

accountability, 48, 50, 122

action plans, 146, 220–228

additional resources and miscellaneous links, 261

administrative assistants, 105

AdRoll (, 259

algorithms, 109, 211

Allen, David, 17–18

Amazon (, 224–225, 230–231, 262

analytics, 109, 208

Animoto (, 173, 260

app developers, 36–37, 112–114, 161, 175–177

app development tools, 261

articles, 97, 115

Asana (, 117, 120, 250, 257

Asian VAs, 249

asking for help, 69

assets, 28, 59, 102, 159–160

Association of Administrative Assistants (, 105

assumptions, 65–69

Audacity (, 260

audio recordings, 77–78, 82

audio/video editors, 161

authority figures, 59

Aweber (, 259


Babelverse (, 258

bad hires, 54, 55

Basecamp (, 55, 107, 117, 119–120, 250, 257

B2B (business-to-business) Philosophy, 213

B2C (business-to-consumer) Philosophy, 213

Beaumont, Dale, 101

BecomeABlogger (, 262

being remembered, importance of, 218

benchmarks, 6, 95, 98–100, 117, 182, 191

benefits, 129–130, 181

best practices when training workers, 84–86

Beuckens, Todd, 38–42

bidding, 165

BlogMarketingAcademy (, 262

blogs. see also specific blogs

      3 Lists to Freedom and, 20

      analytics of, 17

      content creation of, 207, 213–214, 221

      GVAs and, 19

      posting to, 85

      revolving tasks, 115

Bluehost (, 261

bonuses, 130–132, 182, 248

boundaries, 69

BPO (business-process outsourcing), 244

branding, 80, 182, 213, 262

BreakthroughBlogging (, 259

Breakthrough4Business (, 101–103

BuddyPress (, 188, 261

burnout, 3–4

business cards, 19

business growth, 22


calendars, 17, 19, 115, 117, 120, 122, 182

Campbell, Anita, 65

Camtasia (, 79, 82, 83, 256

career issues, 201

Case Studies

      Fiona Lewis, E-Commerce Business Owner, 144–148

      Joshua Van Den Broek, Principal Exercise Physiologist, 214–217

      Kyle Zimmerman, Fashion Photographer Turned Studio Owner, 80–84

      Nate Ginsburg, Digital Nomad, 178–181

      Paul Holland, Online Entrepreneur, 153–156

      Steve Dixon, Serial Entrepreneur, 101–103

      Todd Beuckens, Online Teacher, 38–42

      Tom Libelt, Online Service Provider, 52–55

      Tristan King, Location-Independent Entrepreneur, 70–73

challenges, 69, 86–87, 234

check-in points, 69, 95, 98–99

checklists, 205, 225

chief growth officer (CGO), 190–191

“Chief Happiness Officer,” 230, 7

clerical work, 37

Clickonomics (, 27

common sense, 68


      clarity of, 54–55, 216–217

      constant, 71–72

      daily reporting and accountability, 48

      ease of, 113

      face-to-face, 46

      lack of proper, 162, 249–250

      open line of, 109

      proper, 26

      respect and, 14

      salary and, 128–129

      tools of, 257

      written instructions, 75–77

company goals, 181–183

compensation, 48, 50, 61, 246–248

competition, 17

confidentiality, 60–62

confrontation, 150

consistency, 203–208

contacts, new, 19

content creation, 200–201, 203–212, 218, 219, 221–224

