Chapter 7
Explain Project Closing

The closing process group entails 9%, or 14 questions, of the PMP exam. Closing is where you formally end a project phase or the entire project, release all the resources that were assigned to the project, and build reference material for future projects. In addition, this is the process group where all plans are compared to actual performance data. The road to this point has been about keeping focus, control, and processes optimization. Project closing ensures that the other side of the bell curve of execution looks the same way as when you started the process. Simply put, this is where the project manager wraps up the project and ties up all the loose ends.

The Closing Process Group

image Close Project or Phase—4.6

image Close Procurements—12.4


If you can correctly answer these questions before going through this section, save time by skimming the Exam Alerts in this section and then completing the Cram Quiz at the end of the section.

1. Part of the project closure process is to gain formal acceptance. From whom do you need to gain this formal acceptance?

Image A. The qualify director

Image B. The head of the project management office

Image C. The project sponsor

Image D. The customer

Image E. C and D

2. Which one of these is not an input to the close project or phase process?

Image A. Project management plan

Image B. Expert judgment

Image C. Accepted deliverables

Image D. Organizational process assets

3. Which of the following is not a tool and technique of the close procurements process?

Image A. Procurement audits

Image B. Negotiated settlements

Image C. Procurement performance reviews

Image D. Records management system

Look at it from this perspective; if you would have known everything that you know today about your project(s) when you started, would you have done things the same way? Would you have used the same resources?

Of course, probably by now you are thinking, what a crock, we are not born experts. How am I supposed to know when to do what and how to avoid execution problems? This is where trusted consultants and an experienced project manager come into play; they help in identifying what pitfalls to avoid.

One of the key recurring messages of the PMI methodology is to leverage expert resources and to use the project archives; executing the proper closing process ensures that the groundwork for your own internal expert resource and knowledge base is built combining knowledge and experience of your people, culture, and enterprise.

This process takes into account the needs for documentation and the understanding of the associated risks, the risks analysis techniques, and the decision-making process.

Figure 7.1 depicts the general project closing process flow.

FIGURE 7.1 Close Project or Phase Process Flow



What is a project deliverable? A project deliverable is the specific, quantifiable product or service that is attained after the completion of a project phase or the project.

Table 7.1 shows the inputs, tools and techniques, and outputs for the close project or phase process.

TABLE 7.1 Close Project or Phase Inputs, Tools and Techniques, and Outputs


The key input elements for the close project or phase are

image Project management plan

image Accepted deliverables


For test purposes, you must remember that the close project or phase process and close procurements process are both processes of the closing process group and that the close procurements process happens before the close project or phase process.

Why have these been designated as key input elements? The intent is to take this time to verify that all of the project deliverables are met. Use the work breakdown structure (WBS), the work packages, and the packages’ resource assignments as a roadmap to identify any remaining critical work elements to be completed and ensure the proper transitions.


A work package is the lowest descriptive level of work in a WBS.

If there are any unfinished tasks, you need to make arrangements to prepare their termination plan and measure their combined risk materiality to the long term viability of the project, services, and deliverables.

For example, one of the contracts calls for the return of all graphite composite containers to the lease company within 30 days of project completion. Your job as project manager is to issue all the proper closeout work orders and see that these containers are returned to the provider on time. Does this task have anything to do with the long-term functionality of your project? Probably not. However, if not addressed by the deadline, it has the potential of affecting your company at a potentially high annual cost.

This process must be repeated throughout the entire work package dictionary to ensure that deliverables are in line with the project and the performance metrics that you assigned to the service provider.

One of the most important realizations of the project management process should be that the project does not stop when the end is in sight or the product or services are delivered. If anything, this is where you need to concentrate and make sure that all tasks and their peripheral activities are completed. Examples of some of these activities are

image Client or user final acceptance

image Updates to all pertaining historical records

image Transitions to ongoing support

image Release all project resources

image Get final signoff and release from the project sponsor

Close Procurements

At project build-up, you might have been faced with the need to have extra capacity by bringing in external resources. The close procurements process is the place where you accept delivery of the product and close the corresponding procurement agreements.


One thing to remember is that this process also applies to any company internal contract or agreements that might have been arranged in order to leverage internal business expertise or processes.

For example, you work for a multinational company that decides to leverage its internal expertise in building bridges over long water bodies by combining the resources from the steel and cement business units with its engineering unit. In addition to coordinating the building of the bridge, you are now faced with the challenge of having to orchestrate all the intercompany contracts, expenses, and revenue-generating models in order to ensure the proper level of synergies.

