Get an ingest pipeline

After having stored your pipeline, it is common to retrieve its content, for checking its definition. This action can be done via the get pipeline API.

Getting ready

You need an up-and-running Elasticsearch installation, as we described in the Downloading and installing Elasticsearch recipe in Chapter 2, Downloading and Setup.

To execute curl via the command line, you need to install curl for your operative system.

How to do it...

To retrieve an ingestion pipeline in Elasticsearch, we will perform the following steps:

  1. We can retrieve the ingest pipeline via a GET call:
            curl -XGET '
  2. The result returned by Elasticsearch, if everything is okay, should be as follows:
              "add-user-john" : {
                "description" : "Add user john field",
                "processors" : [
                    "set" : {
                      "field" : "user",
                      "value" : "john"
                "version" : 1

How it works...

To retrieve an ingestion pipeline, you need its name/ID.

For each returned pipeline, all the data is returned: the source and the version if it are defined.

The GET pipeline allows us to use a wildcard in names, so you can:

  • Retrieve all pipelines via *:
            curl -XGET '*' 
  • Retrieve partial pipeline:
            curl -XGET '*' 


In case you have a lot of pipelines, using a good name convention helps a lot in their management.

There's more...

If you need only a part of the pipeline, such as the version, you can use the filter_path to filter the pipeline only for the parts needed.

For example, using:

    curl -XGET '

It will return, only the version part of the pipeline:

  "add-user-john" : { 
    "version" : 1 
..................Content has been hidden....................

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