1 Department of Computer Science, COMSATS University Islamabad, Wah Campus

2 Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Sahyadri College of Engineering & Management, Mangaluru, India

Emails: [email protected], [email protected]


Recently it has been observed that computer related applications are vigorously available to support training and learning of health care professionals being involved in diversified organizations to put into practice an impactful change in society. Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) are swiftly becoming progressively more available, accessible and most importantly within an individual reach. Thus, services and applications related to health care certainly improve the use of medical data. This will result in exploring new health care opportunities not only in the organizations but cover the whole society for auxiliary transformation and enhancement. Furthermore, combination of VR/AR technologies with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT) will present powerful and mainly unexplored application areas that will revolutionize health care and medicine practice. Hence, the aim of this systematic review is to implicate to which extent VR/AR health care services and applications are presently used to genuinely support for organizational and societal change.

Keywords: Health Care, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Immersion, AI, IoT

1.1 Introduction

Advances in technology directly affect our lives and behaviors. On one hand, it enhances our learning abilities effectively when integrated with our curriculum to alleviate submissive experiences of lectures for large number of students in the class. On the other hand, it acts as a tool for students to gain knowledge in a meaningful environment [52]. Therefore, the goal is to create a powerful interactive learning environment for students where they can use their inborn capabilities of learning to clutch intricate notions and acquire knowledge through participation, observation and simulation [28]. The term student is taken generally in this chapter for medical students, doctors, and various types of medical professionals, medical trainers and all those who are directly or indirectly using health care services and applications in society or in any organization for learning and training purposes.

Simulation technology is now being increasingly used to improve the student’s learning abilities in a variety of domains like marketing, engineering, education and most importantly in health care which is one of the biggest adopters of VR/AR like simulated surgery, treatment of phobia, robotic based surgery, skill based training, dentistry and disabled treatment are some of the examples. It is generally recognized that VR and AR are in the forefront having strong potential to lead health care for impactful change in society [10]. Nowadays, this can be possible with the development and provision of multimedia information delivery tools such as apps, pod-casts, medical and educational software and screen casts which can be easily used on personal computers and mobile devices specifically on smart phones [30, 51]. In addition, numerous visualization technologies have been released such as Oculus Rift, Gear VR and Head Mounted Displays (HMD) to incorporate VR in giving intuitive feeling of actually being engrossed in the simulated world [21]. AR is also known as mixed reality that has lined a possibility to understand the concepts in a novel way which was not ever possible in the past.

VR and AR can be viewed in Figure 1.1. Although there is a very slight difference between both concepts which will be discussed later in the chapter, but today, AR (mixed reality) shown in Figure 1.2, supersedes VR because of the collaboration of real world and virtual objects rather than the whole computer generated virtual world. Therefore, VR is now being transformed into AR in the near future gradually. Taking the advantage, we schematically unfold rest of the chapter by briefly discussing VR/AR, their formats and design elements, relationship among presence, reality and realism in context with VR/AR, features of VR/AR technologies and in detail the implications of VR/AR applications related to enhance health care issues using AI and IoT for impactful change in the society and organization. To end this chapter, challenges and limitations of the technology along with conclusion are finally discussed.

Figure 1.1 (a) Example of Virtual Reality [10], (b) Example of Augmented Reality Training in Health care [4]

Figure 1.2 Relationship of Real and Virtual Environment (Augmented Reality or Mixed Reality) [15]

1.2 Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

The following section will explain VR/AR and how both differ from each other. Further, Table 1.1 will summarize standard terms and definitions related to the simulating environment.

Table 1.1 Standard terms in Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

Virtual Systems or Simulation Collectively graphics, navigation and sounds present screen based simulation to accentuate three dimensional nature of environment.
Screen Based Simulation A simulation presented on computer screen using text and graphical images.
Serious Games Interactive computer applications mimicking or simulating real world events designed specifically for educational and training purposes to bring impactful change in society. It is challenging to deliver the user knowledge, attitudes or skills which are useful in reality.
Virtual Standardized Patient Avatar based representation of human patients which can communicate with his/her physician in a natural language for training purposes in organizations keeping health care perspective.

