Executing a standard search

After inserting documents, the most commonly executed action in Elasticsearch is the search. The official Elasticsearch client APIs for searching are similar to the REST API.

Getting ready

You need an up-and-running Elasticsearch installation, as we described in the Downloading and installing Elasticsearch recipe in Chapter 2, Downloading and Setup.

You also need the Python installed packages of the Creating a client recipe of this chapter.

The code of this recipe can be found in the chapter_16/searching.py file.

How to do it…

To execute a standard query, the client method search must be called by passing the query parameters, as we have seen in Chapter 5, Search. The required parameters are index_name, type_name and the query DSL. In this example, we show how to call a match_all query, a term query, and a filter query. We will perform the following steps:

  1. We initialize the client and populate the index:
            import elasticsearch 
            from pprint import pprint 
            es = elasticsearch.Elasticsearch() 
            index_name = "my_index" 
            type_name = "my_type" 
            if es.indices.exists(index_name): 
            from utils import create_and_add_mapping, populate 
            create_and_add_mapping(es, index_name, type_name) 
            populate(es, index_name, type_name) 
  2. We execute a search with a match_all query and we will print the results:
            results = es.search(index_name, type_name, {"query": 
            {"match_all": {}}}) 
  3. We execute a search with a term query and we will print the results:
            results = es.search(index_name, type_name, { 
                "query": { 
                "query": { 
                    "term": {"name": {"boost": 3.0, "value": "joe"}}} 
  4. We execute a search with a bool filter query and we will print the results:
            results = es.search(index_name, type_name, {"query": { 
               "bool": { 
                    "filter": { 
                       "bool": { 
                            "should": [ 
                               {"term": {"position": 1}}, 
                                {"term": {"position": 2}}]} 
  5. We remove the index:

How it works…

The idea behind Elasticsearch official clients is that they should offer a common API that is more similar to REST calls. In Python, it is very easy to use the query DSL, as it provides an easy mapping from the Python dictionary to JSON objects and vice versa.

In the preceding example, before calling the search, we need to initialize the index and put some data in it; this is done using the two helpers available in the utils package, available in chapter_16 directory.

The two methods are:

  • create_and_add_mapping(es, index_name, type_name): This initializes the index and inserts the correct mapping to perform the search. The code of this function is taken from the Managing mappings recipe in this chapter.
  • populate(es, index_name, type_name): This populates the index with data. The code of this function is taken from the previous recipe.

After having initialized some data, we can execute queries against it. To execute a search, the method that must be called is search on the client. This method accepts all parameters described for REST calls in the Searching recipe in Chapter 5, Search.

The actual method signature for the search method is as follows:

@query_params('_source', '_source_exclude', '_source_include', 
    'allow_no_indices', 'analyze_wildcard', 'analyzer', 'default_operator', 
    'df', 'docvalue_fields', 'expand_wildcards', 'explain', 
    'fielddata_fields', 'from_', 'ignore_unavailable', 'lenient', 
    'lowercase_expanded_terms', 'preference', 'q', 'request_cache', 
    'routing', 'scroll', 'search_type', 'size', 'sort', 'stats', 
    'stored_fields', 'suggest_field', 'suggest_mode', 'suggest_size', 
    'suggest_text', 'terminate_after', 'timeout', 'track_scores', 'version') 
def search(self, index=None, doc_type=None, body=None, params=None): 

The index value could be:

  • An index name or an alias name
  • A list of index (or alias) names as a string separated by commas (that is, index1,index2,indexN)
  • _all is the special keyword that indicates all the indices

The type value could be:

  • A type_name
  • A list of type names as a string separated by a comma (that is, type1,type2,typeN)
  • None to indicate all the types

The body is the search DSL, as we have seen in Chapter 5, Search. In the preceding example we have:

  • A match_all query (see the Matching all the documents recipe in Chapter 5, Search) to match all the index-type documents:
        results = es.search(index_name, type_name, {"query": 
        {"match_all": {}}}) 
  • A term query that matches a name term joe with boost 3.0 (for further details, see the Quering for a single term recipe in Chapter 6, Text and Numeric Queries):
        results = es.search(index_name, type_name, { 
            "query": { 
                "query": { 
                    "term": {"name": {"boost": 3.0, "value": "joe"}}} 
  • A filtered query with a query (match_all) and an or filter with two term filters matching position 1 and 2.
        results = es.search(index_name, type_name, {"query": { 
            "bool": { 
                "filter": { 
                    "bool": { 
                       "should": [ 
                            {"term": {"position": 1}}, 
                            {"term": {"position": 2}}]} 

The returned result is a JSON dictionary, which we discussed in Chapter 5, Search.

If some hits are matched, they are returned in the hits field. The standard number of results returned is 10. To return more results, you need to paginate the results with the from and start parameters.

In Chapter 5, Search, there is a definition of all the parameters used in the search.

See also

  • The Executing a search recipe in Chapter 5, Search, for a detailed description of some search parameters and the Matching all the documents recipe in Chapter 5, Search, for a description of the match_all query
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