4. Metaclasses and Attributes

Metaclasses are often mentioned in lists of Python’s features, but few understand what they accomplish in practice. The name metaclass vaguely implies a concept above and beyond a class. Simply put, metaclasses let you intercept Python’s class statement and provide special behavior each time a class is defined.

Similarly mysterious and powerful are Python’s built-in features for dynamically customizing attribute accesses. Along with Python’s object-oriented constructs, these facilities provide wonderful tools to ease the transition from simple classes to complex ones.

However, with these powers come many pitfalls. Dynamic attributes enable you to override objects and cause unexpected side effects. Metaclasses can create extremely bizarre behaviors that are unapproachable to newcomers. It’s important that you follow the rule of least surprise and only use these mechanisms to implement well-understood idioms.

Item 29: Use Plain Attributes Instead of Get and Set Methods

Programmers coming to Python from other languages may naturally try to implement explicit getter and setter methods in their classes.

class OldResistor(object):
    def __init__(self, ohms):
        self._ohms = ohms

    def get_ohms(self):
        return self._ohms

    def set_ohms(self, ohms):
        self._ohms = ohms

Using these setters and getters is simple, but it’s not Pythonic.

r0 = OldResistor(50e3)
print('Before: %5r' % r0.get_ohms())
print('After:  %5r' % r0.get_ohms())

Before: 50000.0
After:  10000.0

Such methods are especially clumsy for operations like incrementing in place.

r0.set_ohms(r0.get_ohms() + 5e3)

These utility methods do help define the interface for your class, making it easier to encapsulate functionality, validate usage, and define boundaries. Those are important goals when designing a class to ensure you don’t break callers as your class evolves over time.

In Python, however, you almost never need to implement explicit setter or getter methods. Instead, you should always start your implementations with simple public attributes.

class Resistor(object):
    def __init__(self, ohms):
        self.ohms = ohms
        self.voltage = 0
        self.current = 0

r1 = Resistor(50e3)
r1.ohms = 10e3

These make operations like incrementing in place natural and clear.

r1.ohms += 5e3

Later, if you decide you need special behavior when an attribute is set, you can migrate to the @property decorator and its corresponding setter attribute. Here, I define a new subclass of Resistor that lets me vary the current by assigning the voltage property. Note that in order to work properly the name of both the setter and getter methods must match the intended property name.

class VoltageResistance(Resistor):
    def __init__(self, ohms):
        self._voltage = 0
    def voltage(self):
        return self._voltage

    def voltage(self, voltage):
        self._voltage = voltage
        self.current = self._voltage / self.ohms

Now, assigning the voltage property will run the voltage setter method, updating the current property of the object to match.

r2 = VoltageResistance(1e3)
print('Before: %5r amps' % r2.current)
r2.voltage = 10
print('After:  %5r amps' % r2.current)

Before:     0 amps
After:   0.01 amps

Specifying a setter on a property also lets you perform type checking and validation on values passed to your class. Here, I define a class that ensures all resistance values are above zero ohms:

class BoundedResistance(Resistor):
    def __init__(self, ohms):

    def ohms(self):
        return self._ohms

    def ohms(self, ohms):
        if ohms <= 0:
            raise ValueError('%f ohms must be > 0' % ohms)
        self._ohms = ohms

Assigning an invalid resistance to the attribute raises an exception.

r3 = BoundedResistance(1e3)
r3.ohms = 0

ValueError: 0.000000 ohms must be > 0

An exception will also be raised if you pass an invalid value to the constructor.

ValueError: -5.000000 ohms must be > 0

This happens because BoundedResistance.__init__ calls Resistor.__init__, which assigns self.ohms = -5. That assignment causes the @ohms.setter method from BoundedResistance to be called, immediately running the validation code before object construction has completed.

You can even use @property to make attributes from parent classes immutable.

class FixedResistance(Resistor):
    # ...
    def ohms(self):
        return self._ohms

    def ohms(self, ohms):
        if hasattr(self, '_ohms'):
            raise AttributeError("Can't set attribute")
        self._ohms = ohms

Trying to assign to the property after construction raises an exception.

r4 = FixedResistance(1e3)
r4.ohms = 2e3

AttributeError: Can't set attribute

The biggest shortcoming of @property is that the methods for an attribute can only be shared by subclasses. Unrelated classes can’t share the same implementation. However, Python also supports descriptors (see Item 31: “Use Descriptors for Reusable @property Methods”) that enable reusable property logic and many other use cases.

