© The Author(s), under exclusive license to APress Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2023
T. GravesEveryday Enterprise Architecturehttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-8904-4_1

1. Day 1: Getting Started

Tom Graves1  
Eaglehawk, VIC, Australia
Whatever we do, however we approach it, and whichever part of the organization we work in, all of enterprise-architecture comes down to one single, simple idea:
  • Things work better when they work together, with clarity, with elegance, on purpose.

Enterprise-architects are responsible to the organization to make that happen: the underlying aim of every item of architecture-work in the enterprise is to make things work better for everyone, in a more effective way.

And every item of architecture-work should start from an explicit business-question. In this specific case, in exploring the role of architecture itself, the “business-question” will come from us, but the principle remains the same as for any other architecture task. So for here, the question is this:
  • What do enterprise-architects do?

    And how exactly do they add value to the business?

One obvious driver for value to the business will be speed of response: the work is not going to be of much value if we allow ourselves to get stuck in “analysis-paralysis.” But the business will also need us to deliver something that is of practical use: we do need to get the balance right here. So, following an Agile-style development principle, we’ll pick an arbitrary but appropriate timescale – ten working-days, or two business-weeks – for a first-level architecture iteration. At the end of that time, we’ll review and decide what to do next.

Action: Start a project-diary. Document the key requirements and decisions to date:


- use architecture methods, etc., to describe how to do architecture-development in real-time

- topic for the architecture-project is architecture itself

- document in book-form

- timescale: 10 working days

- success-criteria: better understanding of architecture purpose and practice

This means we’re already in Day 1 for the project: no time to waste.

Overall Aim, Scope, and Purpose

As a starting-point, we briefly summarize some key themes and understandings about what this work will involve, and ideas about what we want to have achieved by the end of this cycle:


- project-stakeholders are architects and architects’ clients

- use the existing Agile-architecture development-process

- demonstrate the recursion, etc., within that process

- particularly want to describe the sensemaking and decision-making components of architecture, such as via context-space mapping

Action: Identify the stakeholders and scope. Every item of architecture work will apply to and affect one or more groups of stakeholders, so we need to identify who those are, as early as possible in the project. We describe these people as “stakeholders” rather than “clients,” because although the work is usually for a specific group of people – such as you, in this case – there are often many others who will be affected by it, and whose feelings and opinions will definitely impact the overall effectiveness of the end-result. It’s essential to set the right scope, so it’s important to note that for architecture work, the scope of influence – the stakeholders whose views we need to take into account – is usually several steps broader than the scope of action – the part of the business for which we have the authority and budget to enact change.

Action: Identify the methods and overall approach to be used. The aim here is to use architecture to describe how architecture works, so we’ll need to base the work on existing disciplines, frameworks, and methods. One key to this is the way in which the same overall practices recur not just as sequential cycles, but within other cycles – a pattern known as recursion. We also want to explore and explain the process of sensemaking and decision-making that is the real core of architecture-practice.

Agile-architecture cycle:

1. Setup – context, scope, values, business-purpose, and success-criteria

2. Architecture-side: what do we have, what do we want, what’s the difference from here to there

3. Implementation-side: what needs to change, what's the plan, do it

4. Wrap-up: what value was gained, what have we learnt, what's next

Include glossary/thesaurus, models, opportunity/risk, issues, etc.

Perhaps use an adapted version of TOGAF ADM to illustrate this?

A cyclic chart of responsibilities for architecture from A to H with four different external arrows named set-up, architecture, implementation, and wrap-up.

Figure 1-1

The architecture cycle

As in the project-diary, the architecture-development process is structured as a cycle with four main groups of activities. As shown in Figure 1-1, we’ve adapted this from the style established by the TOGAF ADM (The Open Group Architecture Framework Architecture Development Method – see Appendix C), so we’ve laid out these four groups into eight distinct phases:
  • A setup phase

  • A group of three phases on architecture-assessment

  • Another group of three phases on implementing the results of that assessment

  • And a shared completion-phase that wraps up the overall project

    By the way, do note that what we’re describing here is not the TOGAF ADM. It intentionally uses the same kind of layout, to support compatibility, but some of the differences are fundamental. In particular, phases B, C, and D work in a very different way: in TOGAF, these are arguably usable only for larger-scale IT projects, whereas in this frame they’re designed for use with any type of content or context, any type of scope, scale, or timescale. To see the difference, compare the labels for each phase to those in the TOGAF ADM.