1.2.1 Virtual Realty

Virtual revolution has emerged to impart VR simulation technology for clinical and medical purposes since 1995. Although VR has been emerged since 1950s when Morton Heiling invented Sensorama which enabled users to watch television in three dimensional ways. Today, technology advances in the areas of power, image processing and acquisition, computer vision, graphics, speed, interface technology, HMD devices, a variety of software, body tracking, AI and IoT have given rise to build cost effective and functional VR applications capable of operating on mobile devices and/or on personal computers [61].

In context, VR states: It typically refers to use interactive simulations created by computer software and hardware to engage users with an opportunity in an environment that generates feelings similar to real world events and objects [71]. In another definition, VR is interpreted as: VR systems are deployed in the form of concert to perform sensory fantasy or illusion that construct more or less believable simulation of reality [12]. Comprehensively, VR can be defined as a way to replicate real life situations using immersive learning environment, high visualization and three dimensional characteristics by involving physical or other interfaces like motion sensors, haptic devices and head mounted display in addition to computer mouse, keyboard, voice and speech recognition. In general, the user interacts and feels that it is real world but the focus of interaction is digital environment [52].

Hence, VR systems have been widely applied in phobia, neuroscience, rehabilitation, disorders and different forms of therapeutic issues for students learning and health care to uplift the society in productive manners incorporating serious games and other techniques [14].

1.2.2 Augmented Reality or Mixed Reality

AR is a subset of VR (not a complete virtual reality) that overlays digitized computer generated information on objects, places and entities from real world for the purpose of enhancing the learning experience of user. Therefore, its ability to combine physical elements and virtual objects makes it popular in studying and implementing health care, medicine, fashion and several other fields since 2008 [11]. According to Moro, et al., 2017, AR is a form of VR in which a synthetic stimuli is super imposed on real world objects to enhance user learning experience with the help of head mounted display, wearable computers (displays projection onto humans and mannequins) and overlays of computer screen. The result of AR is to focus interaction in performing tasks within the real world instead of digital world.

In short, AR is a set of technologies which help to integrate digital and real. Although there are many flavors and versions of implementing AR but common among all are computers, displays, input devices (especially pointing device of any sort) and tracking mechanism. Merely, displays are required for the user to distinguish between realities and digitally supplied information. Pointing device (input device that must have GPS or some location based services for locating device and of course the user as well) like smart phones, wireless wrist bands etc. are needed to make sure that the digital information is appropriately placed or aligned with what the user is seeing (tracking). Finally computer software must exist to manage and run the application.

1.2.3 Line of Difference between VR/AR

The definitions above clarify that everything is virtual and digital or simulation of reality in VR whereas AR exhibits virtual learning experiences embedded in a physical context. It means AR is a process of overlaying computer generated information on any geographical place or object in reality for the sake of enhancing the understanding and experience of user [78].

1.2.4 Formats and Design Elements of VR/AR Technology

This section reflects general understanding about the available formats of VR/AR and which one is best accepted for health care. In addition, Table 1.2 summarizes the design elements for implementing VR/AR. The contents of Table 1.2 are taken from Lemheney et al., 2016.

Table 1.2 Design Elements in Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

Situated Learning Familiar circumstances that can be recognized by a user or participant.
Debriefing Opportunity to interact and focus by a participant on health care analysis and reflections.
Navigation Components which can guide and sequence the directions.
Identical Elements Visual representation of health care artifacts accurately.
Stimulus Variability Range of relevance indicating objects found in health care settings.
Feedback Prompts to facilitate progression through an activity.
Social Context Collaborative environment to synchronize contribution of participants.

Formats of VR: VR systems have three formats namely non immersive, semi-immersive and fully immersive. The main concept which is frequently used is ”immersion” with VR. ”Immersion” refers to the sense of being involved in task environment without considering the time and real world and up to which extent high fidelity important inputs (e.g. sound waves, light samples) are supplied to diverse sensory modalities (touch, audition, vision) for the purpose of building powerful illusion of realism [36, 39]. The three formats also refer to the level of immersion:

  1. A non immersive VR system utilizes usual graphics terminal with a monitor typically desktop system to view VR environment using some portal or window. This format imitates a three dimensional graphics environment on television or flat panel within which the user can interact and navigate. Hence, this format is less popular [49, 60];
  2. A semi immersive VR system is relatively a new implementation which comprises of comparatively high performance graphics computing system together with an outsized projection plane to display scenes [49];
  3. A fully immersive system gives a sense of presence but the level of immersion depends on various factors like the field of view of resolution, contrast, update rate and illumination of display. Generally, an immersive VR system clubs computer, body tracking sensors, specialized interactive interface such as head mounted display or an outsized projection screen encasing the user (e.g. CAVE–Cave Automatic VEs where VE is projected on a concave surface) and real time graphics to immerse the participant in a computer generated world of simulation to perform alterations in a natural way with body and head motion [56, 60]. Thus, this format leads us to adopt immersive learning environment for health care services and applications presently and also for future. Figure 1.3 presents some snap shots of various immersion levels.

