
This bibliography is selective of those books I feel most informed the ideas in the book.

Aldrich, W. Nelson Jr. Old Money: The Mythology of Wealth in America. New York: Allworth Press, <year>1996</year>.

Alighieri, Dante. 10The Divine Comedy—Inferno. Translated by John Ciardi. New York: Modern Library Edition, <year>1996</year>.

Aristotle. Nicomachean Ethics. Translated by J. A. K. Thomson, revised by Hugh Tredennick. London: Penguin Books, <year>1953</year>.

Aristotle. The Politics. Translated by T. A. Sinclair, revised by T. J. Saunders. London: Penguin Books, <year>1992</year>.

Bergson, Henri. Creative Evolution. Toronto: Dover, 1998. Blouin, Barbara, with Katherine Gibson and Margaret Kierstal. The Legacy of Inherited Wealth. U.S.: Triopress, <year>1995</year>.

Boorstin, J. Daniel The Discoverers. New York: Vintage Books, <year>1985</year>.

Boorstin, J. Daniel. The Creators. New York: Vintage Books, <year>1993</year>.

Boorstin, J. Daniel. The Seekers. New York: Random House, <year>1999</year>.

Bork, David, Dennis T. Jaffe, James H. Lane, Dashew Leslie, and Quentin G. Heisler. Working with Family Businesses. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, <year>1996</year>.

Bowen, Murray. Family Therapy in Clinical Practice. Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson, Inc., <year>1985</year>.

Bronfman, Joanie. The Experience of Inherited Wealth: A Social Psychological Perspective. Boston: UMI Dissertation Services, <year>1987</year>.

Burke, Edmund. Reflections on the Revolution in France London: Penguin Books, <year>1986</year>.

Carloch, S. Randall, and Ward John L.. Strategic Planning for the Family Business. Hampshire, UK: Palgrave, <year>2001</year>.

Carnegie, Andrew. Gospel of Wealth. Bedford, MA: Applewood Books Reprint, <year>1998</year>.

Cavalli-Sforza, Luigi Luca. Genes, Peoples and Languages. New York: North Point Press, <year>2000</year>.

Chaucer, Geoffrey. The Canterbury Tales Oxford: Oxford University Press, <year>1998</year>.

Chernow, Ron. The House of Morgan. New York: Simon & Schuster, <year>1990</year>.

Cicero. On Government. Translated by Michael Grant. London: Penguin Books, <year>1993</year>.

Collier, W. Charles Wealth in Families. Cambridge: Harvard University, <year>2001</year>. Available from the University at 617-495-5040.

Comte-Sponville, Andre. A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues. New York: Metropolitan Books, <year>1996</year>.

Confucius. The Analects Translated with an introduction by D. C. Lau. Great Britain: Penguin Books, <year>1987</year>.

Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly. Flow, The Psychology of Optimal Experience. New York: HarperCollins, <year>1990</year>.

Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly. Creativity. New York: Harper Collins, <year>l996</year>.

De Duve, Christian. Vital Dust: Life as a Cosmic Imperative New York: Basic Books, <year>1995</year>.

Diamond, Jared. Guns, Germs, and Steel. New York: W. W. Norton & Co., Inc., <year>1997</year>.

Doud, A. Ernest, and Hausner Lee. Hats Off to You. Los Angeles: Doud, Hausner and Associates, <year>2000</year>.

Ehrlich, R. Paul Human Natures Washington, DC: Island Press, <year>2000</year>.

Elgin, Duane. Awakening Earth New York: William Morrow and Company, <year>1993</year>.

Ellis, D. Charles Investment Policy—How to Win the Loser's Game. Burr Ridge, IL: Irwin Professional Publishing, <year>1993</year>.

Epictetus. The Discovery of Epictetus. Translated by Robin Hand. London: Everyman, J. M. Dent, <year>1995</year>.

Esposito, Virginia. Splendid Legacy: The Guide to Starting Your Family Foundation. Washington, DC: The Center of Family Philanthropy, <year>2002</year>.

Foster, Steven, and Little Margaret. The Four Shields: The Initiating Season of Human Nature. Big Pine, CA: Lost Borders Press, <year>1998</year>.

