Appendix: Presentation Checklist

This checklist will take you step-by-step through the complete technical presentation process, from planning, through preparation and practice, to the completion of your talk and what to do afterward.

Engineering Your Presentation

□  I understand the goal of my presentation

□    I understand how the relevant information resides in my mind

□    I fully understand the target audience

□      I know the background of the audience

□      I know the purpose of the listeners

□      I know the level of understanding of the listeners

□  I have completed the research necessary to generate solutions to my speaking task

□    I know the time limit

□    I know the limitations of the venue

□      I know how the audience will be positioned

□      I know what presentation equipment will be used

□      I’m aware of the acoustics and lighting

□  I have generated several potential solutions to my speaking task

□  I have evaluated the potential solutions and decided on the one that best meets my needs

Designing Your Presentation

□  I have established the structure of my presentation

□  I have designed my introduction

□    I understand what I want to accomplish with my introduction

□    I have decided on a structure for my introduction

□  I have designed the main body of my presentation

□    I know the type of presentation I will be doing

□    I have decided on an order of presentation

□    I have considered how I will persuade the listener

□    I have a way to gain the listener’s attention

□      I address the need for my product

□      I offer a solution

□      I differentiate my product from that of the competitors

□    I have created an outline of my talk, possibly using a mind map as a guide

□  I have designed the conclusion of my presentation

□    I understand what I want to accomplish with my conclusion

□    I have an indicator of the end of the presentation

Building Your Presentation

□  I have established the target specifications for my talk

□    I have established the scope of my talk

□    I know what topics I want to cover

□    I have thoroughly investigated the motivations and interests of the audience

□    I understand the time limitations

□    I understand the venue limitations

□  I have prepared my visual aids

□    I have selected appropriate presentation software

□      I know whether specific software must be used

□      I am familiar with the software or willing to learn

□    I have created a slide template

□      I know whether a format is required

□      My template includes helpful information

□        Title

□        Page number

□        Graphical tag (e.g., organizational logo)

□        Footer or header with date/venue/presenter etc.

□      My template is clean and uncluttered

□    I have decided on the number of slides to use, based on time limit and audience needs

□    I have checked the appearance of all my slides

□      Fonts are appropriate

□        I did not mix too many fonts

□        The size is sufficient to see from all points in the venue

□      The amount of material on each slide is appropriate

□        The number of equations, tables, and figures on each slide is appropriate

□        I did not combine too many elements

□      I did not use too much text

□        There is not more text than the audience can easily read

□        I only include enough text to provide myself cues and give the audience a point of focus

□      Color is appropriate

□        I chose color carefully

□        I did not mix too many colors

□        Color combinations are distinctive

□        I considered the impact of color on audience members who are color blind

□      Slide background is appropriate

□        The background is not too dark

□        The background is not too busy

□        The background is not distracting

□      Adjunct elements are appropriate

□        Animation is not overbearing or otherwise distracting

□        Sound or movies add to the impact of the presentation and are not just for show

□        Active links to web pages do not disrupt the flow of the presentation

□      My equations, graphs, and tables are easy to read

□        Font size is not too small

□        Lines are not too thin

□        Captions are short, easy to read, and meaningful

□        Legends are clear and easy to understand

□        There are not too many elements on any slide

□      I have checked the appearance of my presentation using the venue equipment or similar equipment

□        The presentation is visually appealing

□        All fonts, equations, and graphs appear as expected

□            All adjunct elements (animation, links to web pages, sound, movies) behave as expected

□  I have carefully examined my materials for any logical blunders

□    There are no fallacies of formal logic

□    There are no fallacies of informal logic

□  I have checked my materials for errors in technical claims

□    My claims are reasonable

□    My claims pass dimensional and order-of-magnitude checks

□    My claims agree with known special cases

□    My claims are in accord with known standard principles

□    My evidence comes from reliable sources

□    I have examined relevant counterexamples to my claims

□    I have checked my materials for proper English usage

□    My word choice is appropriate

□      Words have the proper technical meaning

□      Words are at the proper level of formality

□    The punctuation and spelling obey standard rules

□    My wording takes the form of either description or argumentation, as appropriate

