Chapter 4. On scalars

It requires a very unusual mind to undertake the analysis of the obvious.

Alfred North Whitehead



So far, we’ve covered a somewhat eclectic mix of theoretical and practical concerns. This brings us now to a point where we can dive deeper into a fundamental topic: how Clojure deals with scalar values, including numeric, symbolic, and regular expression values, and how they behave as data and sometimes as code.

A scalar data type is one that can only hold one value at a time of a number, symbol, keyword, string, or character. Most of the use cases for Clojure’s scalar data types will be familiar to you. But there are some nuances that should be observed. Clojure’s scalar data types exist in an interesting conceptual space. Because of its symbiotic nature, some of the scalar type behaviors walk a conceptual line between pure Clojure semantics and host semantics. This chapter provides a rundown of some of the idiomatic uses of Clojure’s scalar data types as well as some pitfalls that you might encounter. In most cases, Clojure will shield you from the quirks of its host, but there are times when they’ll demand attention. Clojure’s scalar types have the potential to act like Sybil—sweet and kind one moment, vicious and vile the next—requiring some thought to handle properly. We’ll also talk about this duality and address its limitations and possible mitigation techniques. Additionally, we’ll address the age-old topic of Lisp-1 versus Lisp-2 implementations and how Clojure approaches the matter. Finally, we’ll talk briefly about Clojure’s regular expression literals and how they’re typically used.

We’ll first cover matters of numerical precision and how the Java Virtual Machine works to thwart your attempts at mathematical nirvana.

4.1. Understanding precision

Numbers in Clojure are by default as precise[1] as they need to be. Given enough memory, you could store the value of Pi accurately up to a billion places and beyond; in practice, values that large are rarely needed. But it’s sometimes important to provide perfect accuracy at less-precise values. When dealing with raw Clojure functions and forms, it’s a trivial matter to ensure such accuracy; it’s handled automatically. Because Clojure encourages interoperability with its host platform, the matter of accuracy becomes less than certain. This section will talk about real matters of precision related to Clojure’s support for the Java Virtual Machine. As it pertains to programming languages,[2] numerical precision is proportional to the mechanisms used for storing numerical representations. The Java language specification describes the internal representation of its primitive types thus limiting their precision. Depending on the class of application specialization, a programmer could go an entire career and never be affected by Java’s precision limitations. But many industries require perfect accuracy of arbitrarily precise computations, and it’s here that Clojure can provide a great boon; but with this power come some pointy edges, as we’ll discuss shortly.

1 In a future version of Clojure, this arbitrary precision won’t be the default, but will require explicit flagging (with the aforementioned M for decimal numbers and N for longs). Additionally, overflow of primitive numbers will always signal an exception.

2 As opposed to arithmetic precision.

4.1.1. Truncation

Truncation refers to the limiting of accuracy for a floating-point number based on a deficiency in the corresponding representation. When a number is truncated, its precision is limited such that the maximum number of digits of accuracy is bound by the number of bits that can “fit” into the storage space allowed by its representation. For floating-point values, Clojure truncates by default. Therefore, if high precision is required for your floating-point operations, then explicit typing is required, as seen with the use of the M literal in the following:

(let [imadeuapi 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937M]
  (println (class imadeuapi))
; java.math.BigDecimal
;=> 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937M

(let [butieatedit 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937]
  (println (class butieatedit))
; java.lang.Double
;=> 3.141592653589793

As we show, the local butieatedit is truncated because the default Java double type is insufficient. On the other hand, imadeuapi uses Clojure’s literal notation, a suffix character M, to declare a value as requiring arbitrary decimal representation. This is one possible way to mitigate truncation for a immensely large range of values, but as we’ll explore in section 4.2, it’s not a guarantee of perfect precision.

4.1.2. Promotion

Clojure is able to detect when overflow occurs, and will promote the value to a numerical representation that can accommodate larger values. In many cases, promotion results in the usage of a pair of classes used to hold exceptionally large values. This promotion within Clojure is automatic, as the primary focus is first correctness of numerical values, then raw speed. It’s important to remember that this promotion will occur, as shown in the following listing, and your code should accommodate[3] this certainty.

3 In the example, it’s important to realize that the actual class of the value is changing, so any functions or methods reliant on specific types might not work as expected.

