allows shapefiles (map files) to be imported to reports. You can find plenty of free and commercial shapefiles over the internet.

The shapefile for the world map used in this demonstration is downloaded from VDS Technologies. The downloaded files include world.dbf, world.shp, and world.shx. You need all these files for the map to work in your reports.

  1. Make sure that all the third-party shapefiles used in your reports can be accessed by the report server.


    VDS Technologies website is Please check the site for information on using their maps for your projects.

  2. Create a new report and use the same shared dataset we used from our previous map report.
  3. Now drag a Map object to the report designer.
  4. Select ESRI shapefile as the source of your spatial data, and browse for the world.shp file.
    Using a shapefile
  5. Select Bubble Map for the map visualization.
  6. Match NAME from the Spatial Dataset Fields with CountryRegionName in our Analytical Dataset Fields.

    Let's keep the theme simple by using Generic theme.

  7. Select the checkbox next to Use bubble sizes to visualize data, then select [Sum(LineTotal)] for Data field. Also, select the checkbox next to Display labels, and select #NAME for Data field.
    Using a shapefile
  8. Click on Finish when done.

Let's preview our world map report:

Using a shapefile
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