Finally, when you use @property methods to implement setters and getters, be sure that the behavior you implement is not surprising. For example, don’t set other attributes in getter property methods.

class MysteriousResistor(Resistor):
    def ohms(self):
        self.voltage = self._ohms * self.current
        return self._ohms
    # ...

This leads to extremely bizarre behavior.

r7 = MysteriousResistor(10)
r7.current = 0.01
print('Before: %5r' % r7.voltage)
print('After:  %5r' % r7.voltage)

Before:     0
After:    0.1

The best policy is to only modify related object state in @property.setter methods. Be sure to avoid any other side effects the caller may not expect beyond the object, such as importing modules dynamically, running slow helper functions, or making expensive database queries. Users of your class will expect its attributes to be like any other Python object: quick and easy. Use normal methods to do anything more complex or slow.

Things to Remember

Image Define new class interfaces using simple public attributes, and avoid set and get methods.

Image Use @property to define special behavior when attributes are accessed on your objects, if necessary.

Image Follow the rule of least surprise and avoid weird side effects in your @property methods.

Image Ensure that @property methods are fast; do slow or complex work using normal methods.

Item 30: Consider @property Instead of Refactoring Attributes

The built-in @property decorator makes it easy for simple accesses of an instance’s attributes to act smarter (see Item 29: “Use Plain Attributes Instead of Get and Set Methods”). One advanced but common use of @property is transitioning what was once a simple numerical attribute into an on-the-fly calculation. This is extremely helpful because it lets you migrate all existing usage of a class to have new behaviors without rewriting any of the call sites. It also provides an important stopgap for improving your interfaces over time.

For example, say you want to implement a leaky bucket quota using plain Python objects. Here, the Bucket class represents how much quota remains and the duration for which the quota will be available:

class Bucket(object):
    def __init__(self, period):
        self.period_delta = timedelta(seconds=period)
        self.reset_time = datetime.now()
        self.quota = 0

    def __repr__(self):
        return 'Bucket(quota=%d)' % self.quota

The leaky bucket algorithm works by ensuring that, whenever the bucket is filled, the amount of quota does not carry over from one period to the next.

def fill(bucket, amount):
    now = datetime.now()
    if now - bucket.reset_time > bucket.period_delta:
        bucket.quota = 0
        bucket.reset_time = now
    bucket.quota += amount

Each time a quota consumer wants to do something, it first must ensure that it can deduct the amount of quota it needs to use.

def deduct(bucket, amount):
    now = datetime.now()
    if now - bucket.reset_time > bucket.period_delta:
        return False
    if bucket.quota - amount < 0:
        return False
    bucket.quota -= amount
    return True

To use this class, first I fill the bucket.

bucket = Bucket(60)
fill(bucket, 100)


Then, I deduct the quota that I need.

if deduct(bucket, 99):
    print('Had 99 quota')
    print('Not enough for 99 quota')

Had 99 quota

Eventually, I’m prevented from making progress because I try to deduct more quota than is available. In this case, the bucket’s quota level remains unchanged.

if deduct(bucket, 3):
    print('Had 3 quota')
    print('Not enough for 3 quota')

Not enough for 3 quota

The problem with this implementation is that I never know what quota level the bucket started with. The quota is deducted over the course of the period until it reaches zero. At that point, deduct will always return False. When that happens, it would be useful to know whether callers to deduct are being blocked because the Bucket ran out of quota or because the Bucket never had quota in the first place.

To fix this, I can change the class to keep track of the max_quota issued in the period and the quota_consumed in the period.

class Bucket(object):
    def __init__(self, period):
        self.period_delta = timedelta(seconds=period)
        self.reset_time = datetime.now()
        self.max_quota = 0
        self.quota_consumed = 0

    def __repr__(self):
        return ('Bucket(max_quota=%d, quota_consumed=%d)' %
                (self.max_quota, self.quota_consumed))

I use a @property method to compute the current level of quota on-the-fly using these new attributes.

    def quota(self):
        return self.max_quota - self.quota_consumed

When the quota attribute is assigned, I take special action matching the current interface of the class used by fill and deduct.

    def quota(self, amount):
        delta = self.max_quota - amount
        if amount == 0:
            # Quota being reset for a new period
            self.quota_consumed = 0
            self.max_quota = 0
        elif delta < 0:
            # Quota being filled for the new period
            assert self.quota_consumed == 0
            self.max_quota = amount
            # Quota being consumed during the period
            assert self.max_quota >= self.quota_consumed
            self.quota_consumed += delta

Rerunning the demo code from above produces the same results.

