
A good editor is someone who cares a little less about the author's needs than the reader's.

Dene October

Bringing this book from the idea stage to publication was a team effort. We greatly appreciate the roles played by all participants – some more direct than others. We thank our chapter authors for sharing their knowledge. They painstakingly wrote and then revised each chapter multiple times without complaint. We edited your words but not your message. Without your dedication, this book would not exist.

We also thank the highly talented professionals at John Wiley & Sons, especially Bill Falloon (executive editor), Richard Samson (project editor), and Koushika Ramesh (production editor), for their guidance. We also thank everyone at Cape Cod Compositors, Inc. Additionally, we recognize the support provided by the Kogod School of Business at American University, the Behrend College at Penn State Erie, and the Crummer Graduate School of Business at Rollins College.

Finally, we express gratitude for our families, who have largely been our silent partners in this process. We dedicate this book to Linda and Rory Baker; Janis, Aaron, Andrea, Kyle, and Grant Filbeck; Nilgün and Tunc Kiymaz.

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