Appendix B

What's on the Website?

He who would search for pearls must dive below.

—John Dryden, English poet

The website has been established to provide a ready source of useful information about the book's contents. It is designed to bring you quickly to some supporting materials for your reference and further study, or for your use in presentations and other learning experiences. I've had numerous requests from faculty who have adopted my book to provide materials to support them in class. I've tried to respond as best I can.

You can access the website at

Course Master File

This file contains the following:

  • A PowerPoint file for every chapter
  • Class exercises

The PowerPoint files contain the slides I use for my lectures. There is one file for every chapter. Every figure in the book has an accompanying slide with the figure number at the lower right of the slide for student reference. I've also added a number of slides that help with the flow of the lecture. Feel free to add, delete, or modify to suit your needs.

The class exercise file is a collection of more than 30 exercises that I have used with great success in the past. They are designed to get the class involved. Many are focused on how a tool, technique, process, or best practice might be used or adapted to the student's environment. These exercises are rendered in the same format as the chapter lecture slides. Incorporate them into the chapter course file as you see fit.

These PowerPoint files are saved in PPT format. I want you to be able to edit these to suit your specific needs. If you have any specific revisions or additions that others might find helpful, I would appreciate your sharing them with me. I will include the necessary attributions.

A Note on the Answer File for the Discussion Questions

Each chapter ends with a few discussion questions that might be used by instructors to create a dialogue with the class or for use with written assignments. It is hoped that these questions are thought provoking. There are no right answers, although there are plenty of wrong answers. An answer file has been created for instructors. Just e-mail me at [email protected], identify yourself as a legitimate instructor or faculty member, and I'll send you the answer file. I'd love to hear from you and learn how you are using the book and its materials.

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