

_ in numeric literals, 108

... variable arity argument

See varargs

< > type parameter delimiters, 117, 123

<?> unbounded wildcard type, 120


abstract classes

designing for inheritance, 97

vs. interfaces, 99103

noninstantiability and, 19

subclassing, and equals, 45

access control mechanisms, 74

access levels, 7377

module-level, 7677

of readResolve, 362

rules of thumb for, 7475

of static member classes, 112

access modifiers, 74

accessor methods, 78

defensive copies and, 80, 233

for failure-capture data, 297, 307

immutability and, 80

naming conventions for, 291292

vs. public fields, 7879

for toString data, 57

actual type parameters, 117

Adapter pattern, 23, 101, 113

aggregate types vs. strings, 276

alien methods, 317

annotations, 157, 180192

defining, 180

detecting repeated and non-repeated, 186

documenting, 259

functional interfaces and, 202

vs. naming patterns, 180187

synthetic, 186

See also marker annotations

anonymous classes, 112, 114, 193

in adapters, 101

prefer lambdas to, 193196

serialization and, 196

antipatterns, 2

bit field enum pattern, 169

bounded wildcard types as return types, 142

breaking from naming conventions, 82

busy waits, 336

constant as a hashCode, 51

constant interface, 107108

copy constructor of immutable object, 83

difference-based comparators, 71

empty catch blocks, 310

equals with unreliable resources, 45

exceptions for flow control, 293

excessive string concatenation, 279

floating point for monetary calculations, 270

hardwiring resources, 20

hashCode missing significant fields, 54

immutable classes not effectively final, 85

inappropriate subclassing, 92

int enum pattern, 157

naming patterns, 180

null returns for collections, arrays, 247248

ordinal abuse, 168, 171

overriding equals but not hashCode, 50

serializable inner classes, 345

signatures differ by parameter type order, 6

String enum pattern, 158

string overuse, 276

tagged classes, 109111

value-component subclasses and equals, 44

API design

access levels and, 74

bounded wildcard types and, 139145

callbacks, 28

constant interface pattern and, 107

exceptions and, 294, 296297

information hiding and, 286

inheritance and, 9398

interfaces as parameter types, 170

member classes and, 114

performance and, 286287

serialization and, 343345

singletons, 18

API elements, 4

documenting, 254260

API, toString return values as defacto, 57


clone and, 65

covariant typing, 126

defensive copying of, 76, 234

empty, vs. null as return value, 247248

to implement generics, 131133

vs. lists, 126129

mutability and, 234, 248

reified, 126

security issues, 76

assertions, 229


of variables, 311

synchronization and, 312314

autoboxing, 24, 273275

performance and, 275

AutoCloseable interface, 3132, 35


backing objects, 23

base classes, 281

BigDecimal class

compareTo inconsistent with equals, 68

for monetary calculations, 270

performance and, 271

bit fields vs. enum sets, 169170

blocking operations, 326

bogus byte stream attacks, 354

boolean vs. enum types, 237

bounded type parameters, 134

for bounded type tokens, 154

vs. bounded wildcard types, 144

bounded type tokens, 154, 172, 178, 183

bounded wildcard types, 136, 140

for API flexibility, 139145

vs. bounded type parameters, 144

for bounded type tokens, 154

vs. class objects, 178

dependency injection and, 21

PECS mnemonic for, 141

as return types, 142

vs. unbounded wildcard types, 121

boxed primitives

== operator and, 274

appropriate uses of, 275

generics and, 134

prefer primitive types to, 24, 273275

Bridge pattern, 8

Builder pattern, 1016

adapted for method invocation, 237

busy waits, 336



avoiding memory leaks from, 28

of expensive objects, 2223

of hash codes, 53

immutable objects and, 82, 85

callback frameworks, wrapper classes and, 91

callbacks, avoiding memory leaks from, 28

canonical forms, 47

capabilities vs. strings, 276277


dynamic, 153, 155

invisible (see compiler-generated casts)

unchecked, warnings of, 127, 129, 137

char values, and streams, 206

checked exceptions

avoiding overuse of, 298299

declaring, 304

failure atomicity and, 308

purpose of, 296

refactoring to unchecked, 299

vs. unchecked, 296297


in cleaners, 33

initialization, 333, 366

serialization attacks and, 360

Class class, as parameterized key, 151

class hierarchies, 110

Builder pattern and, 14

combinatorial explosions in, 100

class literals

as annotation parameter values, 183

as generics, 151

raw types in, 121

class-based frameworks, 281

classes, 73114

access levels of, 74

anonymous (see anonymous classes)

