

80/20 rule, 187, 297


absorption mode, project endings, 212

accept risk response, 129

accounting concepts, 61-62

accumulated depreciation, 62

accuracy, 105

achievement theory, 153

acquire project team process, 148


resources, 309

staff, 148

action, preventive versus corrective, 140


administrative closure, 288

authorization, 282

completion, checking, 203

controlling, 140, 173

critical paths, 285, 313

defining, 84

dependencies, 85-87

direct and manage project execution process, 139

durations, estimating, 90-91

early completion, 315

executing process group, 137

initiating process group, 47-48

lag, 284

monitoring, 140, 173, 297

network diagrams, 85-87

performance, 289

planning, 69

product verification, 288

resources, estimating, 88-89

schedule development, 91-93

critical paths, 92

floats, 92-93

inputs, outputs, tools, 91

resource allocation, 93

sequencing, 85

team-building, 150

activity-on-node. See AON diagrams

ACWP (actual cost of the work performed), 183

addition mode, project endings, 212

adjourning phase (team development), 150, 154


closure, 288, 303-305

procurements, 140, 195-196

affinity diagrams, quality planning, 110

allocating resources, 93

alternatives analysis, 89

analogous estimating

activity durations, 90

costs, 98


alternatives, 89

contracts, 205

decision tree, 127

earned value, 183-185, 304

process, 144-145

qualitative risk, 125-126, 299

quantitative risk, 126-127

root cause, 145

stakeholders, 57

AON (activity-on-node) diagrams

activity dependencies, 87

critical paths, 92

floats, 92-93

nodes, 86


project management knowledge, 21

quality assurance, 145

approved change requests (quality assurance), 144

aspirational standards (PMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct), 218

