
When you’ve finished writing the basic version of the program, try tackling some additional challenges:

  • Ensure that the user can enter only numbers for the bill amount and the tip rate. If the user enters non-numeric values, display an appropriate message and exit the program. Here’s a test plan as an example:

    bill amount: abcd
    tip rate: 15
    Expected result: Please enter a valid number for
    the bill amount.
  • Instead of displaying an error message and exiting the program, keep asking the user for correct input until it is provided.

  • Don’t allow the user to enter a negative number.

  • Break the program into functions that do the computations.

  • Implement this program as a GUI program that automatically updates the values when any value changes.

  • Instead of the user entering the value of the tip as a percentage, have the user drag a slider that rates satisfaction with the server, using a range between 5% and 20%.

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