base, 281

composition, 8792

designing for inheritance, 9398


for inheritance, 9394

thread safety of, 330332

generic, 117

helper, for shortening parameter lists, 237

hierarchy of (see class hierarchies)

immutable (see immutable objects)

implementation inheritance, 8792

instances of, 3

levels of thread safety, 330

members, 3

minimizing accessibility of, 7377

mutable, and thread-safety, 322

naming conventions for, 289291

nested (see nested classes)

noninstantiable companions, 7

reusable forwarding, 8991

singletons (see singletons)

summary descriptions of, 257

SuppressWarnings annotation and, 124

tagged, vs. class hierarchies, 109111

unintentionally instantiable, 19

unrelated, 243

utility (see utility classes)

wrapper (see wrapper classes)

See also individual class names

classifier functions, 213

cleaners, 2933

clone method, 5865

arrays and, 65

as a constructor, 61, 96

vs. copy or conversion constructor, 65

defensive copies and, 76, 233

final fields and, 61

general contract, 5859

immutable objects and, 83

nonfinal classes and, 233

nonfinal methods and, 64

overridable methods and, 96

thread-safety and, 64

Cloneable interface, 5865

alternatives to, 65

behavior of, 58

designing for inheritance and, 64, 96

implementing, 64


concurrent, 321, 325326

empty, vs. null as return value, 247

optionals and, 252

as return types, vs. streams, 216221

collectors, 211215

downstream, 213

Collectors API, organization of, 211215

combinatorial explosions, 100

companion classes

mutable, 84

noninstantiable, 7

Comparable interface, 6672

as consumers in PECS, 143

recursive type bounds and, 137

See also compareTo method

comparator construction methods, 70, 194

comparators, 69

as consumers in PECS, 143

compareTo method, 6668

See also Comparable interface


backward, 350

binary, 107, 305

forward, 350

migration, 119

source, 305

unchecked exceptions and, 305

compiler warnings, types of, 123

compiler-generated casts, 117, 119, 127

components, 2

composition, 8, 89

equals and, 44

vs. inheritance, 8792

conceptual weight, 7

concurrency, 311

documenting method behavior for, 330332

improving via internal synchronization, 322

concurrency utilities, 323329

vs. wait and notify, 325329

concurrent collections, 321, 325326

conditionally thread-safe classes,

documenting, 331

consistency requirements

equals, 38, 45

hashCode, 50

consistent with equals, 68

unreliable resources and, 45

constant fields, naming conventions for, 290

constant interfaces, 107

constant utility classes, 108

constants, 76

in anonymous classes, 114

naming conventions for, 290

constant-specific behaviors, 162166

lambdas for, 195

constant-specific class bodies, 162

constant-specific method implementations

See constant-specific behaviors

constructors, 4

calling overridable methods in, 95

checking parameters of, 353

clone as a, 61

copy and conversion, 65

default, 19

defensive copying of parameters, 232

deserialization as, 344

establishing invariants, 82, 86

noninstantiability and, 19

private (see private constructors)