    A cyclic flow chart of phases of a project. Stages from A to H are described with what has to be done on the specified day from 2 to 9. Day 1 is the start on the left, and day 10 is the end on the right.

    Figure 1-2

    Structure for this project: cycles within a cycle

As shown in Figure 1-2, there will be just one main cycle for this project, with separate smaller cycles either side to provide lead-in (Start) and follow-up (End). Each of these cycles may well include other cycles within it, to support the needs for recursion.

In effect, this first day (labelled Start in Figure 1-2) is one very rapid skim through that cycle, looking at purpose, then the needs that arise from that purpose, and what we need to do to action those requirements, followed by a quick wrap-up and review. After that we’ll do a full cycle, allocating one day to each set of activities (phases A to H). We’ll then complete the project with a final overall review, which again will be another rapid one-day cycle (End).

Initial Aim, Scope, and Stakeholders

For this initial one-day cycle, the stakeholders are ourselves, the scope is the same “how would we describe architecture?” and the aim is to develop a plan of action for the remaining work that will deliver useful results in the small amount of time that we have.

Initial Assessment

Right at the start of an assessment-phase, by definition, we don’t know what we’re doing, and we don’t know what to do. We know where we want to go, but not much more than that. This can often bring on a strong feeling of inadequacy, incompetence, even of failure, so it’s important to realize that this bewilderment is normal and to be expected at this stage of the process.

For almost everyone, this kind of inherent uncertainty can be very uncomfortable. And although it takes a lot of practice to become “comfortable with being uncomfortable,” that’s a very useful skill for architects to develop, because our clients will be going through exactly the same experience, and we’ll need to help them through it too. What helps most here is to acknowledge what we feel, yet remember to follow the process: keep the focus on the overall aim or “vision,” and then do something – almost anything, in fact – to give appropriate ideas somewhere to begin to coalesce.

Action: Don’t fight against the uncertainty, work with it. In this phase of the work, it’s best to place ourselves in an “information-rich” environment of some kind, to provide the broadest possible range of triggers for ideas. For some people this will literally be “noisy” – music, crowds, the market – whilst others would prefer the library or a wild scatter of papers and images. The key is to keep a notepad or voice-recorder to hand at all times here, to catch the often-fleeting impressions that will start the ball rolling.

Assorted notes:

- start with a mind-map of key themes/concerns: what is “enterprise architecture”? for this purpose?

- how would I use this? – give a real example

- “what is an enterprise?” – what is “the enterprise” for this?

- use simple checklists: context-space; five-principles; five-elements; four-dimensions segments-model (extended-Zachman)

As shown in Figure 1-3, the free-form nature of mind-mapping can be useful here – if only to express how we feel about the uncertainty at this point…

A mind map has some different questions and uncertainties about real business problems. How to use, cross-maps, models, vision, and ent-arch maps, and how do I make this practical are some of them.

Figure 1-3

Initial mind-map

Importantly, all we are doing at this stage is assessment and information-gathering: we document the ideas and images that come up, but we don’t take action to follow up on any of them as yet. This does, however, point to a key operating principle that we will use throughout the entire process:

Action: If anything comes up during a project-phase that more properly fits the function of a later phase, the only action should be to document and tag it for retrieval during that later phase. For example, that list in the preceding graphic includes “how would I use this?” and “use simple checklists” – both of which are more about action than assessment, so we do nothing more about them for now, other than ensure that we will remember them when we get to the “implementation” stage of this small cycle. But the question “what is an enterprise?” is useful for assessment, so we do need to explore that point briefly before moving on.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the question “what is an enterprise?” is fundamental to enterprise-architecture. This is important because many discussions about enterprise-architecture will assume that it’s solely about IT. The point here is that even if we’re only concerned with IT, we still need to set its respective “enterprise” in a broader scope – much broader, in fact.

