Essential Software Development Plan (SDP)
Product DescriptionA.
Describe the product and the client in general.
Work for hire: Include the Request for Proposal (RFP) from the i.
client. Document any product ambiguities with proposed
questions to ask the client, user, or to research. Consider
any constraints the product has and technical capabilities
needed. Can include the organization structure/chart for
clarity on personnel.
Non-work for hire: Provide a description of the potential ii.
audience and what goals are to be satisfied with this product,
including a list of major product functionalities and salient
Team DescriptionB.
Describe the strengths/skills needed for the team members of this
product. Is there need for subject matter experts (SME)?
Software Process Model DescriptionC.
Describe the model (e.g., iterative Scrum, XP, or modified water-
fall) to be used for this project. Include justifications for the pro-
cess model choice.
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Project DefinitionD.
Describe the users and the user environment. Include novice/expert descrip-
tions. Consider creating different personas with different needs and motiva-
tions. For the user environment include the software used previously, other
software used in conjunction, and the look and feel of the contemporary
software genre. Can include use cases of the product, work flow diagrams,
and/or business flow.
Project OrganizationE.
Include work breakdown structure (WBS) of the project: the schedule of the
team’s tasks; dependencies of the tasks; estimated time for each task; and
PERT and Gantt charts with critical time, budget, and BID to the client with
signature required.
Validation Plan F.
Create some draft input and output screens as low-level prototype to validate
the initial understanding of the product.
Configuration/Version ControlG.
Specify the process and attributes for version control of all project and prod-
uct artifacts.
Provide a list of major system, subsystem, and tools required for develop-
304 Appendices
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