readObject as a, 353

reflection and, 282

replacing with static factories, 59

safely overloading, 240241

for singletons, 1718

summary descriptions of, 257

SuppressWarnings annotation and, 124

validity checking parameters of, 229

contention, synchronization and, 321


clone, 58

compareTo, 66

documentation as, 304

equals, 3846

hashCode, 50

toString, 55

corrupted objects, 12, 30, 227, 309

countdown latches, 326

covariant arrays, 126

covariant return typing, 16, 60

creating objects, 533

cross-platform structured-data representations, 341

custom serialized forms, 346352


data consistency

maintaining in face of failure, 308309

synchronization for, 311316

data corruption, 285, 312

Date, replacements for, 232


resource ordering, 320, 351

thread starvation, 328

Decorator pattern, 91

default access

See package-private access level

default constructors, 19

default implementations, 104

default methods on interfaces, 99, 104105

default serialized forms, 346352

disadvantages of, 348

defensive copies, 231235

of arrays, 234

builders and, 14

clone and, 233

deserialization and, 353, 357

documenting, 234

immutable objects and, 83

of mutable internal fields, 233

of mutable parameters, 232233

vs. object reuse, 25

performance and, 234

readObject and, 353, 357

transfers of control and, 235

validity checking and, 232

delegation, 91

denial-of-service attacks, 331

dependency injection, 2021

derived fields, 47, 52


as a constructor, 344

singletons and, 18

deserialization bombs, 340

deserialization filtering, 342

destroying objects, 2633

detail messages, 306

diamond operator, 123


annotation types, 259

compareTo, 67

conditional thread safety, 331

enum types, 258, 331

exceptions, 227, 304305

exposed API elements, 254260

generics, 258

hashCode, 54

for inheritance, 9394

methods, 254255

multiline code examples, 255

object state after exceptions, 309

parameters, 227

return value of toString, 56

self-use of overridable methods, 93, 98

self-use patterns, 256

serialized fields, 347

skeletal implementations, 103

static factories, 9

SuppressWarnings annotation, 125

thread safety, 330332

writeObject for serialization, 350

See also Javadoc


for binary floating-point arithmetic, 270

when to avoid, 270272

double-check idiom, 334335

downstream collectors, 213

dynamic casts, 153, 155


effectively immutable objects, 316

empty arrays, vs. null as return value, 247248

encapsulation, 73, 286

broken by inheritance, 87, 94

broken by serialization, 343

of data fields, 78

enclosing instances, 112

enum types, 157192

adding data and behaviors to, 159161

vs. bit fields, 169170

vs. boolean, 237

built-in serialization mechanism, 362

constant-specifics for, 162166

documenting, 258, 331

extensibility and, 176179

immutability of, 160

instance-controlled, 158

vs. int constants, 157167

prefer to readResolve, 359362

removing elements from, 161

singletons from, 1718

strategy enum pattern, 166

vs. String constants, 158, 276

switch statements and, 167

as top-level or member classes, 161

toString and, 160

type safety from, 158

when to use, 167

enumerated types

See enum types

EnumMap vs. ordinals, 171175

EnumSet vs. bit fields, 169170

equals method, 37

accidental overloading of, 49, 188

canonical forms and, 47

compareTo and, 68

composition and, 44

general contract for, 3846

hashCode and, 48, 5054

how to write, 46

Override annotation and, 188

return values of, and compareTo, 68

subclassing and, 42, 45

unreliable resources and, 45

when to override, 3738

equivalence classes, 39

equivalence relations, 38

erasure, 119, 126


generic array creation, 126127, 133

purpose of, 297

runtime, default methods and, 105

exact results, types for obtaining, 270

exception chaining, 302303

exception translation idiom, 230, 302

exceptions, 293310

accessor methods for, 297, 307

checked vs. unchecked, 296297

choosing among, 301

commonly reused, 301

control flow and, 294

detail messages for, 306307

documenting, 227, 304305

failure-capture data, 307

for invalid method parameters, 228

ignoring, 310

logging of, 303

multi-catch facility, 320

vs. optionals or special return values, 295

prefer standard existing, 300301

preventing, 303

vs. state testing methods, 294

suppression of, 36

uncaught, and finalizers, 30

using appropriately, 293295

See also individual exception names

Executor Framework, 323

executor service, 323324

explicit type arguments, 142

export declarations, 76

exported APIs

See API design; APIs

extending classes

See inheritance; subclassing

extending interfaces, 4

extensible enums, 176179

extralinguistic mechanisms

cloning, 58, 65

native methods, 285

reflection, 282

serialization, 344, 363

See also hidden constructors


Factory Method pattern, 5, 21

failure atomicity, 230, 308309


access levels of, 7377

class invariants and, 75

constant, naming conventions for, 290

derived, 47, 52

exposing, vs. accessor methods, 7879

final (see final fields)

