1. Pythonic Thinking

The idioms of a programming language are defined by its users. Over the years, the Python community has come to use the adjective Pythonic to describe code that follows a particular style. The Pythonic style isn’t regimented or enforced by the compiler. It has emerged over time through experience using the language and working with others. Python programmers prefer to be explicit, to choose simple over complex, and to maximize readability (type import this).

Programmers familiar with other languages may try to write Python as if it’s C++, Java, or whatever they know best. New programmers may still be getting comfortable with the vast range of concepts expressible in Python. It’s important for everyone to know the best—the Pythonic—way to do the most common things in Python. These patterns will affect every program you write.

Item 1: Know Which Version of Python You’re Using

Throughout this book, the majority of example code is in the syntax of Python 3.4 (released March 17, 2014). This book also provides some examples in the syntax of Python 2.7 (released July 3, 2010) to highlight important differences. Most of my advice applies to all of the popular Python runtimes: CPython, Jython, IronPython, PyPy, etc.

Many computers come with multiple versions of the standard CPython runtime preinstalled. However, the default meaning of python on the command-line may not be clear. python is usually an alias for python2.7, but it can sometimes be an alias for older versions like python2.6 or python2.5. To find out exactly which version of Python you’re using, you can use the --version flag.

$ python --version
Python 2.7.8

Python 3 is usually available under the name python3.

$ python3 --version
Python 3.4.2

You can also figure out the version of Python you’re using at runtime by inspecting values in the sys built-in module.

import sys

sys.version_info(major=3, minor=4, micro=2, releaselevel='final', serial=0)
3.4.2 (default, Oct 19 2014, 17:52:17)
[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 6.0 (clang-600.0.51)]

Python 2 and Python 3 are both actively maintained by the Python community. Development on Python 2 is frozen beyond bug fixes, security improvements, and backports to ease the transition from Python 2 to Python 3. Helpful tools like the 2to3 and six exist to make it easier to adopt Python 3 going forward.

Python 3 is constantly getting new features and improvements that will never be added to Python 2. As of the writing of this book, the majority of Python’s most common open source libraries are compatible with Python 3. I strongly encourage you to use Python 3 for your next Python project.

Things to Remember

Image There are two major versions of Python still in active use: Python 2 and Python 3.

Image There are multiple popular runtimes for Python: CPython, Jython, IronPython, PyPy, etc.

Image Be sure that the command-line for running Python on your system is the version you expect it to be.

Image Prefer Python 3 for your next project because that is the primary focus of the Python community.

Item 2: Follow the PEP 8 Style Guide

Python Enhancement Proposal #8, otherwise known as PEP 8, is the style guide for how to format Python code. You are welcome to write Python code however you want, as long as it has valid syntax. However, using a consistent style makes your code more approachable and easier to read. Sharing a common style with other Python programmers in the larger community facilitates collaboration on projects. But even if you are the only one who will ever read your code, following the style guide will make it easier to change things later.

PEP 8 has a wealth of details about how to write clear Python code. It continues to be updated as the Python language evolves. It’s worth reading the whole guide online (http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/). Here are a few rules you should be sure to follow:

Whitespace: In Python, whitespace is syntactically significant. Python programmers are especially sensitive to the effects of whitespace on code clarity.

• Use spaces instead of tabs for indentation.

• Use four spaces for each level of syntactically significant indenting.

• Lines should be 79 characters in length or less.

• Continuations of long expressions onto additional lines should be indented by four extra spaces from their normal indentation level.

• In a file, functions and classes should be separated by two blank lines.

• In a class, methods should be separated by one blank line.

• Don’t put spaces around list indexes, function calls, or keyword argument assignments.

• Put one—and only one—space before and after variable assignments.

Naming: PEP 8 suggests unique styles of naming for different parts in the language. This makes it easy to distinguish which type corresponds to each name when reading code.

• Functions, variables, and attributes should be in lowercase_underscore format.

• Protected instance attributes should be in _leading_underscore format.

• Private instance attributes should be in __double_leading_underscore format.

• Classes and exceptions should be in CapitalizedWord format.

• Module-level constants should be in ALL_CAPS format.

• Instance methods in classes should use self as the name of the first parameter (which refers to the object).

• Class methods should use cls as the name of the first parameter (which refers to the class).

Expressions and Statements: The Zen of Python states: “There should be one—and preferably only one—obvious way to do it.” PEP 8 attempts to codify this style in its guidance for expressions and statements.

• Use inline negation (if a is not b) instead of negation of positive expressions (if not a is b).

• Don’t check for empty values (like [] or '') by checking the length (if len(somelist) == 0). Use if not somelist and assume empty values implicitly evaluate to False.

• The same thing goes for non-empty values (like [1] or 'hi'). The statement if somelist is implicitly True for non-empty values.

