
Numbers and Symbols

3DES (Triple Data Encryption Standard) encryption algorithm, 282


access accounts, 41

Access RemoteApp And Desktops dialog box, 29

Active Directory Certificate Services (AD CS), 335

Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS)

authenticating users, 226

Configuration Manager clients, 230231

Exchange Server connector, 321

extending schema, 234236


Configuration Manager and, 315324

Intune and, 76

AD CS (Active Directory Certificate Services), 335

AD DS (Active Directory Domain Services)

authenticating users, 226

Configuration Manager clients, 230231

Exchange Server connector, 321

extending schema, 234236

Add Applications dialog box, 89

Add Dependency dialog box, 1920

Add Exchange Server Wizard, 322

Add New Collection Alerts dialog box, 211

add-ons, 5

Advanced antimalware policy setting, 206


client health, 262

Endpoint Protection, 211212

software update, 148149, 155

All Desktop And Server Clients collection, 243

All Mobile Devices collection, 243

All Systems collection, 243

All Unknown Computers collection, 243

All User Groups collection, 243

All Users And User Groups collection, 243

All Users collection, 243


about, 175

automatic deployment rules, 153

configuration item settings, 184

Endpoint Protection, 198212

Sequencer and, 7

APK file format, 57

App Package for Android deployment type, 57

App Package for iOS deployment type, 57

App-V (Application Visualization)

about, 1

benefits, 23

Connection Groups, 710

deployment models, 1316

Group Policy, 2022

infrastructure elements, 1213

objective summary and review, 1112, 2223, 3435

preparing Sequencer environment, 67

sequenced applications, 36, 1620

App-V client

Configuration Manager integrated model, 15

configuring dependencies, 1820

App-V Sequencer

about, 35

additional information, 7

advanced settings, 56

Configuration Manager integrated model, 15

preparing environment, 67

application cache, streaming and, 18

Application Catalog

about, 4546, 4849

user device affinity, 66

Application Conflicts Data object type, 295

Application Dependency Data object type, 295

Application Deployment Asset Details object type, 295

Application Deployment Error Asset Details object type, 295

Application Deployment Error Status object type, 295

Application Deployment Requirement Not Met Asset Details object type, 295

Application Deployment Status object type, 295

application distribution strategy

about, 49

Application Catalog, 4849

application management, 4041

application management features, 4345

application management server roles, 4548

applications and packages, 4243

objective summary and review, 4951, 115116

application metering, 1314

Application Requirement Data object type, 295

Application Requirement Not Met Status object type, 295

application upgrades

about, 82

application revision history, 8485

application supersedence, 8384

objective summary and review, 8687, 118119

retiring applications, 8586

uninstalling applications, 86

Application Virtualization Sequencing Wizard, 4

Application Visualization (App-V)

about, 1

benefits, 23

Connection Groups, 710

deployment models, 1316

Group Policy, 2022

infrastructure elements, 1213

objective summary and review, 1112, 2223, 3435

preparing Sequencer environment, 67

sequenced applications, 36, 1620

APPV file format, 56

APPX file format, 56

Asset Intelligence

about, 89, 293, 302

benefits, 302

components, 8992, 304306

data collection, 9293

inventory management and, 8993, 270, 305306

reporting, 303304, 307308

software metering, 306

Asset Intelligence catalog, 8992

Asset Intelligence Software Details Conflict Resolution dialog box, 308, 313

Asset Manager security role, 93


App-V, 1314

Group Policy settings, 31

Internet-based, 100

Kerberos, 226

Mac OS X computers, 232

mobile clients, 100, 106

RD Gateway, 333

RDC, 28

Wi-Fi access point, 332

Windows, 226

automatic approval rules, 164167

automatic deployment rules, 153156

Available deployment purpose, 44


Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS), 15

bandwidth management, 103104

baselines, configuration

about, 189190

configuration packs, 193

copying existing, 192

creating, 191192

deploying, 192193

objective summary and review, 197198, 216217

viewing compliance information, 194196

BITS (Background Intelligent Transfer Service), 15

boundary groups, 100

BranchCache, 15, 101102


CA (certification authority)

certificate profiles, 335

distribution points, 100, 106

Internet-based clients, 226

SCUP requirements, 125

CAB file format, 56, 181

canonical name (CNAME) record, 327

capacity requirements (RemoteApp), 2627


about, 132

Asset Intelligence, 8992, 304305, 308

SCUP supported, 132

Catalogs workspace (SCUP), 132

CcmExec.log file, 283

CCMSetup.exe, 230231, 235

CCMSetup.log file, 259

CCMSetup.msi file, 231

certificate profiles, 335336

certification authority (CA)