initialization techniques for, 335

mutable, defensive copies of, 233

naming conventions for, 290, 292

public static final, for singletons, 17

reflection and, 282

summary descriptions of, 257

tags, 109

thread safety and, 75

final fields

for defining constants, 290

incompatible with cloning, 61

incompatible with serialization, 357

finalizer attacks, and prevention, 3031

finalizers, 2933

alternative to, 31


for binary floating-point arithmetic, 270

when to avoid, 270272

fluent APIs, 14, 203

Flyweight pattern, 6


See space consumption

for loops

dual variable idiom, 263

prefer for-each loops to, 264266

vs. while loops, 262

for-each loops

limitations of, 266

prefer over for loops, 264266

fork-join tasks and pools, 324

formal type parameters, 117

forwarding methods, 89, 102


callback, 91

class-based, 281

executor, 323

interface-based, 6

nonhierarchical type, 99

service provider, 8

function objects, 114

vs. code blocks, 207

functional interfaces, 193

method overloading and, 243

organization of standard, 200201

using standard, 199202

functional programming, 82


gadgets, 340

garbage collection, 27, 2930, 113

general contracts

See contracts

generic array creation errors, 126127, 133

generic classes and interfaces, 117

generic methods, 135138

vs. unbounded wildcard types, 121

generic singleton factories, 18, 136

generic type parameters

See type parameters

generic types, 14, 117, 130134

documenting, 258

immutability and, 136

generic varargs parameter arrays

heap pollution from, 147148

replacing with lists, 149

unsafe as storage, 146

unsafe to expose, 147148

generics, 117155

boxed primitives and, 134

compiler-generated casts and, 117

erasure and, 126

implementing atop arrays, 131133

incompatibility with primitive types, 134

invariant typing, 126

varargs and, 127, 146150

generifying existing code, 130

Get and Put Principle, 141


hashCode method

equals and, 48, 5054

general contract for, 50

how to write, 51

immutable objects and, 53

heap pollution, 133, 146148

heap profilers, 28

helper classes, 112

for shortening parameter lists, 237

hidden constructors, 61, 96, 339, 344, 353

See also extralinguistic mechanisms

hierarchical builder pattern, 16


immutable objects

canonical forms and, 47

clone and, 59

dependency injection and, 21

empty arrays and, 248

enum types and, 160

EnumSets and, 170

failure atomicity and, 308

functional approach and, 82

hashCode and, 53

JavaBeans and, 12

mutable companion classes for, 84

object reuse and, 22

rules for, 80

serialization and, 85, 353358

static factory methods and, 84

subclassing and, 97

thread safety and, 82

imperative programming, 82

implementation details

documenting for inheritance, 94

exposing, 92

implementation inheritance, 87

implementing interfaces, 4

default methods and, 105

inconsistent with equals, 6768

unreliable resources and, 45

information hiding

See encapsulation

inheritance, 3

vs. composition, 8792

constructors and, 95

designing for, 9398

documenting for, 9394

encapsulation and, 87

fragility of, 89

hooks to facilitate, 94

implementation vs. interface, 3, 87

of method doc comments, 259

multiple, simulated, 102

self-use of overridable methods and, 98

uses of, 92

See also subclassing


circularities, 333, 366

defensive copying and, 80

of fields on deserialization, 351

incomplete, 96

lazy (see lazy initialization)

of local variables, 261

normal vs. lazy, 333

at object creation, 86

inner classes, 112

Serializable and, 345

to extend skeletal implementations, 102

instance fields

access levels of, 75

initializing, 333

lazy initialization of, 334

vs. ordinals, 168

instance-controlled classes, 6, 158

singletons, 1718

static factory methods and, 6

utility classes, 19

See also enum types

instanceof operator, parameter types, 121

int constants vs. enum types, 157167

int, for monetary calculations, 270

interface-based frameworks, 6, 99103

interface inheritance, 87

interfaces, 73114

vs. abstract classes, 99103

access levels of, 74

accessibility of static members, 7

default methods on, 99, 104105

for defining types, 107108, 191192

design of, 104106

emulating extensible enums with, 176179

enabling functionality enhancements, 100

generic, 117

marker (see marker interfaces)

