Part 2. Building cross-platform applications with Electron

In part 1, I talked a bit about what makes Electron interesting and special, but our first run at building an Electron application was deliberately simple and—I’ll admit—a bit uninspired. In part 2—which takes up the lion’s share of this book—we’ll start digging into Electron’s more compelling abilities. In this section, we’ll build three applications: a Markdown text editor with a live preview and direct access to the filesystem, a clippings manager that lives in your operating system’s menu bar or system tray and can read and write to the system clipboard, and a travel packing list built with React that can read and write directly to a native database.

In part 2, I try to walk a fine line by having you build applications that are simple enough that you can understand them in short order while also having just enough complexity that we’ll run into some of the problems waiting for us in larger, more complex applications.

In chapter 3, we’ll lay the foundation for Fire Sale, our Markdown editor, by implementing the UI. We’ll also look into the finer points of debugging an Electron application. In chapter 4, we’ll explore the relationship between the main Node.js process and the one or more browser windows—which are called renderer processes—you can spawn. We’ll read from and write to the filesystem and send data back and forth between processes. In chapter 5, I’ll cover how to manage multiple windows and dig a bit deeper into Electron’s interprocess communication model.

Chapter 6 covers some of the finer points of integrating with the native operating system. We’ll determine whether a file has unsaved changes and update the title bar provided by the operating system accordingly. We’ll append our documents to the operating system’s list of recent documents and listen to see if another application has changed a file currently open in Fire Sale. Chapter 7 explores how to build native application and context menus, which is not normally something web and Node.js developers encounter often. In chapter 8, we’ll put the finishing touches on Fire Sale by implementing additional integrations with the host operating system as well as dynamically updating menus by enabling and disabling menu items as the state of the application changes.

In chapter 9, we’ll set out to build an application in a place where no web developer has gone before: the menu bar in macOS and the system tray in Windows. Clipmaster is a simple application that allows you to read text from the system clipboard and store it in memory. When an item is selected, it’s written back to the clipboard for easy pasting. It’s an application I used thoroughly in writing this book. In chapter 10, we’ll burn the entire application down and start over from scratch, giving it a more robust UI in the process.

Until chapter 11, we use a very limited set of tools for manipulating the DOM. As you read through the chapters leading up to chapter 11, you may be getting grand ideas about how you would integrate your favorite frontend framework. Your patience will be rewarded as we see that implementing tools like Babel, TypeScript, or Sass are easier than you could have imagined. We’ll build a simple list manager called Jetsetter that keeps track of the items you need to pack before your next great adventure. I’ll be using React solely because it has the gentlest learning curve, but I assure you that there are great libraries for Ember, Angular, and Vue as well.

You may have used a tool like webpack or Browserify to pull dependencies from npm into your application. If so, you might have come across a set of modules, which typically use compiled C++ code, that are off limits. Browsers, generally speaking, can work only with JavaScript. But Electron applications are not mere browser applications. In chapter 12, we’ll take Jetsetter and hook it directly to a portable SQLite database. We’ll figure out how to correctly compile your modules for the version of Node.js that ships with Electron. I’ll implement persistent storage in a browser-based IndexedDB database, in an effort to help you determine which approach you might prefer for your own applications.

Chapter 13 covers end-to-end testing using Spectron, which is based on Selenium. In this chapter, I’ll show you how to write tests that spin up your Electron application and take it for a ride. By the end of part 2, you’ll be comfortable with a large subset of everything Electron has to offer, and the creative juices will certainly be flowing.

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