


#include <thread>, example of
<atomic> header, reference
<chrono> header
<condition_variable> header
<future> header
<mutex> header
<ratio> header
<thread> header
  std::thread class


ABA problem
abstraction penalty
ACE, and multithreaded code
actor model
address space
Amdahl’s law
  serial fraction
atomic integral types
  available operations
  return value of operations
atomic operation
    bitwise comparison of a whole structure
    checking for unchanged value
    updating a whole structure atomically
    using to avoid looping
    using to extract a node from a queue
    using to set a value conditionally
  compare_exchange_weak() member function
    compared to compare_exchange_strong
    memory ordering in stack::push
    use in a loop
  compare-exchange functions
    avoiding race conditions with
    double-word-compare-and-swap (DWCAS)
  enforcing ordering with
    simple example
    and memory_order_relaxed
  fetch_add() member function, and release
  happens-before relationship
  implicit load
  inter-thread happens-before relationship, and
  lock-free, enabling by using
  memory ordering options
    tags for memory ordering models
  memory ordering, default
  memory ordering, memory_order_seq_cst
  on std::shared_ptr2nd
  sequentially-consistent ordering
  store operations
  synchronizes-with relationship
    See std::atomic class template, compare_exchange_strong() member function.
    See std::atomic class template, compare_exchange_weak() member function.
atomic operations
  enforcing ordering with
  memory ordering options
atomic types
  compare_exchange_weak() member function
  compare-exchange functions
    memory ordering parameters
    spurious failure
  internal locks
  is_lock_free() member function
  lack of assignment
  lack of copy-construction
  list of alternative names
  list of typedefs2nd
  lock-free operations
  naming convention for alternative names
  nonmember functions
    naming convention
  operation return values
  operations with nonmember functions
  overview of operations
  std::atomic class template
    and relationship with alternative names
    use with user-defined type
    using compare_exchange_strong on a structure
    using with a user-defined type
  std::atomic_address, use with hazard pointers
atomic types, assignment operator, return type
atomic variable, use as a done flag
auto keyword
automatic type deduction
  and function template parameters
  deduction rules


background threads
bit-field, using to keep structure within machine word
blocked thread
Boost, and multithreaded code
bounded queue


C++ Standard
  support for multithreaded programs
cache ping-pong, and performance
callable type
code reviews
  rubber chicken
Communicating Sequential Processes
  actor model
  and lack of shared data
compare-exchange functions.
    See atomic operation, compare-exchange functions.
  and constructors
  and destructors
  and multithreading
  and responsiveness
  and user interfaces
  approaches to
  data structure
  design guidelines
    by separating data
    with fine-grained locking
  Hello World
  illusion of
  in computer systems
  memory model2nd
  multiple processes
  multiple threads
  opportunity for
  parallel execution
  performance problem
    lock granularity
  potential for2nd
    race condition
  reasons for using
    separation of concerns
  reasons to avoid
  support in C++11 standard
concurrency bugs
  and shared memory
  broken invariants
  code review questions
  difficulty of reproducing
  distinguishing from other bugs
  lifetime issues
  stale data
  unwanted blocking
  with code reviews
  wrong mutex scope
constant expressions
  and constexpr
  and literal types
  array bounds
  in-class initializers
  nontype template parameters
  places that require them
  static initialization for aggregates
constexpr functions
  and constant expressions
  and mutex initialization
  and static initialization
    avoiding race conditions
  and templates
    and static initialization
    trivial constructors
  member functions
    and virtual
    implied const
  no side effects
  not always constant expressions
  pure functions
constexpr objects
  implicit const
context switching
conveniently concurrent


daemon threads
data parallelism
data race2nd
  dereferencing a loaded pointer
  due to unsupported usage
  undefined behavior
  with double-checked locking
    breaching guidelines
    fixed-order locking, 2nd, 3rd
    no callbacks
    no nested locks
    with a lock hierarchy
    with std::lock
  guidelines for avoiding
  impossibility with hierarchical mutex
  with children’s toys
  with std::thread objects
defaulted functions
  and accessibility
  and aggregates
  and copy constructors
  and default constructors
  and default initialization
  and trivial functions
  and virtual destructors
  reasons for defaulting
  things that can be defaulted
deleted functions
  and overload resolution
  preventing copying
  preventing narrowing
dividing work
  by task
  comparing complexity of alternatives
  data access patterns
  dividing data recursively
  early completion
  generalist threads vs. specialist threads
  matrix multiplication
  performance characteristics
  separating concerns
  specialist threads
  splitting data
  threads vs. tasks
  to reduce data accessed in each thread
double-checked locking
  race condition
  undefined behavior
doubly-linked list
  deleting from
dummy nodes, in a lock-free queue
DWCAS (double-word-compare-and-swap)