certificate profiles, 335

distribution points, 100, 106

Internet-based clients, 226

SCUP requirements, 125

child configuration items, 180

CIM (Common Information Model), 272

Client Coexistence node (Group Policy), 20

Client Health evaluation engine, 260261

Client Push Installation Properties dialog box, 231, 237

Client Status reports, 261262

ClientIDManagerStartup.log file, 259

ClientLocation.log file, 259

Client.msi file, 231, 235, 238

Client.msi.log file, 259

cloud-based distribution points, 102103

CMMAC file format, 57

CNAME (canonical name) record, 327

Collection Data Point object type, 295


about, 221, 242

Asset Intelligence, 9293

limiting, 244

maintenance windows, 245247

monitoring, 254255

power management, 247253

predefined, 243

rules for, 244245

command-line interface

Configuration Manager clients, 222

RemoteApp, 27

Common Information Model (CIM), 272

company portals, 78


local installation and, 16

remote applications and, 2526


building configuration items, 175188

Configuration Manager clients, 227

creating and monitoring baselines, 189198

rules for, 185

scanning for, 143144

compressed files

inventory collection, 278, 280

troubleshooting, 109

ConfigmgrMacClient.msi file, 233

Configuration Baseline Name dialog box, 192

configuration baselines

about, 189190

configuration packs, 193

copying existing, 192

creating, 191192

deploying, 192193

objective summary and review, 197198, 216217

viewing compliance information, 194196

Configuration Item Name dialog box, 181

configuration items

about, 176178

compliance settings, 176

copying existing, 181

creating, 178180, 182

creating child, 180182

importing data, 181, 191

monitoring settings, 182185

objective summary and review, 187188, 215216

remediation, 185186

revision history, 181182

Configuration Manager

about, 15

application distribution strategy, 3951

application upgrades, 8287

automatic deployment rules, 153156

building configuration items, 175188

configuring dependencies, 1820

configuring Endpoint Protection, 198214

creating and monitoring baselines, 189198

creating reports, 293310

deploying applications, 5275

integrated model, 1516

integrating with Intune, 326328

integrating with SCUP, 127

managing connection profiles, 332339

managing content distribution, 98114

managing hardware and software inventory, 269285

managing software metering, 286293

managing updates, 145148

monitoring deployment, 8798

monitoring software updates, 148153

sequenced applications, 17

software update client settings, 141144

software update points, 137140

software updates in, 136

troubleshooting software updates, 148153

Configuration Manager clients

about, 222229

assigning to sites, 237238

configuring settings, 238240

evaluating status, 259260

extending schemas, 234235

file collection, 279280

health alerts, 262263

health evaluation and remediation, 260261

health reports, 261262

installing, 230234

Internet-based, 226227

managing collections, 242257

monitoring client status, 257264

objective summary and review, 240241, 263268

site systems used in deployment, 235237

verifying installation, 257259

workgroup-based, 225

Configuration Manager Properties dialog box

Actions tab, 224, 280

Cache tab, 224

Components tab, 223

Configurations tab, 194, 224

General tab, 222223, 258

Network tab, 224

Site tab, 224

configuration packs, 193

Configuration.mof file, 275276

Configure Client Setting dialog box, 277

Connection Groups (App-V), 710

connection profiles, 332339

content distribution

about, 98, 109111

content library, 105

content management, 99100

distribution points, 100103

monitoring, 108109

network bandwidth considerations, 103104

objective summary and review, 113114, 120122

prerequisites, 105108

prestaging, 111113

content library, 99, 105

