
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


@ character in newsfeed posts, The Newsfeed Web Part


About #tag page, The Newsfeed Web Part
About Me page (My Sites), The SkyDrive hub
Access service applications, Access form applications
Access Services, Business Connectivity Service
Access web apps, SharePoint Server configuration
Action Tags menu, Using SharePoint Designer to create workflows
AD (Active Directory), Identity management
AD Import (Direct Mode), Profile synchronization options
Adobe Dreamweaver, SharePoint Designer
AllTasks.aspx page (My Tasks), My Sites
AlwaysRenderOnServer property (CSWP), Category pages
Analysis Services SharePoint Mode
connecting to Excel Services service application, SQL Server 2012 PowerPivot for SharePoint 2013
installing, Excel Services, Building a BI ecosystem
analytics architecture (SharePoint 2013 search), Content processing component
AnalyticsHashTagWebPart, The Newsfeed hub
App step (SharePoint workflows), Using SharePoint Designer to create workflows
App-scoped BDC Models, External list enhancements
AppFabric Caching Service, Cache service improvements
Apps link (My SItes), Apps
Apps, SharePoint (see SharePoint Apps)
architectural enhancements
infrastructure improvements (see infrastructure improvements)
overview, Architectural enhancements
AskMeAboutWebPart (My Sites), The SkyDrive hub
authentication, PowerPoint Automation Service
autocomplete box, The Newsfeed Web Part


BCS (Business Connectivity Services)
BCS connectors, Index connectors
event receiver infrastructure, External list enhancements
external list enhancements, Business Connectivity Services
improvements in SharePoint 2013, Business Connectivity Service
OData connection protocol, Using the event receiver infrastructure
overview, Building composite solutions
SharePoint BCS hybrid solutions, SharePoint BCS hybrid solutions
support for SharePoint/Office apps, External list enhancements
Visual Studio BCS tooling, Introducing OData support
BI (Business Intelligence), Excel Services
(see also PowerPivot (Excel 2013); Power View (Excel 2013))
Business Intelligence Center site template, Team BI
Corporate BI, Business Intelligence, Excel and SharePoint PowerPivot compatibility
features available in SharePoint, Reporting Services add-in
overview, Business Intelligence
Personal BI (see Personal BI)
Team BI (see Team BI)
BI ecosystem, building
installing Analysis Services SharePoint Mode, Building a BI ecosystem
installing other SQL Server 2012 SP1 components, Integrating Reporting Services with SharePoint
integrating Reporting Services with SharePoint, SQL Server 2012 PowerPivot for SharePoint 2013
overview, Reporting Services add-in
registering Excel Services to use Analysis Services, SQL Server 2012 PowerPivot for SharePoint 2013
SQL Server 2012 PowerPivot for SharePoint 2013, Installing Analysis Services SharePoint Mode
Bottom Zone (Newsfeed hub), Social computing user interface improvements
BranchCache, Shredded storage
Build Your Query Wizard (SharePoint 2013 search), Result sources
Business Connectivity Services (BCS) (see BCS (Business Connectivity Services))
Business Intelligence (BI) (see BI (Business Intelligence))


cache service improvements, Monitoring a Workflow Manager farm
catalogs on WCM sites, Catalogs
catch-all rules (*), Request management rules
category pages (WCM), Catalogs
Central Administration website, Architectural enhancements
Certification Generation Key, Installing a Workflow Manager farm
Change Shape split button (Visio 2013), Visio 2013
Clear-SPBusinessDataCatalogEntityNotificationWeb cmdlet, Using the event receiver infrastructure
clipboard usage, Design packaging
CMIS (Content Management Interoperability Services) Producer, Enterprise Content Management, The CMIS producer
Colocated mode (Distributed Cache service), Cache service improvements
Community Portal template, The Sites hub
Community Site template, The Sites hub
Community Sites, Social computing
CompleteTasks.aspx page (My Tasks), My Sites
Composed Looks (Themes Gallery), The theme engine
composite solutions (mashups), Building composite solutions
consumer social computing, My Site storage
Content by Search Web Part (CSWP), Cache service improvements
Content Editor Web Part (CEWP), Design packaging
Content Enrichment Web Service, Content processing component
content processing component, Content sources
content sources in SharePoint 2013, Index connectors
continuous crawls, Content sources
Corporate BI
fundamentals, Excel and SharePoint PowerPivot compatibility
overview, Business Intelligence
crawling and content architecture (SharePoint 2013 search), Crawling and content architecture
cross-site collection publishing (WCM)
basics, Cross-site collection publishing
catalogs, Catalogs
category pages, Catalogs
CSWP and CQWP Web Parts, Category pages
CSWP and CQWP Web Parts, Category pages