mixin, 58, 99

naming conventions for, 289291

for nonhierarchical type frameworks, 99

noninstantiable companion classes and, 7

as parameter types, 170, 237

prefer to reflection, 282

purpose of, 58, 107108

for referring to objects, 280281

reflective instantiation of, 283284

serialization and, 344

skeletal implementations and, 100103

static methods and, 7

summary descriptions of, 257

See also individual interface names

internal field theft attacks, 360362

invariant types, 126, 139


clone and, 61

concurrency and, 328

constructors and, 82, 86

corruption of, 92

enum types and, 362

maintaining, 229, 234, 308

of objects and members, 75, 78



immutability and, 12

method-naming conventions, 291

pattern, 1112

Javadoc, 254

architecture documents and, 260

class-level comments, 228, 331

client-side indexes in, 258

comment inheritance, 259

formatting, 255256

module- and package-level comments, 259

summary descriptions, 257


key extractor functions, 70


lambdas, 70, 193225

cleaners and, 33

for constant-specific behaviors, 195

prefer method references to, 197198

prefer to anonymous classes, 193196

serialization and, 196

lazy initialization, 23, 53, 85, 333335

lazy initialization holder class idiom, 334335

lazy initialization with a synchronized

accessor idiom, 333334

leaky abstractions, 146

libraries, 267269

Liskov substitution principle, 43, 75

listeners, avoiding memory leaks from, 28


vs. arrays, 126129

for generic varargs parameter arrays, 149

mutual comparability in, 138


ensuring, 317322, 328

failures of, 224, 313

local classes, 112, 114

local variables

minimizing scope of, 261263

naming conventions for, 290, 292

locality of reference, 223


fields containing, 332

finalizers or cleaners and, 30

private, 332

reentrant, 320

logical equality, 3738

long, for monetary calculations, 270


nested, 264266

See also for loops; for-each loops



member classes and, 113

nested, 173175

vs. streams, behavior of, 173

marker annotations, 181

vs. marker interfaces, 191

marker interfaces, 191192

member classes, 112114

See also static member classes

members, 3

minimizing accessibility of, 7377

memory footprint

See space consumption

memory leaks, 2627

nonstatic member classes and, 113

self-management of memory, 28

memory model, 80

merge functions, 212

meta-annotations, 181

method chaining, 14

method overloading, 238244

accidental, of equals, 49

effects of autoboxing and generics, 241242

functional interfaces and, 202, 243

parameters and, 240

static selection among methods, 238

method overriding, 49, 238239

access levels and, 75

clone, 58

dynamic selection among methods, 238

equals, 3749

hashCode, 5054

self-use and, 98

toString, 5557

unintentional, 190

method references, 18

kinds of, 198

prefer to lambdas, 197198

methods, 3, 227260

access levels of, 74

accessor (see accessor methods)

alien, 317

common to all objects, 3772

constant-specific, for enum-types, 162

documenting, 254255

exceptions thrown by, 304305

overridable, 93

summary descriptions of, 257

thread safety of, 330332

failure atomicity and, 308309

forwarding (see forwarding methods)

generic, 121, 135138

invocation, reflection and, 282

legal for SafeVarargs, 149

minimizing accessibility of, 73

naming conventions for, 9, 290291

native, 31, 285

nonfinal, and clone, 64

overloading (see method overloading)

overriding (see method overriding)

parameter lists for, 236

private, to capture wildcard types, 145

shortening parameter lists of, 236

signatures of, 3, 236237

size of, 263

state-testing, vs. special return value, 295

static factory (see static factory methods)

SuppressWarnings annotation and, 124

validity checking parameters, 227230

varargs, 245246

See also individual method names

mixin interfaces, 58, 99

mixing primitives, boxed primitives, 24, 274

modules, 7677

monetary calculations, types for, 270271

Monty Python reference, subtle, 247

multi-catch facility, 320

multiple inheritance, simulated, 102


JavaBeans pattern and, 11

minimizing, 8086

mutable companion classes, 84

mutable reductions, 223

mutators, 78

mutual comparability, 138

mutual exclusion, 311


named optional parameters, 14

naming conventions, 236, 289292

of generic type parameters, 131

grammatical, 291292

of skeletal implementation classes, 101

of static factory methods, 9

streams and, 208

of type parameters, 135

naming patterns vs. annotations, 180187

native methods, 31, 285

native peers, 31

natural ordering, 66

nested classes, 112

access levels of, 74

decreasing accessibility with, 74

in serialization proxy pattern, 363

types of, 112

nested interfaces, access levels of, 74

nested maps, 173175

nonhierarchical type frameworks, 99

noninstantiable classes, 19

noninstantiable companion classes, 7

non-nullity of equals, 38, 45

non-reifiable types, 127, 131, 146

nonstatic member classes, 112114

notify vs. notifyAll, 328329

null checking, 228

nulling out obsolete object references, 27

NullPointerException, equals contract and, 46


object pools, 24

object reference fields, equals and, 47

objects, 3

avoiding reflective access, 282284

base classes and, 281

creating and destroying, 533

creation and performance, 6, 2223

deserialization filtering of, 342

effectively immutable, 316

eliminating obsolete references to, 2628, 60, 308

expense of creating, 24

favor refering to by interfaces, 280281

function, 114

immutable (see immutable objects)

