Advanced references view

The graph presented in Architecture View allows you to check the dependencies overview in your solution; it also provides additional tools which come with more detailed information.

The Referenced Code window

One of these tools is called Referenced Code. Click the right mouse button on your project (from Architecture View) and select Navigate To… | Referenced Code.

This will open the Referenced Code window as shown in the following screenshot:

The Referenced Code window

This window presents a list of all the assemblies used by a selected project. Projects from your solution and external libraries are displayed separately.


If there are some assemblies that are referenced by your project but are not used, they will not be displayed in the Referenced Code window.

The Referenced Code window allows you to check the number of places you are using code from a particular assembly and the line this code has used.

The Optimize References window

The next tool is the Optimize References window. You can access it by clicking the right mouse button on your project (from Architecture View) and selecting Optimize References….

Unlike Referenced Code, Optimize References displays all referenced assemblies. It also allows you to check the number of places you are using code from a particular assembly, and additionally marks assemblies that are referenced but not used.

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