© Adam Freeman 2019
A. FreemanEssential TypeScripthttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-4979-6_1

1. Your First TypeScript Application

Adam Freeman1 
London, UK

The best way to get started with TypeScript is to dive in. In this chapter, I take you through a simple development process to create an application that keeps track of to-do items. Later chapters show how TypeScript features work in detail, but a simple example will be enough to demonstrate how the basic TypeScript features work. Don’t worry if you don’t understand everything in this chapter. The idea is just to get an overall sense of how TypeScript works and how it fits into an application.

Getting Ready for This Book

Four packages are required to get ready for this book. Perform each installation described in the following sections and run the test provided for each of them to ensure that the packages work as they should.

Step 1: Install Node.js

First, download and install Node.js, also known as Node, from https://nodejs.org/dist/v12.0.0 . This URL provides the installers for all supported platforms for the 12.0.0 release, which is the version that I use in this book. During the installation, ensure that Node Package Manager (NPM) is selected for installation. Once the installation is complete, open a new command prompt and run the commands shown Listing 1-1 to check that Node and NPM are working.
node --version
npm --version
Listing 1-1.

Checking Node and NPM

The output from the first command should be v12.0.0, indicating that Node is working and the correct version has been installed. The output from the second command should be 6.9.0, which indicates that NPM is working.

Step 2: Install Git

The second task is to download and install the Git version management tool from https://git-scm.com/downloads . Git isn’t required directly for TypeScript development, but some of the most commonly used packages depend on it. Once you have completed the installation, use a command prompt to run the command shown in Listing 1-2 to check that Git is working.
git --version
Listing 1-2.

Checking Git

At the time of writing, the latest version of Git for all platforms is 2.21.0.

Step 3: Install TypeScript

The third step is to install the TypeScript package. Use a command prompt to run the command shown in Listing 1-3.
npm install --global [email protected]
Listing 1-3.

Installing the TypeScript Package

Once the package has been installed, run the command shown in Listing 1-4 to ensure that the compiler was installed correctly.
tsc --version
Listing 1-4.

Testing the TypeScript Compiler

The TypeScript compiler is called tsc, and the output from the command in Listing 1-4 should be Version 3.5.1.

Step 4: Install a Programmer’s Editor

The final step is to install a programmer’s editor that supports TypeScript. Most popular editors can be used for TypeScript development, but if you don’t have a preferred editor, then download and install Visual Studio Code from https://code.visualstudio.com . Visual Studio Code is an open-source, cross-platform code editor that is free to use and is the editor I used while writing the examples for this book.

If you are using Visual Studio Code, run the command code to start the editor or use the program icon created during installation and you will see to produce the welcome screen shown in Figure 1-1. (You may need to add Visual Studio Code to your command prompt path before using the code command.)
Figure 1-1.

The Visual Studio Code welcome screen

Creating the Project

To get started with TypeScript, I am going to build a simple to-do list application. The most common use for TypeScript is web application development, which I demonstrate for the most popular frameworks (Angular, React, and Vue) in Part 3 of this book. But for this chapter, I build a command-line application that will keep the focus on TypeScript and avoid the complexity of a web application framework.

The application will display a list of tasks, allow new tasks to be created, and allow existing tasks to be marked as complete. There will also be a filter to include already completed tasks in the list. Once the core features are in place, I will add support for storing data persistently so that changes are not lost when the application is terminated.

Initializing the Project

To prepare a project folder for this chapter, open a command prompt, navigate to a convenient location, and create a folder named todo. Run the commands shown in Listing 1-5 to navigate into the folder and initialize it for development.
cd todo
npm init --yes
Listing 1-5.

Initializing the Project Folder

The npm init command creates a package.json file, which is used to keep track of the packages required by the project and also to configure the development tools.

Creating the Compiler Configuration File

The TypeScript package installed in Listing 1-3 includes a compiler, named tsc, which compiles TypeScript code to produce pure JavaScript. To define the configuration for the TypeScript compiler, create a file called tsconfig.json in the todo folder with the content shown in Listing 1-6.
    "compilerOptions": {
        "target": "es2018",
        "outDir": "./dist",
        "rootDir": "./src",
        "module": "commonjs"
Listing 1-6.

The Contents of the tsconfig.json File in the todo Folder

I describe the TypeScript compiler in Chapter 5, but these settings tell the compiler that I want to use the latest version of JavaScript, that the project’s TypeScript files will be found in the src folder, that the output it produces should be placed in the dist folder, and that the commonjs standard should be used for loading code from separate files.

Adding a TypeScript Code File

TypeScript code files have the ts file extension. To add the first code file to the project, create the todo/src folder and add to it a file called index.ts with the code shown in Listing 1-7. This file follows the popular convention of calling the main file for an application index, followed by the ts file extension to indicate the file contains JavaScript code.
console.log("Adam's Todo List");
Listing 1-7.

The Contents of the index.ts File in the src Folder

The file contains regular JavaScript statements that use the console object to clear the command-line window and write out a simple message, which is just enough functionality to make sure that everything is working before starting on the application features.

Compiling and Executing the Code

TypeScript files must be compiled to produce pure JavaScript code that can be executed by browsers or the Node.js runtime installed at the start of this chapter. Use the command line to run the compiler in the todo folder using the command in Listing 1-8.
Listing 1-8.