The key distinction here is that we develop an architecture for an organization, but about an enterprise that provides its context:
  • The organization is bounded by rules, roles, and responsibilities

  • The enterprise is bounded by vision, values, and shared commitment

This essential difference between rule-based versus values-based means that whilst we can sort-of control what happens within an organization, we can’t do the same with an enterprise. The best we can do is negotiate agreements – which is a very different process than issuing organizational edicts…

An organization is also an enterprise in its own right, of course (though an enterprise is not necessarily an organization) – hence the common habit of describing a business-organization as “the enterprise.” But for the context we’d typically need for an architecture, a useful guideline, as shown in Figure 1-4, is that the enterprise in scope is at least three steps larger than the organization in scope.

A three-layered chart of organization and enterprise. Information is provided for transactions with providers, partners, clients, Interactions, and stakeholders in layers 1, 2, and 3 respectively.

Figure 1-4

Organization and enterprise

For a business-organization, those three steps or layers outward would typically include:
  • Layer #0 (root): The organization itself

  • Layer #1 (transactions): Clients, suppliers, suppliers, service-providers, and partners

  • Layer #2 (interactions): Prospects, regulators, recruiters, the market, and more

  • Layer #3 (further stakeholders): Competitors, non-clients, anti-clients, government, community, environment, and more

For a government department or not-for-profit organization, we might use alternate labels for “clients,” “prospects,” or “competitors,” but the overall structure would be much the same.

Another useful view here would be in terms of responsibilities, by using a crossmap of RACI (Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed) onto that layered structure. For example, relative to the organization, as layer-0, we would see the following RACI relationships:
  • Layer #1 (transactions): Responsible/accountable with suppliers, customers, etc.

  • Layer #2 (interactions): Consulting and/or consulted by the market

  • Layer #3 (further stakeholders): Informing and/or informed by those further stakeholders

And we’ll also see the same structure recurring at different levels within organizations. For example, in classic IT-oriented “enterprise”-architectures such as TOGAF, we would see the following layers:
  • Layer #0: Physical IT – TOGAF “IT-Infrastructure Architecture”

  • Layer #1: The “users” of the physical IT-infrastructure, namely, applications and data and their service or partner interfaces – TOGAF “Information-Systems Architectures”

  • Layer #2: The clients of those applications, human or otherwise – a rather muddled part of TOGAF “Business Architecture”

  • Layer #3: The “business ecosystem” for the overall architecture – the remainder of TOGAF “Business Architecture”

It’s extremely useful to keep that layered pattern in mind at all times when doing any kind of enterprise-architecture.

Another useful tactic in this phase is to look outside of our own industry. Here, for example, we could turn to building-architecture and explore Matthew Frederick’s checklist-style book 101 Things I Learned In Architecture School (see Appendix C for more details on this and other books). From there, we could scribble into the project-diary some quick notes on various themes that caught the eye:

From the “101 Things” architecture-book:

- the parti is the central idea for the structure – what is the parti here?

- sense of place (and what goes on in that place)

- architecture vs. space-planning, engineering, design

- “good designers are fast on their feet” – an Agile view of the parti

- emphasis on process, not product

- importance of “thinking about thinking,” as meta-methodology

- levels of knowing: simplicity, complexity, informed-simplicity

- design in section, not solely in plan! – views into “context-space”

- design with models – modeling as a sensemaking/design process

- gaining control of design process at first feels like losing control

- architecture an exercise in truth and in narrative – what is the story?

- everything is in context to a larger context – layering of “enterprise”

- design is constrained by rules, regulations, other people's priorities: use those constraints to encourage creativity

- do something to get started – and give it a name

Remember that there’s no particular plan at this stage: it’s just about creating a space in which ideas can arise, and then collating the results in re-usable form. It may be that in the end, we don’t use some of these ideas at all: but at this stage, we not only don’t know but can’t know which ideas will or won’t be of use. Yet placing these notes in the project-diary means that they’ll be available to us if and when we need them: that’s all we’re doing here.

