Praise for Executive Presence

“In today’s dog-eat-dog world where degrees from the finest schools, high cognitive abilities, and superior technical skills are merely threshold competencies, it becomes increasingly important for career success to stand out from the pack and project a leader image that others look up to and want to follow. In this second edition of Harrison Monarth’s bestselling book Executive Presence, he shows leaders and those who want to become one, step-by-step, how to develop a strong personal brand that inspires and wields a positive influence. Packed with insights from leading neuroscientists on how to regulate emotions in pressure-cooker situations, coaching advice on getting buy-in for one’s most ambitious ideas, and guidance on resolving conflict during difficult conversations and crafting strategic stories that lead others to action, Executive Presence is a highly engaging read by one of today’s top executive coaches that should be on every leader’s desk.”

—FRANCESCA GINO, Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School Behavioral Scientist, author, Rebel Talent and Sidetracked

“We live in a reputation economy. What you think of yourself is irrelevant compared to what other people think of you, and that is especially true if you want to be a leader. This book provides an authoritative guide to shaping how others see you and emerge as a leader. Don’t read it unless you want to be one!”

—DR. TOMAS CHAMORRO-PREMUZIC, Chief Talent Scientist at ManpowerGroup, Professor of Business Psychology, Columbia University, author, Why Do So Many Incompetent Men Become Leaders? and The Talent Delusion

Executive Presence was a classic, a must-read for those wanting to expand their influence and position themselves as leaders. But this newly updated edition is even more useful. Incorporating provocative insights from the expanding field of neuroscience, Harrison Monarth offers readers proven practices for exerting influence and managing perceptions, even as we act on our basic values and demonstrate confidence in our core strength. Highly specific and engaging, Monarth’s new opus is the ideal coaching tool–whether you’re coaching others or yourself.”

—SALLY HELGESEN, author, How Women Rise (with Marshall Goldsmith), The Female Advantage, The Web of Inclusion, and The Female Vision

“Self-awareness is a foundational skill for any leader looking to develop a strong executive presence. Harrison’s book provides readers with actionable strategies to help them positively engage and influence organizational stakeholders at all levels. Whether you are a high-potential manager or seasoned executive, this book is a must-read.”

—DR. TASHA EURICH, New York Times bestselling author, Insight and Bankable Leadership

“A significant part of successful leadership is the ability to project an image that conveys credibility and inspires people. In this must-read second edition of Executive Presence, Harrison breaks down the mystery behind this elusive concept. Chapter by chapter he shares the specific behaviors, skills, and characteristics that help aspiring executives and leaders at all levels stand out from their equally smart peers and gain influence far beyond their formal authority. Best of all, Harrison’s expert coaching shows that anyone with a desire to succeed can build executive presence, no matter where they start!”

—DORIE CLARK, author of Reinventing You and Stand Out, and adjunct professor, Duke University Fuqua School of Business

“Harrison Monarth’s sprightly book Executive Presence departs from the mainstream of self-help literature in three important ways: (1) it concerns how to get ahead in one’s career as opposed to learning how to feel better about oneself; (2) it is evidence-based as opposed to being based on personal intuition and experience; and (3) it focuses on improving how a person is perceived by others (i.e., improving a person’s reputation) as opposed to increasing self-understanding.”

—DR. ROBERT HOGAN, Chairman and President of Hogan Assessments

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