Piping Input to read

This chapter deals with a gotcha that I came across while porting a script from ksh to bash. It was a gotcha only because at the time I wasn't aware of a fairly crucial difference in the behavior of the two shells. In both pdksh and bash, the last command of a pipeline is performed in a subshell. This means that a variable assigned within the subshell is not available to the parent shell. In ksh, the last command of a pipeline is executed in the original shell.

This isn't an issue when using the pipe to set a variable, but if the result of a pipe is sent to a loop structure that then populates variables you will use later, that is more of a problem. Once the loop completes, the variables you were going to rely on don't exist.

Included here are a few of examples of code that you might expect to work, but they actually don't. I also include some workarounds that will perform the intended tasks.

The following is the part of the code that had problems when I ported it. It was used to process a file of extended output one line at a time. To perform this task in ksh, I would use the following:

cat somefile | while read line
  # Process the $line variable in some form.
  if [ "`echo $line | awk '{print $3}'`" = "somevalue" ]
    all="$all $line"

If everything within the loop is self-contained and none of the variables in it are accessed outside the loop, this will work fine. However, the bash code parsed each line in the output of the piped command, and populated some variables based on that output. Once the loop completed, I wanted to access those values ($all in this example) for other purposes, and found that they were undefined.

The following code is the first workaround that I found to overcome the problem. Unfortunately it isn't quite as elegant or intuitive as the original code because it uses a temporary file. To keep the code clean I try to avoid using temporary files, but in this case I had no choice.

while read line
  # Process the $line variable in some form.
  if [ "`echo $line | awk '{print $3}'`" = "somevalue" ]
    all="$all $line"
done < somefile

First the data originally piped to the while read loop is sent to a temporary file. The file is then redirected into the back end of the loop. This functions the same way as the original code, but allows the variables populated within the loop to remain usable once the loop completes. Chapter 8 offers another example of this technique.

The following is a modified form of the previous example:

THE_INPUT=`ps -ef`
while read line
  # Process the $line variable in some form.
  if [ "`echo $line | awk '{print $3}'`" = "somevalue" ]
    all="$all $line"
done <<EOF

This slight modification of the earlier example eliminates the need for a temporary file. Instead of redirecting a file into the back of the loop, we start a here-document and feed it the data we want to process through the loop. A here-document is where the shell reads input from the current source until it reaches the matching tag alone on a single line, in this case EOF. This solution works in the same way as a real file with both bash and pdksh.

The following sections show four methods for reading input one line at a time. With each method, I explain what variables are available within the code for each of the four shells (bash, ksh, pdksh, and Bourne sh).

Line-by-Line Option 1

The original method of piping input to a read loop looks like this:

ps -ef | while read firstvar
  echo firstvar within the loop: $firstvar
  echo secondvar within the loop: $secondvar
echo firstvar outside the loop: $firstvar
echo secondvar outside the loop: $secondvar

KornShell (ksh): Both firstvar and secondvar are available within the loop. Only secondvar is available outside the loop. This is useful because even though you can't use the original read variable, you can assign it to some other variable, which is then available when the loop completes.

Bash (bash): Both firstvar and secondvar are available within the loop. Neither firtvar nor secondvar is available after the loop completes.

Public Domain Korn Shell (pdksh): Both firstvar and secondvar are available within the loop. Neither firstvar nor secondvar is available after the loop completes.

Bourne (sh): Both firstvar and secondvar are available within the loop. Neither firstvar nor secondvar is available after the loop completes.

Line-by-Line Option 2

This is the workaround option I discussed originally. The input will be sent to a temporary file and then redirected to the back of the loop.

ps -ef > /tmp/testfile
while read firstvar
  echo firstvar within the loop: $firstvar
  echo secondvar within the loop: $secondvar
done < /tmp/testfile
echo firstvar outside the loop: $firstvar
echo secondvar outside the loop: $secondvar

KornShell (ksh): Both firstvar and secondvar are available within the loop. Only secondvar is available outside the loop.

Bash (bash): Both firstvar and secondvar are available within the loop. Only secondvar is available outside the loop. This version now performs in the same manner as the ksh version.

Public Domain Korn Shell (pdksh): Both firstvar and secondvar are available within the loop. Only secondvar is available outside the loop.

Bourne (sh): Both firstvar and secondvar are available within the loop. Neither variable is available outside the loop.

Line-by-Line Option 3

This is the here-document workaround option where we remove the need for a temporary file. This functions in the same way as Option 2.

the_input=`ps -ef`
while read firstvar
  echo firstvar within the loop: $firstvar
  echo secondvar within the loop: $secondvar
done <<EOF
echo firstvar outside the loop: $firstvar
echo secondvar outside the loop: $secondvar

KornShell (ksh): Both firstvar and secondvar are available within the loop. Only secondvar is available outside the loop.