fairness, 228

honesty, 234

respect, 224

responsibility, 221

assets, organizational process, 31


project managers, 48

staff, 149, 304

authority (PMBOK), 280

authorization, 49, 282

automatic change approvals, 294

avoid risk response, 129


BAC (budget at completion), 183, 311

Baldrige, Howard Malcolm, 107

BCR (benefit cost ratio), 61

BCWS (budget cost of work schedule), 183, 311

benchmarking, 146


conflicts, 289

continuous improvement, 144

measurement methods, 53

monitoring and controlling, 171

bidder conference, 164-165

Blanchard, Ken, 153

bottom-up estimating, 89, 294

boundaries, 47

brainstorming, quality planning, 110

breach of contract, 210


BAC, 183, 311

BCWS, 183, 311

at completion (BAC), 183, 311

constraints, 38

creating, 99

management reserves, 314

monitoring and controlling

control costs process, 182

tools, 183

variances, identifying, 184-185

business risks, 194, 313



BCWS, 311

communication channels, 158, 192, 305

earned value analysis, 183

estimated at completion costs, 312

EV, 286, 311

expected values of outcomes, 283

PV, 311

SV, 295, 306

capability maturity model (CMM), 107

categories, risks, 123

cause-and-effect diagrams, 186, 281, 310


approvals, 294

controls, 173-174

PMBOK Guide, Fourth Edition, 21-23

requests, 291

approved, 144

collections, 176

channels (communication), 158, 192, 305

charters, 299

creating, 49

defined, 49

develop project charters, 51-52

features, 286

format, 49

input/output, 52

issuing, 52

tools, 52

charts, quality control, 186-187

choosing processes, 41

close contract process, 204

close procurements process, 203, 289

close project or phase process, compared, 201-202

human factor, 203

inputs, outputs, tools, 204


conclusion states, 211

criteria, 206

defined, 199

early termination reasons, 206

ending projects, 211

final review meetings, 212

flow, 201

formal acceptance, 207

inputs, 202

lessons learned, 208-209

participants, 207

process group, 39

procurements, 203, 298

audits, 205

contracts, 204-205

early contract terminations, 205

ending, 209-211

human factor, 203

inputs, outputs, tools, 204

product/service verifications, 204

reviewing contracts, 205

vendor replacement plans, 205

vendor/provider knowledge, 204

task/activity completion, checking, 203

team members, releasing, 211

unfinished tasks, 202


administrative, 303-305

procurement, 314

CMM (capability maturity model), 107

coercive power, 151, 298

collaboration, 300

collapsed mode, project endings, 211

collect requirements process, 76

collective agreements, 209

co-locations (team development), 151


audiences, 192

channels, 192, 305

formal/informal, 192


channels, 158

communication methods, 159

distribution tools, 160

information gathering and retrieval tools, 160

project manager responsibilities, 157

stakeholders, expectations, 161

stakeholders, informing, 158

message delivery, 192

performance, 191-192

planning, 117, 298

procurement administration, 196

relationships, 283

teams, 284

compromise, 298

concessions, determining, 301

conclusion states (projects), 211

conduct procurements process, 164-165

conduct responsibilities, 222

configuration management, 292


benefits, 289

forcing resolution, 314

interest (PMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct), 229-231

communication, 230

family relationships, 229

identifying, 229

inappropriate compensation, 230

inflating hours worked/hourly rates, 230

interpersonal, 231

recognizing, 231

conformance inspections (quality), 309

constraints (projects), 37-38

contingency theory, 153

continuous improvement, 106, 144

contractor conference, 164


analyzing, 205

breaches, 210

closing, 204

cost reimbursable, 313

early terminations, 205

ending, 209-210

fixed price, 282

lump sum, 282

reviewing, 205

SOW, 132-134

types, 133-135, 205

control charts, 109, 187

control costs process, 140, 182

control schedule process, 140, 181

control scope process, 140, 176


activities, 173, 297


control costs process, 182

tools, 183


causing factors, 171

requests, evaluating, 173-174

communication, 191-192

control processes, 172

costs, 294

elements, 169

feedback loops, 175

framework, 171

importance, 171

input requirements, 173

procurements, 195-196

project work processes, 140

projects, 300

quality, 306

controlling, 185-186

measuring, 186-187

risks, 129, 194-195

effects, determining, 193

evaluating, 194

monitor and control risk process, 193

registers, 194

reserves, 195

response plans, 194

triggers, 194


control schedule process, 181

tools, 183


baselines, 176-177

controlling, 176

verifying, 175

variances, 184-185

COQ (cost of quality), 108

core values (PMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct), 217-218

fairness, 228

aspirational standards, 228

conflicts of interest, 229-231

mandatory standards, 228

honesty, 233-234

respect, 224

aspirational standards, 224

impact, 225

mandatory standards, 225

responsibility, 221

aspirational standards, 221

conduct, 222

ethics complaints, 222

mandatory standards, 221

corrective actions

defined, 181

preventive action, compared, 140, 282


accumulated depreciation, 62

aggregation, 304

BAC, 311

BCR, 61

budgets, creating, 99

change impact, 34

controlling, 294

depreciation, 62

direct, 62

estimating, 97-98, 312

fixed, 62

indirect, 62

IRR, 61

levels, 292

life cycle, 62

monitoring and controlling

control costs process, 182

tools, 183

NPV, 61

opportunity, 61

payback period, 61

performance index (CPI), 183, 295

planning, 69

present value, 61

quality, 108, 308

reimbursable contracts, 134, 313

sunk, 61

total contract, 305

variable, 62

variances, 183-185, 312

working capital, 62

CPI (cost performance index), 183, 295

crashing, 142, 287

criteria, closing, 206

critical chain method, 92

critical path method, 92

critical paths, 285

resources/overtime, adding, 313

schedule development, 92


databases, 160

decision tree analysis, 127