“content is king,” 211

content writers, 33–34, 110–111, 135–136, 161, 170–172

contracts, 60–62

copy editors, 110, 139

copywriters, 135–136

corporate branding, 213

courses, 71, 105, 201, 256

Craigslist (, 43, 162, 193, 219, 255

creative skills, 203–208

credit cards, 19, 61

CRM (customer relationship Management) content, 61

Croslow, Jared, 27–28

cultural differences, 8, 137, 140, 248–249

customer relationships, 139, 213

customer service, 72, 143

customer support, 133–134, 140–141


Daniel, Joe, 188–189

deadlines, 82, 196

DeMarco, MJ, 80

Design Cubicle (, 108

99designs (, 108

differences, respect for, 249

Digg (, 259

digital nomads, 178–181

direction, 96

discounts, 86

Dixon, Steve, 101–103

Dixon Clothing Group, 101–103

Docstoc (, 259

document sharing, 257

domestic workers, 134–137, 139, 154, 171, 193, 245

downsizing, 193

Dropbox (

      minimizing your need for, 119–120

      reporting and accountability and, 48

      tools and resources, 41–42, 83, 106, 180–181, 257

Dumas, John Lee, 90


eaHELP (, 136, 255

e-books, 223

e-commerce stores, 70

eHarmony, 19

Elance (, 43, 99, 107, 159, 164, 255

Elllo (, 38–42


      author’s, 236

      collaboration via, 184

      filtering, 115

      interviews and, 60

      reporting and accountability, 48

      tasks you don’t like doing, 20

      as a tool, 104

      using all caps in, 150

      written instructions and, 75–77

empire-building, 16

Entrepreneur magazine, 105, 109–110

Entrepreneur On Fire, 90

EntrepreneurOnFire (, 262

environment, 251

equations, 88–90

evaluations, 128

EventualMillionaire (, 262

evergreen content, 210–211

Evernote (, 111, 258

examples, 95, 97, 165

expectations, 65

experiences, 86, 203

expertise, 65, 87



      General Virtual Assistants (GVAs) and, 19, 67

      marketing and, 230–231

      network for your virtual team and, 186–188

      referrals and, 206–208

      revolving tasks, 115

      team-building tools and, 260

face-to-face meetings, 146, 183–186

FAQs, 85, 87

feedback, 72

Ferriss, Tim, 63

Filipino VAs, 133–134, 137, 141–143, 148–152

financial questions, 200–201

finding and hiring, 13–62, 255–256

firing yourself, 4–6

Fitco Health Technologies (, 214–217

Fiverr (, 44, 219, 258

Fizzle (, 259

Flynn, Pat, 4, 91–92

fonts, 108, 188–189

free products, 248

freedom, 95, 99–101

Freedom Spotlight

      Jared Croslow, 27–28

      Joe Daniel, 188–189

      Justin Fulcher, 125–126

      Natalie Sisson, 229–230

      Pat Flynn, 91–92

Freelancer (, 44, 255

freelancer marketplace sites, 44–45

freelancers, 26, 41, 81–83

FreshBooks (, 72, 261

Fulcher, Justin, 125–126

full-time workers, 163–176

functional expertise, 65

fundamentals, 14–15, 233

future growth, 252


GarageBand (, 260

Garland, David Siteman, 22

General Virtual Assistants (GVAs), 16–19, 29–30, 103–106, 161, 162–164, 192, 195, 234–236

