

Abram, Stephen, 86
academic libraries
challenges, 82–4
connection with institutional
culture, 159
leadership, 61
partnerships and collaborations, 159
value in relation to undergraduate
colleges, 161
ACRL “Plan for Excellence, ”, 157
Augustana College
Thomas Tredway Library, xxiv
“back to basics, ”, 53
Center for Student Life, 60
lessons learned, 60


Baruch College
William and Anita Newman
Library, xxiii
credit courses, 25–6
graduate services graduatestudents
National Urban Fellows, 20–3
best practices, 21–3
point-of-need instruction, 24
Bennett, Scott, 53
Blackwell Book Services, xxi
book origins, xxi
Bronner, Simon J., 100


Carleton College
Athenaeum, 77–8
culture, 64, 66
curricular review, 74
Laurence McKinley Gould Library, xxv, 63–4
Northfield History Collaborative, 70
Champlain College
college history, 142–3
Robert E. and Holly D. Miller
Information Commons, xxviii
library history, 143
living with uncertainty, 153–4
strategic plan, 149–51
Collaboration, 68–72, 85–6, 103–5
Collection management, 38, 52, 55–7, 61, 143–5
weeding, 58–9
building, 65
involvement, 70


Diversity, 135–7


Earlham College
Lily and Wildman Library, xxii
directors, 1–2
integration of librarians, 12
MISO survey results, 2–8
questioning excellence, 8–13
Elmhurst College
A.C. Buehler Library, xxvii
“First Year College Learning, ”, 101–2
Fishbowl, 102–3, 106
Gaming Night, 106, 109
“Great Chicago Libraries, ”, 107
information literacy tagging, 103
Webquests, 104
Environment, 60–1, 89–90, 106


Facilities, 50–1, 105–6
reference desk, 106
repurposing, 152
Faculty/librarian collaboration, 76, 91
Farber, Evan Ira, xxii, 1, 13, 55, 148–9
students, 73
programs, 101–5, 122


Graduate students at Baruch
Graduate Student Librarian (GSL), 16–18
history, 16–17
library Graduate Services Division, 16, 18
marketing and outreach, 19–20
Grinnell College
Burling Library, Kistle Science
Library, and the Music Library, xxvii
peer mentoring program, 130
student curation, 131–4
Wednesday Nights @ Burling, 134–5
college information, 128
Writing Fellows, 131


Hollins University
history, 86–7
Wyndham Robertson Library, xxvi
Faculty status for librarians, 92
“Rock the Stacks, ”, 95
undergraduate research award, 96


information literacy, 74–7, 100–1, 145–8
qualitative literacy, 76
tagging, 103
innovation, 66, 114–19, 151–2, 161
institutional partnerships, 65
intangible assets, 9–10
intelligent failure, 118–19, 152


Jenkins, Paul, 83–4


Kirk, Jr., Thomas G., 2, 148
Kostagiolas, Petros and Asonitis, Stefanos, “Utilizing Intangible Assets in the Worlds of Production, ”, 2, 9–10
Kuhlthau, Carol, 153


leadership, 61, 66
campus governance, 11–12, 112–13
definition, 160
faculty status, 92, 109–14
liaising, 38–40, 109–10
roles, 10, 111, 160
paraprofessional staff at Elmhurst, 113–14
pod structure at Mount Holyoke, 40–5
scholarship, 76–7
strategic planning, 149–51
teaching and learning, 11, 72–8, 88, 91
credit courses, 11, 25–6
user-centered, 85–6
library-as-place, 54


Massy, William, 84
mentoring, 107, 120–3
Merged Information Services Outcomes (MISO) Survey, 2–3
Mount Holyoke College
history, 30
technology support vs. library support, 31–3 See also (technology)
Williston & Miles-Smith Library, xxiv
“Ask LITS” board, 29
Boiselle, Juliet Habjan, 32
Fliss, Susan, 32
merging library liaison roles, 36–40
merging technology services, 33–6
staffing “pods, ”, 40–5
ethnography, 44
multimedia, 41
reference services, 42
student staffing, 43


Oakleaf, Megan, Value of AcademicLibraries, 2, 9–10, 157
Oberlin Group, The, 72
organizational culture, 100, 115
outreach, 72


partnerships, 68–72, 89–94
policies, 60
programming, 94, 134–7


Ranganathan, S.R., 53


senior capstone projects, 75
shared resources, 68–9
Soth, Lauren, 78–9
St. Olaf College, 68
collaboration, 60, 65
development, 67–8
efficacy, 160
engagement, 160
partnerships, 69
staffing choices, 67
-centered, 87, 158
engagement, 83, 93, 105, 128–30, 131–4
learning, 158
Millennials, 88
needs, 75–6
partnerships, 89–90, 137–8
peer mentoring, 130
workers, 131


at Baruch, 21
at Elmhurst, 116–19
at Mount Holyoke, 33–4
integration with library services, 71
“third place, ”, 54, 159
Travis, Tiffany, 101


undergraduate colleges, 162
US Copyright Term Extension Act of 1998, 56
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