Everyone Loves Animals


Animals are some of the best subjects for great pictures. They have many interesting qualities that fascinate us: they are funny and sweet, exciting and strange, and sometimes they are wild and dangerous. Animal photographers travel to the distant parts of our world to take amazing pictures of animals that we see in newspapers and books.

There are a few things to keep in mind when you’re taking pictures of animals. Some animals are really dangerous, so if you come across a lion or a crocodile, keep a safe distance and use the zoom to take a telephotograph Image. The same goes for unfamiliar dogs, but fortunately most animals are not that dangerous and not that big. You don’t have to travel to Africa to take pictures of animals; you can take great pictures right here at home.


Four-Legged Roommates


Your first experience photographing animals will probably involve your own cat, guinea pig, or parakeet. If you don’t have a pet, ask if you may take pictures of a friend’s pet.

Cats are gifted acrobats. Try to catch them jumping over a wall or climbing a tree. Use your zoom Image so you can stand at a distance to watch these little predators hunt their prey. Cats are fascinating indoors, too. You can watch them battle with a ball of yarn or hunt a line of thread for hours.

As you take pictures, try shooting from different vantage points: stand on a sturdy chair to take pictures from above, or kneel on the ground to take a picture at the level of the animal’s eyes.

Dogs are also exciting subjects for the camera. They’ll go to great lengths to fetch a sock for their master; they might leap into the air and perform breathtaking stunts or even jump into a lake or a pond! Back on land, they’ll shake vigorously, and water droplets will fly everywhere. This is a great opportunity for pictures and—if it’s hot out—for cooling off. Just be careful that your camera doesn’t get too wet.


It’s a good idea to take lots of pictures when photographing animals so you can select the best ones later. Animals have lots of energy, and they tend to move around constantly, so many of your pictures may be out of focus. Have a friend help you when you take pictures of animals. That way your friend can handle the animals and you can stay focused on your camera.



No matter what your subject is, be sure to try different perspectives. Take pictures of animals from above, as with the goose and the dog, and from below, as with the cat.


Animals Are Everywhere

Our four-legged roommates aren’t the only animals we can photograph. You can find animals all over: horses and cows grazing in the pasture; ducks and swans swimming on the pond; chipmunks jumping back and forth in trees; pigeons bathing in fountains; and colorful butterflies resting on flowers. Animals really are everywhere!



Challenge yourself to take a picture of every animal you see for an entire day. You’ll be surprised by how many you find.


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