decomposition, 290

define activities process, 84

define scope process, 77


defined, 201

messages, 192

project execution, 139

The Deming Cycle theory, 107

Deming, Dr. W. Edward, 107


activities, 85-87

internal, 293

deterioration mode, project endings, 212

determine budget process, 99


human resource plans, 113

project charters, 51-52

project teams, 149

formation theory, 153-154

inputs, outputs, tools, 149

phases, 150

project manager responsibilities, 149

tools, 150

schedules, 91-93

critical paths, 92

floats, 92-93

inputs, outputs, tools, 91

resource allocation, 93


Fishbone, 281, 310

Ishikawa, 186

network, 303

quality control, monitoring, 186-187

dictionaries (WBS), 79

direct and manage project execution process, 139

direct costs, 62

directing project execution, 139

distributing information tools, 158-160

document repositories, 160

documentation, 286


activities, 90-91

PDM diagram nodes, 86


early and late project life cycle comparisons, 34

early contract terminations, 205-206

early finish node (PDM diagrams), 86

early start node (PDM diagrams), 86

earned value. See EV

earned value management (EVM), 296

earned value technique (EVT), 290

electronic databases, 160

end user needs statements, 295


contracts, 209-210

initiating process group, 48

procurements, 209-211

projects, 211, 285

enhance risk response, 129


environment, 30

material impact risk, 193

programs, 284



durations, 90-91

resources, 88-89


activity durations, 90

costs, 98

bottom-up, 89, 294

at completion, 183

costs, 97-98, 312

parametric, 310

activity durations, 90

costs, 98


activity durations, 90

costs, 98

top-down, 89

ethics complaints, responsibilities, 222

EV (earned value), 183, 311

analysis, 304

calculating, 183

variables, 184

variances, identifying, 184-185

calculating, 286

management (EVM), 296

technique (EVT), 290



criteria, 164

scorecard example, 166

risks, 194

EVM (earned value management), 296

EVT (earned value technique), 290

exam, test-taking tips, 237-238


activities, 137

directing and managing, 139

initiating process group activities, 47

monitoring/controlling activities impact, 140

network diagrams, 303

phase, 287

process group, 39


conduct procurements process, 164-165

proposal evaluation criteria, 164

proposal evaluation scorecard example, 166

source selection tools, 165

project manager responsibilities, 139

quality assurance, 143

applying, 145

approved change requests, 144

continuous improvement, 144

inputs, outputs, tools, 144

process analysis, 145

quality audits, 145

quality control measurements, 144

work performance information, 144

expectancy theory, 152

expectations (stakeholders), 161

expected values (outcomes), calculating, 283

experience of professional services (honesty), 234

expert judgment, 54

charters, 54

project management plans, 73

seller selection, 165

expert power, 151

exploit risk response, 129

external risks, 123

extinction, 211, 285


failure risks, 292

fairness (PMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct), 228

aspirational standards, 228

conflicts of interest, 229-231

communication, 230

family relationships, 229

identifying, 229

inappropriate compensation, 230

inflating hours worked/hourly rates, 230

interpersonal, 231

recognizing, 231

mandatory standards, 228

family members, hiring, 288

fast tracking, 302


loops, 175

requesting, 285

FFP (firm fixed price) contracts, 134

Fiedler, Fred, 153

final review meetings, 212

finish-to-finish dependencies, 87

finish-to-start dependencies, 87

finish-to-start precedence relationship, 293

firm fixed price (FFP), 134

Fishbone diagrams, 186, 281, 310

fixed costs, 62

fixed price contracts, 282

fixed price incentive (FPIF) contracts, 134

fixed price with economic price adjustment (FP-EPA) contracts, 134

floats, schedule development, 92-93

FMs (functional managers), 29

force field analysis, quality planning, 110

forcing, 299, 314

foreign vendors, 293

formal acceptance, 207

formal communication, 192

formation of teams theory, 153-154

formatting project charters, 49

forming phase (team development), 150, 154

FP-EPA (fixed price with economic price adjustment) contracts, 134

FPIF (fixed price incentive) contracts, 134

frozen structures/processes, 175

functional managers (FMs), 29

functional organization structure, 29


general accounting concepts, 61-62

gold plating, 174

grade, 105

ground rules (team development), 151


processes. See process groups

projects, 20


Herzberg, Fredrick, 152


needs, 152

WBS, 78

hiring family members, 288

histograms, 297

honesty (PMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct), 233-234

human factor, 203

human resources

closing participants, 207

communication, 284

channels, 158

distribution tools, 160

information gathering and retrieval tools, 160

methods, 159

project manager responsibilities, 157

conflicts, 288

feedback, 285

happiness, 312

hiring family members, 288

levels, 292

overtime, 296

planning, 305

developing, 113

graphical representations, 114

matrix-based representations, 114

tools, 114

releasing at closing, 211

staff assignments, 304

subordinate-centered leadership, 285


acquisition, 148

assignments, 149

development, 149-150, 153-154

management, 151-153

power, 151

virtual, 149



risks, 124-125

stakeholders, 56-57

input/output/tools, 56

stakeholder analysis, 57

stakeholder influence/interest, 57

Imai, Masaaki, 106

inappropriate compensation, 230

inclusion mode, 212, 285

independent estimates (procurements), 165

indirect costs, 62


organizations, 28

stakeholders, 34, 57

informal communication, 192

information gathering and retrieval tools, 160

initiating, 39

accounting concepts, 61-62

activities, executing, 47

ending, 48

function, 47

inputs, 48

MBO techniques, 60

processes, 66

project charters, 49

project manager assignment, 48

stakeholder identification, 56-57

starting, 47

inputs (processes)

