Business Transaction Management

End users definitely like to know how their business transactions are doing, so Enterprise Manager provides Business Transaction Management. These end-to-end transactions are then monitored in real time and you can extract business KPIs from the payload. Transactions can be searched for and aggregated to better trace, track, and troubleshoot problems. They can be discovered because the transaction contains some sort of tracking algorithm.

This BTM feature is available for Java EE applications and web applications and provides the following information:

  • Exception Management: When an exception or error occurs in any transaction, it will locate exceptions and errors in transactions across multiple application components.
  • Transaction discovery: Transaction flows can be discovered, recorded, and correlated about applications across multiple WebLogic Server Instances.
  • Transaction Level Agreement: You specify your transactions to meet a certain kind of level agreement. With this feature you can easily detect if a transaction does not meet this level.
  • Contextual visibility: You can entirely drill down your Java application to see the contextual visibility and relate them metric, to understand and analyze potential application bottlenecks and performance trends. A result of these analysis is you can issue capacity changes and perform overall application management.
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