Listing 4.1. Automatic promotion in Clojure
(def clueless 9)
(class clueless)
;=> java.lang.Integer

(class (+ clueless 9000000000000000))
;=> java.lang.Long

(class (+ clueless 90000000000000000000))
;=> java.math.BigInteger

(class (+ clueless 9.0))
;=> java.lang.Double

Java itself has a bevy of contexts under which automatic type conversion will occur, so we advise you to familiarize yourself with those (Lindholm 1999) when dealing with Java native libraries.

4.1.3. Overflow

Integer and long values in Java are subject to overflow errors. When an integer calculation results in a value that’s larger than 32 bits of representation will allow, the bits of storage will “wrap” around. When you’re operating in Clojure, overflow won’t be an issue for most cases, thanks to promotion. But when dealing with numeric operations on primitive types, overflow can occur. Fortunately in these instances an exception will occur rather than propagating inaccuracies:

(+ Integer/MAX_VALUE Integer/MAX_VALUE)
;=> java.lang.ArithmeticException: integer overflow

Clojure provides a class of unchecked integer and long mathematical operations that assume that their arguments are primitive types. These unchecked operations will overflow if given excessively large values:

(unchecked-add (Integer/MAX_VALUE) (Integer/MAX_VALUE))
;=> -2

You should take care with unchecked operations, because there’s no way to detect overflowing values and no reliable way to return from them. Use the unchecked functions only when overflow is desired.

4.1.4. Underflow

Underflow is the inverse of overflow, where a number is so small that its value collapses into zero. Simple examples of underflow for float and doubles can be demonstrated:

(float 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001)
;=> 0.0

;=> 0.0

Underflow presents a danger similar to overflow, except that it occurs only with floating-point numbers.

4.1.5. Rounding errors

When the representation of a floating-point value isn’t sufficient for storing its actual value, then rounding errors will occur (Goldberg 1994). Rounding errors are an especially insidious numerical inaccuracy, as they have a habit of propagating throughout a computation and/or build over time, leading to difficulties in debugging. There’s a famous case involving the failure of a Patriot missile caused by a rounding error, resulting in the death of 28 U.S. soldiers in the first Gulf War (Skeel 1992). This occurred due to a rounding error in the representation of a count register’s update interval. The timer register was meant to update once every 0.1 seconds, but because the hardware couldn’t represent 0.1 directly, an approximation was used instead. Tragically, the approximation used was subject to rounding error. Therefore, over the course of 100 hours, the rounding accumulated into a timing error of approximately 0.34 seconds.

Listing 4.2. Illustrating the Patriot missile tragedy

In the case of the Patriot missile, the deviation of 0.34 seconds was enough to cause a catastrophic software error, resulting in its ineffectiveness. When human lives are at stake, the inaccuracies wrought from rounding errors are unacceptable. For the most part, Clojure will be able to maintain arithmetic accuracies within a certain range, but you shouldn’t take for granted that such will be the case when interacting with Java libraries.

One way to contribute to rounding errors is to introduce doubles and floats into an operation. In Clojure, any computation involving even a single double will result in a value that’s a double:

(+ 0.1M 0.1M 0.1M 0.1 0.1M 0.1M 0.1M 0.1M 0.1M 0.1M)
;=> 0.9999999999999999

Can you spot the double?

This discussion was Java-centric, but Clojure’s ultimate goal is to be platform-agnostic, and the problem of numerical consistency across platforms is a nontrivial matter. It’s still unknown whether the preceding points will be universal across host platforms, so please bear in mind that they should be reexamined when using Clojure outside the context of the JVM. Now that we’ve identified the root issues when dealing with numbers in Clojure, we’ll dive into a successful mitigation technique for dealing with them—rationals.

4.2. Trying to be rational

Clojure provides a data type representing a rational number, and all of its core mathematical functions operate with rational numbers. Clojure’s rationals allow for arbitrarily large numerators and denominators. We won’t go into depth about the limitations of floating-point operations, but the problem can be summarized simply. Given a finite representation of an infinitely large set, a determination must be made which finite subset is represented. In the case of standard floating-point numbers as representations of real numbers, the distribution of represented numbers is logarithmic (Kuki 1973) and not one-for-one. What does this mean in practice? It means that requiring more accuracy in your floating-point operations increases the probability that the corresponding representation won’t be available. In these circumstances, you’ll have to settle for approximations. But Clojure’s rational number type provides a way to retain perfect accuracy when needed.