Running the TypeScript Compiler

The compiler reads the configuration settings in the tsconfig.json file and locates the TypeScript files in the src folder. The compiler creates the dist folder and uses it to write out the JavaScript code. If you examine the dist folder, you will see that it contains an index.js file, where the js file extension indicates the file contains JavaScript code. If you examine the contents of the index.js file, you will see that it contains the following statements:
console.log("Adam's Todo List");

The TypeScript file and the JavaScript file contain the same statements because I have not yet used any TypeScript features. As the application starts to take shape, the contents of the TypeScript file will start to diverge from the JavaScript files that the compiler produces.


Do not make changes to the files in the dist folder because they will be overwritten the next time the compiler runs. In TypeScript development, changes are made to files with the ts extension, which are compiled into JavaScript files with the js extension.

To execute the compiled code, use the command prompt to run the command shown in Listing 1-9 in the todo folder.
node dist/index.js
Listing 1-9.

Executing the Compiled Code

The node command starts the Node.js JavaScript runtime, and the argument specifies the file whose contents should be executed. If the development tools have been installed successfully, the command-prompt window should be cleared and display the following output:
Adam's Todo List

Defining the Data Model

The example application will manage a list of to-do items. The user will be able to see the list, add new items, mark items as complete, and filter the items. In this section, I start using TypeScript to define the data model that describes the application’s data and the operations that can be performed on it. To start, add a file called todoItem.ts to the src folder with the code shown in Listing 1-10.
export class TodoItem {
    public id: number;
    public task: string;
    public complete: boolean = false;
    public constructor(id: number, task: string, complete: boolean = false) {
        this.id = id;
        this.task = task;
        this.complete = complete;
    public printDetails() : void {
        console.log(`${this.id} ${this.task} ${this.complete
            ? " (complete)": ""}`);
Listing 1-10.

The Contents of the todoItem.ts File in the src Folder

Classes are templates that describe a data type. I describe classes in detail in Chapter 4, but the code in Listing 1-10 will look familiar to any programmer with knowledge of languages such as C# or Java, even if not all of the details are obvious.

The class in Listing 1-10 is named TodoItem, and it defines id, task, and complete properties and a printDetails method that writes a summary of the to-do item to the console. TypeScript is built on JavaScript, and the code in Listing 1-10 is a mix of standard JavaScript features with enhancements that are specific to TypeScript. JavaScript supports classes with constructors, properties, and methods, for example, but features such as access control keywords (such as the public keyword) are provided by TypeScript. The headline TypeScript feature is static typing, which allows the type of each property and parameter in the TodoItem class to be specified, like this:
public id: number;

This is an example of a type annotation, and it tells the TypeScript compiler that the id property can only be assigned values of the number type. As I explain Chapter 3, JavaScript has a fluid approach to types, and the biggest benefit that TypeScript provides is making data types more consistent with other programming languages while still allowing access to the normal JavaScript approach when needed.


Don’t worry if you are not familiar with the way that JavaScript handles data types. Chapters 3 and 4 provide details about the JavaScript features you need to understand to be effective with TypeScript.

I wrote the class in Listing 1-10 to emphasize the similarity between TypeScript and languages such as C# and Java, but this isn’t the way that TypeScript classes are usually defined. Listing 1-11 revises the TodoItem class to use TypeScript features that allow classes to be defined concisely.
export class TodoItem {
    constructor(public id: number,
                public task: string,
                public complete: boolean = false) {
        // no statements required
    printDetails() : void {
        console.log(`${this.id} ${this.task} ${this.complete
            ? " (complete)": ""}`);
Listing 1-11.

Using More Concise Code in the todoItem.ts File in the src Folder

Support for static data types is only part of the broader TypeScript objective of safer and more predictable JavaScript code. The concise syntax used for the constructor in Listing 1-11 allows the TodoItem class to receive parameters and use them to create instance properties in a single step, avoiding the error-prone process of defining a property and explicitly assigning it the value received by a parameter.

The change to the printDetails method removes the public access control keyword, which isn’t needed because TypeScript assumes that all methods and properties are public unless another access level is used. (The public keyword is still used in the constructor because that’s how the TypeScript compiler recognizes that the concise constructor syntax is being used, as explained in Chapter 11.)

Creating the Todo Item Collection Class

The next step is to create a class that will collect together the to-do items so they can be managed more easily. Add a file named todoCollection.ts to the src folder with the code shown in Listing 1-12.
import { TodoItem } from "./todoItem";
export class TodoCollection {
    private nextId: number = 1;
    constructor(public userName: string, public todoItems: TodoItem[] = []) {
        // no statements required
    addTodo(task: string): number {
        while (this.getTodoById(this.nextId)) {
        this.todoItems.push(new TodoItem(this.nextId, task));
        return this.nextId;
    getTodoById(id: number) : TodoItem {
        return this.todoItems.find(item => item.id === id);
    markComplete(id: number, complete: boolean) {
        const todoItem = this.getTodoById(id);
        if (todoItem) {
            todoItem.complete = complete;
Listing 1-12.

The Contents of the todoCollection.ts File in the src Folder

Checking the Basic Data Model Features

Before going any further, I am going to make sure the initial features of the TodoCollection class work as expected. I explain how to perform unit testing for TypeScript projects in Chapter 6, but for this chapter, it will be enough to create some TodoItem objects and store them in a TodoCollection object. Listing 1-13 replaces the code in the index.ts file, removing the placeholder statements added at the start of the chapter.
import { TodoItem } from "./todoItem";
import { TodoCollection } from "./todoCollection";
let todos = [
    new TodoItem(1, "Buy Flowers"), new TodoItem(2, "Get Shoes"),
    new TodoItem(3, "Collect Tickets"), new TodoItem(4, "Call Joe", true)];
let collection = new TodoCollection("Adam", todos);
console.log(`${collection.userName}'s Todo List`);
let newId = collection.addTodo("Go for run");
let todoItem = collection.getTodoById(newId);
Listing 1-13.

