

serializable-to-byte-array-transformer A transformer that converts an object to a byte array (serializing the object).
service The standard SEDA service. A service describes how to receive messages, deliver them to a component, and handle the results (if any).
single-async-reply-router Configures a single-response router that returns the first event it receives on a reply endpoint and discards the rest.
singleton-object Uses the defined component as a singleton.
spring-object Lets you reference a bean that is defined in Spring.
static-recipient-list-router A router that is used to dispatch a single event to multiple recipients over the same transport. The recipient endpoints for this router can be configured statically on the router.
string-to-byte-array-transformer A transformer that converts a string to a byte array.
template-endpoint-router Allows endpoints to be altered at runtime based on properties set on the current event or fallback values set on the endpoint properties. Templated values are expressed using square braces around a property name, such as axis:http://localhost:8082/service?method=[SOAP_METHOD]. Note that Ant-style property templates can’t be used in valid URI strings; you must use square braces instead.
transformer A reference to a transformer defined elsewhere.
weblogic-transaction-manager The WebLogic transaction manager.
websphere-transaction-manager The WebSphere transaction manager.
wildcard-filter A filter that matches string messages against wildcards. It performs matches with *. For example,* will catch and This filter accepts a comma-separated list of patterns, so more than one filter pattern can be matched for a given argument:*, jms.actions.* will match jms. events.system and jms.actions but not jms.queue.
wire-tap-router An inbound router that can forward every message to another destination as defined in the endpoint property. This can be a logical destination or a URI. A filter can be applied to this router so that only events matching a criterion are tapped.
xml-entity-decoder-transformer A transformer that decodes a string containing XML entities.
xml-entity-encoder-transformer A transformer that encodes a string using XML entities.

Mule BPM elements

The elements in table D.2 are from the namespace. You can use them to configure BPM support in Mule.

Table D.2. Mule BPM elements



connector Lets you configure the behavior of Mule’s BPM support.
endpoint Defines a BPM endpoint that can be referenced from the inbound and outbound sections of a Mule service definition.
inbound-endpoint Defines a BPM inbound endpoint. This endpoint can be used to receive messages from a running BPM flow, which can then be processed by Mule in the normal manner.
outbound-endpoint Defines a BPM outbound endpoint that you can use in the outbound section of a Mule service definition. When a message is sent to this endpoint, a specific BPM flow can be started, and this message is inserted into that flow. You can also use this endpoint to further advance a running BPM flow.
outbound-router A shortcut for an endpoint selector router that uses the following expression: selectorExpression="header:MULE_BPM_ENDPOINT">.

Mule EJB elements

The elements in table D.3 are from the namespace. You can use them to configure EJB support in Mule.

Table D.3. Mule EJB elements



connector A connector with which you can configure the behavior of Mule’s EJB queues.
endpoint Defines an EJB endpoint that can be referenced from the inbound and outbound sections of a Mule service definition.
inbound-endpoint Defines an EJB inbound endpoint that you can use in the inbound section of a Mule service definition. This endpoint lets you poll a specific EJB.
outbound-endpoint Defines an EJB outbound endpoint that you can use in the outbound section of a Mule service definition. This endpoint lets you make a call to an EJB.

Mule email elements

The elements in table D.4 are from the namespace. You can use them to configure general email support in Mule. For more specific email support, see the IMAP, POP3, and SMTP configurations.

Table D.4. Mule email elements



bytes-to-mime-transformer An email-specific transformer that transforms an incoming byte[] to a MIME message
email-to-string-transformer An email-specific transformer that transforms an incoming String to an email message
mime-to-bytes-transformer An email-specific transformer that transforms an incoming MIME message to a byte[]
object-to-mime-transformer An email-specific transformer that transforms an incoming Object to a MIME message
string-to-email-transformer An email-specific transformer that transforms an incoming String to an email message

Mule file elements

The elements in table D.5 are from the namespace. You can use them to configure file support in Mule.