acquire project team, 148

administer procurements, 195

charters, 52

close procurements, 204

close project or phase, 201

collect requirements, 76

conduct procurements, 164

control costs, 182

control schedule, 181

control scope, 176

define activities, 84

define scope, 77

determine budget, 99

develop human resource plan, 113

develop project team, 149

develop schedule, 91

direct and manage project execution, 139

distribute information process, 158

estimate activity durations, 90

estimate activity resources, 89

estimate cost process, 97

expert judgment, 54

identify risks, 124

initiating process group, 48

manage project team, 152

manage stakeholder expectations, 161

monitor and control project work, 173

monitor and control risks, 193

perform integrated change control, 173

perform qualitative risk analysis, 126

perform quality assurance, 144

perform quality control, 185

perform quantitative risk analysis, 126

plan communications, 118

plan procurements, 133

plan quality, 105

plan risk management, 123

plan risk responses, 128

project management plans, 72

quality assurance, 144

report performance, 191

sequence activities, 85

stakeholder identification, 56

verify scope, 175

WBS, 77

integration mode, 211, 285

internal dependencies, 293


conflicts of interest, 231

skills (team development), 150

IRR (internal rate of return), 61

Ishikawa diagrams, 186, 281, 310

issuing project charters, 52


Juran, Joseph, 107

Kaizen theory, 106

kickbacks, 230

knowledge (projects), 34

knowledge areas, 23-24, 41-42


lag, 284

late and early project life cycle comparisons, 34

late finish node (PDM diagrams), 86

late start node (PDM diagrams), 86

leadership, subordinate-centered, 285

legitimate power, 151

lessons learned, 208-209

leveling resources, 93, 115, 307

life cycles (projects), 33-36

costs, 34, 62

early and late comparisons, 34

knowledge and risk relationship, 34

phases, 34-35

processes relationship, 40

stakeholder influence, 34

lump sum contracts, 282


make/buy decisions (procurement management), 133

Malcom Baldrige Award, 107

manage project team process, 152

manage stakeholder expectations process, 161

management by objectives (MBO), 60

management reserves, 314

mandatory standards (PMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct), 218

fairness, 228

honesty, 234

respect, 225

responsibility, 221

manual filing systems, 160

Maslow, Abraham, 152

materials management, 316

mathematical models, 53


diagrams, 110

organizations, 29

structures, 292

MBO (management by objectives), 60

McClelland, David, 153

measuring quality control, 186-187

message delivery, 192


communication, 159

project execution, 139

project management, 54

milestones, 173

mitigate risk response, 129

modes (projects), 211, 286

monitor and control project work process, 173

monitor and control risk process, 140, 193-195

monitoring and controlling, 39

activities, 173, 297


control costs process, 182

tools, 183


causing factors, 171

requests, evaluating, 173-174

communication, 191-192

control processes, 172

costs, 294

elements, 169

feedback loops, 175

framework, 171

importance, 171

input requirements, 173

procurements, 195-196

project work processes, 140

projects, 300

quality, 306

controlling, 185-186

measuring, 186-187

risks, 129, 194-195

effects, determining, 193

evaluating, 194

monitor and control risk process, 193

registers, 194

reserves, 195

response plans, 194

triggers, 194


control schedule process, 181

tools, 183


baselines, 176-177

controlling, 176

verifying, 175

variances, 184-185

motivation theories, 152-153

moving between life cycle phases, 35


naming processes, 22-23

negative risk responses, 128

negotiating procurements, 165

net present value (NPV), 61

network diagrams, 85

paths of execution, 303

PDM, 85-87

activity dependencies, 87

critical paths, 92

floats, 92-93

nodes, 86

project task management, 87

nodes (PDM diagrams), 86

nominal group techniques, quality planning, 110

norming phase (team development), 150, 154

NPV (net present value), 61

numbering processes, 41


objectives (project), 306

OBS (organizational breakdown structure), 114

OPM3 (Organizational Project Management Maturity Model), 107

opportunity costs, 61


influences on projects, 28

process assets, 31

risks, 123

structures, 28

compared, 29-30

functional, 29

matrix, 29

projectized organizations, 29

Ouchi, William, 153

outputs (processes)