Testing the Data Model in the index.ts File in the src Folder

All the statements shown in Listing 1-13 use pure JavaScript features. The import statements are used to declare dependencies on the TodoItem and TodoCollection classes, and they are part of the JavaScript modules feature, which allows code to be defined in multiple files (described in Chapter 4). Defining an array and using the new keyword to instantiate classes are also standard features, along with the calls to the console object.


The code in Listing 1-13 uses features that are recent additions to the JavaScript language. As I explain in Chapter 5, the TypeScript compiler makes it easy to use modern JavaScript features, such as the let keyword, even when they are not supported by the JavaScript runtime that will execute the code, such as older browsers. The JavaScript features that are essential to understand for effective TypeScript development are described in Chapters 3 and 4.

The TypeScript compiler tries to help developers without getting in the way. During compilation, the compiler looks at the data types that are used and the type information I applied in the TodoItem and TodoCollection classes and is able to infer the data types used in Listing 1-13. The result is code that doesn’t contain any explicit static type information but that the compiler is able to check for type safety anyway. To see how this works, Listing 1-14 adds a statement to the index.ts file.
import { TodoItem } from "./todoItem";
import { TodoCollection } from "./todoCollection";
let todos = [
    new TodoItem(1, "Buy Flowers"), new TodoItem(2, "Get Shoes"),
    new TodoItem(3, "Collect Tickets"), new TodoItem(4, "Call Joe", true)];
let collection = new TodoCollection("Adam", todos);
console.log(`${collection.userName}'s Todo List`);
let newId = collection.addTodo("Go for run");
let todoItem = collection.getTodoById(newId);
Listing 1-14.

Adding a Statement in the index.ts File in the src Folder

The new statement calls the TodoCollection.addTodo method using a TodoItem object as the argument. The compiler looks at the definition of the addTodo method in the todoItem.ts file and is able to see that the method expects to receive a different type of data.
addTodo(task: string): number {
    while (this.getTodoById(this.nextId)) {
    this.todoItems.push(new TodoItem(this.nextId, task));
    return this.nextId;
The type information for the addTodo method tells the TypeScript compiler that the task parameter must be a string and that the result will be a number. (The string and number types are built-in JavaScript features and are described in Chapter 3.) Run the command shown in Listing 1-15 in the todo folder to compile the code.
Listing 1-15.

Running the Compiler

The TypeScript compiler processes the code in the project, detects that the parameter value used to call the addTodo method isn’t the correct data type, and produces the following error:
src/index.ts:17:20 - error TS2345: Argument of type 'TodoItem' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string'.
17 collection.addTodo(todoItem);
Found 1 error.
TypeScript does a good job of figuring out what is going on and identifying problems, allowing you to add as much or as little type information as you like in a project. In this book, I tend to add type information to make the listings easier to follow, since many of the examples in this book are related to how the TypeScript compiler handles data types. Listing 1-16 adds types to the code in the index.ts file and disables the statement that causes the compiler error.
import { TodoItem } from "./todoItem";
import { TodoCollection } from "./todoCollection";
let todos: TodoItem[] = [
    new TodoItem(1, "Buy Flowers"), new TodoItem(2, "Get Shoes"),
    new TodoItem(3, "Collect Tickets"), new TodoItem(4, "Call Joe", true)];
let collection: TodoCollection = new TodoCollection("Adam", todos);
console.log(`${collection.userName}'s Todo List`);
let newId: number = collection.addTodo("Go for run");
let todoItem: TodoItem = collection.getTodoById(newId);
Listing 1-16.

Adding Type Information in the index.ts File in the src Folder

The type information added to the statements in Listing 1-16 doesn’t change the way the code works, but it does make the data types being used explicit, which can make the purpose of code easier to understand and doesn’t require the compiler to infer the data types being used. Run the commands shown in Listing 1-17 in the todo folder to compile and execute the code.
node dist/index.js
Listing 1-17.

Compiling and Executing

When the code is executed, the following output will be produced:
Adam's Todo List
5       Go for run

Adding Features to the Collection Class

The next step is to add new capabilities to the TodoCollection class. First, I am going to change the way that TodoItem objects are stored so that a JavaScript Map is used, as shown in Listing 1-18.
import { TodoItem } from "./todoItem";
export class TodoCollection {
    private nextId: number = 1;
    private itemMap = new Map<number, TodoItem>();
    constructor(public userName: string, todoItems: TodoItem[] = []) {
        todoItems.forEach(item => this.itemMap.set(item.id, item));
    addTodo(task: string): number {
        while (this.getTodoById(this.nextId)) {
        this.itemMap.set(this.nextId, new TodoItem(this.nextId, task));
        return this.nextId;
    getTodoById(id: number) : TodoItem {
        return this.itemMap.get(id);
    markComplete(id: number, complete: boolean) {
        const todoItem = this.getTodoById(id);
        if (todoItem) {
            todoItem.complete = complete;
Listing 1-18.