• Avoid single-line if statements, for and while loops, and except compound statements. Spread these over multiple lines for clarity.

• Always put import statements at the top of a file.

• Always use absolute names for modules when importing them, not names relative to the current module’s own path. For example, to import the foo module from the bar package, you should do from bar import foo, not just import foo.

• If you must do relative imports, use the explicit syntax from . import foo.

• Imports should be in sections in the following order: standard library modules, third-party modules, your own modules. Each subsection should have imports in alphabetical order.


The Pylint tool (http://www.pylint.org/) is a popular static analyzer for Python source code. Pylint provides automated enforcement of the PEP 8 style guide and detects many other types of common errors in Python programs.

Things to Remember

Image Always follow the PEP 8 style guide when writing Python code.

Image Sharing a common style with the larger Python community facilitates collaboration with others.

Image Using a consistent style makes it easier to modify your own code later.

Item 3: Know the Differences Between bytes, str, and unicode

In Python 3, there are two types that represent sequences of characters: bytes and str. Instances of bytes contain raw 8-bit values. Instances of str contain Unicode characters.

In Python 2, there are two types that represent sequences of characters: str and unicode. In contrast to Python 3, instances of str contain raw 8-bit values. Instances of unicode contain Unicode characters.

There are many ways to represent Unicode characters as binary data (raw 8-bit values). The most common encoding is UTF-8. Importantly, str instances in Python 3 and unicode instances in Python 2 do not have an associated binary encoding. To convert Unicode characters to binary data, you must use the encode method. To convert binary data to Unicode characters, you must use the decode method.

When you’re writing Python programs, it’s important to do encoding and decoding of Unicode at the furthest boundary of your interfaces. The core of your program should use Unicode character types (str in Python 3, unicode in Python 2) and should not assume anything about character encodings. This approach allows you to be very accepting of alternative text encodings (such as Latin-1, Shift JIS, and Big5) while being strict about your output text encoding (ideally, UTF-8).

The split between character types leads to two common situations in Python code:

Image You want to operate on raw 8-bit values that are UTF-8-encoded characters (or some other encoding).

Image You want to operate on Unicode characters that have no specific encoding.

You’ll often need two helper functions to convert between these two cases and to ensure that the type of input values matches your code’s expectations.

In Python 3, you’ll need one method that takes a str or bytes and always returns a str.

def to_str(bytes_or_str):
    if isinstance(bytes_or_str, bytes):
        value = bytes_or_str.decode('utf-8')
        value = bytes_or_str
    return value  # Instance of str

You’ll need another method that takes a str or bytes and always returns a bytes.

def to_bytes(bytes_or_str):
    if isinstance(bytes_or_str, str):
        value = bytes_or_str.encode('utf-8')
        value = bytes_or_str
    return value  # Instance of bytes

In Python 2, you’ll need one method that takes a str or unicode and always returns a unicode.

# Python 2
def to_unicode(unicode_or_str):
    if isinstance(unicode_or_str, str):
        value = unicode_or_str.decode('utf-8')
        value = unicode_or_str
    return value  # Instance of unicode

You’ll need another method that takes str or unicode and always returns a str.

# Python 2
def to_str(unicode_or_str):
    if isinstance(unicode_or_str, unicode):
        value = unicode_or_str.encode('utf-8')
        value = unicode_or_str
    return value  # Instance of str

There are two big gotchas when dealing with raw 8-bit values and Unicode characters in Python.

The first issue is that in Python 2, unicode and str instances seem to be the same type when a str only contains 7-bit ASCII characters.

Image You can combine such a str and unicode together using the + operator.

Image You can compare such str and unicode instances using equality and inequality operators.

Image You can use unicode instances for format strings like '%s'.

All of this behavior means that you can often pass a str or unicode instance to a function expecting one or the other and things will just work (as long as you’re only dealing with 7-bit ASCII). In Python 3, bytes and str instances are never equivalent—not even the empty string—so you must be more deliberate about the types of character sequences that you’re passing around.

The second issue is that in Python 3, operations involving file handles (returned by the open built-in function) default to UTF-8 encoding. In Python 2, file operations default to binary encoding. This causes surprising failures, especially for programmers accustomed to Python 2.

For example, say you want to write some random binary data to a file. In Python 2, this works. In Python 3, this breaks.

with open('/tmp/random.bin', 'w') as f:

TypeError: must be str, not bytes

The cause of this exception is the new encoding argument for open that was added in Python 3. This parameter defaults to 'utf-8'. That makes read and write operations on file handles expect str instances containing Unicode characters instead of bytes instances containing binary data.

To make this work properly, you must indicate that the data is being opened in write binary mode ('wb') instead of write character mode ('w'). Here, I use open in a way that works correctly in Python 2 and Python 3:

with open('/tmp/random.bin', 'wb') as f:

This problem also exists for reading data from files. The solution is the same: Indicate binary mode by using 'rb' instead of 'r' when opening a file.