One idea from that list that’s useful right now is the architectural notion of the “parti.” As Frederick puts it, “a parti is the central idea or concept of a building … parti derives from understandings that are nonarchitectural and must be cultivated before architectural form can be born.” It’s unlikely to arrive just yet, but we need to keep our awareness open for any pointers to our own enterprise-architecture equivalents of the parti – a single unifying theme that will link all aspects of this architecture together.

It’s not much work to do this, of course, but that’s probably all the assessment that we need to do at this very early stage.

Initial Implementation

Implementation” in this context will likewise be very simple: most of it is just an exploration and confirmation of the key tools that we would use in the main body of the work. For the main project here, these were listed in the earlier notes:
  • Context-space mapping

  • Five key principles from systems-theory

  • Five-elements model of concurrent-lifecycle business processes

  • Four-dimensions segments-model

A two-sided row has a plan and action with two columns named certain and uncertain including complicated, ambiguous, simple, and not known with unsorted at the center.

Figure 1-5

Typical base-frame for context-space mapping

Context-space mapping (CSM) is a method for using descriptive frameworks in architecture. The example we will use here adapts a framework called SCAN, that describes a context in terms of four distinct “domains” of interpretation and action (Figure 1-5).

Those four main “domains” within that diagram in effect represent distinct regions in a spectrum of low to high repeatability, or low to high abstraction, with Not-known at the low end and Simple at the high end. It’s simplest to summarize them as follows:
  • Simple: “Certain,” decisions in real-time, based on simple true/false logic applied to simple cause-effect relationships with very high repeatability

  • Complicated: “Certain,” decisions either before or after the event, based on analysis of complicated but linear cause-effect relationships with high repeatability

  • Ambiguous: “Uncertain,” decisions either before or after the event, based on iterative experiments with non-linear cause-effect relationships that have only partial repeatability

  • Not-known: “Uncertain,” decisions in real-time, based on principles and values, in contexts with no discernible cause-effect relationships and low to no repeatability

The circular block in the middle is a kind of placeholder that, among other things, would be used for items that we haven’t yet been able to sort into any of those four preceding categories.

The five systems-theory principles provide an essential checklist of patterns to watch for in enterprise-architectures:
  • Rotation: A systematic process to assess a context from multiple yet related perspectives – such as a checklist or overview-diagram

  • Reciprocation: Processes that create balance between systems or between components in a system

  • Resonance: Positive-feedback or feedforward, which increase the “snowball effect” toward self-propagation, or negative-feedback or damping, which diminish the effect

  • Recursion: Relationships or interactions which repeat or are “self-similar” at different scales – such as the classic hierarchical org-chart

  • Reflexion: Holographic inverse of recursion – the whole is reflected in, and can be identified within, any part at any scale

Reflexion is perhaps the strangest aspect of systems-theory, yet one of the most valuable in enterprise-architecture. Through it we see that everything is connected to everything else, but is also part of everything else. A useful analogy here is a hologram: unlike an ordinary photograph, even the tiniest fragment of a true hologram will always contain a complete picture of the whole.

As shown in Figure 1-6, the five-elements model applies those principles of recursion and reflexion to any type of lifecycle in the enterprise:

A pentagonal model illustration of 5 elements of the life cycle. The elements are people, preparation, process, performance, and purpose.

Figure 1-6

Five-elements lifecycles model

This is actually the same sequence as used in the classic Group Dynamics project-lifecycle – Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing, Adjourning – though here it is more generic, applying not just to projects but to relationships between different areas of the business, such as strategy, HR, scheduling, production, and reporting, respectively. The phases in the lifecycle also align well with key dimensions of effectiveness:
  • Purpose: Focuses on appropriateness in the enterprise

  • People: Addresses elegance, values, simplicity, ergonomics, and other human-factors in the enterprise

  • Planning: Emphasizes efficiency – making the best use of the enterprise’s available resources

  • Process: Ensures reliability and availability of the functions and services required by the enterprise

  • Performance: Assures overall integration between all the different elements of the enterprise

And the multi-dimensional segments-model provides a means to categorize anything we come across in our modeling of the enterprise. For compatibility, it draws in part from the classic row/column Zachman taxonomy that’s well-known to most enterprise-architects, but has a number of significant differences. For example, this reframe adds a new dimension (“universals”) as a separate row at the top, and also inserts an extra dimension of “asset-type” segments which categorize types of entities (Figure 1-7).