Generation Y, 143

Getting Things Done (Allen), 17–18

gifts, 152

“gig economy,” 193

Ginsburg, Nate, 178–181

goals, 6, 89–90, 115, 181–183

good hires, 57

Google, 168, 211

      AdSense, 38, 52

      AdWords, 180, 259

      algorithms, 109

      Analytics, 208

      Drive, 48, 104, 106, 117, 119, 147, 172, 257

      Google+, 115, 187, 260

      Hangouts, 46, 60, 106, 146, 147, 184, 257

      Images, 112

      Keyword Tool, 259

      Sites, 147, 217, 257

      Trends, 259

GoToMeeting (, 184, 257

graphic designers, 31, 107–108, 161, 166–168

graphics tools, 261, 108

GroupMe (, 257

growth, 57, 86, 180, 252, 44


hardware, 49

health insurance, 129–130

health issues, 200

help, asking for, 69

hierarchy, 196

HireMyMom (, 256


      finding and, 13–62, 255–256

      guides to, 107, 162, 164–165, 166–167, 171

      for the role, 233

      salary guidelines and, 129

HiveDesk (, 117, 121, 257

holidays, 128–129, 150–152

Holland, Paul, 153–156

home offices, 105

honesty, 115, 143, 197

The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich (Ferriss), 63

Howes, Lewis, 177

HTML color codes, 108

Hubspot (, 107

Huddle (, 257

human interaction, 183–186

Hyatt, Michael, 9


iBuildApp (, 261

IconArchive (, 108, 261

IconBeast (, 113–114, 261

IFTTT Cheat Sheet, 85–86

image libraries, 108, 261

Inc. magazine, 107

incentives, 130–132

independents, 81

infographics, 166–167

innovation, 2

Instagram (, 260

insurance, health, 129–130

interaction between virtual

assistants, 160–168

interviews, 54, 55–60, 129, 169, 193–195

introductions, 184

iStock (, 108, 261

J, 213–214, 262

      Jing (, 55, 79, 103, 156, 256

job descriptions, 47–51, 61

job titles, 47, 50

job-by-job basis, 81–82

job-posting sites, 43–44, 47, 60

“just in time” model, 27


key loggers, 241–242

keywords, 108–109, 115, 169, 170

Kinda IT, 125–126

King, Tristan, 70–73

KPO (knowledge-process outsourcing), 244

Kyle Zimmerman Photography, 80–84


LastPass (, 61, 258

lawyers, 60

LeadPages (, 259

learning from your virtual assistants, 180

legal action, 60–61

Lewis, Fiona, 144–148, 262

Libelt, Tom, 52–55

Libelty SEO (, 52–55

“Life is art” slogan, 80

LinkedIn (, 115, 187, 260

Live2Sell, Inc., 3–4

local businesses, 205–206

local events, 17

local workers. See domestic workers

location, choosing the wrong, 244

Location Rebel(, 71

Long Tail Pro (, 110, 259

loyalty, 59, 182–183

Lynda (, 71, 256


Market Samurai (, 110, 259


      “gurus,” 247

      Lewis Howes and, 177

      Nate Ginsburg and, 179

      ongoing, 219, 227–228

      online, 21

      proofreading and, 171

      strategies, 169

      tools, 259–260

Mashable (, 113

Match (, 19

MeetingBurner (, 257

meetings, 115, 184

Mentoring Mums Online, 144

mentorship, 144, 203, 262

micromanagement, 4–5, 94–95, 100, 125, 237, 241–243

Microtask (, 258

milestones, 120, 234 The Millionaire Fastlane (DeMarco), 80

Mind Tools (, 105, 256

Mindjet (, 154, 156, 257

mismanagement, 239–244

mistakes, 72, 93–94, 243

mobile app developers. See app developers

mobile app development tools, 261

MobileDevHQ (, 113, 261

mockups, 72

money, 18, 139, 152, 196

most valuable commodity (MVC), 18

motivation, 122, 126–132, 139

MumPreneurs Online: Exposed (Lewis), 144, 144

music, 97, 112, 215


NDAs (Nondisclosure Agreements), 62