Figure 1.3 Levels of VR Immersion (a) A Non Immersive VR System (b) A Semi Immersive VR System (c) A Fully Immersive VR System [10]

Formats of AR: Since the advent and extreme usage of smart phones in recent times, most of AR applications are based on this new invention. Hence focusing the smart phones, there are two major AR formats. According to Pence, 2010:

  1. Marked or mark based AR system utilizes two dimensional barcode normally QR code (quick response code) to connect a mobile phone and/or personal computer for overlaying information digitally on real world object or usually on a website;
  2. Mark less AR system employs location based services like GPS (Global Positioning System) used by cell phone to serve as a platform of adding native information on a camera vision [11].

Figure 1.4 shows snap shots related to formats of AR.

Figure 1.4 AR Systems Formats (a) Marked AR System. (b) Mark less AR System [38]

1.2.5 Presence, Reality and Realism

Following section briefly explains the cognitive aspects of user perception related to virtual environment and to some extent augmented environment as well.

Presence: According to Heeter, 1992, presence is a complex feeling with three dimensions:

  1. Personal or physical presence which gives sense of actually being in VR environment, a room where immersion takes place;
  2. Environmental existence means that VR environment seems to be responsive on user’s action;
  3. Social presence refers that user is not alone in VR environment. Put simply, it is an ability to describe interaction among the user and virtual objects, locations and animated entities.

Reality: Reality refers through which the user experiences the immersion as genuine in reply of stimulus. Thus, higher level of reality is related to higher level of realism [7, 8].

Realism: Realism is a fact which relates to level of convergence among the user’s expectation and actual experience in VR environment. The key factor here is to consider that how much the virtual stimulus converges expectations of the user [7].

1.3 Features of VR/AR Technology in Health Care

The most emerging feature of VR/AR technology in health care is E-Health with many enlightening features to support health care like patients can explain their symptoms in a better way; nurses can easily find veins, pharmaceutical companies can supply innovative drug information, surgeons can get assistance, invoking empathy, treatment for post therapeutic stress disorder, support for physical therapy, pain management, doctor or hospital visits, surgical trainings with the help of visualization and maintenance of labs etc.

1.3.1 Implications of VR/AR Technology in Health Care Services and Applications

VR and AR are being predicted to become more and more a part of reality and for the betterment of humanity presently and over the next coming years. Here a question is raised that how well health care services and applications capitalize on VR/AR since most of health care issues employ both technologies to counter clinical practices, medical trainings, surgery, phobia, rehabilitation and emergency medicine since 2008. Nevertheless, there is still ample room to develop suitable applications with the involvement of AI and IoT because health care demands precise, accurate, flexible, robust and efficient agents, expert systems, gadgets, apps, software and hardware not only to meet the requirements of society but also helpful for flourishing the working environment of an organization for radical change. It is further mandatory that people must have computer science expertise and understanding about the potential implications of these technologies which may lead them to envision practice in their area of interest.

Following section discusses in detail the implications of health care services and applications keeping in context with AI implicitly and IoT explicitly.

1.3.2 Health Care Services

AI and IoT are two main factors in recent days to make possible the range of health care services, where each service makes available a set of health care solution. This section endorses that services are generic in nature and have the possibilities to become building block for a set of way outs and applications. Therefore, these services might include feedback or notification services, internet services; agents based services, connectivity and protocol services etc [37]. The subsequent discussion highlights various kinds of health care services.