content management

distribution points, 99103

prerequisites for, 105108

Control Panel

Configuration Manager clients, 194

RD Web Access, 27

Create A New Policy dialog box, 158160

Create Antimalware Policy dialog box, 206

Create Application Wizard

Application Catalog tab, 53

Content Locations tab, 54

Deployment Types tab, 54

Distribution Settings tab, 54

General Information tab, 5253

Reference tab, 53

Security tab, 54

Supersedence tab, 54

Create Automatic Approval Rule Wizard

Deployment page, 166167

General page, 164

Product Categories page, 165

Summary page, 167

Update Classifications page, 165166

Create Automatic Deployment Rule Wizard

Alerts page, 155

Deployment Package page, 155

Deployment Schedule page, 155

Deployment Settings page, 154

Distribution Points page, 156

Download Location page, 156

Download Settings page, 155

Evaluation Schedule page, 154

General page, 154, 164

Language Selection page, 156

Software Updates page, 154

Summary page, 156

User Experience page, 155

Create Certificate Profile Wizard, 336

Create Child Configuration Item Wizard, 180

Create Configuration Baseline dialog box, 191

Create Configuration Item Wizard

Compliance Rules page, 179180

Detection Methods page, 179

General page, 178179

Mobile Device Settings page, 180

Platform Applicability page, 180

Settings page, 179180

Supported Platforms page, 179180

Create Deployment Type Wizard

about, 56

Content section, 59

Dependencies section, 59

Detection Method section, 59

General section, 59

Programs section, 59

Requirements section, 59

Return Codes section, 59

User Experience section, 59

Create Device Collection Wizard, 244245

Create Direct Membership Rule Wizard, 244

Create Prestaged Content File Wizard, 112

Create Query Wizard, 294

Create Remote Connection Profile Wizard, 333

Create Report Wizard, 300

Create Requirement dialog box, 63

Create Site System Server Wizard

Boundary Groups page, 108

Content Validation page, 108

Distribution Point page, 107

Drive Settings page, 107

Multicast page, 108

Pull Distribution Point page, 108

PXE Settings page, 108

Select A Server To Use As A Site System page, 106107

Specify Internet Proxy Server page, 107

Specify Roles For This Server page, 107

Create Software Metering Rule Wizard, 94, 288289

Create Software Update Group dialog box, 145

Create User Collection Wizard, 244

Create Virtual Environment dialog box, 89

Create VPN Profile Wizard, 335

Create Wi-Fi Profile Wizard, 337

Create Windows Firewall Policy dialog box, 208

critical updates, 161162, 164165

CSV file format, 67


data queries, 294

data source name (DSN), 297

Dataldr.log file, 284

DataTransferService.log file, 259

DDRs (discovery data records), 283

Default Actions antimalware policy setting, 206

Default Antimalware Policy dialog box, 205206

Default Settings dialog box

Compliance Settings section, 190

Computer Agent section, 140

Endpoint Protection section, 203

Hardware Inventory section, 273

Software Inventory section, 276

Software Metering section, 287

Software Updates section, 141

definition updates, 161162

Definition Updates antimalware policy setting, 207

Delete Aged Collected Files site maintenance task, 282

Delete Aged Inventory History Properties dialog box, 283

Delete Aged Inventory History site maintenance task, 282

denial-of-service attacks, 281

dependencies (deploying applications)

configuring, 1820

deployment types and, 60

RemoteApp deployment, 26

Deploy Configuration Baselines dialog box, 192193

Deploy Software Updates Wizard, 147

Deploy Software Wizard

about, 55, 67

Alerts page, 72

Content page, 68

Deployment Settings page, 6970

General page, 68

Scheduling page, 7071

User Experience page, 71

Deploy Windows Firewall Policy dialog box, 208

deploying applications (Configuration Manager)