Bash (bash): Both firstvar and secondvar are available within the loop. Only secondvar is available outside the loop. This version now performs in the same manner as the ksh version.

Public Domain Korn Shell (pdksh): Both firstvar and secondvar are available within the loop. Only secondvar is available outside the loop.

Bourne (sh): Both firstvar and secondvar are available within the loop. Neither variable is available outside the loop.

Line-by-Line Option 4

This last option removes the pipe (|) from the loop and processes an input file manually. If you have only the Bourne shell at your disposal, this is your only option, and the script will be somewhat slower. With this option, all set variables from both inside and outside the loop will be available following loop completion. This option is valid for all the shells I've mentioned.

ps -ef > /tmp/testfile
filecount=`wc -l /tmp/testfile`
while [ $count -le $filecount ]
  firstvar=`tail +$count /tmp/testfile | head −1`
  echo firstvar within the loop: $firstvar
  echo secondvar within the loop: $secondvar
  count=`echo $count+1 | bc`
done < /tmp/testfile
echo firstvar outside the loop: $firstvar
echo secondvar outside the loop: $secondvar

The following tables summarize all of the previously discussed scenarios. Table 10-1 displays the availability of the variable that is initially set in the loop (firstvar). Note that in all shells except the manual loop method used by the Bourne shell, this variable is unavailable for use following the loop's completion.

Table 10-1. Availability of Variables That Are Initially Set in a Loop, After Loop Completion

ksh bash pdksh Bourne
Opt. 1: Pipe to while read No No No No
Opt. 2: Redirected file to back of loop No No No No
Opt. 3: Redirected here-document to back of loop No No No No
Opt. 4: Manual iteration through loop Yes Yes Yes Yes

Table 10-2 displays availability of variables that are assigned within the loop (secondvar) once the loop has completed. These variables can have values assigned to them from the initial variable (firstvar), since that variable is accessible within the loop or from any other assignment inside the loop.

Table 10-2. Availability of Variables That Are Set Within a Loop, After Loop Completionn

ksh bash pdksh Bourne
Opt. 1: Pipe to while read Yes No No No
Opt. 2: Redirected file to back of loop Yes Yes Yes No
Opt. 3: Redirected here-document to back of loop Yes Yes Yes No
Opt. 4: Manual iteration through loop Yes Yes Yes Yes

Pipe to read Directly

The next example represents a scenario in which the script does not pipe to a loop, but instead pipes input to a read statement. This method works well in ksh. Within both pdksh and bash, once the following command is executed, both foo and bar variables are undefined:

echo a b | read foo bar

The workaround removes the use of the read command altogether. This modified version has the same functionality, but it uses two separate commands instead of a pipeline of two commands.

set `echo a b` ; foo=$1 bar=$2

Using set without any options or arguments takes the echo output and assigns each output word using a positional parameter. The parameter can then be reused. This works fine in most instances. However, if $1 is a negative value, the set command interprets the - sign as a switch. It then complains about the switch not being valid.

The workaround for this is to use the double-dash switch for set. This will tell set not to process any further arguments that begin with + or -.

set -- `echo a b` ; foo=$1 bar=$2

One other workaround for this is somewhat of a brute-force tactic but may be necessary depending on the age of the system or shell you're working with. You prepend some arbitrary character (not a - sign) to the beginning of the echo output to protect against switch evaluation. Once the variables are set, you strip off the first character of the first variable using cut so you are left with the original value.

set "@"`echo a b` ; foo=$1 bar=$2
foo=`echo $foo | cut -c1-`

Process Input Word-by-Word

The last example enables you to parse through each word of some input string, consuming two words at a time. Words are assumed to be separated by spaces. This once again uses the set command to assign positional variables the value of each word. The same code as we used previously is implemented, but the core function is now surrounded by a loop that continues until the first word is null.

set `echo a b c d e`
while [ "$1" != "" ]
  foo=$1 bar=$2
  echo $*
  echo foo $foo
  echo bar $bar

The loop assigns the first two positional parameters to foo and bar. It then outputs the value of all positional variables. The shift command drops the $1 value and promotes $2 and all other variables by one position. It then outputs the values of foo and bar for each iteration. The $* variable that is echoed holds all of the current positional parameters. Thus, after each iteration through the loop, the output of the line is shortened by one element. Note that this script is written in ksh, but it should work in all previously mentioned shells.

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