
At the age of nine, Bob Miglani moved to the United States from India with his family, who had nothing more than $75 and a desire to pursue the American dream. Growing up, he delivered newspapers, mowed lawns, and helped run the family Dairy Queen business, where he learned the value of hard work, doing the right thing, and serving customers with a smile.

Bob carried those values with him into his professional career in corporate America, where he has been working for twenty years as an accomplished executive with a Fortune 50 company in New York City. Whether as a top-performing sales rep or while creating new and innovative strategic functions for the company, Bob’s work has taken him to more than thirty countries around the world.

Bob is the author of Treat Your Customers: Thirty Lessons on Service and Sales that I Learned at My Family’s Dairy Queen Store, which is about doing the small things that make a big difference in creating a vibrant, customer-focused business.

Bob helped his wife, an optometrist, open her new practice in the midst of the world financial crisis in early 2009, while also trying to manage the chaos of life with two young children.

As an active speaker and a volunteer with the Albert Schweitzer Leadership for Life Program, hosted each year in Dublin, Ireland, Bob helps to motivate high school students and young adults to pursue innovative careers and life possibilities in a new, global world where anything is possible.

Bob is a board member of a prominent U.S.–India trade group and often provides advice and guidance to U.S. businesspeople who wish to do business in India. Bob is also an angel investor in a handful of technology startups in India, where he acts as a thought coach, mentor, and friend to the founders.

On occasion, Bob is known to take a handful of friends and like-minded souls searching for a fresh perspective on a fun and reflective personal seven-to ten-day life tour of India, inviting people to experience their own Embrace the Chaos journey.

For more inspiration, advice and self-assessment tools, Bob invites you to follow his personal blog, embracethechaos.com, where he discusses all that he is learning about life and work in chaos. He also invites you to join the conversation on his Facebook page (facebook.com/bobmiglani) or to reach out to him by e-mail, at [email protected].

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