Using a Map in the todoCollection.ts File in the src Folder

TypeScript supports generic types, which are placeholders for types that are resolved when an object is created. The JavaScript Map, for example, is a general-purpose collection that stores key/value pairs. Because JavaScript has such a dynamic type system, a Map can be used to store any mix of data types using any mix of keys. To restrict the types that can be used with the Map in Listing 1-18, I provided generic type arguments that tell the TypeScript compiler which types are allowed for the keys and values.
private itemMap = new Map<number, TodoItem>();

The generic type arguments are enclosed in angle brackets (the < and > characters), and the Map in Listing 1-18 is given generic type arguments that tell the compiler that the Map will store TodoItem objects using number values as keys. The compiler will produce an error if a statement attempts to store a different data type in the Map or use a key that isn’t a number value. Generic types are an important TypeScript feature and are described in detail in Chapter 12.

Providing Access to To-Do Items

The TodoCollection class defines a getTodoById method, but the application will need to display a list of items, optionally filtered to exclude completed tasks. Listing 1-19 adds a method that provides access to the TodoItem objects that the TodoCollection is managing.
import { TodoItem } from "./todoItem";
export class TodoCollection {
    private nextId: number = 1;
    private itemMap = new Map<number, TodoItem>();
    constructor(public userName: string, todoItems: TodoItem[] = []) {
        todoItems.forEach(item => this.itemMap.set(item.id, item));
    addTodo(task: string): number {
        while (this.getTodoById(this.nextId)) {
        this.itemMap.set(this.nextId, new TodoItem(this.nextId, task));
        return this.nextId;
    getTodoById(id: number) : TodoItem {
        return this.itemMap.get(id);
    getTodoItems(includeComplete: boolean): TodoItem[] {
        return [...this.itemMap.values()]
            .filter(item => includeComplete || !item.complete);
    markComplete(id: number, complete: boolean) {
        const todoItem = this.getTodoById(id);
        if (todoItem) {
            todoItem.complete = complete;
Listing 1-19.

Providing Access to Items in the todoCollection.ts File in the src Folder

The getTodoItems method gets the objects from the Map using its values method and uses them to create an array using the JavaScript spread operator, which is three periods. The objects are processed using the filter method to select the objects that are required, using the includeComplete parameter to decide which objects are needed.

The TypeScript compiler uses the information it has been given to follow the types through each step. The generic type arguments used to create the Map tell the compiler that it contains TodoItem objects, so the compiler knows that the values method will return TodoItem objects and that this will also be the type of the objects in the array. Following this through, the compiler knows that the function passed to the filter method will be processing TodoItem objects and knows that each object will define a complete property. If I try to read a property or method not defined by the TodoItem class, the TypeScript compiler will report an error. Similarly, the compiler will report an error if the result of the return statement doesn’t match the result type declared by the method.

In Listing 1-20, I have updated the code in the index.ts file to use the new TodoCollection class feature and display a simple list of to-do items to the user.
import { TodoItem } from "./todoItem";
import { TodoCollection } from "./todoCollection";
let todos: TodoItem[] = [
    new TodoItem(1, "Buy Flowers"), new TodoItem(2, "Get Shoes"),
    new TodoItem(3, "Collect Tickets"), new TodoItem(4, "Call Joe", true)];
let collection: TodoCollection = new TodoCollection("Adam", todos);
console.log(`${collection.userName}'s Todo List`);
collection.getTodoItems(true).forEach(item => item.printDetails());
Listing 1-20.

Getting the Collection Items in the index.ts File in the src Folder

The new statement calls the getTodoItems method defined in Listing 1-19 and uses the standard JavaScript forEach method to write a description of each TodoItem object using the console object.

Run the commands shown in Listing 1-21 in the todo folder to compile and execute the code.
node dist/index.js
Listing 1-21.

Compiling and Executing

When the code is executed, the following output will be produced:
Adam's Todo List
1       Buy Flowers
2       Get Shoes
3       Collect Tickets
4       Call Joe        (complete)

Removing Completed Tasks

As tasks are added and then marked complete, the number of items in the collection will grow and eventually become difficult for the user to manage. Listing 1-22 adds a method that removes the completed items from the collection.
import { TodoItem } from "./todoItem";
export class TodoCollection {
    private nextId: number = 1;
    private itemMap = new Map<number, TodoItem>();
    constructor(public userName: string, todoItems: TodoItem[] = []) {
        todoItems.forEach(item => this.itemMap.set(item.id, item));
    addTodo(task: string): number {
        while (this.getTodoById(this.nextId)) {
        this.itemMap.set(this.nextId, new TodoItem(this.nextId, task));
        return this.nextId;
    getTodoById(id: number) : TodoItem {
        return this.itemMap.get(id);
    getTodoItems(includeComplete: boolean): TodoItem[] {
        return [...this.itemMap.values()]
            .filter(item => includeComplete || !item.complete);
    markComplete(id: number, complete: boolean) {
        const todoItem = this.getTodoById(id);
        if (todoItem) {
            todoItem.complete = complete;
    removeComplete() {
        this.itemMap.forEach(item => {
            if (item.complete) {
Listing 1-22.

Removing Completed Items from the TodoCollection.ts File in the src Folder

The removeComplete method uses the Map.forEach method to inspect each TodoItem stored in the Map and calls the delete method for those whose complete property is true. Listing 1-23 updates the code in the index.ts file to invoke the new method.
import { TodoItem } from "./todoItem";
import { TodoCollection } from "./todoCollection";
let todos: TodoItem[] = [
    new TodoItem(1, "Buy Flowers"), new TodoItem(2, "Get Shoes"),
    new TodoItem(3, "Collect Tickets"), new TodoItem(4, "Call Joe", true)];
let collection: TodoCollection = new TodoCollection("Adam", todos);
console.log(`${collection.userName}'s Todo List`);
collection.getTodoItems(true).forEach(item => item.printDetails());
Listing 1-23.