Exergaming (Digital gaming technology) is new where health care issues are tackled with the help of serious games. These methodologies when applied to a user encountering with any kind of medical disease, not only makes himher energetic but also resolves his/her health issue in an entertaining way. Such services are gaining popularity and drawn scientific attention to the emergent health dilemma of childhood diabetes, obesity and in nursing domain. The central notion of exergaming is to involve energetic body activities as an input to integrate with digital game with an expectation to succeed the sedentary activity rather than conventional gaming style [45, 61]. This health care problem can also be tackled using off-the-shelf game console systems like Sony Eyetoy, Nintendo Wii games and Konami DDR [18, 21, 29, 43, 44].

Phobia: means that an individual is experiencing extreme anxiety to a certain stimulus; the stimulus might be any animal or any situation like addressing the people, height, blackout, driving and swimming etc. In this situation, an individual feels anxiety and stress which may result increase heart beat, high blood pressure, dry mouth and sweating [1]. To address this health care service, the researchers point out that exposure based therapy is suitable for a variety of anxiety and disorders. It means that the exposure works by allowing the patient to interact fully with activation and subsequent reduction of fear in a natural way in the presence of phobia stimulus such as the use of ”crutches” (e.g. entertaining exercises) or absolute avoidance behavior (psychologically, cognitively or behaviorally overlooking the phobia stimulus) [2, 17, 26, 59].

Child health information (CHI) is an IoT based health service which is gaining popularity in a sense that it helps to raise child understanding and educating society as well as the children themselves about how mental, health and emotional issues and problems among family members are important [37, 68]. An IoT based interactive setup is placed in pediatric ward of any hospital for CHI services such as totem with an aim to empower, amuse and educate hospitalized children [21, 63, 69].

Adverse drug reaction: An injury occurrence from taking medication refers to adverse drug reaction (ADR). This injury can happen due to some factors:

  1. Taking a single dose of drug;
  2. Combination of two or more drugs;
  3. Taking drugs for long period of time.

Hence ADR is inherently generic. So there is a need to have some ADR services based on common technical issues and their solutions to design them. The implication regarding ADR is to have such systems where the patient’s terminal accesses the information of a particular drug with the help of pharmaceutical AI based information system and then synchronizes to whether the drug is well matched with his/her energy profile and e-health record. An example of such implication is iMedPack developed as a part of iMedBox to overcome ADR by using control delamination technologies [48. 74].

Indirect emergency health care: Health care services have been vigorously involved in lot of emergencies like accidents, transportation (e.g. ship, bus, car, airplanes and trains etc.), adverse weather conditions, fire and earthen sites collapse. Therefore, in this context the health care services are known as indirect emergency services (IEH). Such services can offer lot of techniques and solutions to counter the situation on the basis of available information of site, record keeping, post accident measures and notifications [34, 62].

Ambient assistive living: Health care services are readily available for elderly individuals in the society. One popular and important health care service is Ambient Assistive Learning (AAL) which is available with IoT powered by AI to address aging and injured individuals. The main objective of AAL services is to make elderly individuals powerful and confident by giving them independence and human servant like assistance to resolve their issues. It has been further noticed that keep-in-touch (KIT) smart objects and blocked loop health care services can make AAL possible. Both KIT smart objects and closed loop services function through IoT and AI, therefore an open source cloud based application is available to implicate AAL which is proposed by researches with minor changes to this service [41, 58, 77].

Community health care: This idea has been emerged to design and develop a network on local level around a small area for monitoring community health care. This can be accomplished with the use of AI based IoT infrastructure. The structure of community network health care can be seen as ”virtual hospital”. A tenant health information service platform based on functional requirements can be established for the distribution and sharing of data between medical facilities and service platform in order to acquire medical advice and health record remotely. Therefore, a specialized community health care (CH) is unavoidable for providing the technical requirements under one umbrella for impactful change in the society [48, 70].

Semantic medical access: Sharing huge amount of medical information and knowledge by a significant application to somewhere else can be possible with the use of semantics and ontologies and the service is called semantic medical access (SMA). This service helps the researchers and designers to prepare such health care applications in which semantics and ontologies can be obtained simultaneously. Implementation of SMA application requires sensors, medical statue based engines to analyze huge amounts of sensor data stored on a cloud and all time available data access methods to collect, merge and interoperate for medical emergency services [73].