Table D.5. Mule file elements



connector A file-specific connector you can use to set file-specific properties that can be applied to the inbound and outbound file endpoints.
custom-filename-parser Lets you specify a custom filename parser. The implementation has to implement org.mule.transports.file.FilenameParser.
endpoint Defines a file endpoint that can be referenced from the inbound and outbound sections of a Mule service definition.
expression-filename-parser Uses a Mule-supported expression to define how the name of the output file is constructed.
file-to-byte-array-transformer A file-specific transformer that transforms an incoming File to a byte[].
file-to-string-transformer A file-specific transformer that transforms an incoming File to a String.
filename-regex-filter A regex-based filter to select which files are read from the file system.
filename-wildcard-filter A wildcard-based filter to select which files are read from the file system.
inbound-endpoint Defines a file inbound endpoint that you can use in the inbound section of a Mule service definition. This endpoint lets you poll a specific directory for new files.
legacy-filename-parser Uses a limited set of tokens that you can use to construct the name of the output file.
outbound-endpoint Defines a file outbound endpoint that you can use in the outbound section of a Mule service definition. This endpoint writes the received message to the file system.

Mule FTP elements

The elements in table D.6 are from the namespace. You can use them to configure FTP support in Mule.

Table D.6. Mule FTP elements



connector An FTP-specific connector that you can use to set FTP-specific properties that can be applied to the inbound and outbound FTP endpoints.
custom-filename-parser Specifies a custom filename parser that you can use to create the name of the output file.
endpoint Defines an FTP endpoint that can be referenced from the inbound and outbound sections of a Mule service definition.
expression-filename-parser Uses a Mule-supported expression to define how the name of the output file is constructed.
inbound-endpoint Defines an FTP inbound endpoint that you can use in the inbound section of a Mule service definition. This endpoint lets you poll a specific directory on an FTP server for new files.
legacy-filename-parser Uses a limited set of tokens that you can use to construct the name of the output file.
outbound-endpoint Defines an FTP outbound endpoint that you can use in the outbound section of a Mule service definition. This endpoint writes the received message to a specific directory on an FTP server.

Mule HTTP elements

The elements in table D.7 are from the namespace. You can use them to configure HTTP support in Mule.

Table D.7. Mule HTTP elements



connector An HTTP-specific connector that you can use to configure generic properties that can then be referenced by the HTTP endpoints.
endpoint Defines an HTTP endpoint that can be referenced from the inbound and outbound sections of a Mule service definition.
http-client-response-to-object-transformer An HTTP-specific transformer that transforms an HTTP client response to a Java Object.
http-response-to-string-transformer An HTTP-specific transformer that transforms an HTTP response to a Java String.
inbound-endpoint Defines an HTTP inbound endpoint that you can use in the outbound section of a Mule service definition. This causes Mule to listen for HTTP messages on the specific endpoint.
message-to-http-response-transformer An HTTP-specific transformer that transforms a Mule message to an HTTP response.
object-to-http-client-request-transformer An HTTP-specific transformer that transforms an Object to an HTTP client response.
outbound-endpoint Defines an HTTP outbound endpoint that you can use in the outbound section of a Mule service definition. This lets you send HTTP messages to the configured endpoint.
rest-service-component A built-in RestServiceWrapper that you can use to proxy REST-style services as local Mule components.

Mule IMAP elements

The elements in table D.8 are from the namespace. You can use them to configure IMAP support in Mule.

Table D.8. Mule IMAP elements



connector An IMAP-specific connector that lets you configure common incoming mail settings. This connector can then be referenced from the IMAP endpoints.
endpoint Defines an IMAP endpoint that can be referenced from the inbound section of a Mule service definition. Note that this can’t be referenced from the outbound section because IMAP can only be used to receive messages. To send messages, use SMTP endpoints.
inbound-endpoint Defines an IMAP outbound endpoint that you can use in the outbound section of a Mule service definition.

Mule JDBC elements

The elements in table D.9 are from the namespace. You can use them to configure JDBC support in Mule.

Table D.9. Mule JDBC elements



connector A simple connector with which you can configure the behavior of Mule’s JDBC endpoints. This connector is the best place to configure the queries the JDBC endpoints will use.
endpoint Defines a JDBC endpoint that can be referenced from the inbound and outbound sections of a Mule service definition.
inbound-endpoint Defines a JDBC inbound endpoint that you can use in the inbound section of a Mule service definition. This usually references a named query from the JDBC connector and executes a SELECT query.
outbound-endpoint Defines a JDBC outbound endpoint that you can use in the inbound section of a Mule service definition. This usually references a named query from the JDBC connector and executes an INSERT or UPDATE query.
transaction Specifies how the call to the JDBC datasource participates in a transaction.

Mule JMS elements

The elements in table D.10 are from the namespace. You can use them to configure JMS support in Mule.

