Using the geo_distance filter

When you are working with geo locations, one of the common tasks is to filter results based on its distance from a location. The geo_distance filter is used to achieve this goal.

Getting ready

You need a working ElasticSearch cluster and the data populated with the geo populate script.

How to do it...

Searching documents in which pin.location is 200km distant from the lat value 40 and the lon value 70, is done using a similar query as follows:

curl -XGET ' -d '{
    "query": {
        "filtered": {
            "filter": {
                "geo_distance": {
                    "pin.location": {
                        "lat": 40,
                        "lon": 70
                    "distance": "200km",
                    "optimize_bbox": "memory"
            "query": {
                "match_all": {}

How it works...

As we discussed in the Mapping a GeoPoint field recipe there are several ways to define GeoPoint and it is internally saved in an optimized way to be searched.

The distance filter executes a distance calculation between a given GeoPoint and the points in documents, returning hits that verify the distance.

The parameters that control the distance filter are as follows:

  • The field and the point of reference to be used to calculate the distance. In the preceding example we have pin.location and (40, 70).
  • distance: This parameter defines the distance to be considered. It is usually expressed as a string by a number preceded by a unit.
  • Unit (optional): This parameter is the unit of the distance value, if distance is defined as a number. Valid values are as follows:
    • in or inch
    • yd or yards
    • m or miles
    • km or kilometers
    • m or meters
    • mm or millimeters
    • cm or centimeters
  • distance_type (default arc) (valid choices are arc/place): This parameter defines the type of algorithm to calculate the distance.
  • optimize_bbox: This parameter defines how to filter first with a bounding box to improve performance. This kind of optimization removes a lot of document evaluations limiting the check to values that match a square. Valid values for this parameter are as follows:
    • memory (default): This value checks the memory.
    • indexed: This value checks using indexing values. It works only if lat and lon are indexed.
    • none: This value disables the bounding box optimization.

There's more...

There is also a range version of this filter that allows filter by range. The geo_distance_range filter works as a standard range filter (refer to the Using range query/filter recipe) in which the range is defined in from and to parameters. For example the previously discussed code can be converted into a range without the from part as follows:

curl -XGET ' -d '{
    "query": {
        "filtered": {
            "filter": {
                "geo_distance_range": {
                    "pin.location": {
                        "lat": 40,
                        "lon": 70
                    "to": "200km",
                    "optimize_bbox": "memory"
            "query": {
                "match_all": {}

See also

  • The Mapping a GeoPoint field recipe in Chapter 3, Managing Mapping
  • The Using a range query/filter recipe in this chapter
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