bucket = Bucket(60)
print('Initial', bucket)
fill(bucket, 100)
print('Filled', bucket)

if deduct(bucket, 99):
    print('Had 99 quota')
    print('Not enough for 99 quota')

print('Now', bucket)

if deduct(bucket, 3):
    print('Had 3 quota')
    print('Not enough for 3 quota')

print('Still', bucket)

Initial Bucket(max_quota=0, quota_consumed=0)
Filled Bucket(max_quota=100, quota_consumed=0)
Had 99 quota
Now Bucket(max_quota=100, quota_consumed=99)
Not enough for 3 quota
Still Bucket(max_quota=100, quota_consumed=99)

The best part is that the code using Bucket.quota doesn’t have to change or know that the class has changed. New usage of Bucket can do the right thing and access max_quota and quota_consumed directly.

I especially like @property because it lets you make incremental progress toward a better data model over time. Reading the Bucket example above, you may have thought to yourself, “fill and deduct should have been implemented as instance methods in the first place.” Although you’re probably right (see Item 22: “Prefer Helper Classes Over Bookkeeping with Dictionaries and Tuples”), in practice there are many situations in which objects start with poorly defined interfaces or act as dumb data containers. This happens when code grows over time, scope increases, multiple authors contribute without anyone considering long-term hygiene, etc.

@property is a tool to help you address problems you’ll come across in real-world code. Don’t overuse it. When you find yourself repeatedly extending @property methods, it’s probably time to refactor your class instead of further paving over your code’s poor design.

Things to Remember

Image Use @property to give existing instance attributes new functionality.

Image Make incremental progress toward better data models by using @property.

Image Consider refactoring a class and all call sites when you find yourself using @property too heavily.

Item 31: Use Descriptors for Reusable @property Methods

The big problem with the @property built-in (see Item 29: “Use Plain Attributes Instead of Get and Set Methods” and Item 30: “Consider @property Instead of Refactoring Attributes”) is reuse. The methods it decorates can’t be reused for multiple attributes of the same class. They also can’t be reused by unrelated classes.

For example, say you want a class to validate that the grade received by a student on a homework assignment is a percentage.

class Homework(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self._grade = 0

    def grade(self):
        return self._grade

    def grade(self, value):
        if not (0 <= value <= 100):
            raise ValueError('Grade must be between 0 and 100')
        self._grade = value

Using an @property makes this class easy to use.

galileo = Homework()
galileo.grade = 95

Say you also want to give the student a grade for an exam, where the exam has multiple subjects, each with a separate grade.

class Exam(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self._writing_grade = 0
        self._math_grade = 0

    def _check_grade(value):
        if not (0 <= value <= 100):
            raise ValueError('Grade must be between 0 and 100')

This quickly gets tedious. Each section of the exam requires adding a new @property and related validation.

    def writing_grade(self):
        return self._writing_grade

    def writing_grade(self, value):
        self._writing_grade = value

    def math_grade(self):
        return self._math_grade

    def math_grade(self, value):
        self._math_grade = value

Also, this approach is not general. If you want to reuse this percentage validation beyond homework and exams, you’d need to write the @property boilerplate and _check_grade repeatedly.

The better way to do this in Python is to use a descriptor. The descriptor protocol defines how attribute access is interpreted by the language. A descriptor class can provide __get__ and __set__ methods that let you reuse the grade validation behavior without any boilerplate. For this purpose, descriptors are also better than mix-ins (see Item 26: “Use Multiple Inheritance Only for Mix-in Utility Classes”) because they let you reuse the same logic for many different attributes in a single class.

Here, I define a new class called Exam with class attributes that are Grade instances. The Grade class implements the descriptor protocol. Before I explain how the Grade class works, it’s important to understand what Python will do when your code accesses such descriptor attributes on an Exam instance.

class Grade(object):
    def __get__(*args, **kwargs):
        # ...

    def __set__(*args, **kwargs):
        # ...

class Exam(object):
    # Class attributes
    math_grade = Grade()
    writing_grade = Grade()
    science_grade = Grade()

When you assign a property:

exam = Exam()
exam.writing_grade = 40

it will be interpreted as:

Exam.__dict__['writing_grade'].__set__(exam, 40)

When you retrieve a property:


it will be interpreted as:

print(Exam.__dict__['writing_grade'].__get__(exam, Exam))

What drives this behavior is the __getattribute__ method of object (see Item 32: “Use __getattr__, __getattribute__, and __setattr__ for Lazy Attributes”). In short, when an Exam instance doesn’t have an attribute named writing_grade, Python will fall back to the Exam class’s attribute instead. If this class attribute is an object that has __get__ and __set__ methods, Python will assume you want to follow the descriptor protocol.