Things to Remember

Image In Python 3, bytes contains sequences of 8-bit values, str contains sequences of Unicode characters. bytes and str instances can’t be used together with operators (like > or +).

Image In Python 2, str contains sequences of 8-bit values, unicode contains sequences of Unicode characters. str and unicode can be used together with operators if the str only contains 7-bit ASCII characters.

Image Use helper functions to ensure that the inputs you operate on are the type of character sequence you expect (8-bit values, UTF-8 encoded characters, Unicode characters, etc.).

Image If you want to read or write binary data to/from a file, always open the file using a binary mode (like 'rb' or 'wb').

Item 4: Write Helper Functions Instead of Complex Expressions

Python’s pithy syntax makes it easy to write single-line expressions that implement a lot of logic. For example, say you want to decode the query string from a URL. Here, each query string parameter represents an integer value:

from urllib.parse import parse_qs
my_values = parse_qs('red=5&blue=0&green=',

{'red': ['5'], 'green': [''], 'blue': ['0']}

Some query string parameters may have multiple values, some may have single values, some may be present but have blank values, and some may be missing entirely. Using the get method on the result dictionary will return different values in each circumstance.

print('Red:     ', my_values.get('red'))
print('Green:   ', my_values.get('green'))
print('Opacity: ', my_values.get('opacity'))

Red:      ['5']
Green:    ['']
Opacity:  None

It’d be nice if a default value of 0 was assigned when a parameter isn’t supplied or is blank. You might choose to do this with Boolean expressions because it feels like this logic doesn’t merit a whole if statement or helper function quite yet.

Python’s syntax makes this choice all too easy. The trick here is that the empty string, the empty list, and zero all evaluate to False implicitly. Thus, the expressions below will evaluate to the subexpression after the or operator when the first subexpression is False.

# For query string 'red=5&blue=0&green='
red = my_values.get('red', [''])[0] or 0
green = my_values.get('green', [''])[0] or 0
opacity = my_values.get('opacity', [''])[0] or 0
print('Red:     %r' % red)
print('Green:   %r' % green)
print('Opacity: %r' % opacity)

Red:     '5'
Green:   0
Opacity: 0

The red case works because the key is present in the my_values dictionary. The value is a list with one member: the string '5'. This string implicitly evaluates to True, so red is assigned to the first part of the or expression.

The green case works because the value in the my_values dictionary is a list with one member: an empty string. The empty string implicitly evaluates to False, causing the or expression to evaluate to 0.

The opacity case works because the value in the my_values dictionary is missing altogether. The behavior of the get method is to return its second argument if the key doesn’t exist in the dictionary. The default value in this case is a list with one member, an empty string. When opacity isn’t found in the dictionary, this code does exactly the same thing as the green case.

However, this expression is difficult to read and it still doesn’t do everything you need. You’d also want to ensure that all the parameter values are integers so you can use them in mathematical expressions. To do that, you’d wrap each expression with the int built-in function to parse the string as an integer.

red = int(my_values.get('red', [''])[0] or 0)

This is now extremely hard to read. There’s so much visual noise. The code isn’t approachable. A new reader of the code would have to spend too much time picking apart the expression to figure out what it actually does. Even though it’s nice to keep things short, it’s not worth trying to fit this all on one line.

Python 2.5 added if/else conditional—or ternary—expressions to make cases like this clearer while keeping the code short.

red = my_values.get('red', [''])
red = int(red[0]) if red[0] else 0

This is better. For less complicated situations, if/else conditional expressions can make things very clear. But the example above is still not as clear as the alternative of a full if/else statement over multiple lines. Seeing all of the logic spread out like this makes the dense version seem even more complex.

green = my_values.get('green', [''])
if green[0]:
    green = int(green[0])
    green = 0

Writing a helper function is the way to go, especially if you need to use this logic repeatedly.

def get_first_int(values, key, default=0):
    found = values.get(key, [''])
    if found[0]:
        found = int(found[0])
        found = default
    return found

The calling code is much clearer than the complex expression using or and the two-line version using the if/else expression.

green = get_first_int(my_values, 'green')

As soon as your expressions get complicated, it’s time to consider splitting them into smaller pieces and moving logic into helper functions. What you gain in readability always outweighs what brevity may have afforded you. Don’t let Python’s pithy syntax for complex expressions get you into a mess like this.

Things to Remember

Image Python’s syntax makes it all too easy to write single-line expressions that are overly complicated and difficult to read.

Image Move complex expressions into helper functions, especially if you need to use the same logic repeatedly.

Image The if/else expression provides a more readable alternative to using Boolean operators like or and and in expressions.

