Integration, and Builds
Describe the basic concept of configuration management.
Analyze the relationship between the software artifacts and the develop-
ment process.
Discuss the configuration management framework.
Describe the naming model of artifacts.
Describe the storage and access model of artifacts.
Describe the integration and build process.
Discuss the various automation tools for configuration management.
Analyze managing configuration management.
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11.1 Software Configuration Management
Software configuration management is the process of managing all the pieces and parts
of artifacts produced as part of software development and support activities. In this
chapter, we will occasionally refer to software artifacts as software items or software
piece parts and will sometimes drop the word software that precedes the word artifact.
Software configuration management is itself composed of a multitude of activities:
Understanding the policy, process activities, and the resulting artifacts that need to be
Determining and defining the framework that needs to be used to manage these arti-
Determining and bringing in any tools that need to be brought in to facilitate the
management of these artifacts
Training and ensuring that the agreed-upon configuration management process is
practiced and adhered to
Thus software configuration management is much more than just creating and
keeping multiple versions of code or documents. Many organizations, both pub-
lic and private, have guidelines on configuration management. The IEEE Guide to
Software Configuration Management (Std. 1042–1987) and NASA’s Software Configuration
Management Guidebook are some examples. Software configuration management is also
a key process of the Software Engineering Institute’s Capability Maturity Model, which
was introduced in Chapter 4. It is also often integrated with software change manage-
ment process and the maintenance and support activities.
11.2 Policy, Process, and Artifacts
In order to determine which are the pieces or parts that need to be managed, it is impor-
tant to understand the overall software development and support process and activities
that will be utilized by an organization. A conservative and risk-averse organization that is
developing large and complex software may choose to have a full waterfall process with
inspections following every major activity such as requirements specification, design
specification, coding, and test case generation. All documents and artifacts developed
and inspected are codified and stored, providing a complete audit trail and tracing of all
the material. Other organizations may have to adopt a full control of all the artifacts due
to the type of industry they are involved in, such as the government or defense industry
sector. These organizations would be more motivated to adopt configuration manage-
ment of the software artifacts.
On the other hand, a small and agile process-oriented organization may choose a
process that places emphasis on only a few activities, such as requirements specifications
and coding. Such an organization may choose to control only the final version of require-
ments specification and code, without keeping all the intermediate versions.
The chosen process and the artifacts developed from the activities in that process will
play a heavy role in the determination of what and to what level of detail we must man-
age. For example, an organization that adopts a process that moves from requirements
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through design and coding to multiple levels of testing before the final software product
build may decide on managing all the following artifacts:
Requirements specification
Design specification
Source code
Executable code
Test cases
Here, source code includes logic code, database tables, and user screen scripts.
Similarly, test cases include test scenarios written in English and test scripts with the asso-
ciated test data. Depending on the development and support process, different types of
artifacts may need to be managed. For example, if formal design inspections are a part of
the process, then design inspection results may also be considered as vital artifacts that
need to be managed.
Managing versions of these artifacts as independent material is somewhat tedious
but not very complex. The complexity increases when multiple artifacts and the relations
among those artifacts need to be controlled. Consider the requirements specifications
and the design specification. If we want to match these and control the interrelationship
of each customer requirement with the resulting design elements to ensure traceability,
then we must introduce a scheme that allows us to link the elements across two sets of
artifacts. There are many other interartifact relationships such as the following that must
be considered:
Requirements and test cases
Design elements and logic code segments
Logic code segments and database tables
User-interface screens and code segments
Messages, help texts, and source code
Test cases and logic code segments
Database tables and initialization data
This set of relationships may be represented in a more thorough and clearer matrix
form. As an example, consider the interartifact relationships shown in Table 11.1. This
example shows how the artifacts may be related. One may use another matrix to show a
slightly different relationship.
This relationship is further affected if different versions of each artifact must be consid-
ered. A software product may have several versions of requirements. For example, after
an initial, general version of requirements is issued, there may then be a slightly different
version for some special industry or customers that have different needs. Furthermore,
there may have to be country-specific versions to handle, say, French, Japanese, or
Brazilian requirements. Thus, we may need to handle the intra-artifact relationship.
When the intra-artifact and interartifacts relationships need to be simultaneously
considered, we might be facing an extremely intricate web of associations. Consider the
four sets of artifacts in Figure 11.1.