needs of virtual assistants, 244–245

The New York Times, 63, 7

ninety-day action plans, 146

99Designs (, 258

Ning (, 187, 260


objectives, 95–96, 98–99

oDesk (, 43, 99, 159, 164, 178, 180, 256

office requirements, 8, 105

Ogle, Sean, 71

online stores, 205–206

Onset LLC (, 178–181

operational guidelines document, 88, 196, 250

order fulfillment, 84

organizations, roles in, 25

outdated material, 211–212


      agencies, 146

      companies for, 42–43

      cost-saving benefits of, 8

      Fiona Lewis and, 145

      following the wrong model for, 245–246

      one-off solutions, 258

      Paul Holland and, 153–154

      training system for, 24–26

      why it may not be for you, 138–140

      your understanding and, 253–254

overseas workers, 8, 133–134, 171


Parker, Peter, 1

part-time workers, 163, 174

payments, 130, 150, 258–259

PayPal (, 61, 130, 259

payroll, 104, 126–132

personal assistants (PA), 18

personality, 57, 192

Philippines, workers from. See Filipino VAs

Pinterest (, 260

plagiarism, 111, 259

Plagiarism Checker (, 111, 259

Plato, 4

plugins, 106

podcasts, 7, 260–261

Porterfield, Amy, 230–231

portfolios, 166

potential, 57

power, responsibility and, 1–2

PowerPoint, 71

P2P (People-to-People) Philosophy, 212–214, 218, 219

prejudice, 251

press, 17, 207

pricing, 86

priorities, 89, 90

privacy, 120

production, process to, 95–101

productivity, 16–17, 184, 258

profanity, 86

professional videos, 207

professionals, 22

progress, 95

project management, 107, 117–121, 118–121, 194

project-management software, 118–121, 154, 250, 256–257

project managers, 189–197

project-based outsourcing, 25, 43–44, 107, 166

projects, 96, 117–118

promotions, 219, 225–227, 252

publication, 221–224

purchasing, 19, 84, 86


quality of work, 14, 233

quarterly tasks, 49

questionnaires, 73–74

questions, 122, 123, 139

Quick-start SEO, 109–110


raises, 248

rapport, 58–59, 78, 129, 149

recommendations, 87

recruitment, 45–46, 192–193, 253

Reddit (, 259

referrals, 183, 206

religious beliefs, 143, 150–152

repetitive tasks, 16–17, 179–180

reporting and accountability, 48, 50, 121–124, 131, 169

reputation, 143

research, 19, 85, 115, 219, 220

resources, 104–108, 111–114, 119–121, 147–148, 156, 255–263, 255–263

respect for workers, 14, 127–128

response time, 38

responsibility, 1–2, 65, 72

reviews, 208

revolving tasks, 114–116

rewards, 181–182, 181–183

RhinoSupport (, 258

Risley, David, 46

role-based outsourcing, 25–26

rush jobs, 82, 262


salary guidelines, 126–132

      app developers, 36

      average, 53

      content writers, 33

      general virtual assistants (GVAs), 29

      gifts and, 152

      graphic designers, 31

      holidays, 128–129

      increase in, 128

      negotiation of, 60

      SEO (Search Engine Optimization)/Internet Marketing VAs, 32

      vacation, 128–129

      video editors, 35

      web developers, 30

Samuel, Leslie, 9 ScheduleOnce (, 258

Schramko, James, 21

Screencast (, 41, 257

screencasts, 78–79

ScreenFlow (, 79, 256

screenshots, 72, 76, 121, 242

scripts, 112

search engines, 168

security, sense of, 59

self-awareness, 243–244

self-employment, 129–130. 193

self-teaching, 203

selling, 20

SEO glossary (, 109

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)/Internet Marketing VA, 31–33, 71, 108–110, 161, 168–170, 235