embarrassingly parallel
event loops, and responsiveness
event-driven architecture
  basic barrier
    with std::async
  function to run a pending task from a thread
  GUI event loop
  interruptible_thread interface
  join_threads class
  naïve parallel_accumulate
    with a thread pool
    with std::packaged_task
    using std::async
    with even division
    with pairwise updates
  parallel_quick_sort using thread pool
  queue for work-stealing
  thread pool with work stealing
  with per-thread work queues
examples, test for concurrent queue
exception safety
  achieving with std::async
  and destroying futures
  and std::packaged_task
  in std::stack
  single vs. multithreaded
exceptions, and std::async


false sharing
  avoiding with padding
  between mutex and protected data
  performance implications
fine-grained locking
  placing locks
functional programming
  and (lack of) race conditions
future, defined
  and stored exceptions
  getting from a std::packaged_task
  getting from a std::promise
  getting from std::async
  storing exceptions
  using for thread return values


global variables
GUI frameworks
  and threads


hardware concurrency
hardware threads
hazard pointer
  checking for outstanding pointers
  marking a pointer as hazardous
  overhead from simple implementation
  reclaiming memory
  simple allocation scheme
  simple example of reclaiming nodes
  trading memory for speed
  usage overview
hierarchical mutex
  sample implementation


impure functions, defined
initial function
interrupting threads
  and exception safety
  background threads
  basic interface
  basic interruptible_thread implementation
  catching interruptions
  detecting interruption
  example implementation
  handling interruptions
  interrupt function
  interruptible_wait on a
  interrupting future waits
  interrupting waiting on a
  interruption point
  interruption_point function
  per-thread data structure
  race condition in naïve implementation
  sample implementation
  using a timeout
  and exception safety
  and race conditions2nd
  and thread-safety
  for a queue
  in lock-free data structures
iterators, and concurrency


join_threads class, use with thread pool
join, std::threads, example of
joining threads, when exceptions thrown


lambda function
  and local variables
  as predicates
    and class members
    by copy
    by reference
    mixing copy and reference captures
  example with std::condition_variable::wait
  lambda introducer
  return values
    automatic deduction
    explicit declaration syntax
  use with std::condition_variable
  with parameters
lazy initialization
  example of
  example using mutex
  example using std::call_once
lifetime issues
lightweight processes
literal type
  and constant expressions
  and constexpr functions
  and static initialization
live lock, defined
local objects, destruction of
lock-based data structures
  bounded queue
    vs. unbounded queue
    interface design
    opportunities for concurrency
    sample implementation
  lookup table
    consequences of hash table implementation
    consequences of sorted array implementation
    exception safety
    extracting contents
    fine grained locking
    hash function
    implementation choices
    interface design
    protecting buckets
    analysis of required locks
    and exception safety
    avoiding data races
    exception safety and waiting
    fine-grained locks
    implementation using std::shared_ptr
    implementation with fine-grained locking and waiting
    interface differences from std::queue
    potential for concurrency
    sample implementation with fine-grained locking
    simple implementation
    waiting for an entry
    and deadlock
    and race conditions
    basic thread safety
    exception safety
    potential for concurrency
    sample code
  unbounded queue
    vs. bounded queue
lock-free data structures
  ABA problem
  and compare-exchange
  and invariants
  and memory ordering constraints
  atomic operations
  guidelines for writing
  helping stalled threads
  impossibility of deadlocks
  lock-free property, ensuring by helping other thread
  managing memory2nd
    alternatives to new and delete
    freeing memory at quiescent points
    hazard pointers
    memory reclamation schemes
    recycling nodes
    split reference count, primary reason
    split reference counts
  maximizing concurrency
  optimizing memory allocation
    avoiding race conditions
    handling multiple producers
    implementation of pop() with a ref-counted tail
    obtaining a new reference to a node
    pop() implementation for lock-free push()
  push() implementation using helping for lock-free semantics
    releasing a reference on a node
    releasing an external counter to a node
    sample implementation of push() with refcounted tail
    single producer, single consumer
    single-producer, single-consumer implementation
    synchronizing push() and pop()
split-count reference counting, deleting nodes
  adding a node
  basic push function
  basic structure
  example counting threads in pop
  example implementation with memory leak
  exception safety
  implementation of pop using hazard pointers
  implementation with reference counting and relaxed operations
  popping a node with split reference counts
  potential race conditions
  pushing a node with split reference counts
    removing nodes
    sample implementation using shared_ptr
  std::atomic_is_lock_free function, std
  unintended locking
lock-free programming, defined
    fine-grained, 2nd, 3rd
    too large
    too small
  hand over hand2nd3rd
  multiple mutexes, std::lock
lookup table, interface design
  choices for add and change
  choices for querying values
lvalue references
  and rvalue references
  and temporaries


