6. Built-in Modules

Python takes a “batteries included” approach to the standard library. Many other languages ship with a small number of common packages and require you to look elsewhere for important functionality. Although Python also has an impressive repository of community-built modules, it strives to provide, in its default installation, the most important modules for common uses of the language.

The full set of standard modules is too large to cover in this book. But some of these built-in packages are so closely intertwined with idiomatic Python that they may as well be part of the language specification. These essential built-in modules are especially important when writing the intricate, error-prone parts of programs.

Item 42: Define Function Decorators with functools.wraps

Python has special syntax for decorators that can be applied to functions. Decorators have the ability to run additional code before and after any calls to the functions they wrap. This allows them to access and modify input arguments and return values. This functionality can be useful for enforcing semantics, debugging, registering functions, and more.

For example, say you want to print the arguments and return value of a function call. This is especially helpful when debugging a stack of function calls from a recursive function. Here, I define such a decorator:

def trace(func):
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        result = func(*args, **kwargs)
        print('%s(%r, %r) -> %r' %
              (func.__name__, args, kwargs, result))
        return result
    return wrapper

I can apply this to a function using the @ symbol.

def fibonacci(n):
    """Return the n-th Fibonacci number"""
    if n in (0, 1):
        return n
    return (fibonacci(n - 2) + fibonacci(n - 1))

The @ symbol is equivalent to calling the decorator on the function it wraps and assigning the return value to the original name in the same scope.

fibonacci = trace(fibonacci)

Calling this decorated function will run the wrapper code before and after fibonacci runs, printing the arguments and return value at each level in the recursive stack.


fibonacci((1,), {}) -> 1
fibonacci((0,), {}) -> 0
fibonacci((1,), {}) -> 1
fibonacci((2,), {}) -> 1
fibonacci((3,), {}) -> 2

This works well, but it has an unintended side effect. The value returned by the decorator—the function that’s called above—doesn’t think it’s named fibonacci.

<function trace.<locals>.wrapper at 0x107f7ed08>

The cause of this isn’t hard to see. The trace function returns the wrapper it defines. The wrapper function is what’s assigned to the fibonacci name in the containing module because of the decorator. This behavior is problematic because it undermines tools that do introspection, such as debuggers (see Item 57: “Consider Interactive Debugging with pdb”) and object serializers (see Item 44: “Make pickle Reliable with copyreg”).

For example, the help built-in function is useless on the decorated fibonacci function.

Help on function wrapper in module __main__:

wrapper(*args, **kwargs)

The solution is to use the wraps helper function from the functools built-in module. This is a decorator that helps you write decorators. Applying it to the wrapper function will copy all of the important metadata about the inner function to the outer function.

def trace(func):
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        # ...
    return wrapper

def fibonacci(n):
    # ...

Now, running the help function produces the expected result, even though the function is decorated.

Help on function fibonacci in module __main__:

    Return the n-th Fibonacci number

Calling help is just one example of how decorators can subtly cause problems. Python functions have many other standard attributes (e.g., __name__, __module__) that must be preserved to maintain the interface of functions in the language. Using wraps ensures that you’ll always get the correct behavior.

Things to Remember

Image Decorators are Python syntax for allowing one function to modify another function at runtime.

Image Using decorators can cause strange behaviors in tools that do introspection, such as debuggers.

Image Use the wraps decorator from the functools built-in module when you define your own decorators to avoid any issues.

Item 43: Consider contextlib and with Statements for Reusable try/finally Behavior

The with statement in Python is used to indicate when code is running in a special context. For example, mutual exclusion locks (see Item 38: “Use Lock to Prevent Data Races in Threads”) can be used in with statements to indicate that the indented code only runs while the lock is held.

lock = Lock()
with lock:
    print('Lock is held')

The example above is equivalent to this try/finally construction because the Lock class properly enables the with statement.

    print('Lock is held')

The with statement version of this is better because it eliminates the need to write the repetitive code of the try/finally construction. It’s easy to make your objects and functions capable of use in with statements by using the contextlib built-in module. This module contains the contextmanager decorator, which lets a simple function be used in with statements. This is much easier than defining a new class with the special methods __enter__ and __exit__ (the standard way).