about, 5559

creating applications, 5254

dependencies, 60

deployment software wizard, 6772

detection methods, 5960

global conditions, 6162

objective summary and review, 7375, 116117

requirements, 6265

simulated deployment, 73

user device affinity, 6567

deployment actions, 4445, 78

Deployment Asset Details object type, 295

deployment models (App-V), 1316

Deployment object type, 295

deployment packages, 145147, 155157

deployment purposes, 4445, 78

Deployment Summary Per Collection object type, 295

deployment types

creating, 5659

differences among, 55

requirements, 6265

deployments, defined, 41

desktop and mobile applications

deploying using Configuration Manager, 5175

deploying using Microsoft Intune, 7582

differences between packages and, 4243

managing content distribution, 98114

monitoring, 8798

objective summary and review, 115122

planning distribution strategy, 3951

planning for upgrades, 8287

Desktop Management Interface (DMI), 272

Despooler.log file, 109

detection methods (deploying applications), 44, 5960

Detection Rule dialog box, 60

direct rule, 244

discovery data records (DDRs), 283

DistMgr.log file, 109

Distribute Content Wizard, 110

Distribution Point Site System role, 106

distribution points

about, 41, 99102

assigning priority, 104

certificates and, 105106

cloud-based, 102103

Configuration Manager clients, 237

configuring, 146

distributing content to, 109111

monitoring, 108109

network bandwidth considerations, 103104

prerequisites, 105108

pull, 102

Distribution Points Or Distribution Point Groups dialog box, 54

DMI (Desktop Management Interface), 272

DNS (Domain Name System), 236, 327

Domain Name System (DNS), 236, 327

Download Center, 233

Download Definition dialog box, 209

download location, 146147, 156

Download Software Updates Wizard, 145146

downloading configuration packs, 193

DSN (data source name), 297


Edit Inventory Classes dialog box, 92, 307

email management

client health alerts, 262

email profiles, 336337

Endpoint Protection, 200

Exchange Server connector, 318319, 322

maintenance windows, 245

mobile devices, 177, 182

reporting services configuration, 298

email profiles, 336337


Exchange Server connector, 319

inventory collection, 278, 281282

Microsoft Azure, 103

mobile devices, 183, 320

SSRS, 297, 299

Endpoint Protection

about, 199200

antimalware policies, 204207

automatic deployment rules, 153

client settings, 202204

configuring alerts, 211212

implementing, 200204

monitoring status, 210211

objective summary and review, 213214, 217219

policy management, 209210

prerequisites, 200201

Windows Firewall policies, 207208

Endpoint Protection Dash Board Data Point object type, 295

Endpoint Protection Point Site System role, 200202

enrollment (mobile devices), 328330

enrollment points, 237

enrollment proxy points, 237

Enrollment Wizard, 233

Enterprise (full infrastructure) model, 1314

Error compliance state, 88

Exchange Server connector

about, 316

Applications Settings group, 320321

configuring, 316317, 321322

Email Management Settings group, 318319, 322

encrypted files, 319

General Settings group, 317

management tasks, 316

objective summary and review, 323324, 340341

Password Settings group, 317318

Security Settings group, 319320

exclude collections rule, 244

Exclusion Settings antimalware policy setting, 206

EXE file format, 56

Existential condition type, 63

Existential rules, 184

ExtADSch.exe tool, 235

ExtractContent command, 113


Failed VE Data object type, 295

fallback status points, 236

file collection

about, 279280

disabling, 282

status messages regarding, 284

File System detection rule, 60

FileSystemFile.log file, 283


bandwidth management settings, 104

Configuration Manager clients, 230

distribution points, 100

Endpoint Protection, 198200, 207208

mobile device settings, 184

FQDN (fully qualified domain name), 100, 226

Full Administrator role, 140

full infrastructure (Enterprise) model, 1314

fully qualified domain name (FQDN), 100, 226


global conditions (deploying applications), 44, 6162

Group Policy

about, 2022, 29

computer settings, 30

Configuration Manager clients, 230

sequenced applications, 17

user settings, 3031


hardware inventory

Asset Intelligence, 8990, 9293, 306

Configuration Manager clients, 239

Exchange Server connector, 316

extending, 274276

inventory collection, 270, 272274

Linux computers, 229

Mac OS X computers, 227

power management and, 248249

UNIX computers, 229

Hardware Inventory Classes dialog box, 274275

health evaluation rules, 260261


IDMIF file format, 282

IIS (Internet Information Services), 105

Import Configuration Data Wizard, 181, 191

Import Software Licenses Wizard, 93, 307

In Progress compliance state, 88

include collections rule, 244

Install deployment action, 44

Installable Rules dialog box, 131

Installable rules rule type, 134


Configuration Manager clients, 230234, 257259

Intune, 7879

sequenced applications, 1618

streaming applications, 1718

Installed compliance state, 144

Installed rules rule type, 134

instance limitation, deployment models, 1314

Integration node (Group Policy), 20

Internet-based clients, 226227

Internet Information Services (IIS), 105

Intune (Microsoft)

