Since you have read this far, you've no doubt thought many times about what might be required of you if you were to put all that we've offered so far into action. Know that whatever you decide to so, some level of risk, perseverance, patience, and leadership will be necessary. And not always leadership in the traditional and solitary mode. What's called for is shared leadership, where you and others are willing to step forward to offer what is needed in the moment.

Chapter Eight helps you understand what it is like to be in a group that sees differences as essential to creative and productive outcomes. If we had to name the largest detractor from becoming an extraordinary group, the inability to embrace differences would be a contender for first place. Our experience is reinforced by what we learned in our field study about the extraordinary groups that understood that their differences were essential to their success.

Chapter Nine speaks directly to those with the role of designated group leader. Although we highlight this one role, group facilitators and members will also find the content useful. We emphasize ways that leaders can conduct themselves in order to embrace differences, create full engagement, and share the leadership of a group.

Chapter Ten pulls the book to a close with a set of final observations about the points that stand out to us from our three-year journey with Extraordinary Groups.

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