Appendix A. Keyboard Shortcuts

Almost every ReSharper action can be executed via a keyboard shortcut. Learning and practically using these shortcuts can incredibly speed up your coding.


It is a good practice to learn keyboard shortcuts for the tools that you use often. It helps you avoid moving your hands between the keyboard and mouse and speeds up your work. So, every day learn at least one new shortcut and become a Keyboard Ninja!

This appendix provides a list of the most useful shortcuts presented in this book. You can find more ReSharper shortcuts on the ReSharper Documentation page at

All presented shortcuts come from the Visual Studio keyboard scheme.

Write smarter code

The following table contains shortcuts that helps you write the code:



Alt + Enter

Displays quick fixes and context actions

Ctrl + R, V

Introduces variable

Alt + Insert

Generates code

Ctrl + E, U

Surrounds with...

Ctrl + Space bar


Ctrl + Alt + Space bar

Smart IntelliSense

Ctrl + W

Extends code selection

Alt + Delete

Safely deletes

Ctrl + Shift + F1

Quick documentation

Ctrl + E, L

Live templates

Ctrl + Alt + Insert

File template

Ctrl + R, R


Ctrl + R, O

Moves to a separate file

Ctrl + Shift + R

Refactor this...

Ctrl + D

Duplicate line

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