For example, say you want a region of your code to have more debug logging sometimes. Here, I define a function that does logging at two severity levels:

def my_function():
    logging.debug('Some debug data')
    logging.error('Error log here')
    logging.debug('More debug data')

The default log level for my program is WARNING, so only the error message will print to screen when I run the function.

Error log here

I can elevate the log level of this function temporarily by defining a context manager. This helper function boosts the logging severity level before running the code in the with block and reduces the logging severity level afterward.

def debug_logging(level):
    logger = logging.getLogger()
    old_level = logger.getEffectiveLevel()

The yield expression is the point at which the with block’s contents will execute. Any exceptions that happen in the with block will be re-raised by the yield expression for you to catch in the helper function (see Item 40: “Consider Coroutines to Run Many Functions Concurrently” for an explanation of how that works).

Now, I can call the same logging function again, but in the debug_logging context. This time, all of the debug messages are printed to the screen during the with block. The same function running outside the with block won’t print debug messages.

with debug_logging(logging.DEBUG):

Some debug data
Error log here
More debug data
Error log here

Using with Targets

The context manager passed to a with statement may also return an object. This object is assigned to a local variable in the as part of the compound statement. This gives the code running in the with block the ability to directly interact with its context.

For example, say you want to write a file and ensure that it’s always closed correctly. You can do this by passing open to the with statement. open returns a file handle for the as target of with and will close the handle when the with block exits.

with open('/tmp/my_output.txt', 'w') as handle:
    handle.write('This is some data!')

This approach is preferable to manually opening and closing the file handle every time. It gives you confidence that the file is eventually closed when execution leaves the with statement. It also encourages you to reduce the amount of code that executes while the file handle is open, which is good practice in general.

To enable your own functions to supply values for as targets, all you need to do is yield a value from your context manager. For example, here I define a context manager to fetch a Logger instance, set its level, and then yield it for the as target.

def log_level(level, name):
    logger = logging.getLogger(name)
    old_level = logger.getEffectiveLevel()
        yield logger

Calling logging methods like debug on the as target will produce output because the logging severity level is set low enough in the with block. Using the logging module directly won’t print anything because the default logging severity level for the default program logger is WARNING.

with log_level(logging.DEBUG, 'my-log') as logger:
    logger.debug('This is my message!')
    logging.debug('This will not print')

This is my message!

After the with statement exits, calling debug logging methods on the Logger named 'my-log' will not print anything because the default logging severity level has been restored. Error log messages will always print.

logger = logging.getLogger('my-log')
logger.debug('Debug will not print')
logger.error('Error will print')

Error will print

Things to Remember

Image The with statement allows you to reuse logic from try/finally blocks and reduce visual noise.

Image The contextlib built-in module provides a contextmanager decorator that makes it easy to use your own functions in with statements.

Image The value yielded by context managers is supplied to the as part of the with statement. It’s useful for letting your code directly access the cause of the special context.

Item 44: Make pickle Reliable with copyreg

The pickle built-in module can serialize Python objects into a stream of bytes and deserialize bytes back into objects. Pickled byte streams shouldn’t be used to communicate between untrusted parties. The purpose of pickle is to let you pass Python objects between programs that you control over binary channels.


The pickle module’s serialization format is unsafe by design. The serialized data contains what is essentially a program that describes how to reconstruct the original Python object. This means a malicious pickle payload could be used to compromise any part of the Python program that attempts to deserialize it.

In contrast, the json module is safe by design. Serialized JSON data contains a simple description of an object hierarchy. Deserializing JSON data does not expose a Python program to any additional risk. Formats like JSON should be used for communication between programs or people that don’t trust each other.