Not that this is any different than using external resources; however, you need to pay close attention to the human factor. The human factor refers to any cultural and personal differences between your culture and the inbound resources.

Another example for contract management might include a combination of internal, external, and outsourced relationships. These relationships might call for a different set of closing instructions that depend on the type of relationship. For example, relationships that exist within a single organization are different from outsourced relationships. Likewise, closing procedures are apt to be different.

Table 7.2 shows the inputs, tools and techniques, and outputs for the close procurements process.

TABLE 7.2 Close Procurements Inputs, Tools and Techniques, and Outputs


As per the PMI methodology, the formal outputs of the close procurements process are

image Closed procurements

image Organizational process assets (updates)

Of course, this also means that you are part of the contract negotiation and interpretation, thus requiring a special dose of leadership and management techniques in an environment with multiple moving parts.

For closing procurements, you need to be well aware of your vendor’s or provider’s

image Performance metrics

image Assigned work packages

image Deliverables

image Schedule performance

image Quality control metrics

image If applicable, inspection reports pertaining to regulatory requirements

In addition, you need to address items such as

image Considerations to perform product or service verification that ensures all work was completed in accordance to the service level agreements (SLA) and the deliverables specified in the contract

image Review of contract terms and conditions in the event that the product is not delivered to specifications

image Enabling of early terminations clauses and remediation due to the vendor’s inability to deliver the product, agreed budget being exceeded, or failure to assign the required resources


When it comes to contracts, you must be aware that in the PMI world there are several types of contracts: cost reimbursable, fixed price or lump sum, time and material, and unit price.


Early contract terminations can be a result of a mutual agreement or due to a failure to fulfill the contract deliverables. Early termination can occur at any time during the project.

What does it mean to be faced with an early termination? It all goes back to your contract, the execution clauses that were stipulated at the beginning of the business relationship, and the parameters for contract termination and vendor replacement plan.

The vendor replacement plan refers to the implementation of an alternate path for future project fulfillment needs. If you don’t have an alternate path, a good place to start is to consider second and third runner-up in your original selection process.

A way to effectively measure how well a contract might have served your project is to take into account the following:

image Activities to be performed in a project or a project phase

image Supporting schedules for time, deliverables, and cost

image Issue log and issue management plan

image Project delivery metrics

image Invoice and payment register


Procurement audits are a structured review of the processes and practices involved in the resource planning and acquisition. They can also be used to identify and evaluate deviations in regard to materiality and risk analysis of future procurement activities.

After all contractual agreement clauses are satisfied and you have delivered the provider execution report card, a company representative executes the stipulated documents to signify that the contract was completed and executed according to agreed specifications.

Closing a Project or Phase Criteria

Everyone hopes for a successful project completion, but the cold hard reality is that on occasion some projects are presented with challenges from their inception up to their ultimate demise. Some of the outside reasons that can trigger an early termination could be linked to elements such as

image Market conditions—Where the company or client is forced to discontinue a project simply because the initiative is no longer in line with their long-term market share or presence objectives.

image Customer requirements—Your client decided to implement changes that are well beyond the capabilities of the current initiative, making it cost prohibitive to tackle the project at this time.

image Insufficient resources—You do not have the people, money, facilities, supplies, and so on to complete a project.

image Technical problems—In the project management arena technical problems go beyond the computer. Technical problems could include things such as variances in the density of the material used in a building to the inability to devise a way to hold the insulation in the space shuttle main fuel tank.

image Enterprise culture—The project and its product or services contradict the culture of the company. For example, a company is known for its face-to-face customer service practices and, after implementing a test of self-service point-of-sale checkout lines, discovers that implementing this initiative has a direct impact on the customer perception.

image Bankruptcy—Your client or company will not gain a cash position or additional market share by implementing your project, so the project is cancelled.

Even in these instances, you must ensure a successful transition by leading your project toward project closing criteria elements, which include

image The formal acceptance of the project results or product by your customer

image Documentation and forms resulting from organizational requirements

image Project performance metrics and reports

image Budget expenditures

image Cost benefit metrics and verifications

image Lessons learned

Think of the project closing criteria as those elements that give reasonable assurance that your project took into account the initial deliverables, the client, and the sponsor approval.