Knowing this behavior and how I used @property for grade validation in the Homework class, here’s a reasonable first attempt at implementing the Grade descriptor.

class Grade(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self._value = 0

    def __get__(self, instance, instance_type):
        return self._value

    def __set__(self, instance, value):
        if not (0 <= value <= 100):
            raise ValueError('Grade must be between 0 and 100')
        self._value = value

Unfortunately, this is wrong and will result in broken behavior. Accessing multiple attributes on a single Exam instance works as expected.

first_exam = Exam()
first_exam.writing_grade = 82
first_exam.science_grade = 99
print('Writing', first_exam.writing_grade)
print('Science', first_exam.science_grade)

Writing 82
Science 99

But accessing these attributes on multiple Exam instances will have unexpected behavior.

second_exam = Exam()
second_exam.writing_grade = 75
print('Second', second_exam.writing_grade, 'is right')
print('First ', first_exam.writing_grade, 'is wrong')

Second 75 is right
First  75 is wrong

The problem is that a single Grade instance is shared across all Exam instances for the class attribute writing_grade. The Grade instance for this attribute is constructed once in the program lifetime when the Exam class is first defined, not each time an Exam instance is created.

To solve this, I need the Grade class to keep track of its value for each unique Exam instance. I can do this by saving the per-instance state in a dictionary.

class Grade(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self._values = {}

    def __get__(self, instance, instance_type):
        if instance is None: return self
        return self._values.get(instance, 0)

    def __set__(self, instance, value):
        if not (0 <= value <= 100):
            raise ValueError('Grade must be between 0 and 100')
        self._values[instance] = value

This implementation is simple and works well, but there’s still one gotcha: It leaks memory. The _values dictionary will hold a reference to every instance of Exam ever passed to __set__ over the lifetime of the program. This causes instances to never have their reference count go to zero, preventing cleanup by the garbage collector.

To fix this, I can use Python’s weakref built-in module. This module provides a special class called WeakKeyDictionary that can take the place of the simple dictionary used for _values. The unique behavior of WeakKeyDictionary is that it will remove Exam instances from its set of keys when the runtime knows it’s holding the instance’s last remaining reference in the program. Python will do the bookkeeping for you and ensure that the _values dictionary will be empty when all Exam instances are no longer in use.

class Grade(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self._values = WeakKeyDictionary()
    # ...

Using this implementation of the Grade descriptor, everything works as expected.

class Exam(object):
    math_grade = Grade()
    writing_grade = Grade()
    science_grade = Grade()
first_exam = Exam()
first_exam.writing_grade = 82
second_exam = Exam()
second_exam.writing_grade = 75
print('First ', first_exam.writing_grade, 'is right')
print('Second', second_exam.writing_grade, 'is right')

First  82 is right
Second 75 is right

Things to Remember

Image Reuse the behavior and validation of @property methods by defining your own descriptor classes.

Image Use WeakKeyDictionary to ensure that your descriptor classes don’t cause memory leaks.

Image Don’t get bogged down trying to understand exactly how __getattribute__ uses the descriptor protocol for getting and setting attributes.

Item 32: Use __getattr__, __getattribute__, and __setattr__ for Lazy Attributes

Python’s language hooks make it easy to write generic code for gluing systems together. For example, say you want to represent the rows of your database as Python objects. Your database has its schema set. Your code that uses objects corresponding to those rows must also know what your database looks like. However, in Python, the code that connects your Python objects to the database doesn’t need to know the schema of your rows; it can be generic.

How is that possible? Plain instance attributes, @property methods, and descriptors can’t do this because they all need to be defined in advance. Python makes this dynamic behavior possible with the __getattr__ special method. If your class defines __getattr__, that method is called every time an attribute can’t be found in an object’s instance dictionary.

class LazyDB(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.exists = 5

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        value = 'Value for %s' % name
        setattr(self, name, value)
        return value

Here, I access the missing property foo. This causes Python to call the __getattr__ method above, which mutates the instance dictionary __dict__:

data = LazyDB()
print('Before:', data.__dict__)
print('foo:   ', data.foo)
print('After: ', data.__dict__)

Before: {'exists': 5}
foo:    Value for foo
After:  {'exists': 5, 'foo': 'Value for foo'}

Here, I add logging to LazyDB to show when __getattr__ is actually called. Note that I use super().__getattr__() to get the real property value in order to avoid infinite recursion.

class LoggingLazyDB(LazyDB):
    def __getattr__(self, name):
        print('Called __getattr__(%s)' % name)
        return super().__getattr__(name)

data = LoggingLazyDB()
print('exists:', data.exists)
print('foo:   ', data.foo)
print('foo:   ', data.foo)

exists: 5
Called __getattr__(foo)
foo:    Value for foo
foo:    Value for foo

The exists attribute is present in the instance dictionary, so __getattr__ is never called for it. The foo attribute is not in the instance dictionary initially, so __getattr__ is called the first time. But the call to __getattr__ for foo also does a setattr, which populates foo in the instance dictionary. This is why the second time I access foo there isn’t a call to __getattr__.