Item 5: Know How to Slice Sequences

Python includes syntax for slicing sequences into pieces. Slicing lets you access a subset of a sequence’s items with minimal effort. The simplest uses for slicing are the built-in types list, str, and bytes. Slicing can be extended to any Python class that implements the __getitem__ and __setitem__ special methods (see Item 28: “Inherit from collections.abc for Custom Container Types”).

The basic form of the slicing syntax is somelist[start:end], where start is inclusive and end is exclusive.

a = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h']
print('First four:', a[:4])
print('Last four: ', a[-4:])
print('Middle two:', a[3:-3])

First four: ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
Last four:  ['e', 'f', 'g', 'h']
Middle two: ['d', 'e']

When slicing from the start of a list, you should leave out the zero index to reduce visual noise.

assert a[:5] == a[0:5]

When slicing to the end of a list, you should leave out the final index because it’s redundant.

assert a[5:] == a[5:len(a)]

Using negative numbers for slicing is helpful for doing offsets relative to the end of a list. All of these forms of slicing would be clear to a new reader of your code. There are no surprises, and I encourage you to use these variations.

a[:]      # ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h']
a[:5]     # ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']
a[:-1]    # ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g']
a[4:]     #                     ['e', 'f', 'g', 'h']
a[-3:]    #                          ['f', 'g', 'h']
a[2:5]    #           ['c', 'd', 'e']
a[2:-1]   #           ['c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g']
a[-3:-1]  #                          ['f', 'g']

Slicing deals properly with start and end indexes that are beyond the boundaries of the list. That makes it easy for your code to establish a maximum length to consider for an input sequence.

first_twenty_items = a[:20]
last_twenty_items = a[-20:]

In contrast, accessing the same index directly causes an exception.


IndexError: list index out of range


Beware that indexing a list by a negative variable is one of the few situations in which you can get surprising results from slicing. For example, the expression somelist[-n:] will work fine when n is greater than one (e.g., somelist[-3:]). However, when n is zero, the expression somelist[-0:] will result in a copy of the original list.

The result of slicing a list is a whole new list. References to the objects from the original list are maintained. Modifying the result of slicing won’t affect the original list.

b = a[4:]
print('Before:   ', b)
b[1] = 99
print('After:    ', b)
print('No change:', a)

Before:    ['e', 'f', 'g', 'h']
After:     ['e', 99, 'g', 'h']
No change: ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h']

When used in assignments, slices will replace the specified range in the original list. Unlike tuple assignments (like a, b = c[:2]), the length of slice assignments don’t need to be the same. The values before and after the assigned slice will be preserved. The list will grow or shrink to accommodate the new values.

print('Before ', a)
a[2:7] = [99, 22, 14]
print('After  ', a)
Before  ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h']
After   ['a', 'b', 99, 22, 14, 'h']

If you leave out both the start and the end indexes when slicing, you’ll end up with a copy of the original list.

b = a[:]
assert b == a and b is not a

If you assign a slice with no start or end indexes, you’ll replace its entire contents with a copy of what’s referenced (instead of allocating a new list).

b = a
print('Before', a)
a[:] = [101, 102, 103]
assert a is b           # Still the same list object
print('After ', a)      # Now has different contents

Before ['a', 'b', 99, 22, 14, 'h']
After  [101, 102, 103]

Things to Remember

Image Avoid being verbose: Don’t supply 0 for the start index or the length of the sequence for the end index.

Image Slicing is forgiving of start or end indexes that are out of bounds, making it easy to express slices on the front or back boundaries of a sequence (like a[:20] or a[-20:]).

Image Assigning to a list slice will replace that range in the original sequence with what’s referenced even if their lengths are different.

Item 6: Avoid Using start, end, and stride in a Single Slice

In addition to basic slicing (see Item 5: “Know How to Slice Sequences”), Python has special syntax for the stride of a slice in the form somelist[start:end:stride]. This lets you take every nth item when slicing a sequence. For example, the stride makes it easy to group by even and odd indexes in a list.

a = ['red', 'orange', 'yellow', 'green', 'blue', 'purple']
odds = a[::2]
evens = a[1::2]

['red', 'yellow', 'blue']
['orange', 'green', 'purple']

The problem is that the stride syntax often causes unexpected behavior that can introduce bugs. For example, a common Python trick for reversing a byte string is to slice the string with a stride of -1.

x = b'mongoose'
y = x[::-1]


That works well for byte strings and ASCII characters, but it will break for Unicode characters encoded as UTF-8 byte strings.

w = 'Image'
x = w.encode('utf-8')
y = x[::-1]
z = y.decode('utf-8')

UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0x9d in
position 0: invalid start byte

Are negative strides besides -1 useful? Consider the following examples.

a = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h']
a[::2]   # ['a', 'c', 'e', 'g']
a[::-2]  # ['h', 'f', 'd', 'b']

Here, ::2 means select every second item starting at the beginning. Trickier, ::-2 means select every second item starting at the end and moving backwards.