massively parallel
memory allocation, moving outside a lock
memory barriers
memory location
  and bit-fields
  and object
  and race conditions
  example struct
memory model
  acquire-release ordering
    and happens-before
    and inter-thread happens-before
    and mutexes
    and synchronizes-with
    and synchronizing data between threads
    carries-a-dependency-to relation defined
    choice of semantics for read-modify-write operations
    data dependency
    and inter-thread-happens-before
    compared to synchronizes-with
    relation defined
    example of data dependent ordering
    example of transitive synchronization
    example sequence
    example with imposed ordering
    example with no total order
    lack of synchronization with relaxed operations
    man in cubicle analogy
    memory_order_acq_rel, 2nd
    memory_order_acquire, 2nd, 3rd
    memory_order_release, 2nd, 3rd
    mixing with sequentially-consistent ordering
    synchronization cost
    synchronization using acquire and release pairings
    transitive synchronization
    across threads
    using read-modify-write operations
  applying to lock-free stack
  applying, identifying required relationships
    example of ordering relaxed operations
  happens-before relationship
    and relaxed ordering
    and sequenced-before
    between push() and pop() on a queue
    between threads
    in a single-thread
    nonatomic operations
  inter-thread happens-before relationship
    and synchronizes-with
  lock() example memory ordering
  memory ordering
  memory ordering options
    and ordering models
    and varying costs with CPU architecture
    default ordering
  modification order
    and relaxed ordering
  non-sequentially-consistent orderings
    and lack of agreement between threads
    and lack of global order
  optimizing memory ordering
  ordering constraints
  relaxed ordering
    example sequence
    man-in-cubicle analogy
    memory_order_relaxed, 2nd
  release sequence
    and memory_order_relaxed
    example sequence
    in lock-free stack
  sequenced-before relationship, and happens before
  sequential consistency, defined
  sequentially-consistent ordering
    additional implied ordering relationships
    and global order
    and happens-before
    and mutexes
    and synchronizes-with
    mixing with acquire-release ordering
    ordering diagram
    performance penalty
    synchronization cost
    using for prototyping
  splitting operations to vary memory ordering
  synchronizes-with relationship
    and relaxed ordering
  unlock() example memory ordering
message passing
  actor model
  and state machines
  ATM example
    actor model
    division into threads
    example state function
    handling different types of message
    handling messages
    messages as structs
    sample code
    state machine model
    waiting for matching messages
    waiting for messages
  implicit synchronization
  no shared state
  move constructors
    and copy constructors
move semantics
  and deleted copy operations
  and optimization
  and rvalue references
  and rvalues
  and std::thread
  and std::unique_ptr
  move constructors, example
  moved-from state
    of std::thread
  move-only types
    in the thread library
  moving from an lvalue
  memory model
  support in the C++11 standard
  lock ownership, transferring
    example implementation, 2nd
mutual exclusion


naturally parallel
nonblocking operations, defined


  and variables
  division into subobjects
  example struct
oversubscription, avoiding


parallel_find, and out-of-order processing
  Amdahl’s law
  and cache line pressure
  and data structures
  and multiple processors
  and mutexes
  and reader-writer mutexes
  and task switching
  cache miss2nd
  cache ping-pong
  data contention
  data proximity
  false sharing
  hiding latency
  high contention
  I/O latency
  idle threads
  low contention
  massively parallel
  multiple applications
  number of processors
  reducing time taken vs. processing more data
  thread pools
  too many threads
platform-specific facilities2nd3rd
pure function, defined