dashboards (BI), Business Intelligence
Data Mining add-ins (SQL Server 2012 SP1), Installing other SQL Server 2012 SP1 components
Data Model (Excel 2013)
basics, Enabling PowerPivot and Power View
defined, Business Intelligence
Dedicated mode (Distributed Cache service), Cache service improvements
Default Privacy Settings (My Sites), User Profile Service Application settings
deployment service (Workflow Services Manager), Workflow Manager architecture
deprecated/changed service applications, The Machine Translation service application
Design Manager, XML Sitemap
development changes (SharePoint 2013), Site collection and site administration
Device Channels (WCM), Device Channels
dictionaries, search (SharePoint 2013 search), Query rules
Dictionary variables, Using SharePoint Designer to create workflows
Discovery Center, Enterprise Content Management
display templates (SharePoint 2013 search), Hover cards
Distributed Cache, Timer jobs and the role of distributed cache
Distributed Cache Service (DCS), Cache service improvements
Documents app, Apps
Documents library, The SkyDrive hub
Duet Enterprise for Microsoft SharePoint and SAP Server, Introducing OData support
dynamic feed retrieval, My Sites


eDiscovery (see Discovery Center)
Electronic Data Reference Model (EDRM) XML format, The Discovery Center
Email Notifications settings (My Sites), My Site settings
Enterprise Client Access Licenses (CALs), Excel Services
Enterprise Content Management (ECM)
CMIS producer, The CMIS producer
Discovery Center, Enterprise Content Management
records management and compliance, Enterprise Content Management
site-level retention policies, In-place holds
text editor improvements, Design packaging
Web Content Management (WCM) (see Web Content Management (WCM))
web design and developer enablement, XML Sitemap
enterprise social computing, My Site storage
Enterprise Social Networking (ESN), SharePoint Server 2013 Enterprise social networking
Event Store (analytics processing component), The Event Store
Event Tracing for Windows (ETW), Monitoring a Workflow Manager farm
Excel, Microsoft, Excel Services
(see also PowerPivot (Excel 2013); Power View (Excel 2013))
Data Model, Enabling PowerPivot and Power View
Excel Services, Team BI
exporting data to, External list enhancements
improvements in Excel 2013, Business Intelligence
MDS add-in, Installing other SQL Server 2012 SP1 components
PowerPivot compatibility with SharePoint, Excel Services
registering Excel Services service application, SQL Server 2012 PowerPivot for SharePoint 2013
Exchange Web Services (EWS), The Machine Translation service application, Planning Discovery Centers
External Content Type (ECT), Building composite solutions
external list enhancements, Business Connectivity Services
External System Events site feature, Using the event receiver infrastructure


faceted navigation (SharePoint 2013 search), Search refinements
Farm Configuration Wizard, Introducing the new search architecture
Feeds Cache, Timer jobs and the role of distributed cache
FIM (Microsoft Forefront Identity Manager), Identity management
FIMSS (Microsoft Identity Manager Synchronization Service), Identity management
Follow Link (Share menu), Social computing user interface improvements
Followed Counts Web Parts, Social computing user interface improvements
Followed Documents, The SkyDrive hub
friendly URLs (FURLs), The new publishing model


Get-SPBusinessDataCatalogEntityNotificationWeb cmdlet, Using the event receiver infrastructure
Get-SPODataConnectionSetting cmdlet, Microsoft Visual Studio BCS tooling
Get-SPODataConnectionSettingMetadata cmdlet, Microsoft Visual Studio BCS tooling
Get-SPOTenantLogEntry cmdlet, SharePoint BCS hybrid solutions
global navigation bar (SharePoint Server 2013), Social computing user interface improvements