This behavior is especially helpful for use cases like lazily accessing schemaless data. __getattr__ runs once to do the hard work of loading a property; all subsequent accesses retrieve the existing result.

Say you also want transactions in this database system. The next time the user accesses a property, you want to know whether the corresponding row in the database is still valid and whether the transaction is still open. The __getattr__ hook won’t let you do this reliably because it will use the object’s instance dictionary as the fast path for existing attributes.

To enable this use case, Python has another language hook called __getattribute__. This special method is called every time an attribute is accessed on an object, even in cases where it does exist in the attribute dictionary. This enables you to do things like check global transaction state on every property access. Here, I define ValidatingDB to log each time __getattribute__ is called:

class ValidatingDB(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.exists = 5

    def __getattribute__(self, name):
        print('Called __getattribute__(%s)' % name)
            return super().__getattribute__(name)
        except AttributeError:
            value = 'Value for %s' % name
            setattr(self, name, value)
            return value

data = ValidatingDB()
print('exists:', data.exists)
print('foo:   ', data.foo)
print('foo:   ', data.foo)

Called __getattribute__(exists)
exists: 5
Called __getattribute__(foo)
foo:    Value for foo
Called __getattribute__(foo)
foo:    Value for foo

In the event that a dynamically accessed property shouldn’t exist, you can raise an AttributeError to cause Python’s standard missing property behavior for both __getattr__ and __getattribute__.

class MissingPropertyDB(object):
    def __getattr__(self, name):
        if name == 'bad_name':
            raise AttributeError('%s is missing' % name)
        # ...

data = MissingPropertyDB()

AttributeError: bad_name is missing

Python code implementing generic functionality often relies on the hasattr built-in function to determine when properties exist, and the getattr built-in function to retrieve property values. These functions also look in the instance dictionary for an attribute name before calling __getattr__.

data = LoggingLazyDB()
print('Before:     ', data.__dict__)
print('foo exists: ', hasattr(data, 'foo'))
print('After:      ', data.__dict__)
print('foo exists: ', hasattr(data, 'foo'))

Before:      {'exists': 5}
Called __getattr__(foo)
foo exists:  True
After:       {'exists': 5, 'foo': 'Value for foo'}
foo exists:  True

In the example above, __getattr__ is only called once. In contrast, classes that implement __getattribute__ will have that method called each time hasattr or getattr is run on an object.

data = ValidatingDB()
print('foo exists: ', hasattr(data, 'foo'))
print('foo exists: ', hasattr(data, 'foo'))

Called __getattribute__(foo)
foo exists:  True
Called __getattribute__(foo)
foo exists:  True

Now, say you want to lazily push data back to the database when values are assigned to your Python object. You can do this with __setattr__, a similar language hook that lets you intercept arbitrary attribute assignments. Unlike retrieving an attribute with __getattr__ and __getattribute__, there’s no need for two separate methods. The __setattr__ method is always called every time an attribute is assigned on an instance (either directly or through the setattr built-in function).

class SavingDB(object):
    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
        # Save some data to the DB log
        # ...
        super().__setattr__(name, value)

Here, I define a logging subclass of SavingDB. Its __setattr__ method is always called on each attribute assignment:

class LoggingSavingDB(SavingDB):
    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
        print('Called __setattr__(%s, %r)' % (name, value))
        super().__setattr__(name, value)

data = LoggingSavingDB()
print('Before: ', data.__dict__)
data.foo = 5
print('After:  ', data.__dict__)
data.foo = 7
print('Finally:', data.__dict__)

Before:  {}
Called __setattr__(foo, 5)
After:   {'foo': 5}
Called __setattr__(foo, 7)
Finally: {'foo': 7}

The problem with __getattribute__ and __setattr__ is that they’re called on every attribute access for an object, even when you may not want that to happen. For example, say you want attribute accesses on your object to actually look up keys in an associated dictionary.

class BrokenDictionaryDB(object):
    def __init__(self, data):
        self._data = {}

    def __getattribute__(self, name):
        print('Called __getattribute__(%s)' % name)
        return self._data[name]