  bounded queue
  single-threaded implementation
    with dummy node
  example parallel implementation
  FP-style sequential implementation
  simple parallel implementation


race condition
  and exception safety
    by atomic update of a whole structure
    with atomic compare-exchange functions
    with enforced ordering
  data race
  in interface2nd
    stack example
  initialization of local static
  window of opportunity
  with double-checked locking
race conditions
  and testing
    See Resource Acquisition Is Initialization.
recursive mutex
reference to a reference
Resource Acquisition Is Initialization
  and threads2nd
  for mutexes, std::lock_guard
  scoped_thread example
  thread_guard example
rvalue references
  and lvalue references
  and move semantics
  and static_cast
  and std::move
  and template argument type deduction
  and template parameters
  and temporaries
  parameters treated as lvalues


  Amdahl’s law
  parallel vs. serial sections
scoped_thread example
separation of concerns, and concurrency
shared data
  failure to protect
    incomplete protection
    single global mutex
    structuring code
    with correct mutex
    with mutex
    with std::call_once
    with std::mutex
shared memory
SI ratios
Single-Instruction/Multiple-Data (SIMD)
sizeof..., and variadic templates
Software Transactional Memory, defined
spurious wake, defined
  and std::lock_guard
  and asynchronous tasks
  and dividing work recursively
  and exceptions2nd
  and oversubscription
  and parallel_for_each
  and std::future2nd3rd
  compare to std::thread
  comparison with std::packaged_task
  example of passing arguments
  exception propagation
  exception safety
  passing additional arguments
  passing reference arguments with std::ref
  simple example
  unsuitability for interdependent tasks
  use for exception safety
  vs. custom spawn_task function
  vs. simple thread pools
  vs. thread pools
std::atomic class template
  and relationship with alternative names
  and user-defined types2nd
    available operations
  bitwise comparison and compare/exchange functions
  class definition
  compare_exchange_strong() member function
  compare_exchange_weak() member function
  conversion assignment operator
  conversion constructor
  conversion to nonatomic type
  default constructor
  exchange() member function
  fetch_add() member function
    for pointer specializations
  fetch_and() member function
  fetch_or() member function
  fetch_sub() member function
    for pointer specializations
  fetch_xor() member function
  is_lock_free() member function
  load() member function
  operator-- postdecrement
    for pointer specializations
  operator-- predecrement
    for pointer specializations
  operator++ postincrement
    for pointer specializations
  operator++ preincrement
    for pointer specializations
    for pointer specializations
    for pointer specializations
  restricted operations
    for built-in types
    for integral types
    for pointer types
  std::atomic_compare_exchange_strong_explicit() nonmember function
  std::atomic_compare_exchange_strong() non-member function
  std::atomic_compare_exchange_weak_explicit() nonmember function
  std::atomic_compare_exchange_weak() non- member function
  std::atomic_exchange nonmember() function
  std::atomic_exchange_explicit() nonmember function
  std::atomic_fetch_add_explicit() nonmember function
    for pointer specializations
  std::atomic_fetch_add() nonmember function
    for pointer specializations
  std::atomic_fetch_and_explicit() nonmember function
  std::atomic_fetch_and() nonmember function
  std::atomic_fetch_or_explicit() nonmember function
  std::atomic_fetch_or() nonmember function
  std::atomic_fetch_sub_explicit() nonmember function
    for pointer specializations
  std::atomic_fetch_sub() nonmember function
  std::atomic_fetch_sub() nonmember function for pointer specializations
  std::atomic_fetch_xor_explicit() nonmember function
  std::atomic_fetch_xor() nonmember function
  std::atomic_init() nonmember function
  std::atomic_is_lock_free() nonmember function
  std::atomic_load_explicit() nonmember function
  std::atomic_load() nonmember function
  std::atomic_store_explicit() nonmember function
  std::atomic_store() nonmember function
  store() member function.
    See std::atomic partial specialization for pointer types.
std::atomic partial specialization for pointer types
  arithmetic operators
    memory ordering
    return value
  fetch_add() member function
    memory ordering choices
    return value
  fetch_sub() member function
    memory ordering choices
    return value
  and std::atomic_flag_test_and_set nonmember function
  class definition
  clear() member function2nd3rd
  default constructor
  initialization with ATOMIC_FLAG_INIT
  nonmember functions, std
  std::atomic_flag_clear_explicit() nonmember function
  std::atomic_flag_clear() nonmember function
  std::atomic_flag_test_and_set_explicit() non-member function
  test_and_set() member function2nd3rd
std::atomic_signal_fence() nonmember function
std::atomic_thread_fence() nonmember function
std::atomic_xxx typedefs
  assignment from bool
    return type
  compare_exchange_strong() member function
  compare_exchange_weak() member function
    loop to handle spurious failures
  comparison with std::atomic_flag
  exchange() member function
  is_lock_free() member function
  load() member function
  store() member function
std::atomic<double>, and compare_exchange_strong
  and compare_exchange_strong
  lack of arithmetic operations
  and std::once_flag
  using local static as alternative
  and duration-base timeouts
  count() member function
std::chrono::duration class template
  and std::recursive_timed_mutex::try_lock_for