For example, say you want to use a Python object to represent the state of a player’s progress in a game. The game state includes the level the player is on and the number of lives he or she has remaining.

class GameState(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.level = 0
        self.lives = 4

The program modifies this object as the game runs.

state = GameState()
state.level += 1  # Player beat a level
state.lives -= 1  # Player had to try again

When the user quits playing, the program can save the state of the game to a file so it can be resumed at a later time. The pickle module makes it easy to do this. Here, I dump the GameState object directly to a file:

state_path = '/tmp/game_state.bin'
with open(state_path, 'wb') as f:
    pickle.dump(state, f)

Later, I can load the file and get back the GameState object as if it had never been serialized.

with open(state_path, 'rb') as f:
    state_after = pickle.load(f)

{'lives': 3, 'level': 1}

The problem with this approach is what happens as the game’s features expand over time. Imagine you want the player to earn points towards a high score. To track the player’s points, you’d add a new field to the GameState class.

class GameState(object):
    def __init__(self):
        # ...
        self.points = 0

Serializing the new version of the GameState class using pickle will work exactly as before. Here, I simulate the round-trip through a file by serializing to a string with dumps and back to an object with loads:

state = GameState()
serialized = pickle.dumps(state)
state_after = pickle.loads(serialized)

{'lives': 4, 'level': 0, 'points': 0}

But what happens to older saved GameState objects that the user may want to resume? Here, I unpickle an old game file using a program with the new definition of the GameState class:

with open(state_path, 'rb') as f:
    state_after = pickle.load(f)

{'lives': 3, 'level': 1}

The points attribute is missing! This is especially confusing because the returned object is an instance of the new GameState class.

assert isinstance(state_after, GameState)

This behavior is a byproduct of the way the pickle module works. Its primary use case is making it easy to serialize objects. As soon as your use of pickle expands beyond trivial usage, the module’s functionality starts to break down in surprising ways.

Fixing these problems is straightforward using the copyreg built-in module. The copyreg module lets you register the functions responsible for serializing Python objects, allowing you to control the behavior of pickle and make it more reliable.

Default Attribute Values

In the simplest case, you can use a constructor with default arguments (see Item 19: “Provide Optional Behavior with Keyword Arguments”) to ensure that GameState objects will always have all attributes after unpickling. Here, I redefine the constructor this way:

class GameState(object):
    def __init__(self, level=0, lives=4, points=0):
        self.level = level
        self.lives = lives
        self.points = points

To use this constructor for pickling, I define a helper function that takes a GameState object and turns it into a tuple of parameters for the copyreg module. The returned tuple contains the function to use for unpickling and the parameters to pass to the unpickling function.

def pickle_game_state(game_state):
    kwargs = game_state.__dict__
    return unpickle_game_state, (kwargs,)

Now, I need to define the unpickle_game_state helper. This function takes serialized data and parameters from pickle_game_state and returns the corresponding GameState object. It’s a tiny wrapper around the constructor.

def unpickle_game_state(kwargs):
    return GameState(**kwargs)

Now, I register these with the copyreg built-in module.

copyreg.pickle(GameState, pickle_game_state)

Serializing and deserializing works as before.

state = GameState()
state.points += 1000
serialized = pickle.dumps(state)
state_after = pickle.loads(serialized)

{'lives': 4, 'level': 0, 'points': 1000}

With this registration done, now I can change the definition of GameState to give the player a count of magic spells to use. This change is similar to when I added the points field to GameState.

class GameState(object):
    def __init__(self, level=0, lives=4, points=0, magic=5):
        # ...

