Kids’ Corner Answers


Answers: Pompeii

  1. Beware of the dog.

  2. From the statue of a dancing faun in its courtyard.

  3. A snake.


Answers: Ischia

  1. Each of the tap heads in La Mortella is in the form of a different animal.

  2. The Victoria amazonica - a giant waterlily.

  3. The dragon tree (Dracaena), which has a bright red resin.

  4. The Chorisia speciosa: its trunk is covered with spikes.


Answers: Amalfi

  1. Old rags.

  2. Rag men used to go around town with a cart collecting people’s old clothes.

  3. Animal urine.

  4. Wood pulp.


Answers: Sulmona

  1. Sugared almonds and gold.

  2. Ovid.

  3. Scarpa

  4. Because Franciscan monks wore shoes instead of sandals.


Answers: Trani

1. From the campanile of the Duomo.

2. Via Cambio.

4. Griffins.

5. An order of monks set up to protect pilgrims to the Holy Land.

6. Jews, many of whom were merchants.


Answers: Castel del Monte

  1. Two.

  2. Five.

  3. Three.

  4. Two.


Answers: Maratea Coast

  1. Pentedattilo in Aspromonte – though one of the five fingers of rock has now crumbled.

  2. Scilla, named after the six-headed sea monster Scylla, who terrorized Odysseus and his crew.

  3. Charybdis, who guarded the other side of the narrow Strait of Messina with a whirlpool.

  4. The Riace Warriors in Reggio di Calabria.


Answers: Agrigento: Valley of the Temples

  1. There are red scorch marks on the steps of the Temple of Juno.

  2. They were Byzantine Christian graves.

  3. This was to make them appear straight and parallel from a distance.

  4. The grooves were made by the pulley used to winch the columns into position.

  5. In the Kolymbetra, which is now a luscious garden.


Answers: Villa Romana del Casale

  1. The chariots crashed.

  2. The bikini - though it did not get its name until 1947.

  3. To use in games at the Colosseum.

  4. The animals chased the children.

  5. Ate them!


Answers: Siracusa

  1. A stone gecko.

  2. It is above the door of number 25.

  3. 32.


Answers: Alghero

  1. It dates back to the 14th–13th centuries BC.

  2. Cannonau.

  3. Neptune’s Grotto.

  4. It is the nurse shark, 2–3m (7–10 ft) long.

  5. Seven.


Answers: Castelsardo

  1. A powerful family in Sardinia, from Genoa.

  2. Basketwork.

  3. The Roccia dell’Elefante, outside Castelsardo.

  4. He withdrew to the island of Caprera when his revolutionary exploits were over.


Answers: Cagliari

  1. 10,000.

  2. St Efisius.

  3. The Savoy dynasty.

  4. Torre di San Pancrazio and Torre dell’Elefante.

  5. The cathedral.


Answers: Su Nuraxi

  1. Basalt.
  2. Launeddas.


Answer: Sant’Antioco and San Pietro



Answer: Sinis Peninsula

They are taking part in the annual Corsa degli Scalzi.

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