  and std::shared_future::wait_for
  and std::this_thread::sleep_for
  and std::timed_mutex::try_lock_for
  and std::unique_lock
  and std::unique_lock::try_lock_for
  class definition
  converting constructor from a count
  converting constructor from another duration
  count() member function
  default constructor2nd
  duration_cast() nonmember function
  max() static member function2nd
  min() static member function2nd
  operator-- postdecrement
  operator-- predecrement
  operator++ postincrement
  operator++ preincrement
  period member
  rep member
  time_since_epoch() member function
  use in std::chrono::system_clock
  use with std::future::wait_for
  zero() static member function
  potential relationship with std::chrono::steady_clock
  potential relationship with std::chrono::system_clock
  class definition
  duration member typedef
  now() static member function
  period member typedef
  rep member
  time_point member typedef
  class definition
    conversion from time_t to time_point
    conversion to time_t from time_point
  to_time_point() static member function2nd
  to_time_t() member function
std::chrono::system_clock::duration member, definition
std::chrono::system_clock::now member, definition
std::chrono::system_clock::period member, definition
std::chrono::system_clock::rep member, definition
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point member, definition
  and absolute timeouts
  clocks, adjustment during absolute-time-based waits
  time_since_epoch() member function
std::chrono::time_point class template
  and std::future::wait_until
  and std::recursive_timed_mutex::try_lock_until
  and std::shared_future::wait_until
  and std::this_thread::sleep_until
  and std::timed_mutex::try_lock_until
  and std::unique_lock
  and std::unique_lock::try_lock_until
  class definition
  use in std::chrono::system_clock
  and std::notify_all_at_thread_exit
  and timeouts when waiting
  class definition
  default constructor
  notify_all() member function2nd
    and std::notify_all_at_thread_exit
    relationship to wait
    vs. notify_one
  notify_one() member function2nd
    calling outside a lock
    relationship to wait
    relationship with notify_all()
    relationship with wait_for()
    relationship with wait_until()
    relationship with wait()
    use in a thread-safe queue
    use with a concurrent queue
    vs. notify_all
  wait_for() member function2nd
    and std::chrono::duration class template
    and std::cv_status enum
    and std::notify_all_at_thread_exit()
    and std::unique_lock class template
    with a predicate
  wait_until() member function2nd
    and std::chrono::time_point class template
    and std::notify_all_at_thread_exit()
    and std::unique_lock class template
    with a predicate
  wait() member function2nd
    and callable objects
    and condition-checking functions
    and functions
    and spurious wakes
    and std::notify_all_at_thread_exit
    and std::unique_lock
    choosing a predicate
    relationship to notify_all
    relationship to notify_one
    use in a thread-safe queue
    use with a concurrent queue
    with a predicate
  waiting with a timeout example
    wait_for vs. wait_until
  waking all waiting threads
  waking one waiting thread
  and timeouts when waiting
  default constructor
  notify_all() member function
  notify_one() member function
  try_lock_for() member function
  wait_for() member function2nd
    with a predicate
  wait_until() member function2nd
    with a predicate
  wait() member function
    with a predicate
std::find, parallelizing
std::for_each, parallelizing
std::function, use with thread pool
  and exception safety2nd
  and propagating exceptions
  and thread pool tasks
  and threads from std::async calls
  and timeouts when waiting
  and unique ownership
  conversion to std::shared_future
  obtaining from std::packaged_task
  propagating exceptions
  propagating exceptions from get()
  share() member function
    and automatic deduction of variable type
  vs. std::shared_future
  wait_for() member function
  wait_until() member function
std::future class template
  and std::async
  and std::packaged_task
  and std::promise
  class definition
  conversion to std::shared_future2nd
  default constructor
  get() member function
  move assignment operator
  move constructor
  share() member function
  valid() member function
  wait_for() member function
    and std::chrono::duration
  wait_until() member function
    and std::chrono::time_point
  wait() member function
std::future_error, introduction
std::future<void>, as a done flag
std::launch::async, using to guarantee separate threads
  and exceptions
  and std::unique_lock
  avoiding deadlock with
std::lock function template, reference
  adopting a lock
  and user-defined types
  comparison with std::unique_lock
std::lock_guard class template
  class definition
  lock-adopting constructor
  locking constructor
std::make_shared, use for allocating a referencecounted object
std::memory_order enumeration
std::memory_order_acq_rel, reference
std::memory_order_consume, reference
std::memory_order_seq_cst, reference
  and std::thread
  class definition
  default constructor
  lock() member function
  locking with
  try_lock() member function
  unlock() member function
std::nested_exception, use for accumulating
  multiple exceptions
std::notify_all_at_thread_exit, and
  default constructor
  std::call_once() nonmember function template
  and exception safety
  and std::future
  as a callable object
  comparison with std::async
  compatible callable types
  get_future() member function
  obtaining a future
  obtaining a std::future
  passing tasks between threads
  template parameter
