Setting up a NFS share for backup

Managing the repository is the most import issue in Elasticsearch backup management. Due to its native distributed architecture, the snapshot and the restore are designed in a cluster style.

During a snapshot, the shards are copied to the defined repository. If this repository is local to the nodes, the backup data is spread across all the nodes. For this reason, it's necessary to have shared repository storage if you have a multimode cluster.

A common approach is to use a Network File System (NFS), as it's very easy to set up and it's a very fast solution (also, standard Windows Samba shares can be used.)

Getting ready

We have a network with the following nodes:

  • Host server: (where we will store the backup data)
  • Elasticsearch master node 1:
  • Elasticsearch data node 1:
  • Elasticsearch data node 2:

You need an up-and-running Elasticsearch installation as we described in the Downloading and installing Elasticsearch recipe in Chapter 2, Downloading and Setup.

The following instructions are for standard Debian or Ubuntu distributions: they can be easily changed for other Linux distribution.

How to do it...

To create an NFS shared repository, we need to execute the following steps on the NFS server:

  1. We need to install the NFS server (generally the nfs-kernel-server package) on the host server. On the host server we will execute:
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server
  2. Once the package is installed, we can create a directory to be shared among all the clients. Let's create a directory:
    sudo mkdir /mnt/shared-directory
  3. Give the access permission of this directory to user nobody and group nogroup. These are a special reserved user/group in Linux operating systems that do not need any special permission to run things:
    sudo chown -R nobody:nogroup /mnt/shared-directory
  4. Then, we need to configure the NFS exports, where we can specify that this directory will be shared with certain machines. Edit the /etc/exports file (sudo nano /etc/exports) and add the following line containing the directory to be shared and space-separated client IP lists:
  5. To refresh the NFS table that holds the export of the share, the following command must be executed:
    sudo exportfs -a
  6. Finally, we can start the NFS service by running the following command:
    sudo service nfs-kernel-server start

After the NFS server is up-and-running, we need to configure the clients. We'll repeat the following steps on every Elasticsearch node:

  1. We need to install the NFS client on our Elasticsearch node:
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install nfs-common
  2. Now, create a directory on the client machine and we'll try to mount the remote shared directory:
    sudo mkdir /mnt/nfs
    sudo mount /mnt/nfs
  3. If everything is fine, we can add the mount directory in our node /etc/fstab file, so that it will be mounted at the next boot:
    sudo nano /etc/fstab
  4. And add following lines into this file:
      /mnt/nfs/   nfs   
            =1800 0 0
  5. We update our Elasticsearch node configuration (config/elasticsearch.yml) path.repo in this way:
            path.repo: /mnt/nfs/
  6. After having restarted all Elasticsearch nodes, we can create our share repository on the cluster via a single standard repository creation call:
    curl -XPUT '' -
            d '{
            "type": "fs",
            "settings": {
                "location": "/ mnt/nfs/my_repository",
                "compress": true

How it works...

NFS is a distributed filesystem protocol that is very common in the Unix world, and which allows you to mount remote directories on your server. The mounted directories look like the local directory of the server, and therefore, by using NFS, multiple servers can write to same directory.

This is very handy if you need to do a shared backup: all the nodes will write/read from the same shared directory.


If you need to snapshot an index that will be rarely updated, such as an old time-based index, the best practice is to optimize it before backing it up, cleaning up deleted documents, and reducing the Lucene fragments.

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