Chapter 6
Mind Your Business

Many programmers fear an MBA—the master of business administration. These are people who will corner you by the watercooler and tell you about seed funding, venture capital, and stock option dilution. Run!

But the truth is, the master programmer has to know a thing or two about business. Much like our investigation into other roles within the company, it pays to understand the context of your work: When is my product going to ship? Who’s going to buy it? How does the company make money from it?

As a programmer, most of your contribution is toward the product. This chapter, accordingly, takes a product-heavy bias. Even if you program internal systems—for example, the trading software used by an investment firm—you can consider your software a product whose customers happen to be inside the company.

I’m not looking to give you an MBA, of course. We’ll cover just the high points you’ll want early in your career:

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