  wrapping tasks for a thread pool
std::packaged_task class template
  and std::future
  class definition
  construction from a callable object
  with an allocator
  default constructor
  function call operator()
  get_future() member function
  make_ready_at_thread_exit() member function
  move assignment operator
  move constructor
  reset() member function
  swap() member function
  valid() member function
  alternative approaches
  and obtaining a result from multiple threads
  and std::future
  and stored exceptions
  get_future() member function
  obtaining a future
  set_exception() member function
  set_value() member function2nd
  using for test scheduling
std::promise class template
  and std::future
  class definition
  construction with an allocator
  default constructor
  get_future() member function
  move constructor
  move-assignment operator
  set_exception_at_thread_exit() member function
  set_exception() member function
  set_value_at_thread_exit() member function
  set_value() member function
  swap() member function
  and thread safety
    potential for race conditions
std::ratio class template
  class definition
  use in std::chrono::system_clock
  use with std::chrono::duration
std::ratio_add, reference
std::ratio_divide, reference
std::ratio_equal, reference
std::ratio_greater_equal, reference
std::ratio_greater, reference
std::ratio_less_equal, reference
std::ratio_less, reference
std::ratio_multiply, reference
std::ratio_not_equal, reference
std::ratio_subtract, reference
  class definition
  default constructor
  lock() member function
  try_lock() member function
  unlock() member function
  and timeouts when locking
  class definition
  default constructor
  lock() member function
  locking operations with timeouts
  try_lock_for() member function2nd
    and std::chrono::duration
  try_lock_until() member function
    and std::chrono::time_point
  try_lock() member function
  unlock() member function
  passing reference arguments to std::async
std::result_of, getting task return types
  and shared ownership
  and timeouts when waiting
  conversion from std::future
  separate copy per thread
  spreadsheet example
  using for test scheduling
  vs. std::future
  wait_for() member function
  wait_until() member function
std::shared_future class template
  class definition
  construction from std::future
  copy constructor
  default constructor
  get() member function
  move constructor
  valid() member function
  wait_for() member function
  wait_until() member function
    and std::chrono::duration
    and std::chrono::time_point
  wait() member function
std::stack, interface
  and std::thread destructor
std::this_thread::get_id() nonmember function
  and std::thread::id
std::this_thread::sleep_for() nonmember function
  and std::chrono, duration
std::this_thread::sleep_until() nonmember function
  and std::chrono::time_point
  use in spin-wait
std::this_thread::yield() nonmember function
  and standard containers
  and std::vector
  as function return value
  class definition
    and std::move
    moving arguments
  constructor accepting multiple arguments
  default constructor
    and joinable
    and std::terminate
  detach() member function2nd3rd
    relationship with joinable()
  get_id() member function2nd
  hardware_concurrency() static member function2nd3rd
  join() member function2nd3rd
    and interaction with joinable()
    example of
  joinable() member function2nd3rd
    and interaction with join()
    relationship with detach()
  move assignment
  move construction
  move constructor
  move semantics
    from temporaries
  native_handle() member function
  pass by value
  std::swap() nonmember function
    and std::this_thread::get_id()
    class definition
    default constructor
  swap() member function
  variadic constructor
  and choosing the number of threads
  and thread management
  use with thread pools
  comparison operators
  specialization of std::hash
  stream insertion operator
  total order
  and timeouts when locking
  class definition
  default constructor
  lock() member function
  support for locking operations with a timeout
  try_lock_for() member function
    and std::chrono::duration
  try_lock_until() member function2nd
    and std::chrono::time_point
  try_lock() member function
  unlock() member function
std::try_lock() function template, reference
  and std::lock
  and std::move
  and TimedLockable types
  comparison with std::lock_guard
  constructors that accept timeouts
  deferred locking
  example of releasing lock early
  owns_lock member() function detecting timeout on lock acquisition
  returning from a function
  try_lock_for() member function
  try_lock_until() member function2nd3rd4th5th
  using with std::condition_variable
std::unique_lock class template
  and std::condition_variable::wait
  and std::condition_variable::wait() with a predicate
  and std::notify_all_at_thread_exit()
  bool conversion operator
  class definition
  default constructor
  deferred-lock constructor
  lock() member function
  lock-adopting constructor
  locking constructor
  move constructor
  move-assignment operator
  mutex() member function
  owns_lock() member function2nd
    and std::notify_all_at_thread_exit()
  release() member function
  std::swap() nonmember function
  swap() member function
  try_lock_for() member function
    and std::chrono::duration
  try_lock_until() member function
    and std::chrono::time_point
  try_lock() member function
  try-to-lock constructor
    with a duration timeout
    with a time_point timeout
  unlock() member function
std::unique_ptr, as example of move semantics
std::vector, of std::thread
synchronization mechanisms, barrier


