How to do it...

  1. Open your command-line application and navigate to your workspace.
  2. Create a new folder named 05-07-reading-shared-buffer-from-multiple-workers.
  3. Copy or create an index.html that loads and runs a main function from main.js.
  4. Create a main.js file with an onMessage function that logs out the following members of the message data: workenIndex, type, result, workerIndex, startIndex, endIndex, and windowSize:
// main.js
function onMessage(message) {
const {
} =;
console.log(`Result from worker operation {
type: ${type},
result: ${result},
workerIndex: ${workerIndex},
startIndex: ${startIndex},
endIndex: ${endIndex},
windowSize: ${windowSize}
  1. Create a main.js file with a main method that defines constants for NUM_COUNT, BYTES_FOR_32_BIT, ARRAY_SIZE, WORKER_COUNT, and MAX_NUMBER:
export function main() { 
  console.log('Main function starting.'); 
  const NUM_COUNT = 2048; 
  const BYTES_FOR_32_BIT = 4; 
  const MAX_NUMBER = 32; 
  const WORKER_COUNT = 10; 
  1. Next, create an array of workers of size WORKER_COUNT:
export function main() { 
  // ... 
  // create workers
let workers = [];
console.log('Creating workers.');
for (let i = 0; i < WORKER_COUNT; i++) {
const worker = new Worker('./worker.js');
worker.onmessage = onMessage;
workers = workers.concat(worker);
} }
  1. Next, create a SharedArrayBuffer that is of size ARRAY_SIZE, and fill it with random integers:
export function main() { 
  // ... 
  // create buffer and add data
const sab = new SharedArrayBuffer(ARRAY_SIZE);
const intBuffer = new Int32Array(sab);
// fill with random numbers
console.log('Filling Int buffer');
intBuffer.forEach((value, index) => {
intBuffer[index] = (Math.random() * MAX_NUMBER) + 1;
}); }
  1. Post these messages to each of the workers: 'load-array', 'load-indices', 'calculate-sum', and 'calculate-average':
export function main() { 
  // ... 
  workers.forEach((worker, workerIndex) => {
worker.postMessage({ type: 'load-array', array: sab });
worker.postMessage({ type: 'load-indices', workerIndex,
workerCount: WORKER_COUNT });
worker.postMessage({ type: 'calculate-sum' });
worker.postMessage({ type: 'calculate-average' });
});; }
  1. Create a worker.js file, assign the current context to a variable global, and declare variables named: sharedIntArray, sharedInArraySlice, workerIndex, workerCount, startIndex, and endIndex. Also, assign a function to the onmessage event:
// worker.js 
const global = this; 
let sharedIntArray; 
let sharedIntArraylSlice; 
let workerIndex; 
let workerCount; 
let startIndex; 
let endIndex; 
global.onmessage = (message) => {};  
  1. In the onmessage listener, get the data component of the message argument and switch on the type attribute:
global.onmessage = (message) => { 
  const { data } = message;
switch (data.type) {}
  1. Add a case for 'load-array' where we assign the array property of data to sharedIntArray after casting it as an Int32Array:
global.onmessage = (message) => { 
  const { data } = message; 
  switch (data.type) { 
    case 'load-array':
sharedIntArray = new Int32Array(data.array);
break; } };
  1. Add a case for 'load-indices' that calculates the window of values that the current worker should work with, based on the current index and total number of workers:
global.onmessage = (message) => { 
  const { data } = message; 
  switch (data.type) { 
    case 'load-array': 
      sharedIntArray = new Int32Array(data.array); 
    case 'load-indices':
workerIndex = data.workerIndex;
workerCount = data.workerCount;

const windowSize = Math.floor(sharedIntArray.length /

startIndex = windowSize * workerIndex;
const isLastWorker = workerIndex === workerCount - 1;
endIndex = (isLastWorker) ? sharedIntArray.length :

sharedIntArraySlice = sharedIntArray.slice(startIndex,

  1. Add a case for 'calculate-sum' that sums all the numbers in the array and posts the result back to the main thread:
global.onmessage = (message) => { 
  const { data } = message; 
  switch (data.type) { 
   // ... 

case 'calculate-sum':
const sum = sharedIntArraySlice.reduce((acc, number) =>
acc + number
, 0);
sendResult('sum', sum);
} };
  1. Add a case for 'calculate-average' that averages all the numbers in the array and posts the result back to the main thread:
global.onmessage = (message) => { 
  const { data } = message; 
  switch (data.type) { 
case 'calculate-average':
const total = sharedIntArraySlice.reduce((acc, number) =>
acc + number
, 0);
const average = total / sharedIntArraySlice.length
sendResult('average', average);
} };
  1. Create a sendResult function that posts a result, a result type, and information about the current thread to the main thread:
function sendResult(type, result) { 
    windowSize: endIndex - startIndex - 1 
  1. Start your Python web server and open the following link in your browser:
  1. You should see the following output:
..................Content has been hidden....................

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