11.2 Policy, Process, and Artifacts
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Table 11.1 A Matrix Showing Interartifact Relationships
Requirements Elements X X X X
Design Elements X X X X X
Code Logic X X X X X X
UI Screens X X X X
DB Tables X X X
Initialization Data X X X X
Test Cases X X X X
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Figure 11.1 shows the intra-artifact of different versions of requirements, design, code,
and test cases respectively in a vertical fashion with solid lines. The interartifact relation-
ship of, for example, French requirements to French design elements, to French coding
elements, and French test cases respectively is shown horizontally with dotted lines.
If we trace a normal software product family that goes through multiple releases,
covering multiple countries with different fix and service packages over a period of five
or six years, the relationship diagram becomes completely unwieldy.
Consider the following example where a general software product with three coun-
try-specific versions goes through an annual new release through five years with an
additional semiannual fix/upgrade service package. We will follow only a single artifact
type, the design document, for the following illustration:
1. Original: The general version plus three country-specific versions add up to a total
of four artifacts.
2. Annual releases: Each year there is a new release with its updated design artifacts.
Thus there are 20 design artifacts (1 general + 3 country-specific = 4) after five
3. Semiannual (2 fix/updates) for five years: Each of the general releases has two fix/
updates service packages associated with it annually. The first-year releases will
have a total 5 3 8 = 40 service packages and thus will have 40 design update arti-
facts. The second-year release will have 4 3 8 = 32 service packages and will thus
have 32 design update artifacts. The third-year release will have 3 3 8 = 24 design
update artifacts. For five years, there will be a total of
n=1, 5
(n 3 8) = 120 service packages
Thus, there will be a total of 120 design update artifacts associated with the 120
service packages.
Just tracing the design artifacts for the preceding example product, we see that the
4 original design artifacts expanded to a total of 20 new design artifacts plus 120
design fix artifacts, or 140 design artifacts in a span of 5 years. An organization that
Figure 11.1 Intra-artifact and interartifact relationships.
Requirements Design Code Test Cases
11.2 Policy, Process, and Artifacts
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decides to control the related requirements documents, the related code, and the
related test cases would find itself managing a horrendous number of interrelated
11.2.1 Business Policy Impact on Configuration Management
The impact of a process decision on the management and control of artifacts can be
further illustrated with the problem of allowing “branching” from intermediate artifacts.
Consider the requirements documents in Figure 11.1. We can have a policy that allows
only the following updates and modifications to requirements:
1. Only through the general version
2. Only to the latest version
The country-specific versions of French, Japanese, and Brazilian requirements are
reviewed for appropriate updates as a result of the change to the general version. This
policy enforces a sequential update process because the country-specific requirements
are all successors to the general requirements. Now, let’s consider a policy that allows
a change to the French requirements version 2 after all the requirements artifacts have
been updated to version 3. This is illustrated in Figure 11.2.
Figure 11.2 Allowing branching.
(version 1)
(version 2)
(version 3)
(version 1)
(version 1)
(version 1)
(version 2)
(version 2.1)
(version 2)
(version 2)
(version 3)
(version 3)
(version 3)
234 Chapter 11 Configuration Management, Integration, and Builds
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The branching from an intermediate artifact, French version 2 to French version 2.1,
will require a reexamination of all the existing version 3 requirements to ensure that the
change to French version 2 did not conflict with the existing version 3 requirements. The
actual impact is much more if we include other artifacts such as the existing version 3
design and the version 3 code. We would need to examine for any conflict to all these
existing artifacts. A business policy that allows customers not only to stay on French ver-
sion 2 without migrating to the latest version 3 but also to update to French version 2,
will impose a development policy and a process that greatly influences the management
and control of the artifacts.
11.2.2 Process Influence on Configuration Management
Clearly the development and support process influences how the artifacts are managed.
Consider the case of a large, complex software development that marches through three
types of formal testing: (1) functional, (2) component, and (3) system. Only after all three
formal testing activities are complete will the software product be built into a release,
“golden” CD, which is then copied for distribution to the customers and users. Figure
11.3 shows how unit-tested artifacts are first gathered and integrated for functional
testing. The ones that have all of their problems fixed are considered to have passed.