Testing Item Removal in the index.ts File in the src Folder

Run the commands shown in Listing 1-24 in the todo folder to compile and execute the code.
node dist/index.js
Listing 1-24.

Compiling and Executing

When the code is executed, the following output will be produced, showing that the completed task has been removed from the collection:
Adam's Todo List
1       Buy Flowers
2       Get Shoes
3       Collect Tickets

Providing Item Counts

The final feature I need for the TodoCollection class is to provide counts of the total number of TodoItem objects, the number that have been completed, and the number still outstanding.

I have focused on classes in earlier listings because this is the way that most programmers are used to creating data types. JavaScript objects can also be defined using literal syntax, for which TypeScript is able to check and enforce static types in the same way as for objects created from classes. When dealing with object literals, the TypeScript compiler focuses on the combination of property names and the types of their values, which is known as an object’s shape. A specific combination of names and types is known as a shape type. Listing 1-25 adds a method to the TodoCollection class that returns an object that describes the items in the collection.
import { TodoItem } from "./todoItem";
type ItemCounts = {
    total: number,
    incomplete: number
export class TodoCollection {
    private nextId: number = 1;
    private itemMap = new Map<number, TodoItem>();
    constructor(public userName: string, todoItems: TodoItem[] = []) {
        todoItems.forEach(item => this.itemMap.set(item.id, item));
    addTodo(task: string): number {
        while (this.getTodoById(this.nextId)) {
        this.itemMap.set(this.nextId, new TodoItem(this.nextId, task));
        return this.nextId;
    getTodoById(id: number) : TodoItem {
        return this.itemMap.get(id);
    getTodoItems(includeComplete: boolean): TodoItem[] {
        return [...this.itemMap.values()]
            .filter(item => includeComplete || !item.complete);
    markComplete(id: number, complete: boolean) {
        const todoItem = this.getTodoById(id);
        if (todoItem) {
            todoItem.complete = complete;
    removeComplete() {
        this.itemMap.forEach(item => {
            if (item.complete) {
    getItemCounts(): ItemCounts {
        return {
            total: this.itemMap.size,
            incomplete: this.getTodoItems(false).length
Listing 1-25.

Using a Shape Type in the TodoCollection.ts File in the src Folder

The type keyword is used to create a type alias, which is a convenient way to assign a name to a shape type. The type alias in Listing 1-25 describes objects that have two number properties, named total and incomplete. The type alias is used as the result of the getItemCounts method, which uses the JavaScript object literal syntax to create an object whose shape matches the type alias. Listing 1-26 updates the index.ts file so that the number of incomplete items is displayed to the user.
import { TodoItem } from "./todoItem";
import { TodoCollection } from "./todoCollection";
let todos: TodoItem[] = [
    new TodoItem(1, "Buy Flowers"), new TodoItem(2, "Get Shoes"),
    new TodoItem(3, "Collect Tickets"), new TodoItem(4, "Call Joe", true)];
let collection: TodoCollection = new TodoCollection("Adam", todos);
console.log(`${collection.userName}'s Todo List `
    + `(${ collection.getItemCounts().incomplete } items to do)`);
collection.getTodoItems(true).forEach(item => item.printDetails());
Listing 1-26.

Displaying Item Counts in the index.ts File in the src Folder

Run the commands shown in Listing 1-27 in the todo folder to compile and execute the code.
node dist/index.js
Listing 1-27.

Compiling and Executing

When the code is executed, the following output will be produced:
Adam's Todo List (3 items to do)
1       Buy Flowers
2       Get Shoes
3       Collect Tickets
4       Call Joe        (complete)

Using a Third-Party Package

One of the joys of writing JavaScript code is the ecosystem of packages that can be incorporated into projects. TypeScript allows any JavaScript package to be used but with the addition of static type support. I am going to use the excellent Inquirer.js package ( https://github.com/SBoudrias/Inquirer.js ) to deal with prompting the user for commands and processing responses. To add Inquirer.js to the project, run the command shown in Listing 1-28 in the todo folder.
npm install [email protected]
Listing 1-28.

Adding a Package to the Project

Packages are added to TypeScript projects just as they are for pure JavaScript projects, using the npm install command. To get started with the new package, I added the statements shown in Listing 1-29 to the index.ts file.
import { TodoItem } from "./todoItem";
import { TodoCollection } from "./todoCollection";
import * as inquirer from 'inquirer';
let todos: TodoItem[] = [
    new TodoItem(1, "Buy Flowers"), new TodoItem(2, "Get Shoes"),
    new TodoItem(3, "Collect Tickets"), new TodoItem(4, "Call Joe", true)];
let collection: TodoCollection = new TodoCollection("Adam", todos);
function displayTodoList(): void {
    console.log(`${collection.userName}'s Todo List `
        + `(${ collection.getItemCounts().incomplete } items to do)`);
    collection.getTodoItems(true).forEach(item => item.printDetails());
enum Commands {
    Quit = "Quit"
function promptUser(): void {
            type: "list",
            name: "command",
            message: "Choose option",
            choices: Object.values(Commands)
    }).then(answers => {
        if (answers["command"] !== Commands.Quit) {
Listing 1-29.