4.2.1. Why be rational?

Of course, Clojure provides a decimal type that’s boundless relative to your computer memory, so why wouldn’t you just use those? In short, you can, but decimal operations can be easily corrupted, especially when working with existing Java libraries (Kahan 1998) taking and returning primitive types. Additionally, in the case of Java, its underlying BigDecimal class is finite in that it uses a 32-bit integer to represent the number of digits to the right of the decimal place. This can represent an extremely large range of values perfectly, but it’s still subject to error:

;=> 1.0E-430000000M

;=> java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.NumberFormatException

Even if you manage to ensure that your BigDecimal values are free from floating-point corruption, you can never protect them from themselves. At some point or another, a floating-point calculation will encounter a number such as 2/3 that will always require rounding, leading to subtle, yet propagating errors. Finally, floating-point arithmetic is neither associative nor distributive, which may lead to the shocking results shown in this listing.

Listing 4.3. Floating-point arithmetic isn’t associative or distributive.

Therefore, for absolutely precise calculations, rationals are the best choice.[4]

4 In the case of irrational numbers like Pi, all bets are off.

4.2.2. How to be rational

Aside from the rational data type, Clojure provides functions that can help to maintain your sanity: ratio?, rational?, and rationalize. Additionally, taking apart rationals is also a trivial matter.

The best way to ensure that your calculations remain as accurate as possible is to ensure that they’re all done using rational numbers. As shown in the following listing, the shocking results from using floating-point numbers have been eliminated.

Listing 4.4. Being rational preserves associativity and distributive natures.

To ensure that your numbers remain rational, you can use rational? to check whether a given number is one and then use rationalize to convert it to one. There are a few rules of thumb to remember if you want to maintain perfect accuracy in your computations:

  1. Never use Java math libraries unless they return results of BigDecimal, and even then be suspicious.
  2. Don’t rationalize values that are Java float or double primitives.
  3. If you must write your own high-precision calculations, do so with rationals.
  4. Only convert to a floating-point representation as a last resort.

Finally, you can extract the constituent parts of a rational using the numerator and denominator functions:

(numerator (/ 123 10))
;=> 123
(denominator (/ 123 10))
;=> 10

You might never need perfect accuracy in your calculations. When you do, Clojure provides tools for maintaining sanity, but the responsibility to maintain rigor lies with you.

4.2.3. Caveats of rationality

Like any tool, Clojure’s rational type is a double-edged sword. The calculation of rational math, though accurate, isn’t nearly as fast as with floats or doubles. Each operation in rational math has an overhead cost (such as finding the least common denominator) that should be accounted for. It does you no good to use rational operations if speed is a primary concern above accuracy.

That covers the numerical scalars, so we’ll move on to two data types that you may not be familiar with unless you happen to come from a background in the Lisp family of languages: keywords and symbols.

4.3. When to use keywords

The purpose of Clojure keywords, or symbolic identifiers, can sometimes lead to confusion for first-time Clojure programmers, because their analogue isn’t often found[5] in other languages. This section will attempt to alleviate the confusion and provide some tips for how keywords are typically used.

5 Ruby has a symbol type that acts, looks, and is used similarly to Clojure keywords.

4.3.1. How are keywords different from symbols?

Keywords always refer to themselves. What this means is that the keyword :magma always has the value :magma, whereas the symbol ruins may refer to any legal Clojure value or reference.

As Keys

Because keywords are self-evaluating and provide fast equality checks, they’re almost always used in the context of map keys. An equally important reason to use keywords as map keys is that they can be used as functions, taking a map as an argument, to perform value lookups:

(def population {:zombies 2700, :humans 9})

(:zombies population)
;=> 2700

(println (/ (:zombies population)
            (:humans population))
         "zombies per capita")
; 300 zombies per capita

This leads to much more concise code.

As Enumerations

Often, Clojure code will use keywords as enumeration values, such as :small, :medium, and :large. This provides a nice visual delineation within the source code.

As Multimethod Dispatch Values

Because keywords are used often as enumerations, they’re ideal candidates for dispatch values for multimethods, which we’ll explore in more detail in section 9.1.

As Directives

Another common use for keywords is to provide a directive to a function, multi-method, or macro. A simple way to illustrate this is to imagine a simple function pour, shown in listing 4.5, that takes two numbers and returns a lazy sequence of the range of those numbers. But there’s also a mode for this function that takes a keyword :toujours, which will instead return an infinite lazy range starting with the first number and continuing “forever.”