Only those that passed the functional testing are promoted to the functionally tested
level. The code that passes the component test is then promoted to the component-
tested level and eventually promoted to the system-tested “golden” copy. The concept
of promotion of artifacts in a multilevel test process is to ensure that those codes tested
at a certain level are locked and given no opportunity to be inadvertently degraded or
regressed through some change. Along with the code, there are design material, test
scripts, data, help texts, and other associated materials that must also be promoted from
level to level until the final release.
Figure 11.3 Promotion of artifacts.
“golden” copy
ready for
system test
tested, ready for
component test
Integrated for
functional test
private copies
. . . .
11.2 Policy, Process, and Artifacts
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Although Figure 11.3 does not explicitly show the promotion of all the associated
artifacts that are stored in file libraries, these are indeed promoted with the code. It is just
as important to ensure that all the artifacts at a certain tested level are promoted so that
no regression or degradation occurs to them. The notion of artifact promotion in a test
process requires certain capabilities, such as locking and access control, in configuration
11.3 Configuration Management Framework
In order to manage and control all the piece parts of the artifacts, software engineers
must establish a framework to control these items. From the previous section, we can see
that the software development and support policies and process will greatly influence
the configuration management framework. We will discuss two main models that need
to be included in the configuration management framework.
Naming model
Storage and access model
11.3.1 Naming Model
To properly control all the piece parts, there must be a way to uniquely identify each
item or artifact and to be able to associate those items that are related. A sample naming
model will be presented here. Depending on the business needs and process assump-
tions, different naming models may be created. The model here assumes the following:
There is a unique software product name.
There will be multiple types of artifacts (e.g., design documents, source code, execut-
able code, requirements picture images, test scripts, test data).
There may be multiple forms of artifacts (e.g., text, spreadsheets, picture images, audio
sound bytes).
There is a scheme that requires at least two levels of grouping. Software release level
is the primary factor. Within a release level, there may be multiple levels of versions.
There will be translated, multiple-country software releases.
For this set of assumptions, the following six-part naming model may be used. The peri-
ods are used as the delimiters to separate the naming components.
Part 1—PP: The two-position slot of PP is the software product code. If P is allowed to
be alphanumeric, then there are 36 legitimate characters for each position. Thus
PP will
give us 362, or 1296, possible product codes. For most software organizations that is
more than sufficient.
Part 2—CC: The next two positions, CC, represent the country code. Allowing 26
alphabet characters for each position, the two positions of
CC will allow 262, or 676,
countries. For most software products, the number of supported country versions is far
fewer than 676. Most commercial products support English, French, German, Spanish,
236 Chapter 11 Configuration Management, Integration, and Builds
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Japanese, Chinese, Korean, and some Scandinavian countries. Unless the software
product is for organizations such as the United Nations, 676 would be plenty. One may
consider, for example, using the two-position ISO 3166 code for officially representing
the countries.
Part 3—RRR: The three-position RRR part represents the release number of the soft-
ware. If we confine ourselves to just the numerical figures 0 through 9, then
RRR can
represent 103, or 1000, releases. Assuming the product takes on two releases per year,
a three-positional numerical part will allow us to be in business for 500 years.
Part 4—VVV: A three-positional versioning within each release, VVV is restarted for each
release. Again, assuming only a numerical figure of 0 through 9,
VVV would provide
us with 1000 versions within each release. The artifact that will need a large number
of versioning within a release is probably the code module. A code module may go
through 1 to 100 versions of changes prior to release during the first year of develop-
ment. Then, assuming a fairly error-prone or change-prone module, it may go through
another 50 versions of changes per year during the maintenance and support period.
This will allow for a program module life span of about 19 years, including the first
year of development. In today’s fast-paced technology world, a module life of 19 years
should be quite sufficient.
Part 5—TT: The two-positional type code describes the kind of artifact. It may be a
requirements document, high-level design diagrams, database tables, test scenarios,
test data, or source code. Here,
T may be alphabetical and thus have 26 combinations.
The two-positional code,
TT, provides us with 262, or 676 different types of artifacts.
This number of types of artifacts should be ample for even the most complex software
development and maintenance.
Part 6—FF: The format represents the form the artifact is represented. The artifact may
be in a document form, in the form of a spread sheet, in executable code form, or in
a jpeg image form.
F may be a numeric figure between 0 through 9. Thus FF provides
100 different types of forms the artifact may be in.