Harris Interactive, SharePoint Server 2013 Enterprise social networking
health checker (site collections), Using an evaluation site
health weighting (web servers), Request management rules
Highlights.aspx page (My Tasks), My Sites
Host Named Site Collections (HNSC), Authentication, Installation lifecycle
hover cards (SharePoint 2013 search), Hover cards
HTML Field Security page, Embedding and storing video in SharePoint


Identity Management (IdM), Identity management
IDisposable interface, Site collection upgrade page
image renditions, Embedding and storing video in SharePoint
In-Memory BI Engine (IMBI), Business Intelligence
In-Place Holds, The Discovery Center, Unified Discovery and Site Mailboxes
index and query architecture (SharePoint 2013 search), The Event Store
indexing connector framework, Crawling and content architecture
indexing pipeline, Content sources
InfoPath 2013, Visio Services
infrastructure improvements
cache service, Monitoring a Workflow Manager farm
Minimal Download Strategy (MDS), Cache service improvements
mobile devices support, Support for mobile devices
overview, Infrastructure improvements
PowerPoint Automation Service, PowerPoint Automation Service
Request Management, Shredded storage
shredded storage, SQL Server-related improvements
SQL Server-related improvements, Infrastructure improvements
theme engine, Minimal Download Strategy
UX improvements, Monitoring a Workflow Manager farm
web browser support, Support for mobile devices
workflow framework (see workflow framework)
installation lifecycle (SharePoint Server), My Site storage
Analysis Services SharePoint Mode, Building a BI ecosystem
PowerPivot for SharePoint, Installing Analysis Services SharePoint Mode
Reporting Services SharePoint Integration Mode, SQL Server 2012 PowerPivot for SharePoint 2013
SharePoint 2013, Infrastructure improvements
SQL Server 2012 SP1 components, Integrating Reporting Services with SharePoint
Workflow Manager farm, Installing a Workflow Manager farm
instance service (Workflow Manager), Workflow Manager architecture
interop service (Workflow Manager), Workflow Manager architecture


Keyword Query Language (KQL), Result sources


Last Modified Time Cache (DistributedActivityFeedLMTCache), Timer jobs and the role of distributed cache
Let’s Get Social
dialog box, The Newsfeed hub
setting, User Profile Service Application settings
licensing in SharePoint 2013, Running the site collection health checker
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) filters, Profile synchronization options
“Like” posts (newsfeeds), The Newsfeed Web Part
Link Store database, Analytics architecture
ListData.svc endpoint, Introducing OData support
logical architecture (SharePoint 2013 search), Logical architecture
Loop N Times loop, Using SharePoint Designer to create workflows
Loop With Condition loop, Using SharePoint Designer to create workflows


Machine Translation service application, Service application improvements
Make My Sites Public
checkbox, User Profile Service Application settings
setting, My Site privacy settings
Manage Policies page, Timer jobs and the role of distributed cache
Managed Metadata Service (MMS) (see MMS (Managed Metadata Service))
Managed Navigation (WCM), The new publishing model, CSWP and the CQWP
MDS add-in for Excel, Installing other SQL Server 2012 SP1 components
microblogging text box (Share With Everyone), The Newsfeed hub
MicroFeedWebPart, The Newsfeed hub, My Sites
Expression Web, SharePoint Designer
Feed app, Apps
Forefront Identity Manager (FIM), Identity management
Identity Manager Synchronization Service (FIMSS), Identity management
Online Marketplace, Using a SharePoint App
Outlook, My Sites
SharePoint Foundation Subscription Settings service, Web analytics
Visual Studio BCS tooling, Introducing OData support
Workflow Manager Management Pack, Monitoring a Workflow Manager farm
Middle Left Zone (Newsfeed hub), Social computing user interface improvements
Middle Right Zone (Newsfeed hub), Social computing user interface improvements
Minimal Download Strategy (MDS), Cache service improvements
MMS (Managed Metadata Service)
component (SharePoint Server 2013), Installation lifecycle
improvements to, The search service application
MMS tags, The Newsfeed Web Part
multi-tenancy support and, Architectural enhancements
MMS Term Store, Query rules
mobile devices support, Support for mobile devices
MS-FSSHTTP protocol, Shredded storage
multilingual sites, Variations and multilingual sites
multithreaded conversations, My Sites
My Documents, The SkyDrive hub
My Sites
fundamentals, The SkyDrive hub
Host site collection content database, Apps
improvements to, SharePoint Server 2013 Enterprise social networking
My Site Cleanup settings, My Site settings
My Site privacy notification dialog box, The Newsfeed hub
MySite First Run Experience, Social computing user interface improvements
MySite Personal Site Upgrade On Navigation, Social computing user interface improvements, My Sites
overview, Social computing
privacy settings, User Profile Service Application settings
settings, My Site privacy settings
My Tasks page (My Sites), My Sites
MySharedContext Web Part (My Sites), My Sites