Shalwick, Gideon, 112

Shopify Ninjas (, 70–73

Shopify (, 260

ShoutEm (, 113, 261

Simplenote (, 111, 258

Sisson, Natalie, 9, 229–230

six-month timeline, 234–236


      attention to, 139

      creative, 203–208

      daily work description and, 49

      difficult, 49–50

      hiring and, 57–58, 165

      improvement of, 58–59

      job descriptions and, 48

      new, 87

      technical, 203–208

      training and, 65

Skype (

      communication and, 72, 214–217

      feedback and, 73

      interviews and, 45–46, 60, 194

      language and tone and, 150

      meetings on, 184

      tools and resources, 55, 83, 106, 156, 180, 257

      training and, 78

SlideShare (, 260

slogans, 80

Small Business Trends (, 65, 262

small businesses, 133, 157

Smart Passive Income, 4, 91–92

smartphones, 205–206

Snagit (, 147–148, 256

social media, 7, 17, 46, 85, 115–116, 260. see also specific sites

social networks, 186–188

software, 49, 117, 118–121, 167. See also specific software

solopreneurship, 95, 196, 215

solutions, 88

Spider-Man, 1

Splasheo (, 112, 261

spouses, 19

startups, 133

stores, 205–206

storyboard templates, 112

strengths and weaknesses, 14

structure, 249–250

StumbleUpon (, 260

success, measurement of, 65, 88–90

suggested reading, 262–263

Suitcase Entrepreneur (, 229–230, 262

Super Savvy Business (, 144–148

SuperFastBusiness (, 21, 262

superhero syndrome, 1–3, 5, 7, 18, 94–95, 113, 121, 123, 237

super-VA, 15–16, 233

surveys, 87

syncing, 257


talents, 86, 251–253

Tardy, Jaime, 21


      assignment of, 195–196

      checklist for, 205

      daily work description and, 49, 50–51

      freedom from, 20–24

      low-level, 22

      meaningful, 103

      measurement of, 96

      mentality of, 159

      revolving, 84–85, 114–116

      showdown of, 114

      you don’t know how to do, 21

      you don’t like doing, 20–21

      you feel you shouldn’t be doing, 22–23

taxes, 130

teaching, online, 38–42

teambuilding, 160, 197, 260


      breaking down, 7

      building, 7, 16, 24–25

      “company first” mentality and, 181

      fitting roles into, 163–177

      power of, 191

      training, 25

      treatment of, 155

Teamwork Project Management (, 103, 120, 257

technical skills, 203–208

TeuxDeux (, 258, 108, 22, 262

ThinkTraffic (, 263

3 Lists to Freedom, 20–24, 28, 65, 234, 236, 245

throwing a curveball, 86–88

time, 18, 69, 127, 202–203

time zones, 8, 48, 70, 85, 135, 162, 185

TimeandDate (, 258

timelines, 234–236

tone, 150

tools and resources, 104–108, 111–114, 119–121, 147–148, 156, 255–263


      assumptions and, 65–68

      best practices, 84–86

      communication and, 71–72, 73

      defining the role, 65

      failure to properly, 25

      for General Virtual Assistants (GVAs), 105

      importance of, 89, 90

      intentional, 73

      investing in, 251

      offering opportunities for, 146–147

      problems with, 64–65

      recorded, 77–79, 82

      setting expectations, 65

      skill areas, 71

      time and money for, 253

      tools of, 256

      written instructions, 75–77

transcription, 17, 224

treatment of virtual assistants, 155, 216–217

Trello (, 72, 217, 258

trial periods, 162

trust, 129

Twitter (, 7, 46, 115, 260


Udemy (, 256

understanding your company, 253–254


“VA for hire” services, 44

VA Success Equation, 88–90

VA Training Trifecta, 74–75

value of virtual assistants, 103

Van Den Broek, Joshua, 214–217

video creation, 222, 260–261

video editors, 34–36, 111–112, 160, 173–175

video recordings, 78–79, 211

VideoTise, 153–156

virtual assistants

      app developers, 36–37, 112–114, 161, 175–177

      audio/video editors, 161

      best practices when training your, 84–86

      clerical work, 37

      content writers, 33–34, 110–111, 135–136, 161, 170–172

      domestic, 134–137, 139, 154, 171, 193, 245

      expertise of, 65

      failures with using, 24–25

      Filipino, 133–134, 137, 141–143, 148–152

      finding and hiring, 13–62, 255–256

      General Virtual Assistants (GVAs), 16–19, 29–30, 103–106, 161, 162–164, 192, 195, 234–236

      getting to know your, 73–74

      graphic designers, 31, 107–108, 161, 166–168

      interaction between, 160–168

      learning from your, 180

      needs of, 244–245

      overseas, 8, 133–134, 171

      questionnaire for, 73–74

      SEO (Search Engine Optimization)/Internet Marketing VA, 31–33, 71, 108–110, 161, 168–170, 235

      treatment of, 155, 216–217

      types of, 28–36

      value of, 103

      video editors, 34–36, 111–112, 160, 173–175

      web developers, 21, 30–31, 106–107, 161, 164–166

Virtual Business Lifestyle, 5

Virtual CEO, 3–6, 95

virtual courses, 71

Virtual Staff Finder (, 6–7, 15, 45, 50–51, 136–137, 141, 256

Virtual Staff Training Academy

(, 256

virtual teams, 8–9

virtual vultures, 94–95, 100

vision, 2, 64, 146, 253


web developers, 21, 30–31, 106–107, 161, 164–166

web development tools, 261

webcam trainings, 79

web-design terms, 107

Web2Explosion (, 112

Wedmore, James, 213–214

Western Union, 130, 152

white papers, 221, 223

whiteboards, 184

word counts, 110

word processing, 71

WordPress (, 34, 79, 164, 188, 205, 246, 253, 261

work descriptions, 49

work ethic, 87, 101, 143, 248

work history, 60, 121

workspaces, 105, 149

WPCurve (, 261

written instructions, 75–77


Xero (, 262


Yammer (, 186, 187, 188, 260

YouTube (, 7, 19, 97, 170, 213–214, 261


ZenDesk (, 257

Zimmerman, Kyle, 9, 80–84

Zirtual (, 136, 256

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