In addition, this process works closely with the communication management and the procurement management plans to formalize the ending of your project.

Some of the key participants of this process are

image Project sponsor—This is who gives final validation that the project’s services and products are inline with the original objectives and deliverables of the project before the official hand-off to the client and the operational support team takes place.

image Project manager—This is who keeps coordinating the execution of the communication, procurement, human resources, cost management, and quality plans until such time that the project is officially closed and turns over all the archives.

image Team members—These are the people who assist the project manager in performing the aforementioned tasks, plus assist in transitioning the new product or service to operational support.

image Quality assurance team—These are the people who ensure that all work adheres to agreed project quality expectations and deliverables.


Formal acceptance is the binding process between the customer and the seller (provider) of the product or services that the product or service has been accepted. Its form and contents are predicated by the service agreement or negotiated in the contract.


Why is formal acceptance important? If during the execution and control processes the project acceptance criteria changed but the documentation did not, this could be the place where you update all your records to represent the final product. It is important that project acceptance and procurement closing be documented and signed by the project sponsor.

The key item to remember when preparing for closing a project or phase is that the actual project criteria plan and requirement definition began the day that the project charter and the project scope were defined and agreed upon by the client, sponsor, and the entire project team.

You are just making sure that there is an effective transition between what was agreed upon at the beginning of the project and what was delivered and accepted by the client.

Lessons Learned

Contrary to popular practice, lessons learned should be part of all phases of your project and recorded as they occur; do not get this confused with the post-mortem connotation used by some project managers. If you follow this approach, you might miss the opportunity to write down important elements that might prove essential in future projects.

Why make lessons learned throughout the project? An out-of-context example would be not writing down the license plate and color of a car involved in a hit and run; the more time that passes, the less clarity you have about the details.

The main intent of the lessons learned is to help build an information store that allows anyone in your company to look back in time and understand the decisions made and the circumstances that surrounded the decision-making process.

Some of the triggering events for lessons learned records are

image Significant course corrections are implemented

image Corrective or preventive actions are taken

image Scope changing events occurs

image Root cause for variances between planned and actual project events

It is incumbent upon you to make every effort to be extremely honest and include items that performed well and those that did not. You must highlight individuals involved in the process and the risk factors considered at the time of making the decision. Some of the elements this report might have are

image Executive summary

image Project phase

image Related work package

image Event description

image Event duration

image Action taken

image Decision makers

image Results

image Areas of improvement

image Time stamp


Do not make the mistake of confusing a project execution satisfaction survey with a lessons learned document—they have different functions.

In addition to recording lessons learned, you must make every effort to collect any evidence and include it as part of the project archive.


Ideally, lessons learned are included as part of the enterprise risk repository to assist with the risk identification, best practices, and mitigation strategies in future projects.

Ending a Procurement or a Project

Ending a procurement is not the same as ending the project. There might be cases where they coincide but that is not to be expected as the normal behavior. You could have a case where a contract for a service ends but the project continues with another provider or project phase.

In contract execution, there are two actors: the buyer of goods and services and the seller of those goods and services. During the life of the project, contracts might end for one of the following reasons:

image Successful completion—Successful completion occurs when goods and services have been delivered in accordance with the contract specifications. At this point no further action is required with exception of formal acceptance of the product or services and final payment.

image Collective agreement—This occurs when both parties agree to end the contract. A collective agreement or mutual consent termination allows you to present and negotiate contract closing terms, such as a no-cost settlement, payment of all fees and charges accrued prior to the effectiveness of the cancellation, and payment at a reduced cost by settlement.

For the most part, the parameters of what is available as recourse is specified in the contract by the paragraph that reads something such as, “This agreement may be terminated by either party at the renewal/anniversary date by giving the other party notice at least 15 days prior to the renewal/anniversary date of the Term. This Agreement may also be suspended or terminated by….”

And, you must issue your collective agreement notice for cancellation of services with something such as, “Pursuant to the termination section of the professional services agreement between client and provider, this contract is hereby terminated effective on dd-mm-yy. You are directed to cease all work upon presentment of this notice and start the close procurement process,” (which you need to have defined by now).

image When there is a breach—A breach of contract states that one of the parties is not complying with the terms and specifications of the contract. A breach of contract or contract default situation requires immediate and special attention from the legal counsel. Remember that the actions to take are as varied as the different clauses stipulated in the contract.