Napa Office 365 development tools, SharePoint development changes
Network Service accounts, Installing Analysis Services SharePoint Mode
New-SPWOPIBinding cmdlet, Office Web Apps
Newsfeed hub (SharePoint Server 2013), Social computing user interface improvements, Social computing user interface improvements
newsfeed link format, The Newsfeed Web Part
Newsfeed settings (My Sites), My Site settings
New_SPODataConnectionSetting cmdlet, Microsoft Visual Studio BCS tooling
NodeRunner processes (SharePoint 2013 search), Search dictionaries
noderunner.exe, Logical architecture


OAuth access tokens, Identify and configure a SharePoint Apps URL
OData connection protocol, Using the event receiver infrastructure
Office Apps, BDC models in, External list enhancements
Office Document Cache (ODC), SQL Server-related improvements
Office Web Apps, Office Web Apps
Office Web Apps Server, Support for mobile devices


Paste Clean option, Design packaging
People term set (SharePoint 2013 search), Search dictionaries
Performance Point Services (PPS), Business Intelligence, Excel and SharePoint PowerPivot compatibility
PerformanceLevel property (SSAs), Search topology
permissions, User Profile Service Application, My Site settings
Personal BI
fundamentals, Business Intelligence
overview, Business Intelligence
policies, site-level retention, In-place holds
posts, newsfeed, The Newsfeed Web Part
Power View (Excel 2013)
enabling, Using PowerPivot and Power View
overview, Personal Business Intelligence
PowerPivot (Excel 2013)
compatibility with SharePoint, Excel Services
enabling, Using PowerPivot and Power View, Exploring the Data Model
installing for SharePoint, Excel Services
overview, Personal Business Intelligence
SQL Server 2012 PowerPivot for SharePoint 2013, Installing Analysis Services SharePoint Mode
PowerPoint Automation Service, PowerPoint Automation Service
preservation hold libraries, Unified Discovery and Site Mailboxes
privacy settings, Timer jobs and the role of distributed cache
Profile server application, SharePoint Server 2013 Enterprise social networking
ProfileInfoWebPart (My Sites), My Sites
ProfileManages Web Part (My Sites), My Sites
ProjectSearchBrowseWebPart, The Sites hub, The SkyDrive hub
PromotedSitesWebPart, The Sites hub
PublishedFeedWebPart (My Sites), The SkyDrive hub
PublishedWebPart, My Sites
publishing cross-site collection, Cross-site collection publishing


query client types (SharePoint 2013 search), Query rules
query processing component, The query processing component
query rules (SharePoint 2013 search), Result sources
query suggestions (SharePoint 2013 search), Search refinements
Quick Styles split button (Visio 2013), Visio 2013


RecentlyAssigned.aspx page (My Tasks), My Sites
records management and compliance, Enterprise Content Management
Refinement Web Part (SharePoint 2013 search), Search refinements
Remote Differential Compression (RDC), Shredded storage
Remove_SPODataConnectionSetting cmdlet, Microsoft Visual Studio BCS tooling
renditions, image, Embedding and storing video in SharePoint
Report Builder, Installing other SQL Server 2012 SP1 components
Reporting Services
add-in for SharePoint, Reporting Services add-in
integrating with SharePoint, SQL Server 2012 PowerPivot for SharePoint 2013
Reporting Services SharePoint Mode, Reporting Services SharePoint Mode
Request Management, Shredded storage
REST/OData access points, Introducing OData support
Result Types (SharePoint 2013 search), Display templates
routing rules (Request Management), Shredded storage