Friedman, H. Edwin A Failure of Nerve Edited by Edward W. Beal and Margaret M. Treadwell. Bethesda, MD: The Edwin Friedman Estate/Trust, <year>1999</year>.

Gardner, Howard. Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences. New York: Basic Books, <year>1993</year>.

Gersick, E. Kelin, A. John Davis, Hampton Marion McCollom, and Lansberg Ivan. Generation to Generation: Life Cycles of a Family Business. Boston: Harvard Business School Press, <year>1997</year>.

Gleick, James. Chaos. New York: Penguin Books, <year>1987</year>.

Godfrey, Joline. Raising Financially Fit Kids. Berkeley: Ten Speed Press, <year>2003</year>.

Goleman, Daniel. Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ. New York: Bantam Books, <year>1997</year>.

Gracian, Baltasar. The Art of Worldly Wisdom. Translated by Christopher Maurer. New York: Doubleday, <year>1992</year>.

Greenleaf, K. Robert Servant Leadership. New York: Paulist Press, <year>1977</year>.

Handy, Charles. The Age of Paradox. Boston: The Harvard University Press, <year>1995</year>.

Harris, Rich Judith. The Nurture Assumption New York: The Free Press, <year>1998</year>.

Hausner, Lee. Children of Paradise: Successful Parenting for Prosperous Families. Los Angeles: Jeremy Tarcher, <year>1990</year>.

Herz-Brown, Fredda. Reweaving the Family Tapestry. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, <year>1991</year>.

Hillman, James. The Force of Character. New York: Random House, <year>1999</year>.

Hoffman, Lynn. Foundations of Family Therapy. New York: Basic Books, <year>1981</year>.

Huizinga, Johan. Homo Ludens: A Study of the Play-Element in Culture. Boston: The Beacon Press, <year>1971</year>.

Jaynes, Julian. The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, <year>1990</year>.

Johnson, W. Allan, and Earle Timothy. The Evolution of Human Societies. Stanford: Stanford University Press, <year>1987</year>.

Kauffman, Stuart. At Home in the Universe: The Search for the Laws of Self-Organization and Complexity. New York: Oxford University Press, <year>1995</year>.

Kleberg, Sally. Private Wealth. New York: McGraw Hill, <year>1997</year>. J. Krishnamurti, Education and the Significance of Life. San Francisco: Harper Collins, <year>1981</year>.

Lansberg, Ivan. Succeeding Generations. Boston: Harvard Business School Press, <year>1999</year>.

Le Van, Gerald. Lawyers, Lives Out of Control. Alexander, NC: World Comm Press, <year>1993</year>.

Linowitz, Sol, with Martin Mayer. The Betrayed Profession. New York: Charles Scribner and Sons, <year>1994</year>.

Locke, John. Two Treatises of Government. London: Cambridge University Press, <year>1994</year>.

Madison, James, Hamilton Alexander, and Jay John. The Federalist Papers. London: Penguin Books, <year>1987</year>.

Montesquieu, Charles, Secondat Louis de, la Brede Baron de, et al. The Spirit of the Laws. Translated and edited by Anne M. Cohler, Basia Carolyn Miller, and Harold Samuel Stone. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, <year>1994</year>.

Moore, W. Christopher The Mediation Process, Second Edition. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, <year>1996</year>.

Morris, Tom. If Aristotle Ran General Motors. New York: Henry Holt and Company, Inc., <year>1997</year>.

Nanus, Burt. Visionary Leadership. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, <year>1992</year>.

Neubauer, Fred, and Lank Alden G.. The Family Business: Its Governance for Sustainability. New York: Routledge, <year>1998</year>.

O'Neil, R. John The Paradox of Success. New York: Taracher/Putnam, <year>1993</year>.

O'Neill, H. Jessie The Golden Ghetto Center City, Minnesota: Hazelden, <year>1997</year>.

Pascale, T. Richard, Milleman Mark, and Gioja Linda. Surfing the Edge of Chaos; The Laws of Nature and the New Laws of Business. New York: Crown Business, <year>2000</year>.

