Abercombie, C., 106

acquisition, knowledge, 12–13, 15

acquisition/retention, health care, 96

Adams, R.J., 93

Africa, marketing and sales, 109–112

AI-based decision-making systems

marketing and sales, 107–108

Africa, 109–112

ASEAN, 108–109

algorithms, 24

Amazon, 27, 45, 49

Amico, R., 28

Andreeva, T., 26

Anklam, P., 10

anomaly-based fuzzy intrusion detection system, 53

Apple, 33

application programming interfaces (APIs), 95

Arkin, R., 74

artificial intelligence (AI)

advantages, 6

business operations, 118–119

contemporary, 3–4

ethics, evolution of, 69–77

growth of, 1

and health care, 94–96

impromptu rise, 2–3

integration, 15–16

KMS and, 16–18

marketing and sales (see AI-based decision-making systems)

and marketing logistics, 88

and organizational implications, 119–120

rapid rise, 1–2

relative mass flourishing and firm performance, 33

selective rise, 2

and SHRM, 37–39, 40

strategy, 120–123

assessments, SHRM, 37–38

Association Of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), marketing and sales, 108–109

automated speech recognition (ASR), 94

automation, 24

Avata Intelligence, 54

Barney, J., 33

Barton, D., 27

beacons, 85

Becker, B.E., 39

big data, 24, 27, 52, 80, 90

biometrics, 13

Brynjolfsson, E., 24, 34

Brynjolfsson, T.H., 27

business operations, 118–119

capitalism, history of, 24

case-based reasoning (CBR), 14, 15–16

Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 97–98

CEO’s attention, 29–30, 34

channel B2B, smart marketing logistics framework, 90

channel B2C, smart marketing logistics framework, 90

Chieh-Heng, K., 108

chronic disease management, 98–99

chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), case management, 100

cobots (cooperative robots), 13–14

cognitive IoT, smart marketing logistics framework, 90

cognitive transformation, 43

Collier, M., 98

competitive advantage, HR departments, 44–45

complex algorithms, 24

conducting experiment, perspective of change, 31

congestive heart failure (CHF), case management, 100

contemporary artificial intelligence (AI), 3–4

conversational interfaces, 80

cooperative robots (cobots), 13–14

corporate knowledge, 12

cost reduction, health care, 97–98

customer service in health care, 93–94

acquisition/retention, 96

case management, 100–101

chronic diseases, 98–99

cost reduction, 97–98

insurance plan, 96–97

OTC drug, 102–103

patient portals, 101

primary care, 101–102

technology, 94–96


Amazon and Netflix, 49

benefits for, 53

big data, 52

holistic approach, 54–56

information systems security, 47, 50

machine learning technology, 53–54

risk assessment, 51, 52

risk control/risk treatment, 51

risk identification, 51

U.S. companies, cyber-attack, 48–49

Darktrace pairs behavioral analytics, 54

data interchange, payments and, 83–84

data mining, 63

Davenport, T.H., 27

decision-making systems. See AI-based decision-making systems

design experiment, perspective of change, 30–31

development, HR practice, 44

development, knowledge, 13, 15

dialog (question-graph), 16

Dick, P.K., 70

digitalization, 25

digital technology, 79, 82–83

Digital Video Recorder (DVR), 97

dot.com, 82

drones, 80, 86

dynamic capability, 26–27

e-commerce, 52, 82

electronic data interchange (EDI), 83

electronic medical record (EMR) system, 96

employer-match options, 97

engagement platforms, 80

E8 Security, 54

ethics, evolution of, 69–77

ethics, HR practice, 44

evaluation/learning, perspective of change, 31

evaluation/measurement of knowledge, 15

everyone-to-everyone (E2E) economy, 105

Exabeam, 55

experimentation, 25

experiment, perspective of change, 30–31

external factors, 118–119

Ezry, R., 106

Farmerline (Ghana), marketing and sales, 110, 111

financial services industry, 63–64

Finjan’s online security innovation, 54

firm performance, relative mass flourishing and, 33

five-P model of human resources, 39

fixing of knowledge, 14

Fortscale’s user and entity behavior analytics (UEBA) solution,

F-Secure-managed incident response service, 54

F-Secure’s endpoint products, 54

F-Secure’s vulnerability management product flags, 54

Fu, R., 98

Garvey, P.R., 51

Goehring, B., 106

Google, 27, 45

GPS, 84–85

graphs, 16

Gupta, A., 100–101

Hanson, D., 70

Harvest, 55

health care, customer service in, 93–94

acquisition/retention, 96

case management, 100–101

chronic diseases, 98–99

cost reduction, 97–98

insurance plan, 96–97

OTC drug, 102–103

patient portals, 101

primary care, 101–102

technology, 94–96

Health Savings Account (HAS), 97

history of capitalism, 24

holistic AI strategy, 119

human-machine interaction, 64–65

human-machine scenarios, 43

human race, 23–24

human resources management, 39–42

human resources practice, 42–43

development, 44

ethics, 44

human-machine scenarios, 43

performance expectations and incentines, 43

transformation plan, 43

Huselid, M.A., 39

hypothesis, perspective of change, 30

identification of knowledge, 12, 15

impromptu rise, artificial intelligence (AI), 2–3

incentive systems, performance expectations and, 43

information, 82

information systems security, 47, 50

information technology, 12

innovation, 25, 59

innovation management

definition, 60

human-machine interaction, 64–65

machine learning, 63–64

managing and balancing, 60–62

insurance plan, health care, 96–97

intelligent virtual characters, 94

Internet, 82–83, 122

Internet of things (IoT), 52, 80, 86–87

Iuga, A.O., 102–103

JASK, 56

Jumia and Mall for Africa (Nigeria), marketing and sales, 110,

KMS. See knowledge management system (KMS)