Note, though that, just as the action-cycle described earlier intentionally looks like much the TOGAF ADM, but is actually different, here the segments-model intentionally looks a bit like Zachman, but is likewise actually different. In both cases, the similarities are there to support some degree of backwards compatibility; but the differences are absolutely crucial, because they are what make it possible for our architectures to break out of the classic IT-centric box.

A 3-dimensional triangle block of a segment model. The base has physical, virtual, and abstract. Length is marked as layer segments. Vision, values, and standards are placed on the top and marked as universal.

Figure 1-7


The “Universals” row represents a separate dimension, a kind of backplane to which everything must connect and align:
  • Universals: Core constants for the overall shared-enterprise “story” such as vision, values, and standards to which everything should align – the key points of connection with enterprise partners and other stakeholders

Much as in the rows of the original Zachman framework, the “Layer-segments” represent types of responsibilities or viewpoints:
  • Row-0: “Enterprise” – identifies the key elements of the enterprise as a whole, within which the organization will operate

  • Row-1: “Scope” – adds possibility of change: key “items of interest” in each category, without relationships

  • Row-2: “Business” – adds relationships and dependencies between entities: core entities described in business-terms

  • Row-3: “System” – adds attributes to abstract “logical” entities, expanded out into implementation-independent designs

  • Row-4: “Develop” – adds details for real-world “physical” implementation-dependent designs

  • Row-5: “Deploy” – adds details of intended future deployment as actual software, actual business-processes, work-instructions, hardware, networks, etc.

  • Row-6: “Operations” – adds details of actual usage: specific instances of entities, processes, etc., as created, modified, and acted on in real-time operations

Somewhat as in the columns of the original Zachman framework, the “Component segments” represent the abstract elements (“primitives”) that we use to assemble a design.

Note that the terms used here represent actual elements rather than Zachman’s abstract interrogatives, though the approximately-equivalent Zachman term is also shown in brackets (e.g., “What”):
  • Assets (“What”): Physical objects, data, links to people, brands, finances, etc.

  • Functions (“How”): Activities or services to create change, distinct from the agent (machine, software, person, etc.) that carries out that activity

  • Locations (“Where”): Physical (geography, etc.), virtual (IP nodes, http addresses, etc.), relational (social networks, etc.), time

  • Capabilities, often as roles or “actors” (“Who”): Human, machine, software application, etc., and either individual or collective

  • Events (“When”): Physical, virtual, human, business-rule, time-based, or other event

  • Decisions (“Why”): Reasons, constraints, and other tests which trigger or validate the respective condition, as in strategy, policy, business-requirements, business-rules, regulations, etc.

The “Asset segments” add an essential dimension that is largely absent from the Zachman framework:
  • Physical: Tangible assets, mechanical processes and functions, physical or temporal locations, physical events; also Simple-domain rule-based capabilities and decisions

  • Virtual: Intangible assets such as data, software processes and functions, logical locations, data-driven events; also Complicated-domain analytic capabilities and decisions

  • Relational: Links to people (as indirect “asset”), manual processes and functions, social/relational locations, human events; also Ambiguous-domain heuristic capabilities and decisions

  • Aspirational: Abstract assets such as principles, values, brands and belonging, morale and self-belief, locations within value-webs, some business-rule events; also Not-known domain principle-based capabilities and decisions

(There are also a few additional uncategorized segments such as for financial assets and functions, energy as an asset, and time as an event-trigger.)

These asset-segments represent what are actually distinct dimensions within context-space, and are fundamentally different from each other in scope and function. For example:
  • Physical assets are “alienable” – if I give it to you, I no longer have it

  • Virtual assets are “non-alienable” – if I give it to you, I also still have it

  • Relational assets exist between two entities – if either party drops the relationship, it ceases to exist

  • Aspirational assets represent relationships that are more a one-sided “to” rather than a balanced “between”

Most real-world entities we deal with in enterprise-architecture are composites that straddle across multiples of those segments. For example, a book is an asset that is both physical and virtual – object and information; a service is a merging of function and capability in which assets may be changed in accordance with decisions and events; and a business-model straddles every row, column, and segment of the entire frame.