Peterfriend, Suzan, and Hauser Barbara. Mommy, Are We Rich? Talking to Children About Money. Rochester, MN: Mesatop Press, <year>2001</year>.

The Philanthropic Institute. The Philanthropic Curve. Boston, <year>2000</year>.

Pine, B. Joseph, and Gilmore James H.. The Experience Economy. Boston: Harvard Business School Press, <year>1999</year>.

Plato. Timaeus and Critias. Translated by Desmond Lee. London: Penguin Books, <year>1977</year>.

Plato. The Republic and Other Works. Translated by B. Jowett. New York: Anchor Books, <year>1973</year>.

Polybius. The Rise of the Roman Empire. Translated by Ian Scott- Kilvert. London: Penguin Books, <year>1979</year>.

Prigogie, Ilya, and Stenges, Isabelle. Order Out of Chaos. New York: Bantam Press, <year>1984</year>.

Rawls, John. Justice as Fairness, a Restatement. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, <year>2001</year>.

Rue, Loyal. By the Grace of Guile New York: Oxford University Press, <year>1994</year>.

Santayana, George. The Life of Reason (1905-1906), Volume I, Reason in Common Sense.

Schon, A. Donald The Reflective Practitioner. New York: Basic Books, <year>1983</year>.

Schwartz, M. Roger The Skilled Facilitator. San Francisco: Jossey- Bass, <year>1994</year>.

Scott, W. Austin The Law of Trusts, Fourth Edition. New York: Aspen Publishers, Inc., <year>2000</year>.

Smith, Huston. The World's Religions. New York: Harper Collins, <year>1991</year>.

Sonnenfeld, Jeffrey. The Hero's Farewell New York: Oxford University Press, <year>1988</year>.

Sorokin, Pitirim. Social and Cultural Dynamics. Revised and abridged in one volume by the author. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers, <year>1985</year>.

Spengler, Oswald. The Decline of the West. An abridged edition by Helmut Werner, translated by Charles Francis Atkinson. London: Oxford University Press, <year>1991</year>.

Stone, Deanne. Building Family Unity Through Giving: The Story of the Namaste Foundation. San Francisco: The Whitman Institute, <year>1992</year>.

Sulloway, J. Frank Born to Rebel. New York: Pantheon Books, <year>1996</year>.

Suzuki, Shunryu. Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind. New York: Wentherhill, <year>2000</year>.

Tarnas, Richard. The Passion of the Western Mind. New York: Ballantine Books, <year>1991</year>.

de Tocqueville, Alexis. Democracy in America. Translated by George Lawrence. New York: Harper Perennial, <year>1988</year>.

Talbot, Michael. The Holographic Universe. New York: Harper Perennial, <year>1992</year>.

Toynbee, S. Arnold A Study of History. Abridgement of Volumes I through X, in two volumes by D. C. Somervell. London: Oxford University Press, <year>1987</year>.

Tzu, Lao. Tao Te Ching. Translated by Victor H. Mair. New York: Bantam Books, <year>1990</year>.

Vaill, B. Peter Learning as a Way of Being. San Francisco: Jossey- Bass, Inc., <year>1996</year>.

Gennep Van, Arnold. The Rites of Passage. Translated by Monica B. Vizdon and Gabrielle L. Caffee. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, <year>1960</year>.

Ward, L. John Creating Effective Boards for Private Enterprises. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, <year>1991</year>.

Wilber, Ken. Sex, Ecology, Spirituality. Boston: Shambala Publications, Inc., <year>1995</year>.

Wilber, Ken. The Eye of Spirit. Boston: Shambala Publications, Inc., <year>1997</year>.

Wilson, O. Edward Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, <year>1998</year>.

Wolf, Alan Fred. The Spiritual Universe. New York: Simon & Schuster, <year>1996</year>.

Wright, Robert. The Moral Animal. New York: Random House, <year>1994</year>.

Zabel, D. William The Rich Die Richer, and You Can Too. New York: William Morrow & Company, <year>1995</year>.

Zander, Alvin. Making Boards Effective. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, <year>1993</year>.

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