Listing 4.5. Using a keyword as a function directive
(defn pour [lb ub]
    (= ub :toujours) (iterate inc lb)
    :else (range lb ub)))

(pour 1 10)
;=> (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)

(pour 1 :toujours)
; ... runs forever

An illustrative bonus with pour is that the macro cond itself uses a directive :else to mark the default conditional case. In this case, cond uses the fact that the keyword :else is truthy; any keyword (or truthy value) would’ve worked just as well.

4.3.2. Qualifying your keywords

Keywords don’t belong to any specific namespace, although they may appear to if namespace qualification is used:

;=> :user/not-in-ns

The prefix portion of the keyword marked as :user/ only looks like it’s denoting an owning namespace; in fact, it’s a prefix gathered from the current namespace by the Clojure reader. Observe the use of arbitrary prefixing:

(ns another)
;=> :user/in-another

;=> :haunted/name

In the first case, we created a namespace another and created a keyword :user/in-another that appears to belong to the user namespace, but in fact is prefixed. In the second example, we created a keyword :haunted/name showing that the prefix doesn’t have to belong to a namespace at all, given that one named haunted certainly doesn’t exist. But the fact that keywords aren’t members of any given namespace doesn’t mean that namespace-qualifying them is pointless. Instead, it’s often more clear to do so, especially when a namespace aggregates a specific functionality and its keywords are meaningful in that context.


Separating the plumbing from the domain

Within a namespace named crypto, the keywords ::rsa and ::blowfish make sense as being namespace-qualified. Likewise, should we create a namespace aquarium, then using ::blowfish within is contextually meaningful. Likewise, when adding metadata to structures, you should consider using qualified keywords as keys and directives if their intention is domain-oriented. Observe the following code:

(defn do-blowfish [directive]
  (case directive
    :aquarium/blowfish (println "feed the fish")
    :crypto/blowfish   (println "encode the message")
    :blowfish          (println "not sure what to do")))
(ns crypto)
(user/do-blowfish :blowfish)
; not sure what to do

(user/do-blowfish ::blowfish)
; encode the message
(ns aquarium)
(user/do-blowfish :blowfish)
; not sure what to do
(user/do-blowfish ::blowfish)
; feed the fish

When switching to different namespaces using ns, you can use the namespace-qualified keyword syntax to ensure that the correct domain-specific code path is executed.


Namespace qualification is especially important when you’re creating ad-hoc hierarchies and defining multimethods, both discussed in section 9.2.

4.4. Symbolic resolution

In the previous section, we covered the differences between symbols and keywords. Whereas keywords were fairly straightforward, symbols abide by a slightly more complicated system for lookup resolution.

Symbols in Clojure are roughly analogous to identifiers in many other languages—words that refer to other things. In a nutshell, symbols are primarily used to provide a name for a given value. But in Clojure, symbols can also be referred to directly, by using the symbol or quote function or the ' special operator. Symbols tend to be discrete entities from one lexical contour to another, and often even within a single contour. Unlike keywords, symbols aren’t unique based solely on name alone, as you can see in the following:

(identical? 'goat 'goat)
;=> false

The reason identical? returns false in this example is because each goat symbol is a discrete object that only happens to share a name and therefore a symbolic representation. But that name is the basis for symbol equality:

(= 'goat 'goat)
;=> true

(name 'goat)

The identical? function in Clojure only ever returns true when the symbols are in fact the same object:

(let [x 'goat y x] (identical? x y))
;=> true

In the preceding example, x is also a symbol, but when evaluated in the (identical? x x) form it returns the symbol goat, which is actually being stored on the runtime call stack. The question arises: why not make two identically named symbols the same object? The answer lies in metadata, which we discuss next.

4.4.1. Metadata

Clojure allows the attachment of metadata to various objects, but for now we’ll focus on attaching metadata to symbols. The with-meta function takes an object and a map and returns another object of the same type with the metadata attached. The reason why equally named symbols are often not the same instance is because each can have its own unique metadata:

(let [x (with-meta 'goat {:ornery true})
      y (with-meta 'goat {:ornery false})]
  [(= x y)
   (identical? x y)
   (meta x)
   (meta y)])

;=> [true false {:ornery true} {:ornery false}]

The two locals x and y both hold an equal symbol 'goat, but they’re different instances, each containing separate metadata maps obtained with the meta function. The implications of this are that symbol equality isn’t dependent on metadata or identity. This equality semantic isn’t limited to symbols, but is pervasive in Clojure, as we’ll demonstrate throughout this book. You’ll find that keywords can’t hold metadata[6] because any equally named keyword is the same object.