Medical Training: VR/AR has immense implications for medical training and considered very beneficial in health care training programs and/or student’s learning. Numerous software (apps) are available for the society to run them on smart phone for immediate training, learning and treatment in an emergency. The medical training program provides a list of medical measures for health care personal to select from it. Once any measure is selected by health care personal, the screen will display and search the tracking pattern situated in the patient body. Further, the training program will show an animated solution in three dimensional views representing when, where and in what conditions different exercises should be carried out. Also the user can amend point of view of the mock-up (simulation) by moving mobile device back and forth [4, 29].

1.3.3 Health Care Applications

In addition to health care services, there are numerous health care applications which can help to revolutionize not only the society but organizations as well. It has been noticed that health care services (see above section) are the basis for health care applications whereas these applications are directly used by patients and users. Hence, services are developer centric and applications are user centric. Moreover, there exist lot of gadgets, wearable devices and other health care devices to work with some health care application. Figure 1.5 shows some of the gadgets used in health care applications.

Figure 1.5 Gadgets and Wearable Devices used in Health Care Applications [37]

Electrocardiogram monitoring: Electrocardiogram (ECG) is the measure of electrical activity of heart recorded using electrocardiography on the basis of heart rate, focusing of basic rhythm and diagnosis of myocardial ischemia, extended QT intervals and versatile arrhythmias [3, 16, 75]. The ECG monitoring system can be formed using portable wireless acquisition transmitter and wireless receiving processor. Both together search out automation methods to notice abnormal data in order to identify cardiac function on real time basis [35].

Rehabilitation systems: Rehabilitation represents vital branch of medicine. It means that physical medicine can improve and overcome the working ability and quality of life of people having some sort of physical injury or disability. The intelligent and IoT based smart rehabilitation systems and upper limb rehabilitation systems are given by many profound researchers [20, 47, 67]. This design successfully demonstrates all essential resources to offer real-time information connections. Other rehabilitation systems such as prison rehabilitation system, smart city medical rehabilitation system, language training system for childhood autism and rehabilitation training for hemiplegic patients have been addressed in the past but require advancements to meet today’s requirements.

Blood pressure monitoring: Monitoring blood pressure (BP) is a fundamental aspect in our daily life. Now it is possible to monitor BP remotely with the involvement of AI and IoT. To accomplish this notion, there exists a remote communication between health post and health center which is responsible to monitor the BP of patients. A device is used for collecting and transmitting BP data to BP apparatus having communication module along with location intelligent terminal for monitoring BP gradually on real time basis [19, 31, 72]. However, advances are necessary to overcome upcoming flaws to incorporate with recent research.

Glucose level sensing: Diabetes (blood glucose or sugar) is a common metabolic disease and prime health care application. It is necessary to make it our habit to monitor blood glucose on daily basis. Diabetes monitoring for an individual discloses changes in blood glucose patterns and helps to adjust activities, medication and meal timings [50]. A utility model reveals the transmission of somatic blood glucose data on a device comprised of a mobile phone, a computer, a blood glucose collector and a background processor [32]. The whole setup is a combination of AI and IoT features.

Medication management: One of the serious threats to society is non compliance of medication as a result of which the patient has to bear enormous financial loss. To overcome this issue, an AI based packaging method is introduced in medicine boxes for medication management, for example IoT based iMedBox is proposed by [55]. The packaging method has controlled sealing based on delaminating control by wireless communications.

Body temperature monitoring: Monitoring body temperature is a vital habit in health care service because body temperature is a critical indicator for monitoring and maintenance of homeostasis. Therefore, m-IoT has the successful solution which uses body temperature sensor embedded in TelosB mote to attain body temperature variations in an effective manner [37].

Smart phones and health care solutions: Recently, smart phone has become the driver and rise of health care applications because this device has smart phone controlled sensor. Smart phone is now considered a popular health care device because of the invention of multiple types of hardware and software (apps) which can be easily and freely available for download and can be used by any user for his/her personal health care and satisfaction. Table 1.3 summarizes some of general smart phone health care apps in detail.

Table 1.3 Smart phones health care apps

Finger Print Thermometer
It is used to determine body temperature with the help of finger print.
Calculates oxygen intake that is SpO2 and pulse rate.
Calorie Counter
Keeps track of user food intake and his/her weight and relationship among them.
Eye Care plus
Monitors and tests eye vision.
Period Tracker
Helps to track periods and forecasts fertility.
Blood Pressure Watch
Tracks, analyzes, shares and collects blood pressure data.
Remotely monitors cardiac rehabilitation on real time basis.
On Track Diabetes
Helps to monitor and track blood glucose for medication to manage diabetes.
Noom Walk
It acts as pedometer to count user’s steps in daily routine work.
Monitoring Heart Rate
Used for real time heart rate monitoring and tracking.
Google Fit
It is used to hack cycling, walking and running for the user.
Asthma Tracker and Log
Used to track asthma for patient.