searching in SharePoint 2013
analytics architecture, Content processing component
configuring and managing
changing search topology, Managing search at the SSA level
managing at SSA level, Configuring and managing SharePoint 2013 search
overview, Configuring and managing SharePoint 2013 search
query client types, Query rules
query rules, Result sources
Results Sources, Result sources
search dictionaries, Query rules
search processes, Search dictionaries
site level search admin summary, Search dictionaries
crawling and content architecture, Crawling and content architecture
deprecated search functionality
host distribution rules, Deprecated search functionality
SharePoint search API, Deprecated search functionality
display templates, Hover cards
hover cards, Hover cards
index and query architecture, The Event Store
logical architecture, Logical architecture
overview, Introducing the new search architecture
query suggestions, Search refinements
Refinement Web Part, Search refinements
Result Types, Display templates
search administration component, The search index files
Search component (SharePoint Server 2013), Installation lifecycle
search index, The query processing component
search result pages, Search topology
search service applications (SSAs), The search service application, Introducing the new search architecture
search topology, The search administration component and database
search Web Parts, Search result pages
search-driven publishing models, The new publishing model
SEO (Search Engine Optimization), Device Channels
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), Identify and configure a SharePoint Apps URL
secure store service (SSS), Using the event receiver infrastructure
Security Token Service (STS), Cache service improvements
Security Trimming Options (My Sites), My Site privacy settings
Self-Service Site Collection Creation (SSC), Host-named site collections
Self-Service Site Creation, The Sites hub
SEO (Search Engine Optimization), Device Channels
service application improvements
Access Services, Business Connectivity Service
Business Connectivity Service (BCS), Business Connectivity Service
deprecated/changed service applications, The Machine Translation service application
Machine Translation service application, Service application improvements
Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Subscription Settings service, Web analytics
MMS, The search service application
new service applications, Service application improvements
Office Web Apps, Office Web Apps
search service application (SSA), The search service application
User Profile service application (UPSA), Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Subscription Settings Service
Web Analytics Service, Office Web Apps
Work Management service application (WMSA), The Machine Translation service application
service applications
new in SharePoint 2013, Service application improvements
service applications, deprecated/changed, The Machine Translation service application
SharePoint Apps-related, Create SharePoint Apps-related service applications
service bus messaging platform, Workflow framework
Set-SPODataConnectionSetting cmdlet, Microsoft Visual Studio BCS tooling
Set-SPODataConnectionSettingMetadata cmdlet, Microsoft Visual Studio BCS tooling
Shared With Everyone folder (Documents library), The SkyDrive hub
SharePoint 2013
book references, Who this book is for
embedding/storing video, Embedding and storing video in SharePoint
installing, Infrastructure improvements
licensing in, Running the site collection health checker
SharePoint Composites Handbook, Building composite solutions
upgrading to (see upgrading to SharePoint 2013)
SharePoint Apps
creating farm-wide default web app, Create a farm-wide default web application
creating related service applications, Create SharePoint Apps-related service applications
creating/managing catalogs of, Create a farm-wide default web application
identifying/configuring URLs for, Using a SharePoint App
overview, SharePoint development changes
using, Using a SharePoint App
SharePoint BCS hybrid solutions, SharePoint BCS hybrid solutions
SharePoint Central Administration website, Timer jobs and the role of distributed cache
SharePoint composite tools
Access service applications, Access form applications
InfoPath 2013, Visio Services
overview, SharePoint BCS hybrid solutions
SharePoint Designer, SharePoint composite tools, Using SharePoint Designer to create workflows
SharePoint workflow, SharePoint Designer
Visio Services and Visio, Creating an Access web app
SharePoint Customization Wizard, Introducing OData support
SharePoint Foundation 2013, Introduction
SharePoint Foundation Web Application Service (SPFWA), Shredded storage
SharePoint Online hosting, Installation lifecycle
SharePoint Search Host Controller service, The search index files
SharePoint Server
components of, Installation lifecycle
configuration, SQL Server configuration
Enterprise social networking, Social computing
For Internet Sites (FIS), Content sources
hubs, Social computing user interface improvements
installation life cycle, My Site storage
licenses, Excel Services
Sharing menu, Social computing user interface improvements
Standard/Enterprise editions, Running the site collection health checker
Sharing menu (SharePoint Server 2013), Social computing user interface improvements
shredded storage, SQL Server-related improvements
site collections
administrator upgrade process, Upgrading from a SharePoint 2010-mode site collection
and site administration, Self-Service Site Collection Creation
creating with compatibility levels, Upgrading to SharePoint 2013
managing upgrades, Site collection upgrade page
running health checker, Using an evaluation site
SEO settings, SEO properties
upgrade evaluation site collection, Removing a site collection from the upgrade queue
upgrading from SharePoint 2010 mode, Upgrading from a SharePoint 2010-mode site collection
Site Contents page (My Sites), Apps
Site Feed site feature, The Newsfeed Web Part
Site Mailboxes, Planning Discovery Centers
site-level retention policies, In-place holds
SiteFeedWebPart, My Sites
Sites hub (SharePoint Server 2013), Social computing user interface improvements, The Sites hub
Sites I’m Following Web Part, The Sites hub
SkyDrive hub (SharePoint Server 2013), Social computing user interface improvements, The SkyDrive hub
SkyDrive Pro, Social computing user interface improvements
Snippet Gallery (Design Manager), Design Manager
Social app, Apps
social computing
overview, Social computing
planning for, My Site storage
SharePoint Server 2013 Enterprise social networking, Social computing
user and system generated, Profile synchronization options
user interface improvements, SharePoint Server 2013 Enterprise social networking
Yammer integration, Yammer integration
Spence Harbor blog, Social computing user interface improvements
SQL (Structured Query Language)
Reporting Services, Business Intelligence
Server 2012
Analysis Services, Excel Services
configuration, Access form applications
Data Tools (SSDT), Reporting Services SharePoint Mode
improvements, Infrastructure improvements
installing SP1 BI features, Building a BI ecosystem
installing SP1 components, Integrating Reporting Services with SharePoint
Integration Services (SSIS), Excel and SharePoint PowerPivot compatibility
Reporting Services (SSRS), Excel and SharePoint PowerPivot compatibility
static weighting (web servers), Request management rules
storage (My Sites), Apps
Suggested Sites To Follow Web Part, The Sites hub
Sync Library Wizard, Social computing user interface improvements
Sync Link (Share menu), Social computing user interface improvements
system generated social computing, Profile synchronization options