about, 18, 49, 7576, 158

approving updates, 162164

automatic approval rules, 164167

categories and classifications, 161162

deploying software for automatic installation, 7879

deploying software to company portal, 78

inventory collection, 270

managing mobile devices, 76, 325332

objective summary and review, 8182, 117118, 168170, 172173

operating system support, 7678

third-party updates, 167168

update policies, 7980, 158161

inventory management

about, 280284

Asset Intelligence, 8993, 270, 305306

Configuration Manager clients, 224, 229, 239

creating reports, 293310

deletion interval, 282

file collection, 279280

gathering information, 270272

hardware inventory collection, 272274

Intune, 77

Linux computers, 229

Mac OS X computers, 227

objective summary and review, 311314

power management, 248249

software inventory collection, 276278

software metering, 94, 286293

troubleshooting, 283

UNIX computers, 229

WMI, 89

InventoryAgent.log file, 283

IP Network object type, 295

IPA file format, 57


Kerberos authentication, 226


language selection, 146147, 156

LDIFDE tool, 235

limiting collections, 244

Linux operating systems

Configuration Manager clients, 222, 228229, 233234

Endpoint Protection, 201

hardware inventory collection, 272

software inventory and, 276

LocalSystem account, 282

log files

Asset Intelligence, 93, 307

collections, 254

Configuration Manager client status, 259

content status monitoring, 111

distribution point monitoring, 109

inventory collection, 283284

update-related, 151153


Mac OS X operating system

configuration items, 177, 180, 184185

Configuration Manager clients, 222, 227228, 232233

deployment considerations, 5758

Endpoint Protection, 201

hardware inventory collection, 272

software inventory and, 276

Macclient.dmg file, 233

maintenance windows, 142143, 245247

Manage Deployment dialog box, 160161

Managed Object Format (MOF) file, 272, 275

management points

about, 235236

Mac OS X computers, 228

reviewing log files, 283284

Management Server, 12

Management Server database, 13

metadata synchronization, 138140

Microsoft Action Protection Service antimalware policy setting, 207

Microsoft Application Virtualization deployment type, 56

Microsoft Azure, 103

Microsoft Download Center, 233

Microsoft Intune

about, 18, 49, 7576, 158

approving updates, 162164

automatic approval rules, 164167

categories and classifications, 161162

deploying software for automatic installation, 7879

deploying software to company portal, 78

inventory collection, 270

managing mobile devices, 76, 325332

objective summary and review, 8182, 117118, 168170, 172173

operating system support, 7678

third-party updates, 167168

update policies, 7980, 158161

Microsoft SQL Server Report Builder, 300301

Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services, 46

Microsoft Update

Configuration Manager software update integration, 136139, 143, 147, 155156

Endpoint Protection, 199, 207

Sequencer options, 5

WSUS software update integration, 136139, 143, 147, 155156

MIF file format, 282

Mifprovider.log file, 283

mobile applications

differences between packages and, 4243

managing content distribution, 98114

managing with Configuration Manager, 5175

managing with Intune, 7582

monitoring, 8798

objective summary and review, 115122

planning distribution strategy, 3951

planning for upgrades, 8287

mobile devices

configuration items, 177, 180, 183184

enrollment, 328330

inventory collection, 270

managing with Configuration Manager, 332339

managing with Exchange Server connector, 315324

managing with Intune, 76, 325332

objective summary and review, 340343

MOF (Managed Object Format) file, 272, 275


about, 45, 8788

Asset Intelligence, 8993

collections, 254255

compliance, 194195

Configuration Manager, 136, 148153

Configuration Manager client status, 257264

content status, 111

distribution points, 108109

Endpoint Protection status, 210211

objective summary and review, 9798, 119120

software metering, 9396

WSUS, 148153

MP_Hinv.log file, 283

MP_Relay.log file, 284

MP_Retry.log file, 284

MSI file format, 16, 56

MSIExec file, 231

multiuser environments

application virtualization, 2

RemoteApp deployment, 26


NAP (Network Access Protection), 136

Network Access Protection (NAP), 136

network bandwidth, 103104

New-RDRemoteApp cmdlet, 28

NOIDMIF file format, 282

Nokia SIS File deployment type, 57

Not Required compliance state, 144


object types, 295

OMI (Open Management Infrastructure), 272

OOBE state, 7

Open Management Infrastructure (OMI), 272

Operations Manager, 72, 193

Options dialog box, 56, 222


package accelerators, 5

package definition files, 41

Package Installation Root policy, 21

Package object type, 295

Package Transfer Manager, 111, 149


about, 40, 109

differences between applications and, 4243

scripts and, 43

password management

content management, 109

Exchange Server connector, 316318

mobile devices, 177, 182183, 328