Note that more combinations may be represented if we differentiate uppercase and
lowercase letters. If necessary, pure numeric fields may also be changed to alphanumeric
for expansion, and, of course, the number of positions for each part may be expanded.
This six-part naming model may thus be used for a wide variety of software product
development and support. The naming model is the key to uniquely identifying the items
and to creating relationships among the items. In choosing tools, however, we need to
pay special attention to the naming conventions that the tool may prescribe onto an
organization. For example, compilers may require a special suffix or prefix for a source
code file of different programming languages.
In addition to the naming model, a separate item-attribute description file, some-
times called an attribute model, may also be created. This attribute model essentially
defines the characteristics associated with each of the artifacts, such as who the owner
of the artifact is or when it was first created. It facilitates a richer artifact identifica-
tion mechanism and may be included as a complementing companion to the naming
11.3 Configuration Management Framework
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11.3.2 Storage and Access Model
The second key model to the configuration management framework is the storage and
access model, which defines the facilities needed to store and to control the access of all
the software artifacts. There are two fundamental functions in the model:
The create function provides the capability to initially generate a new artifact and
store it for configuration management. The
delete function is the counterpart of create.
delete function destroys the artifact and eliminates it from configuration manage-
There is also a set of access facilities in the model:
There are two types of retrieve functions. The view function allows the user to retrieve
the artifact for reading purposes. The
modify function allows the user to retrieve the
artifact for the purpose of making changes to the artifact. The reason behind the differ-
entiation is that when an artifact is retrieved by many users to be viewed only, there is
no problem associated with contention. An artifact retrieved for the purpose of making
changes can cause incompatibilities and conflicts. For example, users A, B, and C may all
want to retrieve an artifact X to make their individual changes. Unless these three users
communicate with each other while making their individual changes to artifact X, there
is a strong possibility that the individual changes may conflict with each other. This pos-
sibility is greatly increased during test time when multiple changes may be occurring to
a source code module. Thus a
modify function, which is a controlled retrieval, is needed.
modify function allows only one user to retrieve the artifact for change purposes and
prevents the conflict and contention problems. While the artifact is being modified the
retrieval of that same artifact using the
modify function is disabled for other users; how-
ever, others may still view that same artifact. The
return function allows the modified
artifact to be stored with the new modifications, and it reenables the
modify function for
that artifact. It is not possible to return an artifact unless that same person retrieved that
artifact with the
modify function. Thus the modify and the return functions are paired.
In addition, the
return function may also include an automatic incrementing of the ver-
sion number of the artifact that is returned. These access functions with the automatic
incrementing of version number provide a basic set of facilities for what is often called
version control.
In many existing configuration management or version control products, the terms
check-in and check-out are used. There are usually two forms of check-out. Check-out for
read-only would be the same as the
view function discussed previously, and check-out
for edit would be the same as the
modify function. Check-in would be the same as the
return function.
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There is also a set of control and service functions needed for the storage and access
model. The extent of service functions required would depend on how much versatil-
ity is wanted for the configuration management. There are several examples of service
set (release number or version number)
increment (release number or version number)
change (product code, country code, artifact type, or artifact form)
The import and export functions allow the artifacts to be brought into and moved
out of the existing configuration management framework. The
list function provides
a listing of all the artifacts by product code, release number, or by some other identi-
fier. The
set function allows the establishment of a release number or version number
of an artifact. Although the earlier described
return function may include a version
incrementing feature, the
increment service function allows the release number or
the version number to be explicitly incremented by the desired amount. It may also
allow decrementing through incrementing by a negative amount. The
change function
provides the service to alter the product code or the country code or any part of the
artifact name. The
gather function may specify and link all the related artifacts by prod-
uct code or by release number. For example, we may gather all the related artifacts by
a product and country code and then export them to another organization. The
function combines a change in one artifact into another artifact. This function may be
useful if a set of fixes or changes is made to an existing, released artifact and that same
set of changes needs to be incorporated into another artifact that is being prepared for
the next release. Thus the
merge function is helpful for multiple, parallel development.
promote function allows the designated artifacts to be moved to a different status.
The usage of the promote function was earlier explained in the example of promoting
tested code to different status levels prior to release. Often, especially in service and
maintenance of a module, we would like to see what previous changes were made. A
compare function will allow us to see the differences between two artifacts or two ver-
sions of the artifact.
