How Echo routing works

As mentioned previously, Echo employs a Radix Tree data structure and search algorithm to find the correct handler for a given resource identifier. A Radix Tree is a prefix tree, where each parent node in the tree represents a prefix of the child node. In our use case, since we are obviously performing string matching, a prefix tree is the appropriate tool for the job. The following is an extremely simplified diagram that explains how a Radix Tree works for our book-long project:

The preceding diagram assumes the following routes were added to our project, which can be seen in our sample code located at: $GOPATH/src/

    // in order to serve static assets
e.Static("/static", "static")

// reminder handler group
reminderGroup := e.Group("/reminder")
reminderGroup.POST("", handlers.CreateReminder)

// Route / to handler function
e.GET("/health-check", handlers.HealthCheck)
// Authentication routes
e.POST("/login", handlers.Login)
e.POST("/logout", handlers.Logout)

As you can see, our root node is the / string, because all of our paths have / as a prefix, as all of the routes start with /. Next, we have a non-handler node with the prefix log that has two children, in and out. If you apply all of the prefixes to the leaf node out, you end up with the path /logout, which contains a reference to the handlers.Logout handler function. As you can see, the total depth of our tree is only three levels. This simple example doesn't do justice to the power of this data structure in this context, but if you have an extremely large API, such as the full GitHub API partially shown in the following snippet for brevity, you can understand how a prefix tree works for target routing:

└── /
    ├── r
    │   ├── epos
    │   │   ├── /
    │   │   │   └── :
    │   │   │       └── /
    │   │   │           └── :
    │   │   │               └── /
    │   │   │                   ├── events
    │   │   │                   ├── notifications
    │   │   │                   ├── s
    │   │   │                   │   ├── ta
    │   │   │                   │   │   ├── rgazers
    │   │   │                   │   │   └── t
    │   │   │                   │   │       ├── s/

You may be asking, where does the HTTP request method come into play for selecting the appropriate handler within Echo? As we mentioned earlier, we very clearly articulate the method in the Add method, as well as in the helper named method functions. For historical context as well as to show how the framework has grown, when Echo was much younger, Echo actually kept a Radix Tree per HTTP method. This means that there was a separate data structure for GET routes, POST routes, as well as the other HTTP request methods. Echo would take the HTTP request method and isolate the appropriate tree to search for the endpoints based on said request method.

Unfortunately, this behavior led to an issue with RFC compliance, as stated in this pull request: The problem is that Echo would send a 404 Not Found response code to the requester in the event that said requester attempted to request a resource with an HTTP method that the API did not support. For example, say your API has a resource called /reminder/123 and you did not want a user to be able to use the POST method to that resource. By using a separate Radix Tree per method, we would end up searching in the POST method Radix Tree only to find there is not a node with that prefix. Echo would then think that this resource doesn't exist and send back a 404 Not Found response. The correct behavior is to send back a 405 Method Not Allowed response code, as the resource does indeed exist; it just doesn't allow the POST HTTP request method.

Ultimately, Echo was changed for the better by altering the node data structure to include a methodHandler structure, which contained the per method handler mappings within each node of the tree. With this in place, Echo can maintain a single Radix Tree data structure for all methods. When a node is found, Echo can either respond back to the user that the method is not allowed if there is no handler associated with that particular request method, or perform the handler function associated with that resource and method.

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