What do you think 2::2 means? What about -2::-2 vs. -2:2:-2 vs. 2:2:-2?

a[2::2]     # ['c', 'e', 'g']
a[-2::-2]   # ['g', 'e', 'c', 'a']
a[-2:2:-2]  # ['g', 'e']
a[2:2:-2]   # []

The point is that the stride part of the slicing syntax can be extremely confusing. Having three numbers within the brackets is hard enough to read because of its density. Then it’s not obvious when the start and end indexes come into effect relative to the stride value, especially when stride is negative.

To prevent problems, avoid using stride along with start and end indexes. If you must use a stride, prefer making it a positive value and omit start and end indexes. If you must use stride with start or end indexes, consider using one assignment to stride and another to slice.

b = a[::2]   # ['a', 'c', 'e', 'g']
c = b[1:-1]  # ['c', 'e']

Slicing and then striding will create an extra shallow copy of the data. The first operation should try to reduce the size of the resulting slice by as much as possible. If your program can’t afford the time or memory required for two steps, consider using the itertools built-in module’s islice method (see Item 46: “Use Built-in Algorithms and Data Structures”), which doesn’t permit negative values for start, end, or stride.

Things to Remember

Image Specifying start, end, and stride in a slice can be extremely confusing.

Image Prefer using positive stride values in slices without start or end indexes. Avoid negative stride values if possible.

Image Avoid using start, end, and stride together in a single slice. If you need all three parameters, consider doing two assignments (one to slice, another to stride) or using islice from the itertools built-in module.

Item 7: Use List Comprehensions Instead of map and filter

Python provides compact syntax for deriving one list from another. These expressions are called list comprehensions. For example, say you want to compute the square of each number in a list. You can do this by providing the expression for your computation and the input sequence to loop over.

a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
squares = [x**2 for x in a]

[1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100]

Unless you’re applying a single-argument function, list comprehensions are clearer than the map built-in function for simple cases. map requires creating a lambda function for the computation, which is visually noisy.

squares = map(lambda x: x ** 2, a)

Unlike map, list comprehensions let you easily filter items from the input list, removing corresponding outputs from the result. For example, say you only want to compute the squares of the numbers that are divisible by 2. Here, I do this by adding a conditional expression to the list comprehension after the loop:

even_squares = [x**2 for x in a if x % 2 == 0]

[4, 16, 36, 64, 100]

The filter built-in function can be used along with map to achieve the same outcome, but it is much harder to read.

alt = map(lambda x: x**2, filter(lambda x: x % 2 == 0, a))
assert even_squares == list(alt)

Dictionaries and sets have their own equivalents of list comprehensions. These make it easy to create derivative data structures when writing algorithms.

chile_ranks = {'ghost': 1, 'habanero': 2, 'cayenne': 3}
rank_dict = {rank: name for name, rank in chile_ranks.items()}
chile_len_set = {len(name) for name in rank_dict.values()}

{1: 'ghost', 2: 'habanero', 3: 'cayenne'}
{8, 5, 7}

Things to Remember

Image List comprehensions are clearer than the map and filter built-in functions because they don’t require extra lambda expressions.

Image List comprehensions allow you to easily skip items from the input list, a behavior map doesn’t support without help from filter.

Image Dictionaries and sets also support comprehension expressions.

Item 8: Avoid More Than Two Expressions in List Comprehensions

Beyond basic usage (see Item 7: “Use List Comprehensions Instead of map and filter”), list comprehensions also support multiple levels of looping. For example, say you want to simplify a matrix (a list containing other lists) into one flat list of all cells. Here, I do this with a list comprehension by including two for expressions. These expressions run in the order provided from left to right.

matrix = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]
flat = [x for row in matrix for x in row]

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

The example above is simple, readable, and a reasonable usage of multiple loops. Another reasonable usage of multiple loops is replicating the two-level deep layout of the input list. For example, say you want to square the value in each cell of a two-dimensional matrix. This expression is noisier because of the extra [] characters, but it’s still easy to read.

squared = [[x**2 for x in row] for row in matrix]

[[1, 4, 9], [16, 25, 36], [49, 64, 81]]

If this expression included another loop, the list comprehension would get so long that you’d have to split it over multiple lines.

my_lists = [
    [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]],
    # ...
flat = [x for sublist1 in my_lists
        for sublist2 in sublist1
        for x in sublist2]

At this point, the multiline comprehension isn’t much shorter than the alternative. Here, I produce the same result using normal loop statements. The indentation of this version makes the looping clearer than the list comprehension.

flat = []
for sublist1 in my_lists:
    for sublist2 in sublist1:

List comprehensions also support multiple if conditions. Multiple conditions at the same loop level are an implicit and expression. For example, say you want to filter a list of numbers to only even values greater than four. These two list comprehensions are equivalent.