6 Java class instances, including strings, can’t hold metadata either.

4.4.2. Symbols and namespaces

Like keywords, symbols don’t belong to any specific namespace. Take, for example, the following code:

(ns where-is)
(def a-symbol 'where-am-i)

;=> where-am-i

(resolve 'a-symbol)
;=> #'where-is/a-symbol

;=> where-is/a-symbol

The initial evaluation of a-symbol shows the expected value where-am-i. But attempting to resolve the symbol using resolve and using syntax-quote returns what looks like (as printed at the REPL) a namespace-qualified symbol. This is because a symbol’s qualification is a characteristic of evaluation and not inherent in the symbol at all. This also applies to symbols qualified with class names. This evaluation behavior will prove beneficial when we discuss macros in chapter 8, but for now we can summarize the overarching idea known as Lisp-1 (Gabriel 2001).

4.4.3. Lisp-1

Clojure is what’s known as a Lisp-1, which in simple terms means it uses the same name resolution for function and value bindings. In a Lisp-2 programming language like Common Lisp, these name resolutions are performed differently depending on the context of the symbol, be it in a function call position or a function argument position. There are many arguments for and against both Lisp-1 and Lisp-2, but against Lisp-1 one downside bears consideration. Because the same name-resolution scheme is used for functions and their arguments, there’s a real possibility of shadowing existing functions with other locals or Vars. Name shadowing isn’t necessarily non-idiomatic if done thoughtfully, but if done accidentally it can lead to some unexpected and obscure errors. You should take care when naming locals and defining new functions so that name-shadowing complications can be avoided.

Though name-shadowing errors tend to be rare, the benefit in a simplified mechanism for calling and passing first-class functions far outweighs the negative. Clojure’s adoption of a Lisp-1 resolution scheme makes for cleaner implementations and therefore highlights the solution rather than muddying the waters with the nuances of symbolic lookup. For example, the best function highlights this perfectly in the way that it takes the greater-than function > and calls it within its body as f:

(defn best [f xs]
  (reduce #(if (f % %2) % %2) xs))

(best > [1 3 4 2 7 5 3])
;=> 7

A similar function body using a Lisp-2 language would require the intervention of another function (in this case funcall) responsible for invoking the function explicitly. Likewise, passing any function would require the use of a qualifying tag marking it as a function object, as seen here:

(defun best (f xs)
  (reduce #'(lambda (l r)
              (if (funcall f l r) l r))

(best #'> '(1 3 4 2 7 5 3))
;=> 7

This section isn’t intended to champion the cause of Lisp-1 over Lisp-2, only to highlight the differences between the two. Many of the design decisions in Clojure provide succinctness in implementation, and Lisp-1 is no exception. The preference for Lisp-1 versus Lisp-2 typically boils down to matters of style and taste; by all practical measures, they’re equivalent.

Having covered the two symbolic scalar types, we now move into a type that you’re (for better or worse) likely familiar with: the regular expression.

4.5. Regular expressions—the second problem

Some people, when confronted with a problem, think “I know, I’ll use regular expressions.” Now they have two problems.

Jamie Zawinski

Regular expressions are a powerful and compact way to find specific patterns in text strings. Though we sympathize with Zawinski’s attitude and appreciate his wit, sometimes regular expressions are a useful tool to have on hand. Although the full capabilities of regular expressions (or regexes) are well beyond the scope of this section (Friedl 1997), we’ll look at some of the ways Clojure leverages Java’s regex capabilities.

Java’s regular expression engine is reasonably powerful, supporting Unicode and features such as reluctant quantifiers and “look-around” clauses. Clojure doesn’t try to reinvent the wheel and instead provides special syntax for literal Java regex patterns plus a few functions to help Java’s regex capabilities fit better with the rest of Clojure.

4.5.1. Syntax

A literal regular expression in Clojure looks like this:

#"an example pattern"

This produces[7] a compiled regex object that can be used either directly with Java interop method calls or with any of the Clojure regex functions described later:

7 Literal regex patterns are compiled to java.util.regex.Pattern instances at read-time. This means, for example, if you use a literal regex in a loop, it’s not recompiled each time through the loop, but just once when the surrounding code is compiled.