In addition, because good providers are difficult to find, executing a breach of contract procedure should be viewed as the last resort. Of course, it all depends on your long-term objectives with the relationship and the provider’s willingness to solve the problem that caused the breach. For example, if the default occurs at the service level agreement (SLA) level, your contract might allow you to consider mitigating factors and make adjustments to the SLA. Or, you might be able to outsource, supplement, or augment the function in question at the provider’s expense in order to deliver according to the SLAs.

Another key element to consider is a cure or remediation period. Basically, this is a cooling-off period that allows the provider a pre-ordinate amount of time to remediate the problem before taking any actions.

For contracts where the deliverables, products, and services go according to the plan, the next step is to ensure that

image All issues have been resolved.

image All contract deliverables have been delivered and accepted by the client and the sponsor.

image The project manager gives final approval.

image All assets have been accounted for.

image Final payment has been issued.

Project contracts rarely go beyond the actual life of the project; project phases might end several times throughout the project but there is only one project closing.

Some of the reasons a project might conclude are

image The company loses interest in the project and its deliverables.

image The company, project, or group is replaced or displaced.

image The project comes to a normal end after all the products and services are delivered.

image The project becomes its own organization living beyond the end date as an organizational process.

image The project is replaced by another initiative.


For test purposes, you need to be familiar with project conclusion states such as extinction, inclusion, integration, starvation, addition, collapse, absorption, and deterioration.

Another element to consider when processing a project closing is what to do with the team that was assigned to your project. A project might end, or terminate, in one of several states.

image A project that ends in integration mode has its resources assigned to other areas and integrated into the normal operations of the business. Most often they are reintegrated to the department or group from which they came.

One challenge to this project ending mode is that the responsibilities of the position could have been reassigned or replaced by new processes. This gives the returning team member the special opportunity to flex her muscles and take on new and more demanding responsibilities.

image A project that ends in extinction or collapsed mode is a project that has ended before meeting its stated objectives. Simply stated, in this situation people do not have a place to which to return.

image A project that ends in inclusion, absorption, or addition mode is a project that has been accepted and has transitioned to be part of the organization. In this type of project ending, your team members keep performing their assigned project functions as their new day-to-day responsibilities, maintaining the project performance in accordance to specifications.

image A project that ends in starvation or deterioration mode is a project for which all its resources have been cut. You just have an empty shell.


From the process group perspective, closing a contract is part of the project procurement management process and closing the project is part of the project integration.

Final Review Meetings

At this point, you have received final approval from the client and the sponsor, compiled the final set of reports, released all your team members, and delivered the project products and services. Your next task is to meet with the project sponsor for the final review meeting. This meeting is where the project manager gets final release, receives project performance reports, and is able to return to the bench to wait for the next assignment.

The bench could be going back to your regular job or actually sitting in your company’s project management office to oversee the final archiving steps and get a new assignment altogether.

Cram Quiz

Answer these questions. The answers follow the last question. If you cannot answer these questions correctly, consider reading this section again until you can.

1. The primary output of the close project or phase process is

Image A. Formalize and distribute all information pertaining to the project closing

Image B. Lessons learned

Image C. Release all personnel assigned to the project

Image D. Get customer and sponsor approval

Image E. B and D

2. Which one of these is not an output of close procurements?

Image A. Closed procurements

Image B. Contract file

Image C. Lessons learned documentation

Image D. Organizational process assets updates

Image E. B and C

3. Lessons learned are

Image A. Best collected at the end of the project

Image B. Collected for the historical knowledge base

Image C. Only necessary at the end of the project

Image D. A store of historical information

Image E. Used to collect information about good and bad outcomes throughout the project

Cram Quiz Answers

1. Answer A is correct. The primary output of the project closing process is to formalize and distribute all the information pertaining to the closing of the project. This coordinated message is distributed by administrative closure, contract closure procedure, final product, service, or result and organizational process assets (updates).

2. Answer E is correct. The only two outputs of the close procurements process are closed procurements, and organizational process assets updates.

3. Answer E is correct. Lessons learned are used to collect information pertaining to good and bad outcomes throughout the project execution. If you look at the output sections of the PMI methodology, lessons learned are virtually a part of all the execution processes.

What Next?

If you want more practice on this chapter’s exam topics before you move on, remember that you can access all of the Cram Quiz questions on the CD. You can also create a custom exam by topic with the practice exam software. Note any topic you struggle with and go to that topic’s material in this chapter.

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