Chapter 14


1. Higgott, Richard A. Political Development Theory, Routledge: London, 1989, P. 26.

2. Almond, Gabriel A. and G. Bingham Powell Jr, Comparative Politics: A Developmental Approach, Oxford and IBH Publishing Co.: New Delhi, 1972, P. 23.

3. Ball, Modern Politics and Government, PP. 54–8.

4. Almond, Gabriel. A., G. B. Powell, Kaare Strom and Russell Dalton, Comparative Politics Today: A World View, Pearson Education: Delhi, 2005, P. 46.

5. Ball, Modern Politics and Government, P. 53.

6. Almond, Gabriel A. and James Coleman (eds), The Politics of Developing Areas, Princeton University Press: Princeton, 1960, P. 4.

7. Almond, Gabriel A. and Sidney Verba, The Civic Culture: Political Attitudes and Democracy in Five Nations, Princeton University Press: Princeton, 1963, P. 498.

8. Ibid., P. 12.

9. Ibid., P. 8.

10. Ibid., The Civic Culture, P. 7.

11. Ibid., P. 31.

12. Ibid., P. 31.

13. Almond and Verba, The Civic Culture, P. 15, and Almond and Powell, Comparative Politics, P. 50.

14. Almond and Powell, Comparative Politics, P. 50.

15. Bryce, James, Modern Democracies, Chapter 67: ‘Comparison of The Six Democratic Governments Examined’;Chapter 74: ‘Democracy Compared with Other Forms of Government’ and Chapter 75: ‘Oligarchies within Democracies, as reproduced in David Apter and Harry Eckstein, Comparative Politics: A Reader, Surjeet Pub.: Delhi, 1989, PP. 111–23.

16. Almond and Verba, The Civic Culture, chapter 15: ‘The Civic Culture and Democratic Stability’, P. 473.

17. Ibid., PP. 16–17.

18. Adapted with modification from Figures 1 and 2, Almond and Verba, The Civic Culture, PP. 16–17.

19. Almond and Verba, The Civic Culture, P. 20.

20. Almond and Powell, Comparative Politics, P. 306.

21. Almond and Verba, The Civic Culture, P. 22.

22. Fernand Braudel in his A History of Civilizations (1995), PP. 127–9, mentions about medieval kingdoms of Africa such as the Kingdom of Monomotapa (present Zimbabwe area) and three Niger empires, namely, the Empire of Ghana (est. 800 AD), the Mali Empire (14th century) and the Songhay Empire (15th century).

23. Kothari, Politics in India, P. 225.

24. Almond and Verba, The Civic Culture, P. 27.

25. Ibid., P. 28.

26. Almond and Powell, Comparative Politics, P. 72.

27. Weiner, Myron, ‘Some Hypotheses on the Politics of Modernization In India’, in Park and Tinker (eds), Leadership and Political Institutions in India, Oxford University Press: Oxford, 1960.

28. Ball, Modern Politics and Government, P. 63.

29. Almond and Powell, Comparative Politics, P. 64.

30. Ibid., PP. 65–6.

31. Ibid., P. 66.

32. Ibid., P. 67.

33. McLennan, Gregor, ‘Capitalist State or Democratic Polity?’ in McLennan (ed.), P. 93.

34. Heywood, Politics, P. 201.

35. Bottomore, Political Sociology, P. 149.

36. Pye and Verba, Political Culture and Political Development, P. 7.

37. Almond and Verba, The Civic Culture, P. 16

38. Almond and Powell, Comparative Politics, P. 24.

39. Almond and Verba, The Civic Culture, P. 498.

40. Ibid., P. 499.

41. Almond and Verba, Ibid., P. 8

42. Pye and Verba, Political Culture and Political Development, P. 15.

43. Ibid., P. 16.

44. Kothari, Politics in India, P. 254.

45. Ibid., P. 261.

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