power management, 250

RD Web Access, 25

Remote Desktop Connection Client, 3031

PatchDownloader.log file, 152

PKGX file format, 112

PkgXferMgr.log file, 109, 111

PKI (public key infrastructure), 100

planning application distribution strategy

about, 49

Application Catalog, 4849

application management, 4041

application management features, 4345

application management server roles, 4548

applications and packages, 4243

objective summary and review, 4951, 115116

plug-ins, 5

policy management

App-V, 18, 2122

Endpoint Protection, 204210

Exchange Server connector, 317321

Intune, 7980, 158161

Windows Firewall, 207208

PolicyAgent.log file, 259, 283

power management

about, 48, 247, 253

external dependencies, 248

plan settings, 249252

prerequisites, 248249

reports, 252253

PowerShell (Windows), 277

Prerequisite dialog box, 131

prestaging content, 111113

Program Deployment Asset Details object type, 295

Program Deployment Status object type, 295

Program object type, 295

programs, defined, 4041

Properties dialog box

applications, 1920, 58, 83

collections, 211, 246, 262, 279

Configuration Manager, 194, 222223, 258, 280

content, 110, 112

distribution points, 112, 228229

management points, 228

queries, 296

query statements, 296

sites, 282

software metering, 95, 289290

software update components, 149

website point, 48

PS1 file format, 277

public key infrastructure (PKI), 100

Publications workspace (SCUP), 133

Publish RemoteApp Programs Wizard, 2728

Publishing node (Group Policy), 21

Publishing Server 1 Settings policy, 21

Publishing Servers

about, 12

full infrastructure model, 14

sequenced applications, 17

pull-distribution points, 102



about, 294296

rules for, 244

status message, 284


RD Gateway, 28, 31, 333

RD Licensing, 30

RD Web Access (Remote Desktop Web Access), 2528

RDC (Remote Desktop Connection) client

about, 2425

Advanced tab, 28

computer settings, 30

connecting with, 2829

Display tab, 28

Experience tab, 28

General tab, 28

Local Resources tab, 28

Programs tab, 28

user settings, 31

RDL file format, 301

RDMS (Remote Desktop Management Service), 27

RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) client, 25

RDP file format, 30

RDS (Remote Desktop Services), 2, 25

Real-time Protection antimalware policy setting, 206

redistributing content, 110111

Registry detection rule, 60


client health, 260261

configuration items, 185186

remote connection profiles, 332334

Remote Desktop Connection (RDC) client

about, 2425

Advanced tab, 28

computer settings, 30

connecting with, 2829

Display tab, 28

Experience tab, 28

General tab, 28

Local Resources tab, 28

Programs tab, 28

user settings, 31

Remote Desktop Management Service (RDMS), 27

Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) client, 25

Remote Desktop Services (RDS), 2, 25

Remote Desktop Session Host servers, 2428, 3031

Remote Desktop Users group, 24, 28

Remote Desktop Web Access (RD Web Access), 2528

remote desktops, 2425


about, 2425

application presentation strategies, 2426

Group Policy settings, 2931

managing application connections, 2829

objective summary and review, 3233, 3637

preparing applications, 2627

publishing and configuring, 2728

user settings, 31

removing content, 110111

Reporting node (Group Policy), 21

Reporting Server, 13

Reporting Server database, 13

reporting services

Asset Intelligence, 303304, 307308

client health, 262

collections, 254255

compliance management, 195196

Configuration Manager, 46, 111, 136, 296299

Configuration Manager clients, 258

Exchange Server connector, 316

managing reports, 299302

objective summary and review, 309310, 313314

queries, 244, 284, 294296

software update groups, 145

software updates, 150151

Reporting Services Configuration Manager, 297299

reporting services points, 237, 297

Required compliance state, 144

Required deployment purpose, 44

requirements (deploying applications)

Asset Intelligence, 9192, 305306

Configuration Manager, 44, 6265, 101

Intune, 7677

RemoteApp, 2627

SCUP, 124125

Requirements Not Met compliance state, 88

Resource Explorer

about, 271

accessing, 281

viewing file collections, 280

viewing hardware inventory, 227, 229, 281

viewing software inventory, 276, 278, 281

retiring applications, 8586

revision history

applications, 8485

configuration items, 181182


automatic approval, 164167

automatic deployment, 153156

collection, 244245

compliance, 185

detection, 60

health evaluation, 261

for queries, 244

SCUP options, 133134

software metering, 9495, 287290

Rules workspace (SCUP), 133134


Scan Settings antimalware policy setting, 206

ScanAgent.log file, 152

Scheduled Scans antimalware policy setting, 206

Scheduler.log file, 109


inventory collection, 272

reevaluating collection rules, 244

Schema Admins group, 234


CIM, 272

extending, 234235

Script Installer deployment type, 56

Scripting node (Group Policy), 21

scripts, packages and, 43

SCUP (System Center Updates Publisher)