But unlike before, deserializing an old GameState object will result in valid game data instead of missing attributes. This works because unpickle_game_state calls the GameState constructor directly. The constructor’s keyword arguments have default values when parameters are missing. This causes old game state files to receive the default value for the new magic field when they are deserialized.

state_after = pickle.loads(serialized)

{'level': 0, 'points': 1000, 'magic': 5, 'lives': 4}

Versioning Classes

Sometimes you’ll need to make backwards-incompatible changes to your Python objects by removing fields. This prevents the default argument approach to serialization from working.

For example, say you realize that a limited number of lives is a bad idea, and you want to remove the concept of lives from the game. Here, I redefine the GameState to no longer have a lives field:

class GameState(object):
    def __init__(self, level=0, points=0, magic=5):
        # ...

The problem is that this breaks deserializing old game data. All fields from the old data, even ones removed from the class, will be passed to the GameState constructor by the unpickle_game_state function.


TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'lives'

The solution is to add a version parameter to the functions supplied to copyreg. New serialized data will have a version of 2 specified when pickling a new GameState object.

def pickle_game_state(game_state):
    kwargs = game_state.__dict__
    kwargs['version'] = 2
    return unpickle_game_state, (kwargs,)

Old versions of the data will not have a version argument present, allowing you to manipulate the arguments passed to the GameState constructor accordingly.

def unpickle_game_state(kwargs):
    version = kwargs.pop('version', 1)
    if version == 1:
    return GameState(**kwargs)

Now, deserializing an old object works properly.

copyreg.pickle(GameState, pickle_game_state)
state_after = pickle.loads(serialized)

{'magic': 5, 'level': 0, 'points': 1000}

You can continue this approach to handle changes between future versions of the same class. Any logic you need to adapt an old version of the class to a new version of the class can go in the unpickle_game_state function.

Stable Import Paths

One other issue you may encounter with pickle is breakage from renaming a class. Often over the life cycle of a program, you’ll refactor your code by renaming classes and moving them to other modules. Unfortunately, this will break the pickle module unless you’re careful.

Here, I rename the GameState class to BetterGameState, removing the old class from the program entirely:

class BetterGameState(object):
    def __init__(self, level=0, points=0, magic=5):
        # ...

Attempting to deserialize an old GameState object will now fail because the class can’t be found.

AttributeError: Can't get attribute 'GameState' on <module '__main__' from 'my_code.py'>

The cause of this exception is that the import path of the serialized object’s class is encoded in the pickled data.

b'x80x03c__main__ GameState qx00)'

The solution is to use copyreg again. You can specify a stable identifier for the function to use for unpickling an object. This allows you to transition pickled data to different classes with different names when it’s deserialized. It gives you a level of indirection.

copyreg.pickle(BetterGameState, pickle_game_state)

After using copyreg, you can see that the import path to pickle_game_state is encoded in the serialized data instead of BetterGameState.

state = BetterGameState()
serialized = pickle.dumps(state)

b'x80x03c__main__ unpickle_game_state qx00}'

The only gotcha is that you can’t change the path of the module in which the unpickle_game_state function is present. Once you serialize data with a function, it must remain available on that import path for deserializing in the future.

Things to Remember

Image The pickle built-in module is only useful for serializing and deserializing objects between trusted programs.

Image The pickle module may break down when used for more than trivial use cases.

Image Use the copyreg built-in module with pickle to add missing attribute values, allow versioning of classes, and provide stable import paths.

Item 45: Use datetime Instead of time for Local Clocks

Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) is the standard, time-zone-independent representation of time. UTC works great for computers that represent time as seconds since the UNIX epoch. But UTC isn’t ideal for humans. Humans reference time relative to where they’re currently located. People say “noon” or “8 am” instead of “UTC 15:00 minus 7 hours.” If your program handles time, you’ll probably find yourself converting time between UTC and local clocks to make it easier for humans to understand.

Python provides two ways of accomplishing time zone conversions. The old way, using the time built-in module, is disastrously error prone. The new way, using the datetime built-in module, works great with some help from the community-built package named pytz.

You should be acquainted with both time and datetime to thoroughly understand why datetime is the best choice and time should be avoided.