(class #"example")
;=> java.util.regex.Pattern

Though the pattern is surrounded with double quotes like string literals, the way things are escaped within the quotes isn’t the same. This difference is easiest to see in patterns that use backslash-delimited character classes. When compiled as a regex, a string "\d" will match a single digit and is identical to a literal regex without the double backslash. Note that Clojure will even print the pattern back out using the literal syntax:

(java.util.regex.Pattern/compile "\d")
;=> #"d"

In short, the only rules you need to know for embedding unusual literal characters or predefined character classes are listed in the javadoc for Pattern.[8]

8 See the online reference at

Regular expressions accept option flags, shown in table 4.1, that can make a pattern case-insensitive or enable multiline mode, and Clojure’s regex literals starting with (?<flag>) set the mode for the rest of the pattern.

Table 4.1. Regex flags: these are the flags that can be used within Clojure regular expression patterns, their long name, and a description of what they do. See Java’s documentation for the java.util. regex.Pattern class for more details.


Flag name


d UNIX_LINES ., ^, and $ match only the Unix line terminator ' '.
i CASE_INSENSITIVE ASCII characters are matched without regard to upper or lower case.
x COMMENTS Whitespace and comments in the pattern are ignored.
m MULTILINE ^ and $ match near line terminators instead of only at the beginning or end of the entire input string.
s DOTALL . matches any character including the line terminator.
u UNICODE_CASE Causes the i flag to use Unicode case insensitivity instead of ASCII.

For example, the pattern #"(?i)yo" would match the strings “yo”, “yO”, “Yo”, and “YO”.

4.5.2. Functions

Java’s regex Pattern object has several methods that can be used directly, but only split is used regularly to split a string into an array[9] of Strings, breaking the original where the pattern matches:

9 Java arrays don’t print very pleasantly at the Clojure REPL, so we used seq in this example so you can see the Strings inside.

(seq (.split #"," "one,two,three"))
;=> ("one" "two" "three")

The re-seq function is Clojure’s regex workhorse. It returns a lazy seq of all matches in a string, which means it can be used to efficiently test whether a string matches at all or to find all matches in a string or a mapped file:

(re-seq #"w+" "one-two/three")
;=> ("one" "two" "three")

The preceding regular expression has no capturing groups, so each match in the returned seq is simply a string. A capturing group in the regex causes each returned item to be a vector:

(re-seq #"w*(w)" "one-two/three")
;=> (["one" "e"] ["two" "o"] ["three" "e"])

So where .split returns the text between regex matches, re-seq returns the matches themselves.[10] Now that we’ve looked at some nice functions you can use, we’ll talk about one object you shouldn’t.

10 If you want both at the same time, you may want to look at the partition function in the clojure-contrib library, found in the clojure.contrib.string namespace.

4.5.3. Beware of mutable matchers

Java’s regular expression engine includes a Matcher object that mutates in a non-thread-safe way as it walks through a string finding matches. This object is exposed by Clojure via the re-matcher function and can be used as an argument to re-groups and the single-parameter form of re-find. We highly recommend avoiding all of these unless you’re certain you know what you’re doing. These dangerous functions are used internally by the implementations of some of the recommended functions described earlier, but in each case they’re careful to disallow access to the Matcher object they use. Use Matchers at your own risk, or better yet don’t use them directly[11] at all.

11 The clojure.contrib.string namespace has a bevy of functions useful for leveraging regular expressions.

4.6. Summary

Clojure’s scalar types generally work as expected, but its numerical types have a potential for frustration in certain situations. Though you may rarely encounter issues with numerical precision, keeping in mind the circumstances under which they occur might prove useful in the future. Given its inherent arbitrary-precision big decimal and rational numerics, Clojure provides the tools for perfectly accurate calculations. Keywords in Clojure serve many purposes and are ubiquitous in idiomatic code. When dealing directly with symbols, Clojure’s nature as a Lisp-1 defines the nature of how symbolic resolution occurs. Finally, Clojure provides regular expressions as first-class data types, and their usage is encouraged where appropriate.

As you might’ve speculated, this chapter was nice and short due to the relative simplicity of scalar types. In the following chapter, we’ll step it up a notch or 10 when covering Clojure’s composite data types. Though scalars are interesting and deeper than expected, the next chapter will start you on your way to understanding Clojure’s true goal: providing a sane approach to application state.

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