about, 174

additional information, 129

certificate requirements, 125

integrating with Configuration Manager, 127

managing updates, 129134

OS and software requirements, 124

setting options, 125129

Secure Hash Algorithm 256 (SHA-256), 281

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), 281

security management

App-V, 22

application virtualization, 3

Asset Intelligence, 93

compliance settings, 176

connection profiles, 333

creating applications, 54

Endpoint Protection, 200201, 206, 209

event logs, 93

Exchange Server connector, 319320

Full Administrator role, 140

managing collections, 242243

managing inventory collections, 280282

mobile devices, 177, 182184

Remote Desktop Connection Client, 30

Remote Desktop Session Host, 3031

reports and, 295, 297, 307

SCUP, 131

security updates, 161162, 164165

Software Update Manager security role, 140, 145

software updates, 145

Security Roles object type, 295

Security Scopes object type, 295

security updates, 161162, 164165

Select Collection dialog box, 206, 208

self-signed certificates

distribution points, 105, 107

Linux computers, 229

Mac OS X computers, 228

SCUP, 125

UNIX computers, 229

Sender.log file, 109

sequenced applications

about, 35

additional information, 6

deploying, 1620

local installation, 1618

streaming applications, 1618


about, 35

additional information, 7

advanced settings, 56

Configuration Manager integrated model, 15

preparing environment, 67

service packs, 161162

service (SRV) record, 236

session virtualization

about, 24

application presentation strategies, 2426

Group Policy settings, 2932

managing connections to applications, 2829

objective summary and review, 3233, 3637

preparing applications, 2627

publishing and configuring programs, 2728

severity levels (noncompliance), 185

SHA-256 (Secure Hash Algorithm 256), 281

Shared Content Store (SCS) mode policy, 18, 2122

Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), 272

simulated deployments, 73

Sinvproc.log file, 284

Site object type, 295

Site Server log files, 152

site system roles, 235237


SMS_DEF.MOF file, 272

SMSDPProv.log file, 109



SMSProv.log file, 109

SMSPXE.log file, 109

SMS_SoftwareTag Asset Intelligence Hardware Inventory Reporting class, 89

SMSTSAssignUsersMode task sequence variable, 67

SMSTSUdaUsers task sequence variable, 67




SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol), 272

Software Center

about, 4749, 222

application deployment, 55, 71

customizing settings, 4748, 222, 225

maintenance windows and, 143

power management settings, 248

software delivery preferences, 225

user experience setting, 155

Software Center Options dialog box, 222

software inventory

Asset Intelligence, 89, 9193, 305

Configuration Manager clients, 224, 239

configuring file collection, 279

Intune, 77

inventory collection, 270, 276278

software metering, 94

software metering

about, 9394, 286288

Asset Intelligence, 306

configuring rules, 9495

objective summary and review, 292293, 312313

rules for, 287290

summarization tasks, 9596, 290292

Software Metering Agent, 94, 287288

Software Metering Rule object type, 295

software update groups, 145

Software Update Manager security role, 140, 145

Software Update Point Synchronization Status, 148

software update points

about, 137138

Configuration Manager clients, 230, 237

log files, 152

synchronizing, 138140

software updates

approving, 162164

categories and classifications, 161162

using Configuration Manager and WSUS, 135157

using Microsoft Intune, 7879, 158169

objective summary and review, 170173

third-party, 124134, 167168

Software Updates agent, 140144

Software workspace (Intune), 77

SoftwareDistribution.log file, 152

Specify Application dialog box, 8

Specify Required Application dialog box, 1920

Specify what to load in background (that is, Autoload) policy, 22

SQL (Structured Query Language), 294

SQL Server Report Builder, 300301

SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS), 46, 296299

SRV (service) record, 236

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), 281

SSRS (SQL Server Reporting Services), 46, 296299

standalone deployment model, 14

state, application, 45

status message queries, 284, 294

streaming applications

about, 16

App-V application cache and, 18

combining local installation and, 1718

Streaming node (Group Policy), 21

Structured Query Language (SQL), 294

Success compliance state, 88

summarization tasks, software metering, 9596, 290292

Superseded Updates dialog box, 131

supersedence, 42, 44, 8384

synchronizing update points, 138140

System Center Endpoint Protection

about, 199200

antimalware policies, 204207

automatic deployment rules, 153

client settings, 202204

configuring alerts, 211212

implementing, 200204

monitoring status, 210211

objective summary and review, 213214, 217219

policy management, 209210

prerequisites, 200201

Windows Firewall policies, 207208

System Center Marketplace, 193

System Center Updates Publisher (SCUP)