The time Module

The localtime function from the time built-in module lets you convert a UNIX timestamp (seconds since the UNIX epoch in UTC) to a local time that matches the host computer’s time zone (Pacific Daylight Time, in my case).

from time import localtime, strftime
now = 1407694710
local_tuple = localtime(now)
time_format = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
time_str = strftime(time_format, local_tuple)

2014-08-10 11:18:30

You’ll often need to go the other way as well, starting with user input in local time and converting it to UTC time. You can do this by using the strptime function to parse the time string, then call mktime to convert local time to a UNIX timestamp.

from time import mktime, strptime

time_tuple = strptime(time_str, time_format)
utc_now = mktime(time_tuple)


How do you convert local time in one time zone to local time in another? For example, say you are taking a flight between San Francisco and New York, and want to know what time it will be in San Francisco once you’ve arrived in New York.

Directly manipulating the return values from the time, localtime, and strptime functions to do time zone conversions is a bad idea. Time zones change all the time due to local laws. It’s too complicated to manage yourself, especially if you want to handle every global city for flight departure and arrival.

Many operating systems have configuration files that keep up with the time zone changes automatically. Python lets you use these time zones through the time module. For example, here I parse the departure time from the San Francisco time zone of Pacific Daylight Time:

parse_format = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z'
depart_sfo = '2014-05-01 15:45:16 PDT'
time_tuple = strptime(depart_sfo, parse_format)
time_str = strftime(time_format, time_tuple)

2014-05-01 15:45:16

After seeing that PDT works with the strptime function, you might also assume that other time zones known to my computer will also work. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case. Instead, strptime raises an exception when it sees Eastern Daylight Time (the time zone for New York).

arrival_nyc = '2014-05-01 23:33:24 EDT'
time_tuple = strptime(arrival_nyc, time_format)

ValueError: unconverted data remains:  EDT

The problem here is the platform-dependent nature of the time module. Its actual behavior is determined by how the underlying C functions work with the host operating system. This makes the functionality of the time module unreliable in Python. The time module fails to consistently work properly for multiple local times. Thus, you should avoid the time module for this purpose. If you must use time, only use it to convert between UTC and the host computer’s local time. For all other types of conversions, use the datetime module.

The datetime Module

The second option for representing times in Python is the datetime class from the datetime built-in module. Like the time module, datetime can be used to convert from the current time in UTC to local time.

Here, I take the present time in UTC and convert it to my computer’s local time (Pacific Daylight Time):

from datetime import datetime, timezone

now = datetime(2014, 8, 10, 18, 18, 30)
now_utc = now.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
now_local = now_utc.astimezone()

2014-08-10 11:18:30-07:00

The datetime module can also easily convert a local time back to a UNIX timestamp in UTC.

time_str = '2014-08-10 11:18:30'
now = datetime.strptime(time_str, time_format)
time_tuple = now.timetuple()
utc_now = mktime(time_tuple)


Unlike the time module, the datetime module has facilities for reliably converting from one local time to another local time. However, datetime only provides the machinery for time zone operations with its tzinfo class and related methods. What’s missing are the time zone definitions besides UTC.

Luckily, the Python community has addressed this gap with the pytz module that’s available for download from the Python Package Index (https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pytz/). pytz contains a full database of every time zone definition you might need.

To use pytz effectively, you should always convert local times to UTC first. Perform any datetime operations you need on the UTC values (such as offsetting). Then, convert to local times as a final step.

