
The completion of this project is the culmination of the vision, effort, advice, hard work, sleuthing abilities, compassionate understanding, and feedback of many people. We'd first like to thank our editor at Prentice Hall, Greg Doench. He believed we could write and deliver a book on schedule, even when previous projects lasted much longer than planned. Thank you also to the staff at Prentice Hall, especially Eileen Clark, who was always available to answer questions. We also appreciate the consultations with Wil Mara (Production), Julie Bettis (Copy Editing), and Patricia Parkhill (FrameMaker expert).

Our reviewers did a wonderful job. We subjected them to reading chapters in chopped up parcels because we couldn't wait until the whole thing was written. They were understanding and accommodating to our schedule, giving us feedback in the midst of Thanksgiving and the Christmas holidays. Because of them, we added more diagrams, cleared up fuzzy explanations, moved sections to better places, wrote better code, and attempted as many improvements as scheduling would allow. And they didn't just suggest improvements; they also encouraged us and told us when they thought we were doing something right! Good technical reviewers are worth their weight in gold. Thank you to Bruce Englar, Rob Gordon, Christian Knecht, Dave Wilson, and Bob Zalusky.

Last but not least, we'd like to thank our family, for understanding that missed soccer games, skipped summer vacations, shortened holiday celebrations, and less family leisure time are temporary but worthwhile sacrifices. Thanks to our children Sara and Kellen, Paul's mother Jane Anderson, and Gail's brother Scott Campbell.

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