□      My descriptive content has a clear standpoint

□      My descriptive content has the appropriate level of detail (no more, no less)

□      My descriptive content forms a coherent picture

□  I have checked my materials for proper mathematical discourse and clarity of presentation

□    I have used proper mathematical notation

□    I have not overburdened the listener with too many equations

□    My equations form a logical progression

□    I understand what I want to say about each equation

□  I have carefully planned my demo

□    The demo is easily seen by all audience members

□    There are no safety issues

□    I have a backup plan in case of loss or damage of the demo equipment

□  I have considered the special needs of a poster presentation

□    I am aware of the formatting requirements

□    I know the rules of presentation

□    I have determined the amount of material I can place on the poster

□    I have created a workable layout

□      I have replaced the temporal orientation of an oral presentation with an appropriate spatial orientation

□      I have created an alternative layout that is clear and easily understood by the viewer

□    I have created or gathered needed ancillary items (handouts, business cards, brochures, etc.)

□  I have considered any ethical implications of my presentation

□    I understand what is appropriate ethical conduct within my discipline/profession

□    I have consulted the ethical codes for my organization

□    I understand the special needs of my audience

Optimizing Your Presentation

□  I have rehearsed thoroughly

□    I have rehearsed in front of an audience member or colleague

□    I have received feedback from knowledgeable listeners

□    I have adjusted my presentation based on the feedback

□  I completely understand the material I will be presenting

□    I understand the terminology

□    I understand the technical nature of my material

□    I understand what others in my field have done

□    I understand how my work fits with what others have done

□    I understand how my work fits within my discipline

□  I am mentally ready to deliver a clear presentation

□    I know how to pronounce the terms

□    I am comfortable with the material

□    I have identified material that requires special care to explain

□  I have my timing down

□    I know the time limit

□    I have identified portions of the presentation I stumble over, and have taken extra care with these passages during rehearsal

□    I have prepared for possible interruptions during my talk

□    I have an “exit strategy” if I take longer than I prepared for

□  I am prepared for the venue

□    I have a pointing device

□    I have adjusted the volume of my speech to accommodate the room

□    I have the appropriate clothing

□    My talk is in the proper format for the presentation equipment

□    My demo is set up properly for the room

□  I am prepared to answer questions

□    I am knowledgeable of, and comfortable with, my material

□    I understand the limits of my knowledge and when to say “I don’t know”

□    I have prepared a list of resources that will be helpful to audience members

□  I am mentally prepared to control the audience

□    I understand how to deal with unruly or insistent audience members

□    I am willing to limit my interactions with any given audience member

□    I understand how to “calm” a distracted audience

Delivering Your Presentation

□  I have double-checked that I have all my necessary materials

□  I have given myself sufficient time to travel to the venue

□  I have put myself in the proper frame of mind

□    I have gotten sufficient sleep

□    I have eaten a good meal

□    I have allowed some time before the talk to ‘de-stress’ and become calm

□  I am giving myself feedback during the talk

□    I am maintaining eye contact

□    I am speaking with enthusiasm and using appropriate gestures

□    I am speaking with appropriate volume

□    I am aware of my pace and the time remaining

□    I am aware of my personal quirks

□      appearance

□      stance and movement of arms or hands

□      overly repeated words or phrases (you know, like, hey, moving forward)

□      pause fillers (um, uhhhh, throat clearing)

□  I am prepared to adapt

□    I have an exit strategy

□    I have rehearsed with an audience

□  I have a strategy for handling questions

□    I repeat questions after they are asked

□    I ask for clarification if needed

□    I defer questions that would take too long to answer

□    I admit when I don’t know the answer

□    I am prepared to offer suggestions of outside references

After the Talk

□  I congratulate myself for all of my hard work

□  I forgive myself for any missteps or blunders

□  I engage with interested audience members

□  I use the experience to improve

□    I assess whether I did enough to prepare; what worked and what didn’t?

□    I assess how well the talk went and how I can use the experience to improve my delivery

□    I assess whether the talk needs to be changed if I deliver it again

□  I consider reinventing my talk for another venue or occasion

□  I find a way to archive my talk

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