Many more service functions may be incorporated into the storage and access
model if needed. An example of an additional function may be a
locking and unlock-
ing mechanism. Another example would be the where-used or where-referenced
function. It would allow us to find all the artifacts that reference a given artifact. The
where-used function was extensively utilized several years ago when we were search-
ing for all modules that contained or used the date field in order to solve the year 2000
11.3 Configuration Management Framework
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The configuration management framework described here would certainly be easier
to implement if we could automate some or most of the activities through an automated
There is a very important activity called integration and build related to the configura-
tion management framework. It is a must for large software development. The amount
of related code and data that must be processed into one set of executables can be a
daunting process without formal control. This activity will be discussed separately in the
next section.
11.4 Build and Integration and Build
The build process is a set of activities associated with the integration and conversion of
source files to a set of executable files targeted for a specific execution environment. The
execution environment includes both the hardware and the software system that runs
the software that was constructed during the build process.
The build cycle for a single program is a fairly simple one that every programmer is
familiar with. The activities involve two major steps:
The source code is compiled first. Any compilation error is then fixed and resubmitted
for recompile. As soon as the source code is successfully compiled, it is linked with all the
needed, externally referenced items that are relatively limited in number. Once the link
activity has been successfully completed, the program is ready for testing, debugging,
fixing, and so on.
Now consider a large, complex software application that has hundreds of source files
that may undergo integration. These interrelated artifacts must be properly controlled
or the build process may fail after several hours of processing. A common mistake in a
multimember development team is to have a change made to a source code without the
knowledge of other members. The other modules that depend on this changed module
have a high probability of a reference mismatch that will cause the build activity to crash.
As the build process becomes longer and more complex, a special build file, sometimes
called a descriptor file or configuration file, is used to manage and control the build
activities. A popular build file from the C and UNIX system days of the 1970s and 1980s is
the makefile used by the
Make function. The build file controls the order of the following
activities of a software build cycle:
Dependency and cross-reference checking
Compilation of source code into executables
Linking the executables
Generating any required data file
With an automated tool, the build process of a complex software system can be
greatly alleviated. After a build file is defined, the automated tool will then process the
build cycle according to the build file. For large, complex software, the complete build
cycle may take more than 6 or 7 hours. Because of the lengthy time needed for these
240 Chapter 11 Configuration Management, Integration, and Builds
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builds, they are often performed at night. You may hear the term nightly builds used for
this process.
Our experiences with large software development have also taught us to ensure that
if the current build process fails, we are not left with nothing. That is, the previously built
system is always kept as a backup. Should the current build cycle fail, then the system
from the last build remains as the most recent system and may still be used to continue
activities such as testing. Having a build file will certainly help us trace and correct some
of the build process errors. The build file can serve as an audit mechanism for the build
process. Because the build cycle for a large system is so long, we often break it into parts.
This allows us to check to see that each step is completed properly before going on to
the next step; it prevents us from having to restart and repeat a long build cycle when
something fails at the end due to a mistake in one of the earlier steps.
When the software is in the test phase of the development cycle, bugs are found and
fixed on a daily basis. Not all the source code is affected by these fixes and changes. Often
only a small number of source programs are modified. In such cases, there is no need to
perform a complete rebuild, but extreme care must be observed in these partial builds.
Finally, when the total development cycle is completed and the final release is ready to
be developed, a complete rebuild from the entire source should be performed. One last
caution: the final build must ensure that the software system built is for the run-time
environment of the targeted users, not just for the developers’ environment. There have
been cases where everything executes well on the developers’ system, but due to some
differences in the environments such as an old version of an executable in some library
the software will not run properly on the users’ environment.
11.5 Tools for Configuration Management
As mentioned earlier, software configuration management is a set of activities related to
controlling the piece parts resulting from software development and support. In large
software projects, these activities can be tedious and complex, and thus very prone to
error. It thus makes sense to automate as many of these activities as possible.