knowledge management system (KMS), 9–10

acquisition, 12–13

and AI, 16–18

CBR process, 15–16

definition, 11

development, 13

evaluation/measurement of, 15

identification, 12

neural networks, 16

objectives, 11–12

preservation and fixing, 14

representation, 16

sharing, 13–14

similarity, 16

stages of, 10–11

utilization of, 14

Kolbjørnsrud, V., 28

layered genetic algorithm-based intrusion detection system,

Lean Capability (dynamic capability), 26–27

Lean Startup movement, 26

leverage contingencies, perspective of change, 32

Lin, P., 75

Little Cab (Kenya), marketing and sales, 110, 111

Little Ride, 110

logistics, 81. See aslo marketing logistics

LogRhythm, 54

machine-human plans, 43

machine learning, 53–54, 80, 87

benefits of, 63

data mining, 63

definition of, 60

financial services industry, 63–64

smart marketing logistics framework, 90

management team, 118

marketers, 79–80

marketing and sales, 107–108

Africa, 109–112

ASEAN, 108–109

marketing, definition of, 81

marketing logistics, 81–82

and AI, 88

beacons, 85

digital technology, 82–83

drones and self-driving delivery vehicles, 86

framework, 89–91

future of, 88–89

GPS, 84–85

IoT, 86–87

machine learning, 87

mixed reality, 85–86

payments and data interchange, 83–84

RFID, 84

Marshall, A., 106

McAfee, A., 27

McGuire, M.J., 102–103

McKinsey Global Institute (MGI), 106

m-commerce, 52

medical-grade sensors, 99

Mehr, H., 122–123

metrics, perspective of change, 31

M-Farm (Kenya), marketing and sales, 110, 111

mixed reality, 85–86

M-Pesa and Pesapal (Kenya), marketing and sales, 110, 111

M-Shwari, 110

Nakayoma, H., 106

National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST) National Vulnerability Database (NVD), 47

natural language processing (NLP), 94

Netflix, 49

network intrusion detection model, 53

neural networks, 16

objectives, knowledge, 11–12

observing, perspective of change, 30

OLX (South Africa), marketing and sales, 110, 111

online retailers, 63

online shopping, 112

organizational attributes, 118

organizational implications, 119–120

organization influencer, 118

Orwell, G., 80

over-the-counter (OTC) drug interaction, 102–103

patient portals, 101

Patil, D.J., 27

payments and data interchange, 83–84

performance expectations and incentive systems, 43

perspective of change

big data, 27

CEO’s attention, 29–30

conducting experiment, 31

design experiment, 30–31

evaluation/learning, 31

hypothesis, 30

leverage contingencies, 32

metrics, 31

observing, 30

pivot, 32

real option reasoning, 29, 31–32

relative mass flourishing, 28, 29

transformation, 28

Pesapal, 110

Phelps, E.S., 24, 32

pivot, perspective of change, 32

policy implications, 34

Porter, M.E., 33

preservation, knowledge, 14

primary care, 101–102

proximity marketing, smart marketing logistics framework, 90

race, 23–24

radical innovation, 61

radio-frequency identification (RFID), 84

rapid rise, artificial intelligence (AI), 1–2

real option reasoning, 29, 31–32

real option theory (ROT), 27

relative mass flourishing, 28, 29, 32

and firm performance, 33

remote patient monitoring, 101

Ries, E., 31, 32

risk assessment, 51, 52

risk control/risk treatment, 51

risk identification, 51

risk management process, cybersecurity, 50–51

RiskSense, 54

Ritala, P., 26

SADAL framework, 40–41

Safaricom, 110, 112

SAP HANA solution, 12

Schildt, H., 24

Schuler, R.S., 39

Security Information and Event Management (SIEM), 56

selective rise, artificial intelligence (AI), 2

self-driving delivery vehicles, drones and, 86

Selma, D., 53

sharing, knowledge, 13–14, 15

SHRM. See strategic human resource management (SHRM)

Sift Science, 54

similarity, identifying, 16

simulation, 25

smart logistics and marketing ecosystem, 80, 88–89

smart marketing logistics framework, 89

components of, 90

smartphones, 79–80, 102

SMSGH and Esoko (Ghana), marketing and sales, 110, 111

software program, 41

stages of KMS, 10–11

Status Today, 55

strategic human resource management (SHRM)

and AI, 38–39

assessments, 37–38

competitive advantage, 44–45

HR management, 39–42

HR practice, 42–43

development, 44

ethics, 44

human-machine scenarios, 43

performance expectations and incentines, 43

transformation plan, 43

strategic planning, 120–123

strategic transformation plan, 43

Summer, J., 44

Tantium, 54

technology, health care, 94–96

techonomy, 105

Teece, D.J., 33

Te, F., 108

text-to-speech (TTS) engines, 94

Thomas, R.J., 28

3D hologram, 86

transformation, 25–26, 28

transformation, cognitive, 43

Tsai-Fong, T., 108

Uber, 110

Ushahidi, 110

utilization of knowledge, 14

virtual custom assistants (VCA), 93

Watson’s solutions, 13

Yin, L., 98

Zebra and Jozibear (South Africa), marketing and sales, 110, 111

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