acquire project team, 148

administer procurements, 195

charters, 52

close procurements, 204

close project or phase, 201

collect requirements, 76

conduct procurements, 164

control costs, 182

control schedule, 181

control scope, 176

define activities, 84

define scope, 77

determine budget, 99

develop human resource plan, 113

develop project charter, 52

develop project team, 149

develop schedule, 91

direct and manage project execution, 139

distribute information, 158

estimate activity durations, 90

estimate activity resources, 89

estimate cost, 97

identify risks, 124

initiating processes, 66

manage project team, 152

manage stakeholder expectations, 161

monitor and control project work, 173

monitor and control risks, 193

perform integrated change control, 173

perform qualitative risk analysis, 126

perform quality assurance, 144

perform quality control, 185

perform quantitative risk analysis, 126

plan communications, 118

plan procurements, 133

plan quality, 105

plan risk management, 123

plan risk responses, 128

project management plans, 72

report performance, 191

sequence activities, 85

stakeholder identification, 56

verify scope, 175

WBS, 77


parametric estimating, 310

activity durations, 90

costs, 98

Pareto charts, 187, 297, 304

Pareto’s Law, 313

paths of execution (network diagrams), 303

payback periods, 61

PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle, 107

PDM (precedence diagramming method) diagrams, 85-87

activity dependencies, 87

critical paths, 92

floats, 92-93

nodes, 86

perform integrated change control process, 140, 173

perform qualitative risk analysis process, 126

perform quality assurance process, 144-145

perform quality control process, 140, 185

perform quantitative risk analysis process, 126


activities, 289

communicating, 191-192

professional services (honesty), 234

specifications, 313

team development, 150, 154

PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique), 91


project life cycles, 34-35

team development, 150

plan communications process, 117

plan procurements process, 133

plan quality process

inputs, outputs, tools, 105

key concepts, 106

plan risk management process, 123

plan risk responses process, 128

Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle, 107

planned value (PV), 183, 295, 311

planning, 39, 67

activities, 69

defining, 84

dependency, 85

duration estimations, 90-91

network diagrams, 85-87

resource estimations, 88-89

schedule development, 91-93

sequencing, 85

budgets, creating, 99

communication, 117, 298

costs, 69, 97-98

decomposition, 290

human resources, 113, 305

developing, 113

graphical representations, 114

matrix-based representations, 114

tools, 114

importance, 67

process interactions, 67

procurement management, 132

contract statement of work, 134

contract types, 134-135

inputs, outputs, tools, 133

key concepts, 132

make/buy decisions, 133

plan development, 135

progressive elaboration, 84

project management plans, 69

expert judgment, 73

inputs/outputs, 72

purpose, 71

subsidiary plans, 71-72

tools, 72

purpose, 69


approaches, 108

control charts, 109

COQ, 108

grade, compared, 105

inputs, outputs, tools, 105

key concepts, 106

Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle, 107

process comparisons, 109

project manager responsibilities, 104

theories, 106-107

tools, 110, 311

risk management, 122-124

categories, 123

decision tree analysis, 127

identifying risks, 124-125

impact, 123

key concepts, 121

monitoring/controlling, 129

plan risk management process, 123

probabilities, 123

qualitative analysis, 125-126

quantitative analysis, 126-127

RBS, 123

responses, 128-129

rolling wave, 84, 293

scope, 69, 76, 307

requirements, collecting, 76

scope, defining, 77

staffing, 115

WBS, 77

dictionary, 79

hierarchy, 78

inputs, outputs, tools, 77

work packages, creating, 78

PMBOK (Project Management Body of Knowledge), 17, 280

PMBOK Guide, Fourth Edition

changes, 21-22

knowledge area, 23

process names, 23

PMI (Project Management Institute), 17, 217

PMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, 216, 302, 314

aspirational standards, 218

core values, 217-218

fairness, 228

aspirational standards, 228

conflicts of interest, 229-231

mandatory standards, 228

finding, 217

honesty, 233-234

mandatory standards, 218

respect, 224

aspirational standards, 224

impact, 225

mandatory standards, 225

responsibility, 221

aspirational standards, 221

conduct, 222

ethics complaints, 222

mandatory standards, 221

PMI Practice Standard for Work Breakdown Structures guide, 78

PMIS (project management information system), 54, 139

PMOs (project management offices), 20

portfolios, 20

position description, human resource planning, 114

positive risk responses, 128

post implementation reviews, 284

power, 151, 298

pre-bid conference, 164

precedence diagramming method. See PDM diagrams

precedence relationships, 293

precision, 105

present value, 61

presenting problems to management, 282

preventive actions

corrective actions, compared, 140, 282

defined, 181

prioritization matrices, 110

probabilities (risks), 123, 193

problems, presenting to management, 282

process groups, 35, 39

closing, 39

flow, 201

inputs, 202

task/activity completion, checking, 203

unfinished tasks, 202

corresponding knowledge areas, 41-42

executing, 39