Using a New Package in the index.ts File in the src Folder

TypeScript doesn’t get in the way of using JavaScript code, and the changes in Listing 1-29 make use of the Inquirer.js package to prompt the user and offer a choice of commands. There is only one command available currently, which is Quit, but I’ll add more useful features shortly.


I don’t describe the Inquirer.js API in detail in this book because it is not directly related to TypeScript. See https://github.com/SBoudrias/Inquirer.js for details if you want to use Inquirer.js in your own projects.

The inquirer.prompt method is used to prompt the user for a response and is configured using a JavaScript object. The configuration options I have chosen present the user with a list that can be navigated using the arrow keys, and a selection can be made by pressing Return. When the user makes a selection, the function passed to the then method is invoked, and the selection is available through the answers.command property.

Listing 1-29 shows how TypeScript code and the JavaScript code from the Inquirer.js package can be used seamlessly together. The enum keyword is a TypeScript feature that allows values to be given names, as described in Chapter 9, and will allow me to define and refer to commands without needing to duplicate string values through the application. Values from the enum are used alongside the Inquirer.js features, like this:
if (answers["command"] !== Commands.Quit) {
Run the commands shown in Listing 1-30 in the todo folder to compile and execute the code.
node dist/index.js
Listing 1-30.

Compiling and Executing

When the code is executed, the list of to-do items will be displayed, along with a prompt to select a command, as shown in Figure 1-2, although there is only one command available.
Figure 1-2.

Prompting the user for a command

If you press the Return key, the Quit command will be selected, and the application will terminate.

Adding Type Declarations for the JavaScript Package

TypeScript doesn’t prevent JavaScript code from being used, but it isn’t able to provide any assistance for its use. The compiler doesn’t have any insight into the data types that are being used by Inquirer.js and has to trust that I am using the right types of arguments to prompt the user and that I am processing the response objects safely.

There are two ways to provide TypeScript with the information that it requires for static typing. The first approach is to describe the types yourself. I cover the features that TypeScript provides for describing JavaScript code in Chapter 14. Manually describing JavaScript code isn’t difficult, but it does take some time and requires good knowledge of the code you are describing.

The second approach is to use type declarations provided by someone else. The Definitely Typed project is a repository of TypeScript type declarations for thousands of JavaScript packages, including the Inquirer.js package. To install the type declarations, run the command shown in Listing 1-31 in the todo folder.
npm install --save-dev @types/inquirer
Listing 1-31.

Installing Type Definitions

Type declarations are installed using the npm install command, just like JavaScript packages. The save-dev argument is used for packages that are used in development but that are not part of the application. The package name is @types/ followed by the name of the package for which type descriptions are required. For the Inquirer.js package, the type declarations package is @types/inquirer because inquirer is the name used to install the JavaScript package.


See https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped for the details of the Definitely Typed project and the packages for which type declarations are available.

The TypeScript compiler detects type declarations automatically, and the command in Listing 1-31 allows the compiler to check the data types used by the Inquirer.js API. To demonstrate the effect of the type declarations, Listing 1-32 uses a configuration property that isn’t supported by Inquirer.js.
function promptUser(): void {
            type: "list",
            name: "command",
            message: "Choose option",
            choices: Object.values(Commands),
            badProperty: true
    }).then(answers => {
        // no action required
        if (answers["command"] !== Commands.Quit) {
Listing 1-32.

Adding a Property in the index.ts File in the src Folder

There is no configuration property named badProperty in the Inquirer.js API. Run the command shown in Listing 1-33 in the todo folder to compile the code in the project.
Listing 1-33.

Running the Compiler

The compiler uses the type information installed in Listing 1-31 and reports the following error:
src/index.ts:30:13 - error TS2345: Argument of type '{ type: string; name: string; message: string; choices: any[]; badProperty: boolean; }' is not assignable to parameter of type 'Questions<{}>'.
  Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'badProperty' does not exist in type 'Questions<{}>'.
30             badProperty: true
Found 1 error.

The type declaration allows TypeScript to provide the same set of features throughout the application, even though the Inquirer.js package is written in pure JavaScript and not TypeScript.

Adding Commands

The example application doesn’t do a great deal at the moment and requires additional commands. In the sections that follow, I add a series of new commands and provide the implementation for each of them.

Filtering Items

The first command I will add allows the user to toggle the filter to include or exclude completed items, as shown in Listing 1-34.
import { TodoItem } from "./todoItem";
import { TodoCollection } from "./todoCollection";
import * as inquirer from 'inquirer';
let todos: TodoItem[] = [
    new TodoItem(1, "Buy Flowers"), new TodoItem(2, "Get Shoes"),
    new TodoItem(3, "Collect Tickets"), new TodoItem(4, "Call Joe", true)];
let collection: TodoCollection = new TodoCollection("Adam", todos);
let showCompleted = true;
function displayTodoList(): void {
    console.log(`${collection.userName}'s Todo List `
        + `(${ collection.getItemCounts().incomplete } items to do)`);
    collection.getTodoItems(showCompleted).forEach(item => item.printDetails());
enum Commands {
    Toggle = "Show/Hide Completed",
    Quit = "Quit"
function promptUser(): void {
            type: "list",
            name: "command",
            message: "Choose option",
            choices: Object.values(Commands),
            //badProperty: true
    }).then(answers => {
        switch (answers["command"]) {
            case Commands.Toggle:
                showCompleted = !showCompleted;
Listing 1-34.