This requires accessing self._data from the __getattribute__ method. However, if you actually try to do that, Python will recurse until it reaches its stack limit, and then it’ll die.

data = BrokenDictionaryDB({'foo': 3})

Called __getattribute__(foo)
Called __getattribute__(_data)
Called __getattribute__(_data)
Traceback ...
RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded

The problem is that __getattribute__ accesses self._data, which causes __getattribute__ to run again, which accesses self._data again, and so on. The solution is to use the super().__getattribute__ method on your instance to fetch values from the instance attribute dictionary. This avoids the recursion.

class DictionaryDB(object):
    def __init__(self, data):
        self._data = data

    def __getattribute__(self, name):
        data_dict = super().__getattribute__('_data')
        return data_dict[name]

Similarly, you’ll need __setattr__ methods that modify attributes on an object to use super().__setattr__.

Things to Remember

Image Use __getattr__ and __setattr__ to lazily load and save attributes for an object.

Image Understand that __getattr__ only gets called once when accessing a missing attribute, whereas __getattribute__ gets called every time an attribute is accessed.

Image Avoid infinite recursion in __getattribute__ and __setattr__ by using methods from super() (i.e., the object class) to access instance attributes directly.

Item 33: Validate Subclasses with Metaclasses

One of the simplest applications of metaclasses is verifying that a class was defined correctly. When you’re building a complex class hierarchy, you may want to enforce style, require overriding methods, or have strict relationships between class attributes. Metaclasses enable these use cases by providing a reliable way to run your validation code each time a new subclass is defined.

Often a class’s validation code runs in the __init__ method, when an object of the class’s type is constructed (see Item 28: “Inherit from collections.abc for Custom Container Types” for an example). Using metaclasses for validation can raise errors much earlier.

Before I get into how to define a metaclass for validating subclasses, it’s important to understand the metaclass action for standard objects. A metaclass is defined by inheriting from type. In the default case, a metaclass receives the contents of associated class statements in its __new__ method. Here, you can modify the class information before the type is actually constructed:

class Meta(type):
    def __new__(meta, name, bases, class_dict):
        print((meta, name, bases, class_dict))
        return type.__new__(meta, name, bases, class_dict)

class MyClass(object, metaclass=Meta):
    stuff = 123

    def foo(self):

The metaclass has access to the name of the class, the parent classes it inherits from, and all of the class attributes that were defined in the class’s body.

(<class '__main__.Meta'>,
 (<class 'object'>,),
 {'__module__': '__main__',
  '__qualname__': 'MyClass',
  'foo': <function MyClass.foo at 0x102c7dd08>,
  'stuff': 123})

Python 2 has slightly different syntax and specifies a metaclass using the __metaclass__ class attribute. The Meta.__new__ interface is the same.

# Python 2
class Meta(type):
    def __new__(meta, name, bases, class_dict):
        # ...
class MyClassInPython2(object):
    __metaclass__ = Meta
    # ...

You can add functionality to the Meta.__new__ method in order to validate all of the parameters of a class before it’s defined. For example, say you want to represent any type of multisided polygon. You can do this by defining a special validating metaclass and using it in the base class of your polygon class hierarchy. Note that it’s important not to apply the same validation to the base class.

class ValidatePolygon(type):
    def __new__(meta, name, bases, class_dict):
        # Don't validate the abstract Polygon class
        if bases != (object,):
            if class_dict['sides'] < 3:
                raise ValueError('Polygons need 3+ sides')
        return type.__new__(meta, name, bases, class_dict)

class Polygon(object, metaclass=ValidatePolygon):
    sides = None  # Specified by subclasses

    def interior_angles(cls):
        return (cls.sides - 2) * 180

class Triangle(Polygon):
    sides = 3

If you try to define a polygon with fewer than three sides, the validation will cause the class statement to fail immediately after the class statement body. This means your program will not even be able to start running when you define such a class.

print('Before class')
class Line(Polygon):
    print('Before sides')
    sides = 1
    print('After sides')
print('After class')

Before class
Before sides
After sides
Traceback ...
ValueError: Polygons need 3+ sides

Things to Remember

Image Use metaclasses to ensure that subclasses are well formed at the time they are defined, before objects of their type are constructed.

Image Metaclasses have slightly different syntax in Python 2 vs. Python 3.

Image The __new__ method of metaclasses is run after the class statement’s entire body has been processed.

Item 34: Register Class Existence with Metaclasses

Another common use of metaclasses is to automatically register types in your program. Registration is useful for doing reverse lookups, where you need to map a simple identifier back to a corresponding class.