These configuration management tools may be viewed in three tiers. The first basically
performs version control and change control, processes that are often available without
any change. Some of the earlier and more popular ones applied mostly to controlling
source code are the Revision Control System (RCS), which was written by Walter Tichy
at Purdue University, and the Source Code Control System (SCCS), which was provided
with most of the UNIX systems. Today, GNU (which is an acronym that stands for “GNU’s
Not UNIX”) and the Free Software Foundation (FSF) make a clone of SCCS known as
CSSC available. Other tools include Concurrent Versions Systems (CVS); Project Revision
Control System (PRCS), which is a tool like CVS and RCS with an easier-to-use front
end that has been developed by Paul Hilfinger of the University of California, Berkeley;
and Subversion, a CVS replacement tool sponsored by Tigris.org, another open source
community focused on tools for collaborative software development. The Suggested
Readings section at the end of this chapter provide references to these tools.
The second tier of configuration management is to include the build function. One of
the popular earlier build tools was the Make utility that came with the UNIX systems, cre-
11.5 Tools for Configuration Management
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ated by S. I. Feldman of AT&T Bell Labs in the mid 1970s. This function uses a descriptor
or configuration file, such as the makefile, as its direction to find all the source files and
the dependencies among them in generating the final executable file. Other build tools
that are free of charge include Odin, Cons, SCons, and Ant.
Odin is a build tool much like the Make utility. Although it is more advanced and runs
faster than Make, its descriptor file is not compatible with the makefile, which made it less
attractive as an immediate replacement for Make. Cons is another build tool, released in
1996 by Robert Sidebotham and now maintained by Rajesh Vaidheeswarren. It is meant
to be an improvement over the Make tool and works on several platforms, including AIX,
FreeBSD, HPUX, Linux, Windows NT, and Solaris. It is distributed under the GNU General
Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. SCons is based on the
architecture of Cons and is a result of the competition in 2000 sponsored by Software
Carpentry. It was first released in 2001 under the nonrestrictive MIT license. Apache Ant
(Another Neat Tool), distributed by the Apache Software Foundation, is a Java-based
Make-like build tool started by James Davidson, a freelance software developer, to help
build Tomcat, which is an Apache web server engine. Because it is XML based, Ant con-
figuration file is different from the UNIX shell-based commands of Make.
The third tier of software configuration management tools to integrate the configura-
tion management activities with the development and support process activities. This is
a feature that is not included in most of the free wares. Only a limited number of com-
mercially available configuration management tools have integrated with some of the
development and support process activities. For example, the requirements and versions
of requirements artifacts developed using a requirements tool will often remain within
that requirements tool. The requirements artifacts are rarely “tied” to the related design
document, source code, and test cases. The procedure that is most often supported by
the more sophisticated configuration management tools is the change management
process. There is not yet a complete development process–integrated third-tier software
configuration management tool.
There are, however, several commercial configuration management tools available
for large software development and support that are attempting to cover more than
simply the source code artifacts. Because of their relatively richer functionality, these
commercial tools are much more complex. The following three tools are probably the
most prevalent ones at the writing of this text:
PVCS (Serena ChangeMan)
Visual SourceSafe
ClearCase is a family of software configuration management tools that operates
with multiple development environments such as the Microsoft Visual Studio.Net, open
source Eclipse, IBM WebSphere Studio, and Rational Application Developer. It also
provides an extensive build capability. Initially released by Atria, it was then bought by
Rational, which in turn was acquired by IBM. Made for large, complex, multiteam soft-
ware development and support, it is now known as IBM Rational ClearCase.
PVCS is also a family of software configuration management tools. It started as a tool
set more appropriate for medium-sized development. In 2004, its owning enterprise
242 Chapter 11 Configuration Management, Integration, and Builds
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Merant was acquired by Serena Software. The PVCS family of tools is now converted and
integrated into the Serena ChangeMan family of tools.
Visual SourceSafe started as a simple code version control tool developed by One Tree
Software. Since its acquisition by Microsoft in 1994, the tool has grown considerably and
is integrated with the Microsoft development environment. However, it still predomi-
nantly focuses on version control. It is suited for teams that are small and geographically
Currently, there is no single configuration management tool that can manage all the
different artifacts and their interdependencies, and it may be necessary to cobble sev-
eral tools together. In deciding which tools are a best fit for your particular organization,
consider the following questions:
What artifacts are important to the organization and how are they related? Should
those artifacts be managed under some type of automated tool and for how long?
Does the specific automation tool have all the (1) necessary and (2) desired configura-
tion management functions?
Does the specific automation tool run in the development and support environment
of the organization and handle all the different types of artifacts (e.g., supported pro-
gramming language, design language, configuration file script language)?