task parallelism
task switching
  example of
  illusion of concurrency
templates, variadic
testing concurrent code
  adjusting the thread count
  architecture variations
  avoid deadlock in test code
  boilerplate test structure
  brute force testing
  combination simulation testing
  controlling thread execution order
  controlling thread scheduling
  designing for testability
  detecting potential deadlocks
  eliminate concurrency
  environmental considerations
  false confidence
  general guidelines
  general outline
  general setup
  levels of confidence
  library functions with internal state
  memory ordering issues
  on single- vs. multicore systems
  performance testing
  test granularity
  test structure2nd
  testing on single-processor systems
  testing with a debug library
  thread-specific setup
  unpredictable scheduling
  verifying a bug is concurrency related
  vs. testing single-threaded code
  detached, example
  fire and forget
  running in the background
  waiting for
    and RAII idiom
thread function
  passing arguments
    avoiding undefined behavior
    by reference
    type of arguments
  using a member function
  using std::ref for arguments
thread pool2nd
  and exception safety
  cache locality
  choosing a task size
  dynamic sizing
  fixed size
  potential for deadlock
  queue contention
  running tasks while waiting
  simple example
  stealing tasks from other worker threads
  task size
  tasks vs. threads
  uneven work distribution
  vs. std::async
  waiting for tasks with std::future
  work queue
  work stealing
  worker threads
  wrapping tasks in std::packaged_task
thread_guard example
thread_local keyword
  example usage
  use for interrupting threads
  use for per-thread work queues
  dividing work
  hardware, number of
  number of, choosing
thread-safe queue
  clocks, standard-provided clocks
  example interface
  initial sample implementation
  using condition variables
    push() member function
    wait_and_pop() member function
thread-safe stack, example
thread-safe, defined
time facilities
  <chrono> header
    adjustment during duration-based waits
    is_steady member
    now() member function
    period member
    shared epochs
    steady clocks
    tick period
    time_point member
    duration arithmetic
    duration-based waits
    explicit conversions
    implicit conversions
    predefined typedefs
  steady clocks
  table of functions which accept timeouts
  time points
    and absolute timeouts
  conversion from
  conversion to
  function suffixes


undefined behavior2nd
  access after destruction
  from dangling pointers
  from data race
  recursive locking of nonrecursive mutex


variadic templates
  and partial specialization, pattern matching
  and std::packaged_task
  and std::thread
  pack expansion
    and function parameters
    expanding a pattern
  parameter packs
    function parameters


wait-free data structures
  and robustness
waiting for an event
  by polling
  by sleeping and polling
  multiple waiting threads
  one-off events
  with condition variables
  with futures
worker threads, introduced

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