
First, I must thank my ever-patient editor, Susannah Davidson Pfalzer. This book couldn’t have happened without her clear-minded guidance, words of encouragement, and occasional swift kick in the rear to keep me going. Susannah, thank you so much for helping this first-time author bring a book to life.

Next, numerous reviewers ranging from new programmers to industry pros provided tremendous help. They read (or should I say, endured) early drafts of this book and offered their own viewpoints, expertise, and corrections. I’d like to thank Daniel Bretoi, Bob Cochran, Russell Champoux, Javier Collado, Geoff Drake, Chad Dumler-Montplaisir, Kevin Gisi, Brian Hogan, Andy Keffalas, Steve Klabnik, Robert C. Martin, Rajesh Pillai, Antonio Gomes Rodrigues, Sam Rose, Brian Schau, Julian Schrittwieser, Tibor Simic, Jen Spinney, Stefan Turalski, Juho Vepsäläinen, Nick Watts, and Chris Wright. You have all made this book far, far better with your diligent and thorough reviews. I—and every reader of this book—appreciate your work.

From the beginning, several friends and co-workers allowed me to pester them over and over again for advice, including Jeb Bolding, Mark “The Red” Harlan, Scott Knaster, David Olson, Rich Rector, and Zz Zimmerman. I truly appreciate your patience.

Finally, an extra-special thanks for my two biggest fans. My daughter, Genevieve, gave me grace many, many evenings as I needed to duck away and write. And my wife, Daria, not only gave me time to write, but she was the first to buy and read the beta version of the book—in one sitting, no less, starting at ten at night. She offered her thoughts and perspective since this book was just an idea I was pondering over the dinner table. And she provided her support and encouragement through the whole process.

Daria and Genevieve, I couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

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