activities, 137

directing and managing activities, 139

directing and managing inputs, outputs, tools, 139

monitoring/controlling activities impact, 140

quality assurance, 143-145

flow, 39

initiating, 39

accounting concepts, 61-62

activities, executing, 47

ending, 48

function, 47

identify stakeholders process, 56-57

inputs, 48

MBO techniques, 60

project charters, 49

project manager assignment, 48

starting, 47

interactions, 40

monitoring and controlling, 39

activities, 173

budgets, 182-183

change causing factors, 171

communication, 191-192

control processes, 172

feedback loops, 175

framework, 171

monitor and control project work process, 173

perform integrated change control process, 173-174

procurements, 195-196

quality, 185-187

risks, 193-195

schedules, 181-183

scope, 175-177

variances, 184-185

planning, 39, 67

activities, 69, 85

budgets, 99

communication, 117

costs, 69, 97-98

defining activities, 84

duration estimations, 90-91

human resources, 113-114

importance, 67

interactions, 67

network diagrams, 85-87

procurement management, 132-135

project management plans, 69-72

purpose, 69

quality, 104-110

resource estimations, 88-89

risk management, 121-129

rolling wave planning, 84

schedule development, 91-93

scope, 69, 76-77

sequencing activities, 85

staffing, 115

WBS, 77-79

risk management, 306


acquire project team, 148

administer procurements, 140, 195-196

analysis, 144-145

choosing, 41

close contract, 204

close procurements, 203, 289

close project or phase process, compared, 202

human factor, 203

inputs, outputs, tools, 204

close project or phase, 201-202

collect requirements, 76

conduct procurements, 164-165

control, 172

control costs, 140, 182

control schedule, 140, 181

control scope, 140, 176

define activities, 84

define scope, 77

determine budget, 99

develop project charter, 51-52

develop project team, 149

develop schedule, 91-93

critical paths, 92

floats, 92-93

inputs, outputs, tools, 91

resource allocation, 93

direct and manage project execution, 139

distribute information, 158

estimate activity durations, 90-91

estimate activity resources, 89

estimate cost, 97-98

frozen, 175

grouping by group and knowledge areas, 41-42

groups, 35

human resource management

develop human resource plan, 113

tools, 114

identify risks, 124-125

initiating, 66

life cycle relationship, 40

manage project team, 152

manage stakeholder expectations, 161

monitor and control project work, 173

monitor and control risks, 140, 193-195

monitoring and controlling project work, 140

names, 22-23

numbering, 41

organizational assets, 31

perform integrated change control, 140, 173

perform qualitative risk analysis, 126

perform quality assurance, 144-145

perform quality control, 140, 185

perform quantitative risk analysis, 126

plan communications, 117

plan procurements, 133

plan quality

inputs, outputs, tools, 105

key concepts, 106

plan risk management, 123

plan risk responses, 128

project charters, 49

quality, comparing, 109

report performance, 140, 191

scope management

requirements, collecting, 76

scope, defining, 77

sequence activities, 85

staffing management, 115

verify scope, 140, 175

WBS, 77

dictionary, 79

hierarchy, 78

inputs, outputs, tools, 77

work packages, creating, 78

procurements, 132

administration, 195-196

audits, 205

closing, 203, 298, 314

audits, 205

contract analysis, 205

contracts, 204

early contract terminations, 205

human factor, 203

inputs, outputs, tools, 204

product/service verifications, 204

reviewing contracts, 205

vendor replacement plans, 205

vendor/provider knowledge, 204

contracts, 134-135

ending, 209-211


conduct procurements process, 164-165

proposal evaluation criteria, 164

proposal evaluation scorecard example, 166

source selection tools, 165

foreign vendors, 293

inputs, outputs, tools, 133

key concepts, 132

make/buy decisions, 133

negotiations, 165

plan development, 135

product verification, 204, 288

productivity, 308

Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT), 91


defined, 20

enterprise, 284

grouping, 20

progressive elaboration, 34, 84

Project Cost Management knowledge area, 24

Project Human Resource Management knowledge area, 24

Project Integration Communications knowledge area, 24

Project Integration Management knowledge area, 24

Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK), 17

project management information system (PMIS), 54, 139

Project Management Institute (PMI), 17, 217

project management offices (PMOs), 20

project managers

accounting concepts, 61-62

assigning, 48

final review meetings, 212

human resources responsibilities, 112

involvement, 284

management by objectives, 60

PMO support, 20

quality responsibilities, 104

referent power, 151

responsibilities, 302

communication, 157

closing projects, 207

execution, 139

performance, 289

stakeholder expectations, managing, 161

success, 307

teams, 148-149

roles and responsibilities, 37, 59

Project Procurement Management knowledge area, 24

Project Quality Management knowledge area, 24

Project Risk Management knowledge area, 24

Project Scope Management knowledge area, 24

Project Time Management knowledge area, 24

projectized organizations, 29


authorization, 49

boundaries, 47


creating, 49

defined, 49

develop project charter process, 51

features, 286

format, 49