Table Analysis Tools (Excel), Installing other SQL Server 2012 SP1 components
Team BI
fundamentals, Team BI
overview, Business Intelligence
Team Folders (Site Mailboxes), Planning Discovery Centers
Team Sites, Social computing
Term Store Management Tool, Term-Driven pages
Term Store, MMS, Query rules
Term-Driven Pages (Managed Navigation), Term-Driven pages
text editor improvements, Design packaging
Text-Based Designer, Using SharePoint Designer to create workflows
theme engine, Minimal Download Strategy
throttling rules (Request Management), Shredded storage
timer jobs, Profile synchronization options
Top Zone (Newsfeed hub), Social computing user interface improvements
Translation Service Application, Variations and multilingual sites
Trending Hashtags Web Parts, Social computing user interface improvements


unified discovery, Planning Discovery Centers
upgrading to SharePoint 2013
basics, Creating and managing App Catalogs
creating site collections using compatibility levels, Upgrading to SharePoint 2013
from SharePoint 2010 site collection (see site collections)
URLs (Uniform Resource Locators)
friendly (FURLs), The new publishing model
SharePoint App, Using a SharePoint App
usage.xlsx Excel file, Office Web Apps
user generated social computing, Profile synchronization options
user interface improvements in social computing, SharePoint Server 2013 Enterprise social networking
User Photos library (My Sites), Apps
User Profile Service Application (UPSA)
Activity Feed Jobs, Profile synchronization options
improvements in, Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Subscription Settings Service
in SharePoint 2013, Installation lifecycle
permissions for, My Site settings
User Profile synchronization process, Identity management
user profiles, SharePoint Server 2013 Enterprise social networking
user-facing servers, Search topology
UX improvements, Monitoring a Workflow Manager farm


variations and multilingual sites (WCM), Variations and multilingual sites
video, embedding/storing, Embedding and storing video in SharePoint
Visio 2013
new functionality in, Visio 2013
process diagrams, SharePoint workflow
Process Repository site template, Site collection and site administration
Visio Services, Visio 2013
Visual Designer, Using SharePoint Designer to create workflows
Visual Studio BCS tooling, Introducing OData support