For example, here I convert an NYC flight arrival time to a UTC datetime. Although some of these calls seem redundant, all of them are necessary when using pytz.

arrival_nyc = '2014-05-01 23:33:24'
nyc_dt_naive = datetime.strptime(arrival_nyc, time_format)
eastern = pytz.timezone('US/Eastern')
nyc_dt = eastern.localize(nyc_dt_naive)
utc_dt = pytz.utc.normalize(nyc_dt.astimezone(pytz.utc))

2014-05-02 03:33:24+00:00

Once I have a UTC datetime, I can convert it to San Francisco local time.

pacific = pytz.timezone('US/Pacific')
sf_dt = pacific.normalize(utc_dt.astimezone(pacific))

2014-05-01 20:33:24-07:00

Just as easily, I can convert it to the local time in Nepal.

nepal = pytz.timezone('Asia/Katmandu')
nepal_dt = nepal.normalize(utc_dt.astimezone(nepal))

2014-05-02 09:18:24+05:45

With datetime and pytz, these conversions are consistent across all environments regardless of what operating system the host computer is running.

Things to Remember

Image Avoid using the time module for translating between different time zones.

Image Use the datetime built-in module along with the pytz module to reliably convert between times in different time zones.

Image Always represent time in UTC and do conversions to local time as the final step before presentation.

Item 46: Use Built-in Algorithms and Data Structures

When you’re implementing Python programs that handle a non-trivial amount of data, you’ll eventually see slowdowns caused by the algorithmic complexity of your code. This usually isn’t the result of Python’s speed as a language (see Item 41: “Consider concurrent.futures for True Parallelism” if it is). The issue, more likely, is that you aren’t using the best algorithms and data structures for your problem.

Luckily, the Python standard library has many of the algorithms and data structures you’ll need to use built in. Besides speed, using these common algorithms and data structures can make your life easier. Some of the most valuable tools you may want to use are tricky to implement correctly. Avoiding reimplementation of common functionality will save you time and headaches.

Double-ended Queue

The deque class from the collections module is a double-ended queue. It provides constant time operations for inserting or removing items from its beginning or end. This makes it ideal for first-in-first-out (FIFO) queues.

fifo = deque()
fifo.append(1)      # Producer
x = fifo.popleft()  # Consumer

The list built-in type also contains an ordered sequence of items like a queue. You can insert or remove items from the end of a list in constant time. But inserting or removing items from the head of a list takes linear time, which is much slower than the constant time of a deque.

Ordered Dictionary

Standard dictionaries are unordered. That means a dict with the same keys and values can result in different orders of iteration. This behavior is a surprising byproduct of the way the dictionary’s fast hash table is implemented.

a = {}
a['foo'] = 1
a['bar'] = 2

# Randomly populate 'b' to cause hash conflicts
while True:
    z = randint(99, 1013)
    b = {}
    for i in range(z):
        b[i] = i
    b['foo'] = 1
    b['bar'] = 2
    for i in range(z):
        del b[i]
    if str(b) != str(a):

print('Equal?', a == b)

{'foo': 1, 'bar': 2}
{'bar': 2, 'foo': 1}
Equal? True

The OrderedDict class from the collections module is a special type of dictionary that keeps track of the order in which its keys were inserted. Iterating the keys of an OrderedDict has predictable behavior. This can vastly simplify testing and debugging by making all code deterministic.

a = OrderedDict()
a['foo'] = 1
a['bar'] = 2
b = OrderedDict()
b['foo'] = 'red'
b['bar'] = 'blue'

for value1, value2 in zip(a.values(), b.values()):
    print(value1, value2)

1 red
2 blue

Default Dictionary

Dictionaries are useful for bookkeeping and tracking statistics. One problem with dictionaries is that you can’t assume any keys are already present. That makes it clumsy to do simple things like increment a counter stored in a dictionary.

stats = {}
key = 'my_counter'
if key not in stats:
   stats[key] = 0
stats[key] += 1

The defaultdict class from the collections module simplifies this by automatically storing a default value when a key doesn’t exist. All you have to do is provide a function that will return the default value each time a key is missing. In this example, the int built-in function returns 0 (see Item 23: “Accept Functions for Simple Interfaces Instead of Classes” for another example). Now, incrementing a counter is simple.

stats = defaultdict(int)
stats['my_counter'] += 1

Heap Queue

Heaps are useful data structures for maintaining a priority queue. The heapq module provides functions for creating heaps in standard list types with functions like heappush, heappop, and nsmallest.