For example, say you want to implement your own serialized representation of a Python object using JSON. You need a way to take an object and turn it into a JSON string. Here, I do this generically by defining a base class that records the constructor parameters and turns them into a JSON dictionary:

class Serializable(object):
    def __init__(self, *args):
        self.args = args

    def serialize(self):
        return json.dumps({'args': self.args})

This class makes it easy to serialize simple, immutable data structures like Point2D to a string.

class Point2D(Serializable):
    def __init__(self, x, y):
        super().__init__(x, y)
        self.x = x
        self.y = y

    def __repr__(self):
        return 'Point2D(%d, %d)' % (self.x, self.y)

point = Point2D(5, 3)
print('Object:    ', point)
print('Serialized:', point.serialize())

Object:     Point2D(5, 3)
Serialized: {"args": [5, 3]}

Now, I need to deserialize this JSON string and construct the Point2D object it represents. Here, I define another class that can deserialize the data from its Serializable parent class:

class Deserializable(Serializable):
    def deserialize(cls, json_data):
        params = json.loads(json_data)
        return cls(*params['args'])

Using Deserializable makes it easy to serialize and deserialize simple, immutable objects in a generic way.

class BetterPoint2D(Deserializable):
    # ...
point = BetterPoint2D(5, 3)
print('Before:    ', point)
data = point.serialize()
print('Serialized:', data)
after = BetterPoint2D.deserialize(data)
print('After:     ', after)

Before:     BetterPoint2D(5, 3)
Serialized: {"args": [5, 3]}
After:      BetterPoint2D(5, 3)

The problem with this approach is that it only works if you know the intended type of the serialized data ahead of time (e.g., Point2D, BetterPoint2D). Ideally, you’d have a large number of classes serializing to JSON and one common function that could deserialize any of them back to a corresponding Python object.

To do this, I can include the serialized object’s class name in the JSON data.

class BetterSerializable(object):
    def __init__(self, *args):
        self.args = args

    def serialize(self):
        return json.dumps({
            'class': self.__class__.__name__,
            'args': self.args,
    def __repr__(self):
        # ...

Then, I can maintain a mapping of class names back to constructors for those objects. The general deserialize function will work for any classes passed to register_class.

registry = {}

def register_class(target_class):
    registry[target_class.__name__] = target_class

def deserialize(data):
    params = json.loads(data)
    name = params['class']
    target_class = registry[name]
    return target_class(*params['args'])

To ensure that deserialize always works properly, I must call register_class for every class I may want to deserialize in the future.

class EvenBetterPoint2D(BetterSerializable):
    def __init__(self, x, y):
        super().__init__(x, y)
        self.x = x
        self.y = y


Now, I can deserialize an arbitrary JSON string without having to know which class it contains.

point = EvenBetterPoint2D(5, 3)
print('Before:    ', point)
data = point.serialize()
print('Serialized:', data)
after = deserialize(data)
print('After:     ', after)

Before:     EvenBetterPoint2D(5, 3)
Serialized: {"class": "EvenBetterPoint2D", "args": [5, 3]}
After:      EvenBetterPoint2D(5, 3)

The problem with this approach is that you can forget to call register_class.

class Point3D(BetterSerializable):
    def __init__(self, x, y, z):
        super().__init__(x, y, z)
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.z = z

# Forgot to call register_class! Whoops!

This will cause your code to break at runtime, when you finally try to deserialize an object of a class you forgot to register.

point = Point3D(5, 9, -4)
data = point.serialize()

KeyError: 'Point3D'

Even though you chose to subclass BetterSerializable, you won’t actually get all of its features if you forget to call register_class after your class statement body. This approach is error prone and especially challenging for beginners. The same omission can happen with class decorators in Python 3.

What if you could somehow act on the programmer’s intent to use BetterSerializable and ensure that register_class is called in all cases? Metaclasses enable this by intercepting the class statement when subclasses are defined (see Item 33: “Validate Subclasses with Metaclasses”). This lets you register the new type immediately after the class’s body.

class Meta(type):
    def __new__(meta, name, bases, class_dict):
        cls = type.__new__(meta, name, bases, class_dict)
        return cls
class RegisteredSerializable(BetterSerializable,

When I define a subclass of RegisteredSerializable, I can be confident that the call to register_class happened and deserialize will always work as expected.

class Vector3D(RegisteredSerializable):
    def __init__(self, x, y, z):
        super().__init__(x, y, z)
        self.x, self.y, self.z = x, y, z

v3 = Vector3D(10, -7, 3)
print('Before:    ', v3)
data = v3.serialize()
print('Serialized:', data)
print('After:     ', deserialize(data))

Before:     Vector3D(10, -7, 3)
Serialized: {"class": "Vector3D", "args": [10, -7, 3]}
After:      Vector3D(10, -7, 3)

Using metaclasses for class registration ensures that you’ll never miss a class as long as the inheritance tree is right. This works well for serialization, as I’ve shown, and also applies to database object-relationship mappings (ORMs), plug-in systems, and system hooks.