Wait A Minute pop-up message box, Social computing user interface improvements
Web Analytics Service, Office Web Apps, Analytics architecture
web application/site collection improvements
authentication, PowerPoint Automation Service
host-named site collections (HNSC), Authentication
Self-Service Site Collection Creation (SSC), Host-named site collections
site collection/administration, Self-Service Site Collection Creation
Web Applications, Installation lifecycle
Web Content Management (WCM)
cross-site collection publishing (see cross-site collection publishing (WCM))
Device Channels, Device Channels
friendly URLs (FURLs), The new publishing model
Managed Navigation, CSWP and the CQWP
new publishing model, The new publishing model
overview, The CMIS producer
SEO (Search Engine Optimization), Device Channels
variations and multilingual sites, Variations and multilingual sites
web design and developer enablement, XML Sitemap
Web Parts, search, Search result pages
websites for downloading
Data Mining add-ins, Installing other SQL Server 2012 SP1 components
EWS Managed API 2.0, Planning Discovery Centers
MDS add-in for Excel, Installing other SQL Server 2012 SP1 components
Microsoft Workflow Manager Management Pack, Monitoring a Workflow Manager farm
Newsfeed app for Windows Phone, Social computing user interface improvements
planning worksheets for user profiles, Installation lifecycle
Report Builder, Installing other SQL Server 2012 SP1 components
SharePoint Designer, SharePoint composite tools
Visio Services Mashup Starter project template, Creating an Access web app
websites for further information
Analysis Service SharePoint Mode, Installing Analysis Services SharePoint Mode
BCS hybrid solutions, SharePoint BCS hybrid solutions
BCS Windows PowerShell cmdlets, Using the event receiver infrastructure
BranchCache, Shredded storage
browser support, Support for mobile devices
communities, The Sites hub
Content Enrichment Web Service, Content processing component
custom index connectors, Index connectors
Data Model specifications and limits, Excel Services
debugging workflows with fiddler, Installing a Workflow Manager farm
deploying search in SharePoint 2013, Search topology
directory synchronization, Profile synchronization options
Distributed Cache service, Cache service improvements
host-named site collections (HNSC), Host-named site collections
inbound ICMP rule, Cache service improvements
installing Reporting Services SharePoint Mode, Integrating Reporting Services with SharePoint
Machine Translation service application, The Machine Translation service application
Microsoft TechNet, My Sites
mobile devices, Support for mobile devices
MS-FSSHTTP, Shredded storage
Napa Office 365 development tools, SharePoint development changes
OData, Using the event receiver infrastructure
Office Web Apps, Office Web Apps
Power View in Excel 2013, Personal Business Intelligence
search topology, managing, Changing the search topology
service bus architecture, Workflow Manager architecture
SharePoint 2013 workflow actions, Using SharePoint Designer to create workflows
SharePoint deployment process, Architectural enhancements
shredded storage, Shredded storage
Site Mailboxes, Unified Discovery and Site Mailboxes
Spence Harbor blog, Social computing user interface improvements
upgrading PowerPivot Data Models to Excel 2013, Excel and SharePoint PowerPivot compatibility
VSDX file format in Visio 2013, Visio 2013
Yammer SKU plan, Yammer integration
Windows Communication Foundation (WCF), SharePoint BCS hybrid solutions
Windows PowerShell, Monitoring a Workflow Manager farm, Cache service improvements, Timer jobs and the role of distributed cache, Using the event receiver infrastructure
Windows Service Application Proxy, Installing a Workflow Manager farm
Work Management service application (WMSA), The Machine Translation service application
workflow framework
overview, Workflow framework
Workflow Manager architecture, Workflow framework
Workflow Manager farm, installing, Installing a Workflow Manager farm
Workflow Manager farm, monitoring, Installing a Workflow Manager farm
workflow, SharePoint, SharePoint Designer


XML Localization Interchange File Format (XLIFF), Variations and multilingual sites
XML Sitemaps, XML Sitemap
XsltListViewWebPart, The SkyDrive hub
XSP (cross-site publishing) (see cross-site collection publishing (WCM))
xVelocity engine (Excel 2013), Business Intelligence, Excel Services


acquisition of, Social computing
integration with social computing, Yammer integration
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