a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
b = [x for x in a if x > 4 if x % 2 == 0]
c = [x for x in a if x > 4 and x % 2 == 0]

Conditions can be specified at each level of looping after the for expression. For example, say you want to filter a matrix so the only cells remaining are those divisible by 3 in rows that sum to 10 or higher. Expressing this with list comprehensions is short, but extremely difficult to read.

matrix = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]
filtered = [[x for x in row if x % 3 == 0]
            for row in matrix if sum(row) >= 10]

[[6], [9]]

Though this example is a bit convoluted, in practice you’ll see situations arise where such expressions seem like a good fit. I strongly encourage you to avoid using list comprehensions that look like this. The resulting code is very difficult for others to comprehend. What you save in the number of lines doesn’t outweigh the difficulties it could cause later.

The rule of thumb is to avoid using more than two expressions in a list comprehension. This could be two conditions, two loops, or one condition and one loop. As soon as it gets more complicated than that, you should use normal if and for statements and write a helper function (see Item 16: “Consider Generators Instead of Returning Lists”).

Things to Remember

Image List comprehensions support multiple levels of loops and multiple conditions per loop level.

Image List comprehensions with more than two expressions are very difficult to read and should be avoided.

Item 9: Consider Generator Expressions for Large Comprehensions

The problem with list comprehensions (see Item 7: “Use List Comprehensions Instead of map and filter”) is that they may create a whole new list containing one item for each value in the input sequence. This is fine for small inputs, but for large inputs this could consume significant amounts of memory and cause your program to crash.

For example, say you want to read a file and return the number of characters on each line. Doing this with a list comprehension would require holding the length of every line of the file in memory. If the file is absolutely enormous or perhaps a never-ending network socket, list comprehensions are problematic. Here, I use a list comprehension in a way that can only handle small input values.

value = [len(x) for x in open('/tmp/my_file.txt')]

[100, 57, 15, 1, 12, 75, 5, 86, 89, 11]

To solve this, Python provides generator expressions, a generalization of list comprehensions and generators. Generator expressions don’t materialize the whole output sequence when they’re run. Instead, generator expressions evaluate to an iterator that yields one item at a time from the expression.

A generator expression is created by putting list-comprehension-like syntax between () characters. Here, I use a generator expression that is equivalent to the code above. However, the generator expression immediately evaluates to an iterator and doesn’t make any forward progress.

it = (len(x) for x in open('/tmp/my_file.txt'))

<generator object <genexpr> at 0x101b81480>

The returned iterator can be advanced one step at a time to produce the next output from the generator expression as needed (using the next built-in function). Your code can consume as much of the generator expression as you want without risking a blowup in memory usage.



Another powerful outcome of generator expressions is that they can be composed together. Here, I take the iterator returned by the generator expression above and use it as the input for another generator expression.

roots = ((x, x**0.5) for x in it)

Each time I advance this iterator, it will also advance the interior iterator, creating a domino effect of looping, evaluating conditional expressions, and passing around inputs and outputs.


(15, 3.872983346207417)

Chaining generators like this executes very quickly in Python. When you’re looking for a way to compose functionality that’s operating on a large stream of input, generator expressions are the best tool for the job. The only gotcha is that the iterators returned by generator expressions are stateful, so you must be careful not to use them more than once (see Item 17: “Be Defensive When Iterating Over Arguments”).

Things to Remember

Image List comprehensions can cause problems for large inputs by using too much memory.

Image Generator expressions avoid memory issues by producing outputs one at a time as an iterator.

Image Generator expressions can be composed by passing the iterator from one generator expression into the for subexpression of another.

Image Generator expressions execute very quickly when chained together.

Item 10: Prefer enumerate Over range

The range built-in function is useful for loops that iterate over a set of integers.

random_bits = 0
for i in range(64):
    if randint(0, 1):
        random_bits |= 1 << i

When you have a data structure to iterate over, like a list of strings, you can loop directly over the sequence.

flavor_list = ['vanilla', 'chocolate', 'pecan', 'strawberry']
for flavor in flavor_list:
    print('%s is delicious' % flavor)

Often, you’ll want to iterate over a list and also know the index of the current item in the list. For example, say you want to print the ranking of your favorite ice cream flavors. One way to do it is using range.

for i in range(len(flavor_list)):
    flavor = flavor_list[i]
    print('%d: %s' % (i + 1, flavor))

This looks clumsy compared with the other examples of iterating over flavor_list or range. You have to get the length of the list. You have to index into the array. It’s harder to read.