Filtering Items in the index.ts File in the src Folder

The process for adding commands is to define a new value for the Commands enum and the statements that respond when the command is selected. In this case, the new value is Toggle, and when it is selected, the value of the showCompleted variable is changed so that the displayTodoList function includes or excludes completed items. Run the commands shown in Listing 1-35 in the todo folder to compile and execute the code.
node dist/index.js
Listing 1-35.

Compiling and Executing

Select the Show/Hide Completed option and press Return to toggle the completed tasks in the list, as shown in Figure 1-3.
Figure 1-3.

Toggling completed items

Adding Tasks

The example application isn’t much use unless the user can create new tasks. Listing 1-36 adds support for creating new TodoItem objects.
import { TodoItem } from "./todoItem";
import { TodoCollection } from "./todoCollection";
import * as inquirer from 'inquirer';
let todos: TodoItem[] = [
    new TodoItem(1, "Buy Flowers"), new TodoItem(2, "Get Shoes"),
    new TodoItem(3, "Collect Tickets"), new TodoItem(4, "Call Joe", true)];
let collection: TodoCollection = new TodoCollection("Adam", todos);
let showCompleted = true;
function displayTodoList(): void {
    console.log(`${collection.userName}'s Todo List `
        + `(${ collection.getItemCounts().incomplete } items to do)`);
    collection.getTodoItems(showCompleted).forEach(item => item.printDetails());
enum Commands {
    Add = "Add New Task",
    Toggle = "Show/Hide Completed",
    Quit = "Quit"
function promptAdd(): void {
    inquirer.prompt({ type: "input", name: "add", message: "Enter task:"})
        .then(answers => {if (answers["add"] !== "") {
function promptUser(): void {
            type: "list",
            name: "command",
            message: "Choose option",
            choices: Object.values(Commands),
    }).then(answers => {
        switch (answers["command"]) {
            case Commands.Toggle:
                showCompleted = !showCompleted;
            case Commands.Add:
Listing 1-36.

Adding Tasks in the index.ts File in the src Folder

The Inquirer.js package can present different types of questions to the user. When the user selects the Add command, the input question type is used to get the task from the user, which is used as the argument to the TodoCollection.addTodo method. Run the commands shown in Listing 1-37 in the todo folder to compile and execute the code.
node dist/index.js
Listing 1-37.

Compiling and Executing

Select the Add New Task option, enter some text, and press Return to create a new task, as shown in Figure 1-4.
Figure 1-4.

Adding a new task

Marking Tasks Complete

Completing a task is a two-stage process that requires the user to select the item they want to complete. Listing 1-38 adds the commands and an additional prompt that will allow the user to mark tasks complete and to remove the completed items.
import { TodoItem } from "./todoItem";
import { TodoCollection } from "./todoCollection";
import * as inquirer from 'inquirer';
let todos: TodoItem[] = [
    new TodoItem(1, "Buy Flowers"), new TodoItem(2, "Get Shoes"),
    new TodoItem(3, "Collect Tickets"), new TodoItem(4, "Call Joe", true)];
let collection: TodoCollection = new TodoCollection("Adam", todos);
let showCompleted = true;
function displayTodoList(): void {
    console.log(`${collection.userName}'s Todo List `
        + `(${ collection.getItemCounts().incomplete } items to do)`);
    collection.getTodoItems(showCompleted).forEach(item => item.printDetails());
enum Commands {
    Add = "Add New Task",
    Complete = "Complete Task",
    Toggle = "Show/Hide Completed",
    Purge = "Remove Completed Tasks",
    Quit = "Quit"
function promptAdd(): void {
    inquirer.prompt({ type: "input", name: "add", message: "Enter task:"})
        .then(answers => {if (answers["add"] !== "") {
function promptComplete(): void {
    inquirer.prompt({ type: "checkbox", name: "complete",
        message: "Mark Tasks Complete",
        choices: collection.getTodoItems(showCompleted).map(item =>
            ({name: item.task, value: item.id, checked: item.complete}))
    }).then(answers => {
        let completedTasks = answers["complete"] as number[];
        collection.getTodoItems(true).forEach(item =>
                completedTasks.find(id => id === item.id) != undefined));
function promptUser(): void {
            type: "list",
            name: "command",
            message: "Choose option",
            choices: Object.values(Commands),
    }).then(answers => {
        switch (answers["command"]) {
            case Commands.Toggle:
                showCompleted = !showCompleted;
            case Commands.Add:
            case Commands.Complete:
                if (collection.getItemCounts().incomplete > 0) {
                } else {
            case Commands.Purge:
Listing 1-38.

Completing Items in the index.ts File in the src Folder

The changes add a new prompt to the application that presents the user with the list of tasks and allows their state to be changed. The showCompleted variable is used to determine whether completed items are shown, creating a link between the Toggle and Complete commands.

The only new TypeScript feature of note is found in this statement:
let completedTasks = answers["complete"] as number[];
Even with type definitions, there are times when TypeScript isn’t able to correctly assess the types that are being used. In this case, the Inquirer.js package allows any data type to be used in the prompts shown to the user, and the compiler isn’t able to determine that I have used only number values, which means that only number values can be received as answers. I used a type assertion to address this problem, which allows me to tell the compiler to use the type that I specify, even if it has identified a different data type (or no data type at all). When a type assertion is used, it overrides the compiler, which means that I am responsible for ensuring that the type I assert is correct. Run the commands shown in Listing 1-39 in the todo folder to compile and execute the code.
node dist/index.js
Listing 1-39.