Things to Remember

Image Class registration is a helpful pattern for building modular Python programs.

Image Metaclasses let you run registration code automatically each time your base class is subclassed in a program.

Image Using metaclasses for class registration avoids errors by ensuring that you never miss a registration call.

Item 35: Annotate Class Attributes with Metaclasses

One more useful feature enabled by metaclasses is the ability to modify or annotate properties after a class is defined but before the class is actually used. This approach is commonly used with descriptors (see Item 31: “Use Descriptors for Reusable @property Methods”) to give them more introspection into how they’re being used within their containing class.

For example, say you want to define a new class that represents a row in your customer database. You’d like a corresponding property on the class for each column in the database table. To do this, here I define a descriptor class to connect attributes to column names.

class Field(object):
    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = name
        self.internal_name = '_' + self.name

    def __get__(self, instance, instance_type):
        if instance is None: return self
        return getattr(instance, self.internal_name, '')

    def __set__(self, instance, value):
        setattr(instance, self.internal_name, value)

With the column name stored in the Field descriptor, I can save all of the per-instance state directly in the instance dictionary as protected fields using the setattr and getattr built-in functions. At first, this seems to be much more convenient than building descriptors with weakref to avoid memory leaks.

Defining the class representing a row requires supplying the column name for each class attribute.

class Customer(object):
    # Class attributes
    first_name = Field('first_name')
    last_name = Field('last_name')
    prefix = Field('prefix')
    suffix = Field('suffix')

Using the class is simple. Here, you can see how the Field descriptors modify the instance dictionary __dict__ as expected:

foo = Customer()
print('Before:', repr(foo.first_name), foo.__dict__)
foo.first_name = 'Euclid'
print('After: ', repr(foo.first_name), foo.__dict__)

Before: '' {}
After:  'Euclid' {'_first_name': 'Euclid'}

But it seems redundant. I already declared the name of the field when I assigned the constructed Field object to Customer.first_name in the class statement body. Why do I also have to pass the field name ('first_name' in this case) to the Field constructor?

The problem is that the order of operations in the Customer class definition is the opposite of how it reads from left to right. First, the Field constructor is called as Field('first_name'). Then, the return value of that is assigned to Customer.field_name. There’s no way for the Field to know upfront which class attribute it will be assigned to.

To eliminate the redundancy, I can use a metaclass. Metaclasses let you hook the class statement directly and take action as soon as a class body is finished. In this case, I can use the metaclass to assign Field.name and Field.internal_name on the descriptor automatically instead of manually specifying the field name multiple times.

class Meta(type):
    def __new__(meta, name, bases, class_dict):
        for key, value in class_dict.items():
            if isinstance(value, Field):
                value.name = key
                value.internal_name = '_' + key
        cls = type.__new__(meta, name, bases, class_dict)
        return cls

Here, I define a base class that uses the metaclass. All classes representing database rows should inherit from this class to ensure that they use the metaclass:

class DatabaseRow(object, metaclass=Meta):

To work with the metaclass, the field descriptor is largely unchanged. The only difference is that it no longer requires any arguments to be passed to its constructor. Instead, its attributes are set by the Meta.__new__ method above.

class Field(object):
    def __init__(self):
        # These will be assigned by the metaclass.
        self.name = None
        self.internal_name = None
    # ...

By using the metaclass, the new DatabaseRow base class, and the new Field descriptor, the class definition for a database row no longer has the redundancy from before.

class BetterCustomer(DatabaseRow):
    first_name = Field()
    last_name = Field()
    prefix = Field()
    suffix = Field()

The behavior of the new class is identical to the old one.

foo = BetterCustomer()
print('Before:', repr(foo.first_name), foo.__dict__)
foo.first_name = 'Euler'
print('After: ', repr(foo.first_name), foo.__dict__)

Before: '' {}
After:  'Euler' {'_first_name': 'Euler'}

Things to Remember

Image Metaclasses enable you to modify a class’s attributes before the class is fully defined.

Image Descriptors and metaclasses make a powerful combination for declarative behavior and runtime introspection.

Image You can avoid both memory leaks and the weakref module by using metaclasses along with descriptors.

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