Will the existing naming model work with the automation tool or does the naming
model need to be modified? If the names need to be modified, is there any conversion
tool to help?
Does the specific automation tool generate the artifacts that will run in the users’ envi-
ronment without any change to that environment?
Can the tool accommodate geographically separate, multisite development?
How many resources are required to run the specific automation tool (e.g., CPU speed,
Is the specific automation tool supported? How is it supported (e.g., on a 24/7 sched-
How often is the automation tool updated and new releases made available?
Does the tool vendor provide any formal education? In what form?
Are there documentations such as user and reference manuals?
Are there current reference accounts that you may either visit or call?
Finally, unless the automation tool is free, you should check the price of both the
product and the support service of the tool. Many tools are priced and licensed by the
number of users or by an enterprise-wide agreement.
11.6 Managing the Configuration Management Framework
Software configuration management is considered one of the successful areas that
benefited directly from the contributions made in software engineering practices and
research. We cannot assume though that it is able to operate automatically by itself.
There continues to be a need for overt emphasis in software configuration and release
management. Software configuration management should be brought into an organiza-
tion in a planned fashion, possibly in stages.
11.6 Managing the Configuration Management Framework
91998_CH11_Tsui.indd 243 1/10/13 11:04:53 AM
In its simplest form, we have to make sure that all the source code materials are
properly compiled and linked to form a releasable package that users can simply install
and execute. Of course, in order to ensure that all the source materials are the right
source materials during and throughout the development stages, we must introduce
and implement the discipline of configuration management. The fundamental discipline
involves keeping clear account of the multiple versions of source material and being
able to deliver any one of those versions for integration and build, which generates the
desired software release for users. As the number of coding artifacts and the frequency of
changes increase, a person, called the configuration management administrator, along
with some automation, must be introduced.
After mastering the fundamental software configuration management discipline in
development, we can then branch into support activities. Making multiple changes to
modules at a fairly frequent pace is an inherent part of software support and mainte-
nance. Applying software configuration management to the support process is a natural
extension from development.
Once all the code and code-related artifacts are placed under configuration man-
agement, the organization is ready to include other artifacts, such as requirements,
design, or test case artifacts. Keeping all the other artifacts and maintaining the proper
relationships require an additional level of sophistication. The configuration manage-
ment administrator needs to be brought in to help design a broader system that will
allow us to store, access, trace, control, and relate all these artifacts. We should be able
to generate a complete software product package that includes all the requirements,
associated design documents, inspection/review results, change requests, source
code, executable code, data, test cases and scripts, test data, test reports and results,
reference manuals, and marketing brochures. This level of sophistication requires the
organization to have a clearly stated development and support process, a well-defined
set of artifacts generated from the process activities, and an integrated configuration
management system.
A key to success in any system is having knowledgeable and motivated team mem-
bers, clear goals, and good process and tools to help users. Software configuration man-
agement is no different. The participating software development and support engineers
must all be trained and knowledgeable in configuration management, in the reasons and
goals behind configuration management, in the process involved, and in the usage of the
associated tools. These management steps should be taken before, or at least at the very
early stages of, the actual software development and support activities.
11.7 Summary
A large, complex software project requires the proper management of all the artifacts
that are generated. In addition, these artifacts have a set of complicated relationships
that must be accounted for in order to produce a release and to be able to support that
A configuration management framework is composed of two main parts:
Naming model
Storage and access model
244 Chapter 11 Configuration Management, Integration, and Builds
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Coupling these two models with the integration and build process, we can manage
the software piece parts that are generated and can produce different software releases
for users. Various tools are discussed for different levels of sophistication in automating
configuration management. These range from version control to integration and build,
interartifact management, and process control. The introduction of configuration man-
agement to an organization should also be brought in with a good plan and possibly in
11.8 Review Questions
1. What is a naming model used for?
2. List the four major activities associated with software configuration manage-
3. What are check-in and check-out?
4. List three concerns you may need to look into before choosing a configuration
management tool.
5. What are the build steps of a single program?
6. What is linking and what are we linking in a build process?
7. Explain the difference between the
view and the modify functions in the storage
and access model of configuration management.
8. Name a tool from each of the three tiers of automating the configuration manage-
ment activities.
11.9 Exercises
1. How would you use the naming model to trace a design artifact to its require-
ments? Show an example.