in inconsistent states, 1112, 96, 309

(see also corrupted objects)

methods common to all, 3772

nulling out obsolete references to, 27

process, 114

reuse, 2225

safe publication of, 316

string representations of, 5557

when to refer to by class, 281

Observer pattern, 317

obsolete object references, 2628, 60, 308

open calls, 321

optimizations, 286288

caching hash codes, 53

lazy initialization, 333335

notify instead of notifyAll, 329

object reuse, 2225

order of comparisons in equals, 47

parallelizing streams, 224

static initialization, 23

StringBuffer and, 279

using == in equals, 46

optionals, 249

exceptions and, 295, 298

as return values, 249253


vs. enum maps, 171175

vs. instance fields, 168


See method overloading

Override annotations, 49, 188190


See method overriding


package-private access level, 4, 74, 84

packages, naming conventions for, 289290

parallelizing streams, 222225

parameter lists

of builders, 14

shortening, 236237

varargs and, 245246

parameterized types, 117122

reifiable, 127

parameterless constructors, 19


defensive copies of mutable, 232

type (see type parameters)

validity checking of, 227230, 353355

PECS mnemonic, 141

performance, 286288

autoboxing and, 24, 201, 275

BigDecimal and, 271

builder pattern, 16

cleaners, 2930

defensive copying and, 234

of enums, 167, 170

of equals, 4647

of excessive synchronization, 321

finalizers, 2930

for-each loops and, 264

of hashCode, 50, 53

immutable classes and, 8385

libraries and, 268

measuring, 287

memory leaks and, 27

native methods and, 285

object creation and, 6, 2223

of reflection, 282

parallelizing streams and, 222225

of serialization, 348350

software architecture and, 286287

state-testing vs. special return value, 295

static factories and, 6

of string concatenation, 279

toString and, 57

varargs and, 246

wrapper classes and, 91

See also optimizations

performance model, 288


cleaners and, 29

finalizers and, 29

native methods and, 285

thread priorities and, 337

thread scheduler and, 336

predicates, 104

primitive fields

compareTo and, 69

equals and, 47

primitive types, 273

incompatibility with generic types, 134

optionals and, 253

prefer over boxed primitives, 24, 273275

See also individual primitive types

private access level, 74

private constructors, 84

for noninstantiability, 19

for singletons, 1718

private lock object idiom, 332

private lock objects, 332

procedural programming, 82

process objects, 114

producer-consumer queues, 326

programming principles, 2

promptness of finalization, 29

protected access level, 7475

public access level, 74

public fields vs. accessor methods, 7879

publicly accessible locks, 331


qualified this construct, 112


racy single check idiom, 335

range checking, 229

raw types, 117122

readObject method, 353358

defensive copies and, 80

how to write, 358

incompatible with instance-controlled objects, 359

overridable methods and, 96, 358

readResolve method

access levels of, 97

choosing access levels of, 362

prefer enum types to, 359362

using for instance-controlled classes, 359


adding behaviors to individual enum constants, 162

adding data to enum types, 160

builder pattern, 12

checking significant fields in equals, 47

clone, 64

compareTo, 68

eliminating self-use, 98

equals, 46

generifying a class, 130133

hashCode, 51

implementing generics atop arrays, 131133

method chaining, 14

noninstantiable classes, 19

readObject, 358

serialization proxies, 363364

serialized singletons, 18

singletons as single-element enums, 18

singletons with private constructors, 17

skeletal implementations, 102

tagged classes to class hierarchies, 110111

See also rules

recursive type bounds, 137

recursive type parameters, 14

reduction strategy, 211

reductions, 223

reentrant locks, 320

reference types, 3, 273

reflection, 282284

AccessibleObject.setAccessible attacks, 17

clone and, 58

drawbacks of, 282

reflective interface instantiation, 283

uses for, 282, 284

reflexivity requirements

compareTo, 68

equals, 3839

reified types, 126

resource factories, 21

resource-ordering deadlocks, 351


locked, and finalizers, 30

releasing, 31

restricted marker interfaces, 191

return classes, varied

serialization proxy pattern and, 365

static factory methods and, 78

return statements, SuppressWarnings

annotation and, 124

return types

bounded wildcard types as, 142

collections vs. streams, 216221

static factory methods and, 6

