Chapter 13


1. Almond, et al., Comparative Politics Today, PP. 130–40.

2. Macpherson, The Life and Times of Liberal Democracy, PP. 99–100.

3. Engels, The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State, P. 167.

4. Ball, Modern Politics and Government, P. 25

5. Gandhi, M. K. Hind Swaraj, Navajivan Publishing House: Ahmedabad, 1938, P. 67.

6. Haralambos, Sociology, P. 98.

7. Verma, Modern Political Theory, P. 69.

8. Heywood, Political Theory, P. 131.

9. Ibid., P. 130.

10. Ibid., P. 142.

11. Ball, Modern Politics and Government, P. 25.

12. Miliband, Marxism and Politics, P. 43.

13. Stiglitz, Economics of the Public Sector, PP. 76–85.

14. World Bank, World Development Report, 1997, The State in a Changing World, Oxford University Press: New York, P. 27.

15. Westoby, Adam, ‘The Anatomy of Communist States’, in McLennan and Held (eds), The Idea of the Modern State, PP. 132–4.

16. Held, ‘Central Perspectives on the Modern State’, in McLennan and Held (eds), The Idea of the Modern State, P. 59.

17. Bipan Chandra et al., India' Struggle for Independence, South Asia Books: New Delhi, 2000, P. 375.

18. Ibid., P. 384.

19. Ibid., P. 331.

20. Bardhan, Pranab, ‘Dominant Proprietary Classes and India' Democracy’, in Atul Kohli (ed.), India' Democracy: An Analysis of Changing State-Society Relations, Orient Longman: New Delhi, 1988, PP. 214–24.

21. Heywood, Politics, P. 42.

22. Miliband, Marxism and Politics, P. 49.

23. Apter, David E. and Harry Eckstein (eds), Comparative Politics: A Reader, Surjeet Pubs.: Delhi, 1989, PP. 438.

24. George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four, Penguin Books: London, 1989, P. 4.

25. Ball, Modern Politics and Government, P. 28.

26. Haralambos, Sociology, P. 98.

27. Heywood, Political Theory, P. 136.

28. Vincent, Theories of the State, PP. 91–114.

29. McLennan, ‘Capitalist State or Democratic Polity?’, in McLennan et al. (eds), The Idea of the Modern State, PP. 79–109; and Ball, Modern Politics and Government, PP. 29–34.

30. Heywood, Political Theory, P. 62.

31. Ball, Modern Politics and Government, P. 33.

32. McLennan, ‘Capitalist State or Democratic Polity?’, P. 100.

33. Haralambos, Sociology, P. 99.

34. Ibid., P. 100.

35. Ibid., P. 107.

36. Ball, Modern Politics and Government, P. 32.

37. Haralambos, Sociology, PP. 112–13.

38. Ibid., P. 108.

39. Frankel, ‘Middle Classes and Castes in India' Politics’, P. 225.

40. Bottomore, Political Sociology, P. 11.

41. Singh, Bikram, ‘Theories of Political Elites’, in L. S. Rathore (ed.), Political Sociology, Meenakshi Prakashan: New Delhi, P. 128.

42. Ibid.

43. Heywood, Politics, P. 256.

44. Haralambos, Sociology, P. 288.

45. Ibid., P. 290.

46. Verma, Modern Political Theory, P. 149.

47. Heywood, Politics, PP. 256–7.

48. Haralambos, Sociology, P. 110.

49. Bipan Chandra et al., India' Struggle for Independence, P. 18.

50. Atul Kohli, ‘Interpreting Indian Democracy’, in Kohli (ed.), India' Democracy, P. 14.

51. Zoya Hasan, Francine R. Frankel, M. S. A. Rao, and others in Francine Frankel and M. S. A. Rao (eds), Dominance and State Power in Modern India: Decline of a Social Order, Oxford University Press: Delhi, 1989; Pradhan H. Prasad, ‘Rise of Kulak Power and Caste Struggle in North India’, EPW, 17 August 1991, PP. 1923–6; Francine R. Frankel, ‘Middle Classes and Castes in India' Politics: Prospects for Political Accommodation’, in Atul Kohli, India' Democracy, PP. 225–61.

52. Frankel, ‘Middle Classes and Castes in India' Politics’, P. 227.

53. Bardhan, Pranab, ‘Dominant Proprietary Classes and India' Democracy’, in Kohli (ed.), Indian' Democracy, PP. 214–24.

54. Bhambhri, C. P. Janata Party: A Profile, National Publishing House: New Delhi, 1980, PP. 39–40.

55. Frankel, ‘Middle Classes and Castes in India' Politics’, P. 225.

56. Bipan Chandra et al, India' Struggle for Independence, P. 78.

57. Verma, Pavan K. The Great Indian Middle Class, Penguin: New Delhi, 1999, P. 149.

58. Haralambos, Sociology, P. 111.

59. Ball, Modern Politics and Government, P. 30.

60. Heywood, Politics, P. 33.

61. Haralambos, Sociology, P. 116.

62. Ball, Modern Politics and Government, PP. 31 and 35.

63. Kothari, Politics in India, P. 183.

64. Ball, Modern Politics and Government, P. 33.

65. McLennan, ‘Capitalist State or Democratic Polity?’, P. 100.

66. Ibid., PP. 102–03

67. Heywood, Politics, P. 94.

68. Mill, ‘The Subjection of Women’, in Mill, On Liberty and Other Essays, PP. 471–582.

69. Heywood, Political Theory, P. 63.

70. Ibid.

71. Vincent, Theories of the State, P. 145.

72. Ball, Modern Politics and Government, P. 32.

73. Marx and Engels, Manifesto of the Communist Party, P. 55.

74. Ibid.

75. Held, ‘Central Perspective on Modern State’, P. 59.

76. Marx and Engels, Manifesto of the Communist Party, P. 44.

77. Haralambos, Sociology, P. 105

78. Ibid.

79. Mukherjee, Subrata and Sushila Ramaswamy, A History of Socialist Thought: From the Precursors to the Present, Sage Publications: New Delhi, 2000, P. 371.

80. McLennan, ‘Capitalist State or Democratic Polity?’, P. 93.

81. Heywood, Politics, P. 201

82. Ibid., P. 147.

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