Items of any priority can be inserted into the heap in any order.

a = []
heappush(a, 5)
heappush(a, 3)
heappush(a, 7)
heappush(a, 4)

Items are always removed by highest priority (lowest number) first.

print(heappop(a), heappop(a), heappop(a), heappop(a))
3 4 5 7

The resulting list is easy to use outside of heapq. Accessing the 0 index of the heap will always return the smallest item.

a = []
heappush(a, 5)
heappush(a, 3)
heappush(a, 7)
heappush(a, 4)
assert a[0] == nsmallest(1, a)[0] == 3

Calling the sort method on the list maintains the heap invariant.

print('Before:', a)
print('After: ', a)

Before: [3, 4, 7, 5]
After:  [3, 4, 5, 7]

Each of these heapq operations takes logarithmic time in proportion to the length of the list. Doing the same work with a standard Python list would scale linearly.


Searching for an item in a list takes linear time proportional to its length when you call the index method.

x = list(range(10**6))
i = x.index(991234)

The bisect module’s functions, such as bisect_left, provide an efficient binary search through a sequence of sorted items. The index it returns is the insertion point of the value into the sequence.

i = bisect_left(x, 991234)

The complexity of a binary search is logarithmic. That means using bisect to search a list of 1 million items takes roughly the same amount of time as using index to linearly search a list of 14 items. It’s way faster!

Iterator Tools

The itertools built-in module contains a large number of functions that are useful for organizing and interacting with iterators (see Item 16: “Consider Generators Instead of Returning Lists” and Item 17: “Be Defensive When Iterating Over Arguments” for background). Not all of these are available in Python 2, but they can easily be built using simple recipes documented in the module. See help(itertools) in an interactive Python session for more details.

The itertools functions fall into three main categories:

Image Linking iterators together

chain: Combines multiple iterators into a single sequential iterator.

cycle: Repeats an iterator’s items forever.

tee: Splits a single iterator into multiple parallel iterators.

zip_longest: A variant of the zip built-in function that works well with iterators of different lengths.

Image Filtering items from an iterator

islice: Slices an iterator by numerical indexes without copying.

takewhile: Returns items from an iterator while a predicate function returns True.

dropwhile: Returns items from an iterator once the predicate function returns False for the first time.

filterfalse: Returns all items from an iterator where a predicate function returns False. The opposite of the filter built-in function.

Image Combinations of items from iterators

product: Returns the Cartesian product of items from an iterator, which is a nice alternative to deeply nested list comprehensions.

permutations: Returns ordered permutations of length N with items from an iterator.

combination: Returns the unordered combinations of length N with unrepeated items from an iterator.

There are even more functions and recipes available in the itertools module that I don’t mention here. Whenever you find yourself dealing with some tricky iteration code, it’s worth looking at the itertools documentation again to see whether there’s anything there for you to use.

Things to Remember

Image Use Python’s built-in modules for algorithms and data structures.

Image Don’t reimplement this functionality yourself. It’s hard to get right.

Item 47: Use decimal When Precision Is Paramount

Python is an excellent language for writing code that interacts with numerical data. Python’s integer type can represent values of any practical size. Its double-precision floating point type complies with the IEEE 754 standard. The language also provides a standard complex number type for imaginary values. However, these aren’t enough for every situation.

For example, say you want to compute the amount to charge a customer for an international phone call. You know the time in minutes and seconds that the customer was on the phone (say, 3 minutes 42 seconds). You also have a set rate for the cost of calling Antarctica from the United States ($1.45/minute). What should the charge be?