Python provides the enumerate built-in function for addressing this situation. enumerate wraps any iterator with a lazy generator. This generator yields pairs of the loop index and the next value from the iterator. The resulting code is much clearer.

for i, flavor in enumerate(flavor_list):
    print('%d: %s' % (i + 1, flavor))

1: vanilla
2: chocolate
3: pecan
4: strawberry

You can make this even shorter by specifying the number from which enumerate should begin counting (1 in this case).

for i, flavor in enumerate(flavor_list, 1):
    print('%d: %s' % (i, flavor))

Things to Remember

Image enumerate provides concise syntax for looping over an iterator and getting the index of each item from the iterator as you go.

Image Prefer enumerate instead of looping over a range and indexing into a sequence.

Image You can supply a second parameter to enumerate to specify the number from which to begin counting (zero is the default).

Item 11: Use zip to Process Iterators in Parallel

Often in Python you find yourself with many lists of related objects. List comprehensions make it easy to take a source list and get a derived list by applying an expression (see Item 7: “Use List Comprehensions Instead of map and filter”).

names = ['Cecilia', 'Lise', 'Marie']
letters = [len(n) for n in names]

The items in the derived list are related to the items in the source list by their indexes. To iterate over both lists in parallel, you can iterate over the length of the names source list.

longest_name = None
max_letters = 0

for i in range(len(names)):
    count = letters[i]
    if count > max_letters:
        longest_name = names[i]
        max_letters = count



The problem is that this whole loop statement is visually noisy. The indexes into names and letters make the code hard to read. Indexing into the arrays by the loop index i happens twice. Using enumerate (see Item 10: “Prefer enumerate Over range”) improves this slightly, but it’s still not ideal.

for i, name in enumerate(names):
    count = letters[i]
    if count > max_letters:
        longest_name = name
        max_letters = count

To make this code clearer, Python provides the zip built-in function. In Python 3, zip wraps two or more iterators with a lazy generator. The zip generator yields tuples containing the next value from each iterator. The resulting code is much cleaner than indexing into multiple lists.

for name, count in zip(names, letters):
    if count > max_letters:
        longest_name = name
        max_letters = count

There are two problems with the zip built-in.

The first issue is that in Python 2 zip is not a generator; it will fully exhaust the supplied iterators and return a list of all the tuples it creates. This could potentially use a lot of memory and cause your program to crash. If you want to zip very large iterators in Python 2, you should use izip from the itertools built-in module (see Item 46: “Use Built-in Algorithms and Data Structures”).

The second issue is that zip behaves strangely if the input iterators are of different lengths. For example, say you add another name to the list above but forget to update the letter counts. Running zip on the two input lists will have an unexpected result.

for name, count in zip(names, letters):


The new item for 'Rosalind' isn’t there. This is just how zip works. It keeps yielding tuples until a wrapped iterator is exhausted. This approach works fine when you know that the iterators are of the same length, which is often the case for derived lists created by list comprehensions. In many other cases, the truncating behavior of zip is surprising and bad. If you aren’t confident that the lengths of the lists you want to zip are equal, consider using the zip_longest function from the itertools built-in module instead (also called izip_longest in Python 2).

Things to Remember

Image The zip built-in function can be used to iterate over multiple iterators in parallel.

Image In Python 3, zip is a lazy generator that produces tuples. In Python 2, zip returns the full result as a list of tuples.

Image zip truncates its output silently if you supply it with iterators of different lengths.

Image The zip_longest function from the itertools built-in module lets you iterate over multiple iterators in parallel regardless of their lengths (see Item 46: “Use Built-in Algorithms and Data Structures”).

Item 12: Avoid else Blocks After for and while Loops

Python loops have an extra feature that is not available in most other programming languages: you can put an else block immediately after a loop’s repeated interior block.

for i in range(3):
    print('Loop %d' % i)
    print('Else block!')

Loop 0
Loop 1
Loop 2
Else block!

Surprisingly, the else block runs immediately after the loop finishes. Why is the clause called “else”? Why not “and”? In an if/else statement, else means, “Do this if the block before this doesn’t happen.” In a try/except statement, except has the same definition: “Do this if trying the block before this failed.”

Similarly, else from try/except/else follows this pattern (see Item 13: “Take Advantage of Each Block in try/except/else/finally”) because it means, “Do this if the block before did not fail.” try/finally is also intuitive because it means, “Always do what is final after trying the block before.”

Given all of the uses of else, except, and finally in Python, a new programmer might assume that the else part of for/else means, “Do this if the loop wasn’t completed.” In reality, it does exactly the opposite. Using a break statement in a loop will actually skip the else block.

for i in range(3):
    print('Loop %d' % i)
    if i == 1:
    print('Else block!')

Loop 0
Loop 1

Another surprise is that the else block will run immediately if you loop over an empty sequence.

for x in []:
    print('Never runs')
    print('For Else block!')

For Else block!

The else block also runs when while loops are initially false.

while False:
    print('Never runs')
    print('While Else block!')

While Else block!

