
A litter of hungry pigs pushing and shoving, trying to get fed, seems an unlikely source of inspiration. But according to William Sitwell, author of A History of Food in 100 Recipes, it gave Clarence Saunders an idea.

It was in fact the basis for one of the most important innovations in modern retailing: the modern supermarket. In 1916, Clarence was on a train travelling from Indiana. The train slowed down at one point while passing a pig farm.

From his window, Clarence saw a large number of piglets gathering round their mother sow, all trying to get fed. It made him think of a strong similarity with the grocery stores he knew. In busy times there were never enough clerks, so that people would crowd around the counter trying to get served. He thought that there must be a better way of doing things – and had an idea.

Within a few months, Clarence Saunders opened his first store; a store with no counter and no staff to take orders. Instead, customers served themselves from the shelves and paid on the way out. Self-service and the supermarket had been born and was an immediate success.

Fast-forward seven years and there were 1,268 stores in his chain, which he had named Piggly Wiggly in honour of his source of inspiration.14

And the moral is that great marketers are on duty 24 hours a day and are constantly curious. What have you seen in the last 24 hours which could inspire you?

14 Unfortunately after a fantastic start, disaster struck, and a combination of financial mismanagement and poor stock trading saw Clarence go bankrupt and the business fail. Clarence lost everything, including a house complete with pig-pink rendering.

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