input/output, 52

issuing, 52

process, 52

tools, 52

constraints, 37-38

defined, 19

ending, 211

enterprise environment, 30

grouping, 20


organizations, 28

stakeholders, 34, 57

initiators, 49, 52

life cycles, 33-36

cost changes, 34

early and late comparisons, 34

knowledge and risk relationship, 34

moving between phases, 35

phases, 34

processes relationship, 40

stakeholder influence, 34


applying, 21

communication tools, 160

defined, 20

framework, 18

knowledge areas, 23-24

methodology, 54

planning, 69-73, 301

risks, 123

modes, 286

objectives, 306

organizational influences, 28

production, 19

requirements, 287

revenue, 28

selecting, 53

accounting, 61

benefit measurement methods, 53

mathematical models, 53

sponsors, 28

closing projects, 207

final review meetings, 212

responsibilities, 294

timeframes, 19

values, 182

proposals, evaluating

criteria, 164

scorecard example, 166

techniques, 165

purchase order contracts, 134

pure risks, 194

PV (planned value), 295, 311


qualifications of professional services (honesty), 234

qualitative risk analysis, 125-126, 299


approaches, 108

assurance, 282, 308

applying, 145

approved change requests, 144

continuous improvement, 144

defined, 287

inputs, outputs, tools, 144

process analysis, 145

quality, 143-145

teams, 207

work performance information, 144

audits, 145

conformance inspections, 309

constraints, 38

controlling, 185, 306

charts, 109

inputs/outputs, 185

measurements, 144

quality assurance, compared, 143

tools, 186

COQ, 108

costs, 308

definition, 312

grade, compared, 105

inputs, outputs, tools, 105

key concepts, 106

management, 106

monitoring, 186-187

Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle, 107

planning, 311

process comparison, 109

productivity, 308

responsibilities, 104

testing, 290

theories, 106-107

tools, 110

quantitative risk analysis, 126-127

quotation requests, 315


RACI (responsibility assignment matrix), 114

RAM (responsibility assignment matrix), 114

RBS (risk breakdown structure), 114, 123

RBS (resource breakdown structure), 114

receiving, 290

recognition (team development), 151

referent power, 151


communications, 283

life cycle and processes, 40

precedence, 293

project knowledge and risk, 34


lessons learned, 208-209

performance process, 140, 191

S curves, 307



approved, 144

collections, 176

controls, evaluating, 173-174

feedback, 285

quotation, 315

requirements (projects), 287

resolving conflicts, 314


acquisition, 309

activities, estimating, 88-89

allocating, 93

breakdown structure (RBS), 114

constraints, 38

leveling, 93, 115, 307

materials management, 316

smoothing out over multiple periods, 281

respect (PMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct), 224

aspirational standards, 224

impact, 225

mandatory standards, 225

response plans, risks, 128-129, 194


assignment matrices, 114

PMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, 221

aspirational standards, 221

conduct, 222

ethics complaints, 222

mandatory standards, 221

project initiators, 49

project managers, 37, 59, 302

closing projects, 207

communication, 157

execution, 139

human resources, 112

involvement, 284

performance, 289

quality, 104

stakeholder expectations, managing, 161

success, 307

teams, 148-149

project sponsors, 294

revenue, 28


contracts, 205

post implementation, 284

rewards, 151


breakdown structure (RBS), 114, 123

business, 194, 313

constraints, 38

effects, determining, 193

enterprise material impacts, 193

evaluation, 194

failure, 292

highest, 281

knowledge, 34

management, 122-124, 306

categories, 123

decision tree analysis, 127

identifying risks, 124-125

impact, 123

key concepts, 121

monitoring/controlling, 129

plan risk management process, 123

probabilities, 123

qualitative analysis, 125-126

quantitative analysis, 126-127

RBS, 123

responses, 128-129

methodologies, 122

monitoring and controlling, 193-195

qualitative analysis, 299

registers, 122-125, 194

reserves, 195

response plans, 194

share, 306

total project risk, 283

triggers, 129, 194

utility theory, 194

roles. See also responsibilities

project initiators, 49

project managers, 37, 59

rolling wave planning, 84, 293

root cause analysis, 145


S curves, 307, 315


constraints, 38

crashing, 142, 287

developing, 91-93

critical paths, 92

floats, 92-93

inputs, outputs, tools, 91

resource allocation, 93

fast tracking, 302

monitoring and controlling

control schedule process, 181

tools, 183

network diagrams, 87

overtime, 296

performance index (SPI), 183, 296

variances, 183, 288, 295, 312

scope, 300

baselines, 176-177, 291

constraints, 38

controlling, 176

defining, 77

planning, 69, 307

requirements, collecting, 76

verifying, 175

SEI (Software Engineering Institute), 107


projects, 53

accounting, 61

benefit measurement methods, 53

mathematical models, 53

sources, 301

conduct procurements process, 164-165

proposal evaluations, 164-166

tools, 165

weighting system, 166

sequence activities process, 85

service verifications, 204

share (risk), 129, 306

situational leadership, 153-154

Six Sigma, 107

slack node (PDM diagrams), 86

smoothing resources out over multiple periods, 281

Software Engineering Institute (SEI), 107

sources, selecting, 301

conduct procurements process, 164-165

proposal evaluations, 164-166

tools, 165