reusable forwarding classes, 8991


accessibility, 7475

appropriateness of checked exceptions, 298

choosing bounded wildcard types, 141

choosing exception types, 296297

decreasing serialization dangers, 341342

for immutable objects, 80

mapping domains to package names, 289

marker interfaces vs. annotations, 192

optimization, 286

for performance of parallel streams, 223

replacing type parameters with wildcards, 144

for SafeVarargs annotations, 149

static members accessibility, 112

writing doc comments, 254260

runtime exceptions

See unchecked exceptions


safe array accesses, 76

safe languages, 231

safe publication, 316

safety failures, 315

parallel streams and, 224

wait and, 328

SafeVarargs annotations, 147

legal uses of, 149


local variables, 261263

SuppressWarnings annotations, 124

of variables, obsolete references and, 27

security, defensive copying for, 25, 231

security issues

accessible nonzero-length arrays, 76

AccessibleObject.setAccessible attacks, 17

denial of service attacks, 331

deserialization bombs, 339340

ElvisStealer attacks, 362

finalizer attacks, 3031

gadgets, 340

internal field theft attacks, 355357

ransomware attacks, 339

reflection, 17

remote code execution, 340

rogue object reference attacks, 355357

serialization, 339, 344, 353, 360

stealer attacks, 362

strings as keys for granting data access, 277

subclassing and, 89

time-of-check/time-of-use (TOCTOU) attacks, 233

SELF problem, 91


documenting, for inheritance, 93

eliminating, for inheritance, 98

serial version UIDs, 343, 351352

Serializable, 343345

serialization, 339366

anonymous classes and, 196

costs of, 343

decreasing the dangers of, 341342

designing for inheritance and, 9697

documenting for, 347, 350

effect on exported APIs, 343

flexible return classes for, 365

immutability and, 85, 353

internal field theft attacks and, 360362

lambdas and, 196

object deserialization filtering, 342

prefer alternatives to, 339342

singletons and, 18

synchronization for, 351

transient fields for, 348

validity checking in, 357

when to use, 345

serialization proxy pattern, 363366

serialized forms, as part of exported APIs, 343

serialized instances vs. serialization proxy

pattern, 363366

service provider frameworks, 8

short-circuiting operations, 223

signatures of methods, 3, 236237

signum function, 67

simple implementations, 103

simulated multiple inheritance, 102

simulated self-type idiom, 14

single-check idiom, 335

singletons, 1718

vs. dependency injection, 20

skeletal implementations, 100101

source files, 115116

space consumption

enum types, 175

immutable objects and, 83

memory leaks and, 27

nonstatic member classes and, 113

spliterator, 223

spurious wake-ups, 329

state-dependent modify operations, 325

state-testing methods, 294295, 299

static factory methods, 5

advantages of, 58

anonymous classes within, 114

in API documentation, 8

vs. cloning, 65

copy and conversion factories, 65

flexibility in returned classes, 78

for generic singletons, 18, 136

immutable objects and, 22, 82, 84

instance-controlled classes and, 6

limitations of, 89

naming conventions for, 9, 292

replacing constructors with, 59, 22, 240

return types of, 68

for service provider frameworks, 8

for singletons, 17

subclassing and, 8

static fields

for defining constants, 290

lazy initialization of, 334

synchronization of mutable, 322

static import facility, 108

static imports, 70

static member classes, 112

cleaners and, 33

common uses of, 112113

for enum types, 161

vs. nonstatic, 112, 114

for representing aggregates, 276

for shortening parameter lists, 237

static members, accessibility in interfaces, 7

storage pools, 28

strategy enum pattern, 166

Strategy pattern, 193

stream pipelines, 203

side-effect free, 210215

stream unique identifiers

See serial version UIDs

streams, 193, 203225

char values and, 206

collectors for, 211215

for functional programming, 210215

vs. maps, behavior of, 173

parallelizing, 222225

preserving order from parallel, 224

as return types, vs. collections, 216221

specifying collectors for, 173, 214

strengths of, 207

vs. threads, 323324

using, 203209

See also collectors

String constants vs. enum types, 158

string representations, 5557, 306


concatenating, 279

as substitutes for other types, 276278

subclassing, 3, 87

abstract classes, and equals, 45

access levels and, 75

appropriateness of, 92

Cloneable and, 96

