JMS Services

Java Messaging Services within WebLogic 12c hasn't been significantly changed. The version of JMS that is running is still at release 1.1.

The following are some of the changes:

  • Weighted Distributed Destinations are deprecated since WebLogic Server In a weighted distributed destination, the member destinations do not have a consistent configuration of all distributed destination parameters, particularly in regards to weighting, security, persistence, paging, and quotas. Recommended now is to use Uniform Distributed Destinations, because UDD can be used cluster wide.

    Partitioned Distributed Topics give you the ability to load balance messages to members which provide a highly scalable and available publishing mechanism. This allows for more than one durable subscription to be made available for a particular subscriber.

    JMS Services

    WebLogic introduces the concept of an unrestricted Client ID policy. With this setting on a topic, more than one connection in a cluster can share the same Client ID. The standard option of restricted enforces that only a single connection with a particular Client ID can exist in a cluster. Unrestricted Client ID policy allows more than one JMS connection to use the same Client ID.

    Shared Subscriptions allow multiple subscribers to share the same subscription which enables parallel processing of messages of a single subscription.

    When creating a topic in WebLogic, set the Forwarding Policy to be partitioned. This causes a message sent to a partitioned distributed topic to be sent to a single physical member. In addition, the message will not be forwarded to other members of the cluster if there are no consumers in the current physical member.

    If it's a high availability solution, then the listeners will need to connect to each and every physical member across the cluster. When a physical member becomes available/unavailable, WebLogic provides the JmsDestinationAvailabilityHelper API which listens to events relating to physical member availability and unavailability. Don't forget, the Connection Factory that is being used should have Subscription Sharing Policy set as Shareable.

  • New Message-Driven Bean (MDB) activation configuration properties and deployment that provide high availability and parallel processing.
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