about, 174

additional information, 129

certificate requirements, 125

integrating with Configuration Manager, 127

managing updates, 129134

OS and software requirements, 124

setting options, 125129

System Resource object type, 295


task sequence action variables, 67

third-party updates

Intune support, 167168

managing, 129134

objective summary and review, 134135, 170171

System Center Updates Publisher, 124129, 174175

Threat Overrides antimalware policy setting, 207

Triple Data Encryption Standard (3DES) encryption algorithm, 282


client installation, 259

compressed files, 109

Configuration Manager issues, 284

content distribution, 108

content management, 109

inventory collection, 283

power consumption, 249

query issues, 294

software updates, 148153

Trusted Root Certification Authorities certificate store, 125


Uninstall deployment action, 44

uninstalling applications, 86

UNIX operating systems

Configuration Manager clients, 222, 228229, 233234

hardware inventory collection, 272

software inventory and, 276

Unknown compliance state, 88, 144

Unknown Computer object type, 295

update policies (Intune), 7980, 158161

update rollups, 161162

updates (software)

approving, 162164

categories and classifications, 161162

using Configuration Manager and WSUS, 135157

using Microsoft Intune, 7879, 158169

objective summary and review, 170173

third-party, 124134, 167168

Updates workspace (SCUP)

about, 132

Optional Information section, 131

Package Information section, 130131

Required Information section, 131

UpdatesDeployment.log file, 153

UpdatesHandler.log file, 152

UpdatesStore.log file, 152

upgrades (application)

about, 82

application revision history, 8485

application supersedence, 8384

objective summary and review, 8687, 118119

retiring applications, 8586

uninstalling applications, 86

User And Device Affinity group, 65

user device affinity (deploying applications), 45, 6567

User Group Resource object type, 295

User Resource object type, 295


validating content, 99100, 110111

Value condition type, 63

Value rule, 184185

VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure), 272

virtual applications, managing environment

about, 12

App-V deployment models, 1316

App-V Group Policy, 2022

App-V infrastructure, 1213

deploying sequenced applications, 1620

objective summary and review, 2223, 3536

virtual applications, preparing

about, 1

App-V Connection Groups, 710

basic concepts, 23

objective summary and review, 1112, 3435

Sequencer environment, 37

Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI), 272

VPN profiles, 334335


Wake On LAN (WOL), 70, 136, 147

WBEM (Web-Based Enterprise Management), 272, 295

WCM.log file, 152

Web Application deployment type, 57

Web-Based Enterprise Management (WBEM), 272, 295

Wi-Fi profiles, 337338

Windows App Package, 56

Windows authentication, 226

Windows Firewall

Configuration Manager clients, 230

Endpoint Protection, 199200, 207208

Windows Installer

deployment type, 56

detection rule, 60

Windows Internet Naming Service (WINS), 236

Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), 144, 272, 294

Windows Mobile Cabinet, 56

Windows operating systems

configuration items, 177, 179180, 182183

Configuration Manager clients, 222

Endpoint Protection, 200

inventory collection, 270, 278

Windows Phone App Package, 56

Windows PowerShell, 277

Windows Server Update Services (WSUS)

about, 123

automatic deployment rules, 153156

Configuration Manager clients, 230

managing updates, 145148

monitoring software updates, 148153

objective summary and review, 156157, 171172

software update client settings, 141144

software update points, 137140

software updates in Configuration Manager, 136

troubleshooting software updates, 148153

Windows Update agent, 143

WindowsUpdate.log file, 152

WINS (Windows Internet Naming Service), 236

WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation), 144, 272, 294

WMI Query Language (WQL), 294295

WOL (Wake On LAN), 70, 136, 147

workgroup-based clients, 225

WQL (WMI Query Language), 294295

WSUS (Windows Server Update Services)

about, 123

automatic deployment rules, 153156

Configuration Manager clients, 230

managing updates, 145148

monitoring software updates, 148153

objective summary and review, 156157, 171172

software update client settings, 141144

software update points, 137140

software updates in Configuration Manager, 136

troubleshooting software updates, 148153

WSUS Synchronization Manager, 138139

WSUSCtrl.log file, 152

WSUSUtil tool, 139140

wsyncmgr.log file, 152

WUAHandler.log file, 152


XAP file format, 56

XML file format, 56

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