With floating point math, the computed charge seems reasonable.

rate = 1.45
seconds = 3*60 + 42
cost = rate * seconds / 60


But rounding it to the nearest whole cent rounds down when you want it to round up to properly cover all costs incurred by the customer.

print(round(cost, 2))


Say you also want to support very short phone calls between places that are much cheaper to connect. Here, I compute the charge for a phone call that was 5 seconds long with a rate of $0.05/minute:

rate = 0.05
seconds = 5
cost = rate * seconds / 60


The resulting float is so low that it rounds down to zero. This won’t do!

print(round(cost, 2))

The solution is to use the Decimal class from the decimal built-in module. The Decimal class provides fixed point math of 28 decimal points by default. It can go even higher if required. This works around the precision issues in IEEE 754 floating point numbers. The class also gives you more control over rounding behaviors.

For example, redoing the Antarctica calculation with Decimal results in an exact charge instead of an approximation.

rate = Decimal('1.45')
seconds = Decimal('222')  # 3*60 + 42
cost = rate * seconds / Decimal('60')


The Decimal class has a built-in function for rounding to exactly the decimal place you need with the rounding behavior you want.

rounded = cost.quantize(Decimal('0.01'), rounding=ROUND_UP)


Using the quantize method this way also properly handles the small usage case for short, cheap phone calls. Here, you can see the Decimal cost is still less than 1 cent for the call:

rate = Decimal('0.05')
seconds = Decimal('5')
cost = rate * seconds / Decimal('60')


But the quantize behavior ensures that this is rounded up to one whole cent.

rounded = cost.quantize(Decimal('0.01'), rounding=ROUND_UP)


While Decimal works great for fixed point numbers, it still has limitations in its precision (e.g., 1/3 will be an approximation). For representing rational numbers with no limit to precision, consider using the Fraction class from the fractions built-in module.

Things to Remember

Image Python has built-in types and classes in modules that can represent practically every type of numerical value.

Image The Decimal class is ideal for situations that require high precision and exact rounding behavior, such as computations of monetary values.

Item 48: Know Where to Find Community-Built Modules

Python has a central repository of modules (https://pypi.python.org) for you to install and use in your programs. These modules are built and maintained by people like you: the Python community. When you find yourself facing an unfamiliar challenge, the Python Package Index (PyPI) is a great place to look for code that will get you closer to your goal.

To use the Package Index, you’ll need to use a command-line tool named pip. pip is installed by default in Python 3.4 and above (it’s also accessible with python -m pip). For earlier versions, you can find instructions for installing pip on the Python Packaging website (https://packaging.python.org).

Once installed, using pip to install a new module is simple. For example, here I install the pytz module that I used in another item in this chapter (see Item 45: “Use datetime Instead of time for Local Clocks”):

$ pip3 install pytz
Downloading/unpacking pytz
  Downloading pytz-2014.4.tar.bz2 (159kB): 159kB downloaded
  Running setup.py (...) egg_info for package pytz

Installing collected packages: pytz
  Running setup.py install for pytz

Successfully installed pytz
Cleaning up...

In the example above, I used the pip3 command-line to install the Python 3 version of the package. The pip command-line (without the 3) is also available for installing packages for Python 2. The majority of popular packages are now available for either version of Python (see Item 1: “Know Which Version of Python You’re Using”). pip can also be used with pyvenv to track sets of packages to install for your projects (see Item 53: “Use Virtual Environments for Isolated and Reproducible Dependencies”).

Each module in the PyPI has its own software license. Most of the packages, especially the popular ones, have free or open source licenses (see http://opensource.org for details). In most cases, these licenses allow you to include a copy of the module with your program (when in doubt, talk to a lawyer).

Things to Remember

Image The Python Package Index (PyPI) contains a wealth of common packages that are built and maintained by the Python community.

Image pip is the command-line tool to use for installing packages from PyPI.

Image pip is installed by default in Python 3.4 and above; you must install it yourself for older versions.

Image The majority of PyPI modules are free and open source software.

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