The current section discussed in detail some of health care services and applications. However, few other health care services such as wearable devices access (WDA), the internet of m-Health things (m-IoT), embedded context prediction (ECP) and embedded gateway configuration (EGC) require more implications and advances to overcome future health care issues. In the same manner, certain health care applications need to be addressed vigorously like wheel chair management, imminent health care solution and oxygen saturation monitoring for potential resolution and integration of new ideas [37].

1.4 Future Assessments in VR/AR Technology

This section introduces some of the prominent implications and applicable researches made by researchers for the sake to transform their ideas into VR/AR applications which not only offer an immense change in an organization but will become useful for the society as well. Mostly, these researches are based on medical imaging and its related areas under the domain of image processing and computer vision. This will help the novice VR/AR professional to build new VR/AR applications that can specifically run on mobile devices for the betterment of health care issues. Following are some of the research ideas available for transformation.

Glaucoma detection is a vital task in eye care especially when fundus imaging is available for glaucoma. This could be handled using implications and ideas proposed by [13] while detection of lung nodule [53], lung cancer [24], brain tumor [5], diabetic retinopathy [6], skin cancer [22] and extraction of cotton wool from retinal images [64] can also become smart applications in future to improve health.

An important property is the colorization of medical images in order to retrieve required medical image from a database. This idea and technique has been proposed and available for developing VR/AR applications [54, 76]. VR/AR environment has an ability to absorb diversified domains hence we can have applications to classify facial expressions [66], simulation based facial recognition [22] and biometric based person re-identification [65] on our mobile devices for enhancing ourselves not only as an individual but also as a society. Despite all that, potential research has been proposed to build numerous intelligent systems in future for improving health care services and applications [22, 25].

1.5 Key Challenges for Adopting VR/AR Technology

In recent times, no doubt there is no comparison of any kind of technology with VR/AR technology. Nevertheless, there still exist certain challenges and gaps in adopting such diversified technology in this modern era. In this section, some challenges are mentioned for the reader interest to provide baseline in overcoming these in future:

  1. Funding and monetary issue, which means the organization must have enough funds for product development, research and coping marketing cost;
  2. Technical limitations is a broad spectrum which reflects that VR/AR systems limit their use in certain clinical settings and mobile VR/AR systems limit to the pocket size computer which can be enhanced to take out from constraints. Moreover resolution, memory and processing are challenging in this aspect;
  3. Organizational issues concerns about having an infrastructure to adopt technology like blue tooth connectivity, platform compatibility, provision and usage of health care software and hardware, networking, privacy issues, provision of digital medical data, vendor relationship and above all the prime factor is acceptability of technology within the organization;
  4. Lack of knowledge is a primary challenge because most of the people are unaware with the use of VR/AR technology in health care domain rather than using it as an entertaining medium. Disseminating knowledge will be an important goal to make the people aware in using these technologies in health care domain;
  5. Lack of research studies around VR/AR. It has been observed that there may only be a handful of useful research studies. So, this needs to be enhanced in future.

Some other additional challenges also need to be focused and emphasized like market issues and cultural obstacles; regulation and insurance policies, resistance from end user, lack of interest about concerned side effects etc. which are significant in adopting these technologies.

1.6 Conclusion

The foremost purpose and objective of this review is to discuss the implications of VR/AR technologies in health care services and applications for improving societal and organizational change. This chapter highlights diversified priorities in health care services and applications and efforts made by researchers in this respect taking AI and IoT as baseline. Further, it also emphasizes on definitions, formats, differences, features, design elements, cognitive aspects and challenges to VR/AR as a part of discussion.

Unlike VR which is accomplished through a complete virtual environment, AR limits itself to involve certain virtual elements to merge them with physical world. Although both technologies are being considered competent for the last two decades in view of some professionals and researchers but another thought exists that these are still in their initial phases. Therefore, research is needed to identify finest practices, determine optimal solutions to implement these technologies and facilitate for rapid adoption in society.


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