2. Consider the situation where your naming model allows a two-position artifact
type and a three-position artifact format. Compare this with source code naming
conventions for C++ or Java source code files. Discuss the problem that may occur
during build.
3. Discuss the activity of promoting artifacts to the next level.
4. In version control, why do we need to worry about multiple accesses for modifica-
tion purposes? Show an example of what can happen to a source code when it is
not under version control.
5. How does allowing branching from an intermediate artifact in an existing
sequence of artifacts that is under version control create more complexity?
11.9 Exercises
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6. In version control, there has been debate on how to implement the internal stor-
age of the different versions of an artifact. One argument is to keep the complete
copy of each version. Another is to keep only the delta changes from version to
version, with the first version being the only complete copy.
a. Give one reason why you may want to keep a complete copy of each version.
b. Give one reason why you may want to keep only the delta.
c. What would be the drawback of each of these approaches?
11.10 Suggested Readings
Apache Ant, http://ant.apache.org, 2005.
Atria Software, ClearCase User’s Manual, Natick, MA, 1992.
M. E. Bayes, Software Release Methodology (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1999).
S. P. Berczuk and B. Appleton, Software Configuration Management Patterns: Effective
Teamwork, Practical Integration (Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 2003).
Cons (A Software Construction System), http://www.gnu.org/cons/stable/cons.html,
accessed 2012.
CSSC (GNU’s clone of SCCS), http://gnu.org.software/cssc, accessed 2012.
CVS (Concurrent Versions System), www.gnu.org/software/cvs, 2005.
S. Dart, “Concepts in Configuration Management Systems,” Third International Software
Configuration Management Workshop (New York, NY: ACM Press, 1991).
, “The Past, Present, and Future of Configuration Management,” Software Engineering
Institute Technical Report, CMU/SEI -92-TR-8, 1992.
J. Estublier et al., “Impact of the Research Community for the Field of Software Configura-
tion Management,” Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Software Engineer-
ing, 2002, pp. 643–44.
A. M. J. Hass, Configuration Management Principles and Practices (Reading, MA: Addison-
Wesley, 2003).
A. van der Hoek, A. Carzaniga, D. Heimbigner, and A. L. Wolf, “A Testbed for Configuration
Management Policy Programming,” IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 28, no. 1
(January 2002): 79–99.
IBM Rational ClearCase, http://www-01.ibm.com/software/awdtools/clearcase, accessed
International Workshop on Software Configuration Management, Workshop Proceedings
from Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 1005 (SCM 4 and SCM 5-1995),
1167 (SCM 6 -1996), 1235 (SCM 7-1997), 1439 (SCM 8- 1998), 1675 (SCM 9-1999), and 2649
(SCM 10 and SCM 11 – 2001 and 1003).
A. Leon, A Guide to Software Configuration Management (Norwood, MA: Artech House,
246 Chapter 11 Configuration Management, Integration, and Builds
91998_CH11_Tsui.indd 246 1/10/13 11:04:53 AM
Microsoft Visual SourceSafe, http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/3h0544kx%28v=
vs.80%29.aspx, 2013.
NASA Software Configuration Management Guidebook, http://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa
/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/19980228473_1998393844.pdf, 2013.
C. Nentwich, W. Emmerich, A. Finkelstein, and E. Ellmer, “Flexible Consistency Checking,”
ACM Transactions on Software Engin eering and Methodology 12, no. 3 (January 2003): 28–
PRCS (Project Revision Control System), http://prcs.sourceforge.net, 2005.
PVCS (Serena ChangeMan), http://www.serena.com, 2005.
RCS (Revision Control System), http://www.gnu.org/software/rcs/rcs.html, 2005.
T. Roche, Essential SourceSafe (Milwaukee, WI: Hentzenwerke Publishing, 2001).
SCons, http://www.scons.org, 2004.
Subversion, http://subversion.apache.org, accessed 2012.
W. Tichy, “Software Configuration Management Overview,” http://www.ida.liu.se/~petfr
B. White, Software Configuration Management Strategies and Rational Clear Case: A Practi-
cal Introduction (Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 2000).
E. J. Whitehead Jr. and D. Gordon, “Uniform Comparison of Configuration Management
Data Models,” Proceedings of 11th International Workshop on Software Configuration Man-
agement (SCM-11), 2003, 70–85.
11.10 Suggested Readings
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Intentional Blank 248
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