Table D.10. Mule JMS elements



activemq-connector A specific JMS connector that you can use to connect to the ActiveMQ JMS implementation
activemq-xa-connector A specific JMS connector that you can use to connect to the ActiveMQ JMS implementation using an XA connection factory
client-ack-transaction Serves as a simple transaction mechanism, where the client acknowledges the message
connector A generic JMS connector that you can configure to connect to a JMS server
custom-connector Lets you create a custom connector that you can use to connect to a JMS server
endpoint Defines a JMS endpoint that can be referenced from the inbound and outbound sections of the Mule service definition
inbound-endpoint An incoming JMS endpoint that you can configure to listen to a JMS queue or topic
jmsmessage-to-object-transformer A JMS-specific transformer that you can use to transform a JMS message to a Java Object
object-to-jmsmessage-transformer A JMS-specific transformer that you can use to transform a Java Object to a JMS message
outbound-endpoint An outgoing JMS endpoint that you can configure to send messages to a JMS queue or topic
property-filter A JMS-specific filter that you can use to check whether specific properties on the JMS are set
transaction Specifies how the call to JMS participates in a transaction
weblogic-connector A specific JMS connector that you can use to connect to the WebLogic JMS implementation
websphere-connector A specific JMS connector that you can use to connect to the WebSphere JMS implementation
xa-transaction Specifies how the call to JMS participates in a distributed transaction

Mule POP3 elements

The elements in table D.11 are from the namespace. You can use them to configure POP3 support in Mule.

Table D.11. Mule POP3 elements



connector A POP3-specific connector that lets you specify common incoming mail settings. This connector can then be referenced from the POP3 endpoints.
endpoint Defines a POP3 endpoint that can be referenced from the inbound section of a Mule service definition. Note that this can’t be referenced from the outbound section because POP3 can only be used to receive messages. To send messages, use SMTP endpoints.
inbound-endpoint Defines an SMTP outbound endpoint that you can use in the outbound section of a Mule service definition.

Mule Quartz elements

The elements in table D.12 are defined as XML elements from the namespace. You can use them to configure Quartz scheduler support in Mule.

Table D.12. Mule Quartz elements



connector A Quartz connector that you can use to specify generic Quartz settings that can then be applied to all the Quartz endpoints in the configuration
custom-job Lets you create a custom Quartz job
custom-job-from-message Lets you create a custom Quartz job based on a Mule message
endpoint Defines a Quartz endpoint that can be referenced from the inbound and outbound sections of a Mule service definition
endpoint-polling-job Creates a job that periodically polls an endpoint
event-generator-job Creates a job that generates Mule events
inbound-endpoint Defines a Quartz inbound endpoint that you can use in the inbound section of a Mule service definition
outbound-endpoint Defines a Quartz outbound endpoint that you can use in the outbound section of a Mule service definition
scheduled-dispatch-job Schedules a one-off or repeated message dispatch to a Mule endpoint

Mule RMI elements

The elements in table D.13 are from the namespace. You can use them to configure RMI support in Mule.

Table D.13. Mule RMI elements



connector An RMI connector that you can use to specify generic RMI settings that can then be applied to all the RMI endpoints in the configuration
endpoint Defines an RMI endpoint that can be referenced from the inbound and outbound sections of a Mule service definition
inbound-endpoint Defines an RMI inbound endpoint that you can use in the inbound section of a Mule service definition
outbound-endpoint Defines an RMI outbound endpoint that you can use in the outbound section of a Mule service definition

Mule SMTP elements

The elements in table D.14 are from the namespace. You can use them to configure SMTP support in Mule.

Table D.14. Mule SMTP elements



connector An SMTP-specific connector that lets you set common outgoing mail settings. This connector can then be referenced from the SMTP endpoints.
endpoint Defines an SMTP endpoint that can be referenced from the outbound section of a Mule service definition. Note that this can’t be referenced from the inbound section because SMTP can only be used to send messages. To receive messages, use POP3 or IMAP endpoints.
outbound-endpoint Defines an SMTP outbound endpoint that you can use in the outbound section of a Mule service definition.

Mule VM elements

The elements in table D.15 are from the namespace. You can use them to configure internal queue support in Mule.

Table D.15. Mule VM elements



connector A simple connector with which you can configure the behavior of Mule’s internal VM queues
endpoint Defines a VM endpoint that can be referenced from the inbound and outbound sections of a Mule service definition
inbound-endpoint Defines a VM inbound endpoint that you can use in the inbound section of a Mule service definition
outbound-endpoint Defines a VM outbound endpoint that you can use in the outbound section of a Mule service definition
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