The rationale for these behaviors is that else blocks after loops are useful when you’re using loops to search for something. For example, say you want to determine whether two numbers are coprime (their only common divisor is 1). Here, I iterate through every possible common divisor and test the numbers. After every option has been tried, the loop ends. The else block runs when the numbers are coprime because the loop doesn’t encounter a break.

a = 4
b = 9
for i in range(2, min(a, b) + 1):
    print('Testing', i)
    if a % i == 0 and b % i == 0:
        print('Not coprime')

Testing 2
Testing 3
Testing 4

In practice, you wouldn’t write the code this way. Instead, you’d write a helper function to do the calculation. Such a helper function is written in two common styles.

The first approach is to return early when you find the condition you’re looking for. You return the default outcome if you fall through the loop.

def coprime(a, b):
    for i in range(2, min(a, b) + 1):
        if a % i == 0 and b % i == 0:
            return False
    return True

The second way is to have a result variable that indicates whether you’ve found what you’re looking for in the loop. You break out of the loop as soon as you find something.

def coprime2(a, b):
    is_coprime = True
    for i in range(2, min(a, b) + 1):
        if a % i == 0 and b % i == 0:
            is_coprime = False
    return is_coprime

Both of these approaches are so much clearer to readers of unfamiliar code. The expressivity you gain from the else block doesn’t outweigh the burden you put on people (including yourself) who want to understand your code in the future. Simple constructs like loops should be self-evident in Python. You should avoid using else blocks after loops entirely.

Things to Remember

Image Python has special syntax that allows else blocks to immediately follow for and while loop interior blocks.

Image The else block after a loop only runs if the loop body did not encounter a break statement.

Image Avoid using else blocks after loops because their behavior isn’t intuitive and can be confusing.

Item 13: Take Advantage of Each Block in try/except/else/finally

There are four distinct times that you may want to take action during exception handling in Python. These are captured in the functionality of try, except, else, and finally blocks. Each block serves a unique purpose in the compound statement, and their various combinations are useful (see Item 51: “Define a Root Exception to Insulate Callers from APIs” for another example).

Finally Blocks

Use try/finally when you want exceptions to propagate up, but you also want to run cleanup code even when exceptions occur. One common usage of try/finally is for reliably closing file handles (see Item 43: “Consider contextlib and with Statements for Reusable try/finally Behavior” for another approach).

handle = open('/tmp/random_data.txt')  # May raise IOError
    data = handle.read()  # May raise UnicodeDecodeError
    handle.close()        # Always runs after try:

Any exception raised by the read method will always propagate up to the calling code, yet the close method of handle is also guaranteed to run in the finally block. You must call open before the try block because exceptions that occur when opening the file (like IOError if the file does not exist) should skip the finally block.

Else Blocks

Use try/except/else to make it clear which exceptions will be handled by your code and which exceptions will propagate up. When the try block doesn’t raise an exception, the else block will run. The else block helps you minimize the amount of code in the try block and improves readability. For example, say you want to load JSON dictionary data from a string and return the value of a key it contains.

def load_json_key(data, key):
        result_dict = json.loads(data)  # May raise ValueError
    except ValueError as e:
        raise KeyError from e
        return result_dict[key]         # May raise KeyError

If the data isn’t valid JSON, then decoding with json.loads will raise a ValueError. The exception is caught by the except block and handled. If decoding is successful, then the key lookup will occur in the else block. If the key lookup raises any exceptions, they will propagate up to the caller because they are outside the try block. The else clause ensures that what follows the try/except is visually distinguished from the except block. This makes the exception propagation behavior clear.

Everything Together

Use try/except/else/finally when you want to do it all in one compound statement. For example, say you want to read a description of work to do from a file, process it, and then update the file in place. Here, the try block is used to read the file and process it. The except block is used to handle exceptions from the try block that are expected. The else block is used to update the file in place and to allow related exceptions to propagate up. The finally block cleans up the file handle.

UNDEFINED = object()

def divide_json(path):
    handle = open(path, 'r+')   # May raise IOError
        data = handle.read()    # May raise UnicodeDecodeError
        op = json.loads(data)   # May raise ValueError
        value = (
            op['numerator'] /
            op['denominator'])  # May raise ZeroDivisionError
    except ZeroDivisionError as e:
        return UNDEFINED
        op['result'] = value
        result = json.dumps(op)
        handle.write(result)    # May raise IOError
        return value
        handle.close()          # Always runs

This layout is especially useful because all of the blocks work together in intuitive ways. For example, if an exception gets raised in the else block while rewriting the result data, the finally block will still run and close the file handle.

Things to Remember

Image The try/finally compound statement lets you run cleanup code regardless of whether exceptions were raised in the try block.

Image The else block helps you minimize the amount of code in try blocks and visually distinguish the success case from the try/except blocks.

Image An else block can be used to perform additional actions after a successful try block but before common cleanup in a finally block.

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