weighting system, 166

SOW (statement of work), 132

contracts, 134

defined, 289

vendors, 285

SPI (schedule performance index), 183, 296

sponsors, 28

closing projects, 207

final review meetings, 212

responsibilities, 294


acquiring, 148

assigning, 149, 304

closing participants, 207

communication, 284

channels, 158

distribution tools, 160

information gathering and retrieval methods, 160

methods, 159

project manager responsibilities, 157

conflicts, 288

development, 149

formation theory, 153-154

inputs, outputs, tools, 149

phases, 150

project manager responsibilities, 149

tools, 150

family members, 288

feedback, 285

happiness, 312

levels, 292

managing, 151-153

overtime, 296

planning, 115, 305

power, 151

releasing at closing, 211

subordinate-centered leadership, 285

virtual teams, 149

stakeholders, 36-37


channels, 158

distribution tools, 160

formal/informal, 192

information gathering and retrieval tools, 160

informing, 158

methods, 159

project manager responsibilities, 157

expectations, managing, 161

identifying, 56-57

influences, 34, 57

start-to-finish dependencies, 87

start-to-start dependencies, 87

starting/ending dates, 19

starvation mode, project endings, 212

statement of work. See SOW

statements, end user needs, 295

storming phase (team development), 150, 154

straight-line depreciation, 62

structures, organizational, 28

compared, 29-30

functional, 29

matrix, 29

projectized, 29

subordinate-centered leadership, 285

subsidiary plans (project management plan), 71-72

sunk costs, 61

SV (schedule variance), 183, 288, 295, 306


T&M (time and material) contracts, 134

Taylor, F.W., 106


acquiring, 148

assigning, 149, 304

building activities, 150

closing participants, 207

communication, 284

channels, 158

distribution tools, 160

information gathering and retrieval tools, 160

methods, 159

project manager responsibilities, 157

conflicts, 288

developing, 149

formation theory, 153-154

inputs, outputs, tools, 149

phases, 150

project manager responsibilities, 149

tools, 150

family members, 288

feedback, 285

happiness, 312

management, 151-153

overtime, 296

power, 151

quality assurance, 207

releasing at closing, 211

subordinate-centered leadership, 285

virtual, 149

technical risks, 123

test-taking tips, 237-238

testing quality, 290


motivation, 152-153

quality, 106-107

team formation, 153-154

theory X, 313

theory Z, 153

three-point estimating

activity durations, 90

costs, 98

time. See schedules

time and material (T&M) contracts, 134

timeframes, 19

too much information questions, 281


charters, 52

communication, 160

human resources

acquisition, 148

planning, 114

monitoring and controlling budgets/schedules, 183

perform qualitative risk analysis, 126

perform quantitative risk analysis, 126

PMIS, 54


acquire project team, 148

administer procurements, 195

close procurements, 204

close project or phase, 201

collect requirements, 76

conduct procurements, 164

control costs, 182

control schedule, 181

control scope, 176

define activities, 84

define scope, 77

determine budget, 99

develop human resource plan, 113

develop project team, 149

develop schedule, 91

direct and manage project execution, 139

distribute information, 158-160

estimate activity durations, 90

estimate activity resources, 89

estimate cost, 97

identify risks, 124

manage project team, 152

manage stakeholder expectations, 161

monitor and control project work, 173

monitor and control risks process, 193

perform integrated change control, 173

perform quality assurance, 144

perform quality control, 185

plan communications, 118

plan procurement, 133

plan quality, 105

plan risk management, 123

plan risk responses, 128

report performance, 191

sequence activities, 85

verify scope, 175

WBS, 77

project management plans, 72


assurance, 145

control, 186

planning, 110, 311

source selection, 165

stakeholder identification, 56

team development, 150

top-down estimating, 89

total BCWS (BAC), 183, 311

total contract costs, 305

total project risk, 283

TQM (Total Quality Management), 107, 296

training teams, 150

transfer risk response, 129

triggers (risks), 129, 194

Tuckman, Bruce, 153-154


uncertainty, 281, 312

undocumented/unapproved cash disbursements, 195

utility theory (risk), 194


values (earned), 183, 311

analysis, 304

calculating, 183

variables, 184

variances, identifying, 184-185

calculating, 286

management (EVM), 296

technique (EVT), 290

variable costs, 62


completion, 183

costs, 183, 312

monitoring and controlling, 184-185

schedules, 183, 312


conference, 164

foreign, 293

formal acceptance, 207

replacement plans, 205

statement of work, 285


activity/task completion, 203

products/services, 204

scope, 140, 175

virtual teams, 149

Vroom, Victor, 152


WBS (work breakdown structure), 77, 177

bottom-up estimating, 89

creating, 177

defined, 177, 290

dictionary, 79

effective, 302

hierarchy, 78

performance information input, 144

scope baseline, 177

work packages, 77-78, 202


PMI, 217

PMI Practice Standard for Work Breakdown Structures guide, 78

weighting system, source selection, 166

what-if scenarios, resource allocation, 93

work packages, 202

creating, 78

defined, 77, 177

work performance information input (quality assurance), 144

working capital, 62

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