Once we’ve identified the tools and techniques that we will use for the main cycle, we then need somewhere to store all of the information that’s required:

Action: Define and implement information-stores or “repositories” for architectural information, including glossary/thesaurus, stores for models and project-management information, and registers for risks, opportunities, and other issues – see Appendix A.

That covers most of the “implementation” needed for this initial cycle. The project-diary for this stage includes some additional notes, most of which will carry over to the main cycle:

More random notes and jottings:

- architecture is often about the “non-functional,” the qualitative

- is about development of judgement and awareness (otherwise all we have is “follow-the-rules,” which destroys differentiation)

- use method and repositories to illustrate themselves

- OODA (observe, orient, decide, act) inside-loop in sensemaking

- serendipity, obliquity

- CSM: order = direct approach, unorder = oblique approach

- also CSM: in real-time we don't have time for analysis or experiment – everything that we do is the analysis or experiment

- decisions made in real-time may have impacts that last for decades

- dynamics of sensemaking – “go for a walk” through context-space

- content, context, connections, purpose

But as we noted in the previous stage, we’ll also need some kind of concrete project-example, to ensure that we don’t get lost in the abstract, solely discussing “the architecture of architecture.” As shown in the project-diary, the example that came to mind here was a real client’s enterprise-level concern about respect:

Real client business-problem as demonstrator

- loss of respect: “we’ve gone from the most-respected bank in our region to least-respected – what can we do about this?”

So we’ll use this as a parallel worked-example throughout the main project-cycle.

Wrap-Up on Initial Cycle

Every architecture-cycle should end with a brief review. At first, we may seem not to have done much in this day’s work, and it’s quite likely there’ll still be a lot of uncertainty about what we’re aiming to do and what we’ll achieve by the end of the overall project. But, in fact, we’ve now done most of the essential groundwork that will underpin all of the subsequent tasks – and as with all foundations, there’s not much that will show on the surface! The value of that groundwork will become more evident as we move through the main architecture-cycle over the next few days.


  • How are architecture-projects set up in your own business context? What information do you receive with the work-request? What guidelines and metrics – if any – are defined so as to enable benefits-realization assessment on project completion?

  • Do you work on your own, as part of a team of architects, or a more diverse team that includes people from a variety of organizational functions? If you work on your own, what options and actions do you have for peer-review? If you work as part of a team, how do you manage the group-dynamics and the respective roles and responsibilities?

  • How do you identify the stakeholders for the project? The immediate clients for the project will usually be obvious, but which other stakeholders’ interests need to be addressed, and how?

  • What, for you, is the typical timescale and scope for an architecture project?

  • What methods do you use to provide guidance and governance for each architecture project? In what ways do these methods change for different timescales and scopes?

  • How do you start a project? What assessment takes place before you begin, and immediately after starting? How do you manage the inherent uncertainties at the start of each project?

  • Which frameworks, tools, and techniques do you use in your work? How do you select these, and why? And do they differ from project to project?

  • What information do you collect during architecture work? How do you store, manage, and maintain this information?


In this chapter, we explore what we’ll need to get started on an enterprise-architecture project. We noted that this very first stage can sometimes feel challenging and disorienting, and that there’s nothing wrong with that. We set up a basic sequence for the project. We then learned about the distinction organization and enterprise, and that in enterprise-architecture we create an architecture for an organization about the enterprise that provides its context. And for the implementation stage for this phase, we learned about four tools that we’ll use throughout this project:
  • Context-space mapping, used to guide sensemaking and decision-making

  • Five key guiding-principles from systems-theory, providing a checklist of structural patterns

  • A five-step lifecycle-model, describing a linked sequence of types of work within a project

  • The segment-model, describing types and categories of content that apply in the development

We ended the chapter with an “Applications” section, providing a set of questions to help you to bring what you’ve learned here into your own work-context.

In the next chapter, we’ll start the main architecture-cycle, with an emphasis identifying purpose, scope, and content for the architecture-project.

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