
A big thank you to Michael Stephens and Nermina Miller at Manning, who were patient with me every step of the long way in writing this book.

Thank you Jim Newkirk, Michael Feathers, Gerard Meszaros, and many others, who provided me with inspiration and the ideas that made this book what it is. And a special thank you to Michael for agreeing to write the foreword to the book.

The following reviewers read the manuscript at various stages during its development. I’d like to thank them for providing valuable feedback: Svetlana Christopher, Wendy Friedlander, Jay Flowers, Jean-Paul S. Boodhoo, Armand du Plessis, James Kovacs, Carlo Bottiglieri, Ken DeLong, Dusty Jewett, Lester Lobo, Alessandro Gallo, Gabor Paller, Eric Raymond, David Laribee, Christian Siegers, Phil Hanna, Josh Cronemeyer, Mark Seemann, Francesco Goggi, Franco Lambardo, Dave Nicolette, and Mohammad Azam. Thanks also to Rod Coffin, who did a technical proofread of the final manuscript shortly before it went to press.

A final word of thanks to the early readers of the book in Manning’s Early Access Program for their comments in the online forum. You helped shape the book.

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