compareTo and, 68

equals and, 40, 42

finalizer attacks and, 31

fragility, 89

invariant corruption and, 92

method access levels and, 75

prohibiting, 8, 1819, 85, 97

serialization and, 344

skeletal implementations, 102

static factory methods and, 8

as test of design for inheritance, 95

See also inheritance

subtype relations, 134, 140

summary descriptions in Javadoc, 257

supertype relations, 141

SuppressWarnings annotation, 123125

switch statements, and enum types, 164, 167

symmetry requirements

compareTo, 68

equals, 3839


of atomic data, 312314

excessive, 317322

and performance, 321

ramifications of, 317

internal, 322

for mutual exclusion, 311

serialization and, 351

for shared mutable data, 311316

techniques for, 314316

for thread communication, 312314

synchronized regions

alien methods and, 317321

minimizing work in, 321

synchronizers, 326

synthetic annotations, 186


tag fields, 109

tardy finalization, 29

tasks, 324

vs. threads, 323324

telescoping constructor pattern, 1011

Template Method pattern, 101, 199

this, in doc comments, 256

this, in lambdas vs. anonymous classes, 196

thread pools, 323

sizing of, 336

thread priorities, 337

thread safety

documenting, 322, 330332

immutable objects and, 82

levels of, 330331

mutability and, 75, 322

thread schedulers, 336337

thread starvation deadlocks, 328

Thread.yield method, avoiding, 337

threads, busy-waiting, 336

throwables, types of, 296

time-of-check/time-of-use attacks, 233

TOCTOU attacks, 233

toString method, 5557

enum types and, 160

general contract for, 55

when to override, 57

transient fields, 348351

with readResolve, 360

when to use, 351

transitivity requirements

compareTo, 68

equals, 38, 4045


prefer try-with-resources to, 34


prefer to try-finally, 3436

type bounds, recursive, 137

type inference, 70, 123, 142, 194

type parameter lists, 135

type parameters, 117, 135

bounded, 134, 154

naming conventions for, 135, 290

recursively bound, 14, 137

vs. wildcards, 144

type safety

dynamic casts and, 154

from enum types, 158

heap pollution and, 146

parameterized types and, 119

raw types and, 119

type tokens, 151


conversion of, 65, 291

generic, 117, 130134

interfaces for defining, 107108, 191192

non-reifiable, 127, 131

parameterized, 117122

primitive, 273

raw, 117

reference, 273

See also bounded wildcard types; unbounded wildcard types

typesafe heterogeneous container pattern, 151155

incompatibility with nonreifiable types, 154


unbounded type parameters

vs. bounded wildcard types, 144

unbounded wildcard types, 120

vs. bounded wildcard types, 121

nested, 152

vs. raw types, 121

reifiable, 127

vs. unbounded type parameters, 144

unchecked exceptions

vs. checked exceptions, 296297

compatibility and, 305

excluding from method declarations, 304

purpose of, 296

unchecked warnings, 123125

of casts, 127, 129, 137

underscores, in numeric literals, 108

unintentional object retentions

See memory leaks

unintentionally instantiable classes, 19

users of APIs, 4

utility classes, 19

vs. constant interfaces, 108

vs. dependency injection, 20


validity checking

builders and, 14

constructor parameters, 229

defensive copying and, 232

of deserialized objects, 355

implicit, 230

parameters, 227230

failure atomicity and, 308

readObject parameters, 353355

value classes, 38

toString and, 56

value types vs. strings, 276

varargs, 245246

builders and, 16

with generics, 146150

generics, and compiler warnings, 127

performance, 246

variable arity methods, 245

variable return classes

serialization proxy pattern and, 365

static factory methods and, 78


atomic operations on, 311

local (see local variables)

naming conventions for, 290

scope of, and obsolete references, 27

to avoid subclassing, 44, 68

to maintain invariants, 234

naming conventions for, 291

object reuse and, 23

volatile modifier, 314315


wait loop idiom, 328329

warnings, unchecked

See unchecked warnings

weak references, 28

while loops vs. for loops, 262

wildcard types

capturing, 145

vs. type parameters, 144

See also bounded wildcard types; unbounded wildcard types

window of vulnerability, 233

work queues, 326

wrapper class idiom, 100

wrapper classes, 8991

defensive copying and, 235

incompatible with callback frameworks, 91

vs. subclassing, 97

writeReplace method, access levels of, 97


zero-length arrays, immutability of, 248

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