Compiling and Executing

Select the Complete Task option, select one or more tasks to change, and then press Return. The state of the tasks you selected will be changed, which will be reflected in the revised list, as shown in Figure 1-5.
Figure 1-5.

Completing items

Persistently Storing Data

To store the to-do items persistently, I am going to use another open-source package because there is no advantage in creating functionality when there are well-written and well-tested alternatives available. Run the commands shown in Listing 1-40 in the todo folder to install the Lowdb package and the type definitions that describe its API to TypeScript.
npm install [email protected]
npm install --save-dev @types/lowdb
Listing 1-40.

Adding a Package and Type Definitions

Lowdb is an excellent database package that stores data in a JSON file and that is used as the data storage component for the json-server package, which I use to create HTTP web services in Part 3 of this book.


I don’t describe the Lowdb API in detail in this book because it is not directly related to TypeScript. See https://github.com/typicode/lowdb for details if you want to use Lowdb in your own projects.

I am going to implement persistent storage by deriving from the TodoCollection class. In preparation, I changed the access control keyword used by the TodoCollection class so that subclasses are able to access the Map that contains the TodoItem objects, as shown in Listing 1-41.
import { TodoItem } from "./todoItem";
type ItemCounts = {
    total: number,
    incomplete: number
export class TodoCollection {
    private nextId: number = 1;
    protected itemMap = new Map<number, TodoItem>();
    constructor(public userName: string, todoItems: TodoItem[] = []) {
        todoItems.forEach(item => this.itemMap.set(item.id, item));
    // ...methods omitted for brevity...
Listing 1-41.

Changing Access Control in the TodoCollection.ts File in the src Folder

The protected keyword tells the TypeScript compiler that a property can be accessed only by a class or its subclasses. To create the subclass, I added a file called jsonTodoCollection.ts to the src folder with the code shown in Listing 1-42.
import { TodoItem } from "./todoItem";
import { TodoCollection } from "./todoCollection";
import * as lowdb from "lowdb";
import * as FileSync from "lowdb/adapters/FileSync";
type schemaType = {
    tasks: { id: number; task: string; complete: boolean; }[]
export class JsonTodoCollection extends TodoCollection {
    private database: lowdb.LowdbSync<schemaType>;
    constructor(public userName: string, todoItems: TodoItem[] = []) {
        super(userName, []);
        this.database = lowdb(new FileSync("Todos.json"));
        if (this.database.has("tasks").value())  {
            let dbItems = this.database.get("tasks").value();
            dbItems.forEach(item => this.itemMap.set(item.id,
                new TodoItem(item.id, item.task, item.complete)));
        } else {
            this.database.set("tasks", todoItems).write();
            todoItems.forEach(item => this.itemMap.set(item.id, item));
    addTodo(task: string): number {
        let result = super.addTodo(task);
        return result;
    markComplete(id: number, complete: boolean): void {
        super.markComplete(id, complete);
    removeComplete(): void {
    private storeTasks() {
        this.database.set("tasks", [...this.itemMap.values()]).write();
Listing 1-42.

The Contents of the jsonTodoCollection.ts File in the src Folder

The type definition for Lowdb uses a schema to describe the structure of the data that will be stored, which is then applied using generic type arguments so that the TypeScript compiler can check the data types being used. For the example application, I need to store only one data type, which I describe using a type alias.
type schemaType = {
    tasks: { id: number; task: string; complete: boolean; }[]
The schema type is used when the Lowdb database is created, and the compiler is able to check the way that data is used when it is read from the database as in this statement, for example:
let dbItems = this.database.get("tasks").value();

The compiler knows that the tasks argument corresponds to the tasks property in the schema type and that the get operation will return an array of objects with id, task, and complete properties.

Applying the Persistent Collection Class

Listing 1-43 uses the JsonTodoCollection class in the index.ts file so that data will be stored persistently by the example application.
import { TodoItem } from "./todoItem";
import { TodoCollection } from "./todoCollection";
import * as inquirer from 'inquirer';
import { JsonTodoCollection } from "./jsonTodoCollection";
let todos: TodoItem[] = [
    new TodoItem(1, "Buy Flowers"), new TodoItem(2, "Get Shoes"),
    new TodoItem(3, "Collect Tickets"), new TodoItem(4, "Call Joe", true)];
let collection: TodoCollection = new JsonTodoCollection("Adam", todos);
let showCompleted = true;
Listing 1-43.

Using the Persistent Collection in the index.ts File in the src Folder

Run the commands shown in Listing 1-44 in the todo folder to compile and execute the code for the final time in this chapter.
node dist/index.js
Listing 1-44.

Compiling and Executing

When the application starts, a file called Todos.json will be created in the todo folder and used to store a JSON representation of the TodoItem objects, ensuring that changes are not lost when the application is terminated.


In this chapter, I created a simple example application to introduce you to TypeScript development and demonstrate some important TypeScript concepts. You saw that TypeScript provides features that supplement JavaScript, focus on type safety, and help avoid common patterns that trip up developers, especially those coming to JavaScript from languages such as C# or Java.

You saw that TypeScript isn’t used in isolation and that a JavaScript runtime is required to execute the JavaScript code that the TypeScript compiler produces. The advantage of this approach is that projects written with TypeScript have full access to the broad spectrum of JavaScript packages that are available, many of which have type definitions available for easy use.

The application I created in this chapter uses some of the most essential TypeScript features, but there are many more available, as you can tell from the size of this book. In the next chapter, I put TypeScript in context and describe the structure and content of this book.

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